Lord Highlander

Chapter 1294: 1281. The Vast World

After learning that Suldak came to inspect the iron mine, the patriarchs of the indigenous tribes in the Invercargill Forest hurried over here. Many indigenous patriarchs wanted to meet and have a private chat with Suldak. .

Now that the iron mines have absorbed a large number of young people from the indigenous tribes, the disputes over the workers in the mines are no longer the main conflict among the tribes.

However, as Suldak's lord army fought on the Sanhe Plain, almost the entire Sanhe Plain was included in the territorial territory, the brilliant record shown by the lord army once again gave the chiefs of these indigenous tribes some other ideas. idea.

The empire's all-people recruitment system, now the indigenous tribes are regarded as the people under the territory of Suldak, so Suldak has the right to recruit soldiers from these indigenous tribes.

In fact, Suldak's current garrison in the Bailin plane, except for the 500 cavalry he brought from the barren land of Hailansa City, the other nearly 2,000 soldiers are almost all recruited from the indigenous tribes and local aborigines.

This lord army belongs to the army on the Ganbu plane, but the patriarchs of the indigenous tribes don't care about that. They actually proposed to Suldak: You see, so many young people in the tribe have not served in the military. Lord Vercargil should expand his private army again.

For this matter, Suldak thought over and over for two nights before he summoned the tribal chiefs who came from all over the place.

He said that it is impossible for him to evacuate all the young warriors in the tribe at once, and now that the two mines are also employing people, the iron mines will still need a large number of miners. Invercargill Forest does follow the empire’s recruitment system, but it is limited to tribal young people under the age of 20. Of course, not all of these young people will join the army, but will join the army in batches within four years to serve in the army. .

Although the national recruitment system of the Green Empire is the obligation and responsibility of all male citizens, a series of rewards and punishments and living allowances are implemented in Suldak's army. During the annual military service, you will also enjoy the living allowance of the army, and there are some rewards if you participate in the war.

Just like the native soldiers currently in the garrison camp in Dodan Town, the first batch of soldiers who joined the army will be retired in two years. At that time, they will bring home a full set of heavy armor, heavy swords and swords from the army. Iris Shield, these weapons and equipment will greatly improve the tribe's combat power.

If you can accumulate enough merit points in the army, you can not only exchange them for gold coins, but also exchange them for precious magic weapons.

In fact, these garrison camps in Dodan Town and the bridgehead camp in the Great Rift Valley have already begun to implement them. Now Suldak is only extending this part of the benefits to the entire army. The biggest reason people serve in the military.

There are not many ways for the weapons and armor controlled by the imperial military to flow into the indigenous tribes, especially the sophisticated imperial army standard weapons and equipment.

Originally, Suldak just wanted to inspect the iron mine. He would stay in the iron mine for two days before going to the copper mine. The trip to the copper mine was cancelled.


After entering the winter in the northern occupied area of ​​the Bailin Plane, the grasslands are full of desolation, and small towns are spending the winter. Residents of all towns will stay at home, sitting by the fireplace to warm up.

But Dodan Town became very lively at this time, and a large number of caravans wanted to rent temporary warehouses in Dodan Town.

Because the rocs in the sky frequently attack caravans in the wild, caravan travels are basically group trips now, and often there will be one or several adventure groups or mercenary groups in the caravan to ensure that the rocs attack. Time to have the power to fight back.

This also indirectly led to the caravan's reluctance to take other remote trade routes, and they all gathered in Dodan Town.

Tunan Town and Plantos Town, which originally belonged to the Thorn Mountain Pass, are not too far from Dodan Town.

In order to avoid being unable to rent warehouses in Duodan Town, merchants usually use these towns as their strongholds, but this year they gave up this dangerous practice because of Pengniao.

So this winter, those buildings in Dodan Town...almost even the kennels were rented out by merchants.

The homestead in Duodan Township is currently under the control of the property management department of the town hall. At present, random construction of residences is not allowed even in the fringes of the town. All residential and commercial buildings are under the management of the town hall. If you buy residential houses or warehouses, then It has to be paid, and this amount alone accounts for half of the annual fiscal revenue of Dodan Town.

In winter, all construction projects in the town stopped, and Selena finally became more relaxed. She then handed over the affairs of the town to Mrs. Luna, and then took Signa with her to follow the lead of the Malacombe merchant. The thunder rhino caravan crosses the Dodan Gorge and enters the Invercargill Forest.

It was originally planned to meet up with Suldak at the copper mine, but Suldak was temporarily delayed at the iron mine, so Selena had to take Signa and continue to ride northward on the Thunder Rhino until they arrived at the iron mine. When I saw Surdak, the first snowflake just fell from the gray sky.


Suldak strode out from the wooden house and first gave Signa a big hug.

Signa has grown up a lot, she is almost as tall as Suldak's chest, she wears a dark brown braid, and her eyebrows and eyes already look like Selina, but those eyes are more than Selina's. Bright, she was wearing a fur cloak, and the cold north wind mixed with crystal snowflakes always drilled into people's necks, and Signa's little nose was red from the cold.

"Hey, Dak! You have been in the Bailin plane for so long, and you didn't come to see us in Dodan Town, and you want us to come here to see you in the snow..." Signa complained to Suldak.

Suldak smiled "hehe", wanting to put his hands under Signa's armpits and lift her up high.

Unexpectedly, Signa struggled to jump away, and shouted at Suldak: "Please...don't treat me like a child, Nika can help you in the barracks, and Sia is helping you too, but In your eyes, how can I grow up?"

Seeing Suldak reaching out to touch her head lovingly, he whispered next to her ear.

The person in charge of the mine who accompanied him immediately knew that the beautiful little girl in front of him should be the Princess of Invercargill who lived in the town of Dodan.

After calming Signa's emotions, Suldak hugged Selena who was standing quietly by the side.

She was wearing a black priest robe, and her beautiful eyes looked around without any waves, making people feel the majesty of a god very clearly.

Selena pressed her face against Suldak's stubbled face, and the two separated immediately.

This time she came here from the town of Dodan, not just for the bed. After becoming the high priest of the Temple of the Two Goddesses, the level of power she obtained from the Goddess of the Night has also increased by a level, so she rushed here this time. Came here to fight.

Malakom's Thunder Rhino caravan brought a large amount of supplies, some of which were to stay at the iron mine, and the other part was military supplies, which were to be transported to the bridgehead camp.

Selena rushed to the iron mine day and night, but she couldn't rest in the mine cabin for a night.

Because the first snow in the Invercargill forest had already fallen, Surdak climbed directly to the platform on the back of Thunder Rhino and lived in the wooden house where Selena lived.

The Lei Ting Rhino Merchant Group continued to push slowly without stopping for a moment. These Lei Ting Rhinos had huge cloth pockets around their mouths. They almost ate while walking along the way, constantly taking in nutrients to offset the huge energy loss of their bodies...


Selena looked out of the window out of focus. At this moment, her mind was completely empty. She could clearly feel that there was another leader in her body, but she could still feel all the feelings in the body very clearly, but she lost body control,

Fortunately, she has long been used to the strong mental power coming to her body, like galloping on the vast grassland, and finally stopped exhausted.

She looked at the sky with snowflakes through the glass window, watching...

Then she slowly closed her eyes again, carefully savoring every strong beating of the heart.

"I thought you'd wait another two years..."

Selena sat up around the bed sheet, leaned over and poured a cup of lemon tea for Surdak, then leaned against the wall of the wooden house, leaned her head on the window frame and looked out the window.

Her back was as soft as ivory, and her long coiled hair fell down.

Her straight nose, slightly raised lips, and pointed chin made her look beautiful. Her eyes fell on Signa who was seriously building a snowman outside the window, with a gentle smile on her face.

"Uh, the urban construction of Ruyt City needs a lot of money. After thinking about it, I had to bite the bullet and hit the idea of ​​these ghost-striped red ants..."

After finishing speaking, Suldak smiled.

He put the teacup on the bedside table, and continued: "Besides, I don't want their population to continue to expand. I guess the one in the Dark Insect Valley may also be aware of the danger outside, and may not keep it every ten years." If she continues to grow the number of herd every day, she should have accumulated a lot of troops by now, for the safety of Invercargill Forest, this war is imminent."

Selena stood up from the bed, no matter how cold the north wind with snowflakes was blowing outside the window, she opened the window directly, leaning out the upper body with her round shoulders exposed, the wooden house on Thunder Rhino's back had a very good view Open, she looked at the rolling mountains under her feet, and the caravans lined up in a long row on the winding mountain road between the mountains.

"Thinking about it now, I still can't believe it. It turns out that such a large piece of land belongs to you, and your territory will extend beyond the Thorny Mountains, including the plain to the east. So, now... naturally you must clear the danger in the north. source."

Selena squinted her eyes and looked into the distance, shivering irresistibly, and said to Suldak.

Then she couldn't help thinking: Who would have imagined that after leaving the barren land of Hailansa City, there would be such a vast world in the outside world...

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