Lord Highlander

Chapter 1291

The war that broke out on the Bailin plane was like a booster. When he injected it into the old body of Bena Province, it immediately gave this old man who had slept for a long time a new vitality.

A large number of adventure groups and mercenary groups gathered on the Three Rivers Plain. Warcraft materials were continuously transported to Bena City through the portal, and many nobles in Wilkes City who wanted to accuse Lord Suldak closed their mouths. mouth.

The noble lords keenly discovered that the province of Bena did not deal with Suldak in any way, and even the most basic investigation was too lazy to perfunctory...

Such a plane development war not only boosted the economy of the Bena province, but also allowed the residents of the Bena province to regain their confidence in the lords.

The lords also quickly took advantage of this opportunity to express to the people in the territory that the current difficulties are only temporary. As long as everyone persists, the frequent wars that broke out in the province of Bena will soon subside. Materials are continuously transported in from all sides.

Everyone will live a good life as before...


In the big tent of the Grand Canyon military camp in the Three Rivers Plain, a group of officers from the Lord Army were sitting together. The officers from the Ludwild family stood up and said to Suldak:

"Commander Suldak, if the matter is tracked down, we lords have already made up our minds and will hand over a scapegoat to Bena Province."

Suldak was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect that the officers of the lord army were worried about this. Then he stood up and glanced around. Originally, he didn't want to explain this to the officers in front of him, but now he felt very I need to explain to everyone, so I said:

"Look... until now, none of the lords of Wilkes City have dared to stand up and accuse me, which means that they have not received stronger support, so after they know my attitude, they are likely to give up. Make a fuss about this matter, if my guess is correct, the second investigator from the Territory Administration should already be on the way."

When the officers of the lord armies heard what Suldak said, they had different expressions on their faces, but someone immediately took the opportunity to ask:

"Commander Suldak, what shall we do next?"

Suldak walked to the map of the military tent, and was just about to talk about the next battle deployment, when he heard someone outside the military tent reporting loudly:

"Report! Commander Suldak, an urgent letter from the House of Representatives of Bena Province."

Suldak strode to the door, took an urgent official letter from the guard, tore off the red seal seal on it, and took out a piece of thin parchment folded in half, his eyes were on the letter. Glancing up, he immediately recited:

"Notice: Lord Suldak needs to cooperate with the prosecutor sent by Bena Province to investigate the accidental death of Councilor Acheson. Due to the tense situation in the Bailin plane, the prosecutor's investigation and verification work will be postponed to Bailin. It will be carried out at the end of the plane war."

The officers in the military tent looked at each other, and someone couldn't help but say:

"What is this... is this asking us to keep exploring unknown territories in the Bailin plane?"

Among the officers who were flexible in their minds, someone immediately said, "Probably the higher-ups want to make this victory in the Bailin plane a little more beautiful."


Entering October, the weather gradually becomes cooler.

Suldak's Lord Legion finally occupied most of the Three Rivers Plain.

The plains in the northern region are about to usher in winter, and because of the arrival of winter, the giant swamp crocodiles need to drill into deep holes to hibernate.

This second-level monster has extremely high body resistance and is not afraid of the severe cold, but the surrounding environment cannot allow them to hunt enough food, so these giant crocodiles will burrow deep into the ground and enter a self-hibernation state before winter comes.

And their dormancy can last for one winter or several years.

It's just that until now, the lord's army is still unable to deal with the red-ridged giant tortoise in the southeast of the plain, where there are many lakes stretching across the plain.

Unlike hunting swamp giant crocodiles, most adventure groups are not capable of hunting large red-ridged giant tortoises, so that part of the land can only be visited by the lord army, and no adventure group is willing to go to the trouble of finding red-ridged giant tortoises.

At present, on the Sanhe Plain, the salamander ghost snake is almost completely extinct, and most of the swamp giant crocodiles have been cleaned up by various adventure groups. The surviving swamp giant crocodiles can no longer form a dominant position on the plain. Only the red-ridge giant tortoise lives on some lakesides. The territory has not yet been occupied.

As Suldak expected, the second Territorial Administration official who checked the territory appeared to be much more honest after arriving at the Grand Canyon camp. As soon as they arrived at the camp, they immediately decided to check the actual scope of the territory.

Moreover, their efficiency in handling affairs was also very fast. After a hasty turn around the Three Rivers Plain, they signed their names on the map drawn by Suldak.

Immediately after completing the process, the three officials returned to Wilkes City.

It's as if you could be murdered if you stay an extra day...

The seal of the Wilkes City Territorial Administration was stamped on the map, which meant that Wilkes City recognized the legality of the territory occupied by the Suldak Lord Army.

In the future, this territory will be subject to the 433 land distribution law. There are 17 patchwork armies in the lord's army, so when the land is distributed in the future, 17 lords will also participate in the land distribution. How much power is actually divided into how much territory...

Surdak clearly marked the boundary on the map.

In the past few days, some people have begun to want to divide the territory, but everyone seems to want to compete for the big dam upstream, and want to own a part of the big dam, but they are unwilling to pay for infrastructure construction, and finally everyone agrees , All the proceeds from the war on the Sanhe Plain should be used to support the construction of this large dam.

And once this big dam is built, it will immediately change the water network of the Sanhe Plain, and with the control of the dam, it will control the Sanhe Plain...


In mid-October, Suldak led an army of 50,000 lords to leave the Three Rivers Plain, and rushed to the Great Rift Valley in the northern part of the Invercargill Forest.

Twenty-one armed Thunder Rhinos were at the forefront of the Lord's Legion, and this heavy crossbow regiment was controlled by Samira.

The lord's army is in the middle of the team, and behind them are a large number of horse-drawn carriages from the military merchant groups. Now these military merchant groups have grown to over ten thousand.

As the swamp giant crocodile drilled into the ground, the adventure group found that the Three Rivers Plain could no longer get any oil and water. Hundreds of adventure groups also followed the legion and moved to the bridgehead camp in the Great Rift Valley in the northern part of the Invercargill Forest.

When Suldak arrived at the bridgehead camp, he found that the camp was at least five times larger than when he first created it. The buildings of the entire bridgehead camp extended infinitely to both sides of the Great Rift Valley.

There are already very complete military facilities in the camp, and after several months of preparations, a large amount of military supplies have been stockpiled in the Qiaotou camp.

Among them, what Suldak is most looking forward to is the giant magic crossbow that the military merchant group sent to the imperial capital to purchase.

The Grimm Empire kept invading the northern part of the Bailin plane. The rocs who ruled the sky in the north began to attack the cattle and sheep in the pastures, and occasionally culled some local herdsmen. The worse thing was to attack the small towns in the northern occupied area. town.

Recently, there have been frequent attacks on business groups, and the garrison in the northern occupied area of ​​the Bailin plane has also begun to strictly guard against these birds.

When the business group walks in the wild, there are also adventure groups to follow.

By the end of October, the news that an adventure group had ambushed Pengniao reached Suldak's ears...

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