Lord Highlander

Chapter 1293

After the lord's army arrived at the bridgehead camp, Suldak took time to visit the iron mine in Invercargill Forest.

This time, Suldak rode with Andrew to the iron mine not too far from the bridgehead camp. Although the iron mine had been mining iron ore normally for a while, the area was still very messy. The most obvious thing is that there are all kinds of work sheds, from thatched huts to exquisite wooden houses, many places on the hillside are still under planning, and those thatched huts are also included in the demolition plan.

However, the speed of construction in the living area has not been able to keep up with the increase in the population of the iron mine. As winter approaches, these dilapidated shacks are even more afraid to tear down.

Because iron ore is much cheaper than copper ore, many buildings here are very rough.

Therefore, the environment of the newly built iron mines is worse than that of the copper mines. Many places are full of building materials, and there are construction sites everywhere.

What Suldak saw the most and built in the most timely manner were the light rails on which the ore carts could roll back and forth. With these rails, the mining area and the beneficiation and grinding area of ​​the iron mine could be closely connected.

There are a large number of young people from indigenous tribes gathered in this iron mine. The copper mine cannot accommodate so many miners, and now almost all of them have come to the iron mine.

The work here is not easy, and it takes a lot of physical strength to dig ore every day, but the indigenous young people are still flocking to it.

For them, they can earn countless baked wheat cakes in the iron mine, and they don’t have to worry about the ambushes of any wild beasts in the jungle, and they don’t have to beware of those poisonous insects, snakes and ants. Drinking and eating meat, if there is such a good thing, it is natural to be more proactive...

The bottom of the living area of ​​the iron mine is still a low thatched shack. It is very simple to build this kind of aboriginal tribal-style round shack. Just choose a stronger big tree and use the big tree as the center to quickly build it with branches. .

But the biggest disadvantage of this kind of shack is that it cannot withstand the wind and snow. To block the wind and snow, the outside of the shack must be covered with a thick layer of moss.

The inside of this kind of shack is a little damp, with puffs of black smoke coming out of the exit, and the firepit is almost close to the door.

Suldak found many aboriginal women here, still wearing simple furs, squatting in front of the firepit with their children in their arms to watch the fire.

Not far from the river, a group of girls from the indigenous tribe squatted by the stream to wash clothes. The clear mountain spring water hit the pebbles by the river, making a tinkling sound.

Although the autumn in the mountains is already strong, they still wear cool clothes, their skin is not very white, but the light wheat color is full of youthful vitality.

Suldak didn't wait for the person in charge of the iron mine to rush over, and walked directly into the extremely simple-looking canteen of the mine. This canteen is a simple square work shed. Except for the roof, the surrounding walls are made of wicker. It is woven, and a ray of light can easily shine inside along the gap.

The long tables and chairs in the shed were made of simple logs, which seemed to have been used for a long time, and Suldak ignored them.

He went straight to a large iron pot in the cafeteria, and when the kitchen cook looked astonished, he picked up an iron spoon from the side and put it into the soup pot, scooped out some of the bottom of the pot, and poured it in soup pot.

Facing the unknown rhizome wild vegetables inside, Suldak asked the cook beside him unambiguously: "What are these?"

"Corn potatoes are found by the indigenous women in the surrounding forests. They like to eat them as boiled berries." Although the cook didn't know Surdak, he was not stupid. He saw that Surdak was wearing gorgeous clothes. , Needless to say, he is a great nobleman, so he replied very honestly.

Suldak frowned and threw the spoon in his hand aside. Seeing Suldak's expression, the cooks in the cafeteria were even more afraid to approach him.

Suldak walked directly to the stone platform where the barley cakes were baked, and found that the barley cakes made here were actually like roasted naan meat pies. The meat filling seemed to be some yellow mutton and wild onions. The scent was clearly introduced into Suldak's nose.

Seeing that there was meat in the prepared dinner, Suldak's face softened.

When the person in charge of the iron mine arrived after hearing the news, Suldak was already sitting in front of the dining table, sharing a piece of meat pie with Andrew, and there was a bowl of sweet potato soup in front of him. Seeing this scene, the person in charge Almost cried.

"The cake is not bad, but this wild vegetable soup is too close to the taste of the tribe. Do you think everyone can drink it?" Suldak pushed the soup bowl in front of the person in charge without raising his head.

The person in charge replied unhurriedly: "Almost all those who are willing to come to No. 1 canteen are tribal aborigines. For them, this soup is a home-cooked dish that they often drink."

Only then did Suldak raise his head, glanced at the person in charge, saw that he looked normal, and drank the bowl of sweet potato soup in one gulp, then nodded.

"not bad……"

He said something without thinking, and walked out of this simple cafeteria with Andrew.

"I know that the time is tight to build the iron mine this time, and the supply of iron ore powder at the steel workshop has to be met. All other tasks here have to make way for it, but I think the most basic living needs of the miners still need to be obtained. Satisfied, this is very necessary."

"What are the most basic needs of life...eating, sleeping, work clothes, anti-smashing shoes, hats, etc."

As Suldak was talking, a team of miners had already left work. They walked into the shed covered in dust, talking and laughing. I walked to the dining area in a regular manner, got the meatloaf and sour soup, and then sat down from the first row of chairs one by one, still very intoxicated by eating.

Only then did Suldak turn around and walk out of the simple cafeteria.

Under the leadership of the mine manager, Suerdak went around the excavation site, the ore transport vehicle, and the screening and grinding machine.

Now the first and second areas of the iron mine have started normal excavation, and the third and fourth areas are currently being expanded. The main reason is that the mine car tracks have not been built yet, and a large amount of ore has accumulated on the site and cannot be transported out.

However, Suldak was quite satisfied with being able to treat the iron mine like this in such a short period of time.


For the arrival of the lord, the young people of the indigenous tribe in the iron mine gave Suldak the highest standard welcome ceremony.

In the evening, a bonfire ceremony was held.

A chief of an indigenous tribe happened to be at the iron mine, so he accompanied him in Suldak, invited Suldak to taste the fruit wine of the indigenous tribe, and arranged for two young girls covered with flowers to accompany him. By Suldak's side.

In the welcome dance in the evening, everyone sang and danced very lively.

Suldak curiously asked the two beautiful indigenous girls: "Is your sweetheart dancing underneath?"

The characters of the two indigenous girls were also very upright. When they saw Suldak asking this question, they nodded very generously and showed him their own fingers.

Suldak patted the shoulders of the two, and said to them: "Go, dance with them, let me chat with your patriarch here for a while..."

Surprised faces appeared on the faces of the two indigenous girls, and they ran quickly into the crowd by the campfire without hesitation.

Seeing Suldak's behavior, the indigenous patriarch laughed loudly and picked up a glass of slightly sour fruit wine. He stood up and held the glass high, and the whole bonfire dance immediately became quiet.

I heard the indigenous patriarch say loudly:

"In the past, we only knew how to collect herbs and hunt wild animals. If the hunters who went out hunted the prey and brought them back to the tribe, we would have a good meal. If we couldn't bring the prey back, then we would eat berries and Wild vegetables, if we don't even have berries and wild vegetables, we may be starving."

"Now we no longer rely on hunting, and each family can still have a crock, and there is still a little wheat flour in it, so we can eat delicious wheat cakes every day."

"Although the prey in the jungle is much less, the same dangerous monsters are almost extinct in this jungle..."

"Almost all the newborn children in the tribe survived. If this continues, the population of the tribe will double in less than ten years."

"Who brought us everything we have?"

Young people from the indigenous tribe shouted loudly: "Lord Suldak..."

The indigenous patriarch continued to speak loudly: "Now, Lord Suldak has summoned a large number of Lord Army from other planes, so that we don't have to suffer from the beast tide, and prepare to fight against the ghost-striped red ants in the north. Let's raise our glasses together, Cheers to a better life tomorrow."

The bonfire dance in Invercargill Forest suddenly ignited...


Although the berry wine was not very tasty, Suldak was still a little drunk.

After the bonfire party, he and Aphrodite were enjoying the cool on the platform of a wooden house, and Andrew's loud snoring came from the next door.

"If the tribal chief hadn't said these toasts, I didn't seem to think that you came to the Bailin plane and made so many changes here." Aphrodite leaned in front of the pillar and looked at the hillside. Bright lights, said to Suldak with a smile.

Suldak shook his head and said casually: "Actually, I just opened up a new territory here. In order to occupy more fertile land and avoid any armed conflict with the local indigenous tribes, I gave them Set aside some territories belonging to their tribe, and in order to make their wallets bigger, they built two mines here and hired some young local indigenous people as miners. These are what every noble lord will do thing."

"Those lords are not like you, who are still supported by the local natives." Aphrodite turned her head to focus on Suldak, and said with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "More lords are thinking about how to manage How can the indigenous tribes in the back territory squeeze all the oil out of their bones, and how can they limit the strength of the indigenous tribes and reduce their danger."

"And you are even willing to help them develop and grow in order to make them support you. Aren't you afraid that when they grow stronger, everyone will unite against you?" Aphrodite asked.

Suldak replied frankly: "There is nothing to worry about. The land of Invercargill Forest is just this big."

"I found that your vision is not the same as before."

Suldak rubbed his drowsy forehead, and asked Aphrodite, "Do you have any good solutions for those redback giant tortoises? They always hide at the bottom of the lake, and the adventure group is powerless." Hunting, but if you don't manage it, it can't be regarded as the pioneering area of ​​the lord army."

"Then what do you want to do, plan to hunt them all?" Aphrodite asked.

Suldak nodded and replied, "Surrender or die."

Aphrodite held her bulging belly with a smile, and said to Suldak, "If you can persuade Selena to help you over there next spring, maybe my method can do it."

"Wait until next spring?" Suldak asked suspiciously.

"Yeah! When the weather turns cold, they will also go to sleep. It's not a good thing to wake them up in such a cold day." Aphrodite said with a smile.

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