Lord Highlander

Chapter 1292: 1279. Hunting Season

On the Bailin plane, there have been frequent incidents of rocs attacking herdsmen and livestock recently. Recently, there have been reports of rocs attacking residents of small towns.

When Suldak came to the bridgehead camp in the Great Rift Valley, he discovered that it was not uncommon for humans and rocs to have fierce battles in the wild here.

These rocs are hiding high in the clouds...

If it's just an ordinary person, when he looks up at the sky, he can only see a black spot the size of a matchhead in the blue sky.

That is the Peng bird hovering above the head...

If you still feel that you are so far away from these roc birds, it will take a long time to fly over, and they have no chance to attack at all. If you really want to think this way, you are wrong.

In fact, these roc birds have rich hunting experience...

They will fly to the visual blind spot behind the top of the prey's head, fold their wings and dive down.

The speed at which they fall at high altitude is extremely fast, and the speed can be increased until the wind resistance is approximately equal to the acceleration...

The moment they pounce down, the rocs will spread their wings and adjust the direction of the pounce. At the same time, they have claws like steel hooks, and they are very skilled at grabbing the back of the neck and shoulders of their prey, and their sharp beaks will also peck hard. To the back of the prey's head, try to make the prey lose the ability to resist at the first time.

In the Qiaotou camp alone, at least dozens of members of the adventure group were attacked by the roc.

Of course, the garrison in the Qiaotou camp was also attacked by rocs. Now the patrol team is usually equipped with a scout who often checks the sky. It is said that this is to guard against those rocs.

As soon as Samira arrived at the bridgehead camp, the archers here complained to the former archer captain, saying that they often had to directly face the sneak attacks of the Pengniao on the observation tower, and that they had been made miserable by the Pengniao recently. After all, they usually stand on high watchtowers, and they are more likely to be spotted by those roc birds in the clouds.

A thunder rhinoceros covered in camouflage stood on the hillside, its head was facing a fragrant leaf tree, constantly gnawing on the young leaves on the tree.

And the shelf platform on its back is simply surrounded by tree crowns, and these thick leaves blend with the surrounding woods.

On a protruding rock wall at the top of the slope, there is a gazelle grazing in the crevices of the cliff with its head down. It has a chain tied around its neck. It looks very flustered when squatting on the rock, and struggles from time to time. , and then bleating.

It is at least a few kilometers away from the Qiaotou camp, which is buried in a sea of ​​yellow and green trees.

Without climbing to a high place, it is difficult to see the flags raised high in the camp.

Samira and Carrie Decker were lying on the two rattan chairs on the platform, staring at the rocs hovering above their heads through the gaps in the leaves, and beside them, two people in front of each other on the platform. The bed crossbow was set up, the winch had tightened the bowstring, and two magic crossbow arrows were placed in the groove of the bed crossbow.

Carrie Decker saw the Peng bird dive down, and immediately jumped to the bed crossbow beside him.

Samira followed unhurriedly, straddled the console, and whispered to Carrie Decker:

"Wait a little longer, let them fly lower..."

"Samira, can we really hunt those rocs?" Carrie Decker asked a little unsure.

Samira squinted her eyes, her eyes were almost completely locked on the roc with a few golden feathers, and said confidently to Carrie Decker: "Don't worry! Carrie Decker, this time I will What I brought was a gold coin and a armor-piercing arrow. The range of this bed crossbow is not weak. It is said that this guy's feathers are very valuable..."

Carrie Decker corrected from the side: "The most valuable feathers are thunderbirds, and a thunderbird has only three feathers that contain mana. The light feathers on these roc birds can only be used as decorations on noble women's hats. "

While adjusting the front sight, Samira asked Carrie Decker: "Is there nothing valuable on them other than the magic core?"

"Actually, there are. Look at those military merchant groups... Even if you give them the shaved bones and sticks, they will definitely pay for it!" Carrie Decker responded to Samira.

Just as he was speaking, Samira's pale red eyes suddenly widened a little, and the control handle in his hand was suddenly moved back, the mechanism of the magic bed crossbow made a click, and the moment the arm of the crossbow reached the bowstring, The crossbow bolt stuck in the groove flew out into the sky suddenly.

The countless magic lines on the arrow shaft of the crossbow also light up instantly at this time, and a faint air current surrounds the giant crossbow.

The roc bird that swooped down from the sky and pounced on the gazelle on the top of the mountain was also aware of the danger at this time. It suddenly spread its wings and wanted to stop suddenly while diving, but at such a sudden moment, the giant The crossbow arrow had already pierced into Pengniao's stomach.

Following the magic glow from the roc bird's belly, the giant crossbow easily penetrated the roc bird's body...

A huge ephedra roc fell down and plunged into the bushes not far away.

Carrie Decker immediately put the magic shotgun on her shoulders, and jumped from the platform into the woods without even waiting for Samira's order. Her boots stepped on the branches of the trees, and shuttled through the woods. , and soon landed beside the dying Pengniao.

The bird's eyes were full of vigilance and violence, but a huge crossbow pierced through its body, and the blood gushing out almost completely stained its chest and front feathers.

Its mouth was sharp and sharp, screaming at Carrie Decker, and traces of electric arcs burst out along with the sound.

Carrie Decker saw that Pengniao still had the strength to resist, and immediately waved his hand to spell out a transparent force field shield to block the diffuse arc. With the fingers of the other hand, he pulled the trigger bracket, and on the barrel of the shotgun Numerous magic patterns emerged, and a magic beam landed on Pengniao's chest again, shooting out a bigger hole where it was originally pierced by the crossbow arrow.

The roc wanted to flap its wings and fly up, but Carrie Decker shot it and kept it in place.

The other two circling rocs in the sky immediately got into the clouds, not daring to continue circling in the low altitude, but let out mournful cries one after another.

Samira knew that it was difficult to hunt and kill the two rocs, so she opened the camouflage net covering her head and jumped to Carrie Decker's side with light steps. The two cooperated and chopped off the rocs' heads , and dragged the huge bird body onto the platform on the back of Thunder Rhinoceros.

"Tonight, Gullitum can change its taste again..."

Samira, who was sitting on the driver's seat of the Thunder Rhinoceros, pulled a long rein and directed the Thunder Rhinoceros down the mountain from a hidden river, while saying to Carrie Decker.

Carrie Decker picked up a few pears from a nearby tree and threw two to Samira in front.

At this moment, the mountains and fields are full of red leaves. Walking among the trees, there are beautiful scenery everywhere in my eyes.

From this mountain, you can just see the Poison Mist Swamp in the north. The huge swamp surrounds the Pillar Mountain rising from the Dark Insect Valley. The mountain peak goes straight into the clouds, looking like a cloud from a distance Surrounded by fairyland and holy mountains.

"How long do we have to wait?" Carrie Decker asked curiously.

Samira looked at the scorching sun above his head and saw that the weather here showed no signs of turning cold, so he said: "It will probably be at least half a month, we are waiting for the first snow here, only after the heavy snow, poisonous The fog in the fog swamp will clear up..."

The sun in the forest is abundant, and it will make people feel very comfortable when they shine on the body.

The two sat on the back of Thunder Rhinoceros, whispering about the ghost-striped red ants in the Dark Insect Valley, and then changed the topic to those birds hovering in the sky.

These roc birds are at least level 2 peak monsters, and they have powerful flying abilities. It is not easy to hunt them. Once they shift their revenge targets to the vast pastures in the northern occupied area, it may be enough for the ranchers to have a headache. .

As the weather turned cooler, more and more adventure groups gathered in the bridgehead camp.

There were only a few thousand people in the Sanhe Plain, but at the bridgehead camp in the Great Rift Valley, there were at least 10,000 members of the adventure group in this camp, and almost everyone was waiting for the first scene in the Bailin plane. Snow……

Because... that snow means that the hunting season in the Dark Worm Valley has arrived.

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