Lord Highlander

Chapter 1296 1283. The Battle in Early Winter

Under the attack of Andrew, Gullitum and Wolf Knight Tiger in turn, it only took half a month for the Lord Army to cross the stone arch bridge across the lake.

Drawing lessons from last time, in order to prevent the lord's army from encountering a large-scale counterattack by the ghost-striped red ants just after stepping on the stone arch bridge, this time the sixty bed crossbows that Suldak brought had just arrived at the stone bridge, and the soldiers of the lord's army Just at the stone arch bridge, an arc-shaped fortification was built to completely protect the exit of the stone arch bridge.

There are at least a few hundred ant nests densely packed at the foot of the mountain, and some thin red figures can be seen in almost every hole. They have been completely scared by the soldiers of the lord army. Come out easily.

The attack method of the ghost-striped soldier ants is very simple, spewing acid, and piercing the armor of the enemy on the opposite side with their sharp scimitar-like fangs.

They have a dark red hard carapace, and they can climb steep walls freely, and they are extremely fast.

Once the ordinary heavy armored infantry soldiers of the lord army leave the bed crossbow, there is no good way to deal with these ghost pattern soldiers.

Only those Constructed Knights, almost all of them have a magic weapon in their hands, and under Andrew's careful teaching, they have mastered the ability to kill ghost-patterned soldiers and ants.

So on the stone arch bridge, the main force fighting the group of ghost pattern soldiers head-on is basically these knights of construction.

Constructed knights could not charge on the stone arch bridge. They basically fought on horseback. After occupying the stone arch, more than two hundred constructed knights stood in front of hundreds of ant nests at the foot of the mountain. It seems a little not enough.

The heavy armored infantry raised their shields and surrounded the ant nests. The ghost pattern soldiers hid in the caves and sprayed a large amount of acid towards the heavy armored infantry outside. For a while, the heavy armored infantry could not approach at all.

The ghost-striped soldiers did not dare to climb out of the cave, because there were not only spearmen waiting outside, but also some bed crossbows full of bowstrings. These magic crossbows purchased by Suldak could easily pierce the ghost-striped soldiers The hard carapace of ants.

The battle to wipe out the ghost-patterned red ants suddenly came to a stalemate at the entrance of the ant nest.

There are hundreds of deep wormholes at the foot of this giant mountain.

The heavy armored infantry soldiers of the lord army can only surround the entrance of the cave, because once they lose the support of the ballista, they will not be able to defeat the ghost pattern soldiers at all.

Suldak also didn't want the Constructed Knights to rush ahead, who knew what dangers would exist in the ant nest, and these half-constructed knights were his real property.

Only Andrew, relying on himself as a rank-two powerhouse, rushed into the impulse with his body encased in battle qi, and failed to rush in after several attempts.

Because the inside is densely packed with ghost-pattern soldier ants, they occupy every inch of the cave. Andrew wanted to rush in, but he had to kill all the way. Even the second-rank powerhouse was exhausted. After his battle energy was exhausted, You can only quickly exit the ant nest.

Although the lord army was unable to rush into the ant nest for a while, the ghost pattern red ants were also suppressed by the lord army and did not dare to come out of the ant nest, which made Suldak much more calm when deploying for battle.

In order to relieve the pressure brought by the lord's army on the front line, Suldak allowed the following adventure group to pass through the stone arch bridge and come to the battlefield here to continue hunting ghost pattern soldiers.

Facts can prove that the power of the people is infinite.

These adventure groups came to the battlefield at the foot of the mountain, bringing all kinds of hunting methods.

As winter has come, the weather here is getting colder and colder, and hoarfrost has formed on the rock walls in the early morning, so when these adventure groups are fighting, in order to fight against the ghost-striped soldier ants, they will spray acid into the ant nest. Splashing water, in such a cold weather, the ghost pattern soldier ants fighting at the entrance of the cave are all wet, and the loss of temperature makes the movements of the ghost pattern soldier ants at the entrance of the cave very stiff.

In order to keep the fighting distance, some members of the adventure group fixed the hook and the sickle on the tip of the five-meter-long knight spear, and together they stretched the long hook into the hole, looking for a few that would pull the ghost pattern soldier ants inside out of the hole. After pulling it out, the members of the adventure group hiding outside the cave quickly dismembered the ghost pattern soldier ants.

There are also some adventure groups who have prepared hunting nets. These mesh wires are so tough that even the strong ghost-striped soldier ants cannot break through them. Every time they seal the hunting nets at the entrance of the cave, they can always catch fresh ghost-striped soldier ants. .

In the rear camp, there were suddenly some temporary leather workshops and butcher shops that processed red ant meat. These first shops were basically processing red ant sausages that were easy to store and carry, and they also purchased soldier ant teeth. Merchant with gastric sacs full of acid, some corpses of soldier ants are transported back from the battlefield almost every day.

The fresh meat of some ghost-printed red ants is directly roasted until golden, sprinkled with some herbs and salt, and will be put on the stall for sale.

Soldiers returning from the front line would occasionally eat two skewers of delicious red ant meat in front of this kind of street stall.

Suldak ordered Andrew to lead a team of constructed knights to patrol the battlefield every day, and they had to deal with emergencies in a timely manner.

For example, a ghost-striped drone that is bigger than a war elephant suddenly drilled out of a certain cave, or some giant ghost-striped soldier ants are about to rush out of the ant nest and launch a counterattack.

Only second-rank powerhouses like Andrew, Gullitum, and Wolf Knight Tiger are capable of handling these emergencies.

At the gate of the frontline camp of the Lord's Army, there is a huge notice board. The notice board announces the names of the top 100 soldiers in the barracks, as well as the merit points they currently have. This merit list is almost every morning. There will be changes, some people's rankings will rise rapidly, and some fighters will be quickly squeezed off the ranking list by others because of their bravery and injuries.

On the other side of the gate of the frontline camp, the exchange reward items shown on the achievement exchange list almost made the members of the adventure group outside look sideways.

Especially the set of magic patterns on the top of the list has attracted the attention of most people.

At times like this, the soldiers in the camp felt as if they had been given blood, and many of them hoped that the regiment leader could line up a few more times on the battle list.

In the camp of the lord army, the daily topic is almost inseparable from merit.


The reason why this place is called the Dark Worm Valley does not refer to this huge mountain, but the huge space inside the mountainside. According to the information obtained by Suldak, if you want to enter the Dark Worm Valley, you have to pass through here. Wormhole.

But at present, the ghost pattern soldier ants are almost blocking the entrance of the cave with their lives, fighting with the lord army almost every day.

And no matter how many ghost-pattern soldier ants die, there will always be more ghost-pattern soldier ants to make up for it.

Of course, the lord's army also suffers a lot of casualties every day. After many lords died in battle, they will be cremated that night, and finally put a handful of ashes into the jar, and the companions will bring them back together with the pension hometown.

As for those soldiers who were injured on the battlefield, first of all, they should be thankful for recovering a life from the battlefield, because the ghost-striped red ants don't have the problem of taking prisoners.

The lucky wounded are almost all rescued by their companions, and they will be quickly transferred to the rear.

The first aid tent that Nika built behind the barracks has gradually opened to the members of the adventure group. Of course, a certain medical fee will be charged to the outside world, and the medical fee will vary according to the severity of the injury. Of course, if you really encounter that kind of real If there is no money, Nika will treat them.

Most of the adventure groups here are from the Grimm Empire, which believes in the Statue of Liberty.

When they saw the ball of light in Nika's palm, at first they thought it was the priests of the Statue of Liberty who had returned. They would not realize until they learned that Nika was the saint of the Goddess of Dawn in the Twin Goddess Temple in Dodan Town... It turns out that the temple of the twin goddesses in Duodan Town was actually blessed by the gods.

There are many such people in the Grimm Empire: even if the Statue of Liberty leaves with all the priests, there are still many people in the empire who are willing to praise the stinky feet of the Statue of Liberty, hoping that the blessing of the Goddess will return to the Grimm Empire one day.

But there are not many devout believers of the Statue of Liberty among these adventure groups.

The members of the adventure group follow the natural law of survival of the fittest in their hearts.

Therefore, when encountering the saintesses of the Temple of the Twin Goddesses treating the wounded in the barracks, not only will they not feel disgusted, but they will also feel that the Temple of the Twin Goddesses is actually blessed by the goddesses. Then run to the Temple of the Twin Goddesses in Dodan Town and seek medical treatment from the saint. Many injured members of the adventure group will think so.

Of course, Nika at this time did not expect that the Temple of Dawn would attract some believers from the adventure group because of this action to eliminate the red ants.


Suldak pulled the mages in the mage group, and began to draw the topography outside the dark worm valley in the tent of the military camp.

When the group of mages under Lance took the risk to investigate around this giant mountain, the magicians who explored the surrounding terrain of the giant mountain unexpectedly discovered that there was a huge road leading to the interior of the mountain on the east side of the giant mountain that had not yet been covered by snow. The lava cave is even covered with turquoise moss around the mouth of the cave.

However, after discovering that there were traces of ghost-striped red ants in the cave, the magician who ventured to explore the terrain finally gave up the idea of ​​exploring the dark cave.

In fact, Lance once thought about seeing how high this mountain peak that pierces into the sky is. Unfortunately, the magician flew high into the sky and failed to reach the top of the mountain after breaking through the clouds. attack.

Lance drew the outline of the giant mountain on the parchment and explained the giant mountain to Suldak.

"It's much bigger than the Oak Mountain that the city of Hailansa occupies, and there's even no comparison between the two. If you really want to describe the size of this mountain, I think it may be bigger than the city of Bena It's a big circle." Lance explained to Suldak: "And there are no other mountain ranges around it, it's more like a lone peak standing in the northern part of the Invercargill Forest."

Lance stood in front of a hand-painted mountain peak, and used a quill to draw a cave gate on the right hand side.

As a magician, he has a very good talent for painting, which vividly shows the appearance of the cave.

Lance explained to Surdak:

"There are cliffs all around here. There is only a huge karst cave between the two stone bridges on the east side, and the entrance of the cave is very high. The entrance of the cave is 30 meters high and more than ten meters wide. At the foot of the mountain, we climbed a steep mountain wall nearly 100 meters high, and we still don’t know where it leads inside. Our magician scout was attacked by a roc and was forced to retreat.”

"Is there any other way to let the army enter the cave?" Suldak asked seriously.

Lance nodded, drew two curved arcs at the entrance of the cave with a quill, and said, "Yes, there are stone arch bridges like giant tree roots on both sides of the entrance, but these two stone arch bridges are both It is very long. If our current camp wants to reach the foot of the eastern mountain, we have to go eastward for at least 20 kilometers. If we want to go up from the stone arch bridge, we need to continue to go eastward for five kilometers until we reach the edge of the poisonous fog swamp. "

Suldak nodded.

Lance then smiled and said to Suldak: "In this area, it is really dangerous to ride a magic scorpion to investigate. We magicians have been avoiding those birds these days. Haven't found what this mountain looks like?"

"What?" Suldak asked back.

"A huge tree stump!" Lance replied, and then pointed to the huge sketch on the parchment, and added to Suldak: "A giant tree that is countless times larger than ordinary tree roots, even if we cross it The stone arch bridge across the lake looks like the exposed air roots of this tree, and even the textures on the cliffs are very much like bark."

Hearing what Lance said, Suldak also said:

"Actually, I have suspected for a long time that this is a world tree that has been dead for a long time... the body has been completely petrified. In this way, the huge cave that your magician explored is probably a huge tree cave. The belly of the mountain..."

He suddenly had a bold idea in his heart, and said to Lance: "We won't gain any advantage by entering the ant's nest. Why don't we check out the cave. Maybe this is the real entrance to the mountainside."

He tapped heavily on the map with his pen.

Suldak felt that it was necessary to take a look at this matter himself. In order to mobilize manpower to explore the cave with him, the frontal battlefield situation here must be stabilized.

Suldak planned to take Gulitum, Carrie Decker and Selena to explore the cave with him.

In case of danger, Aphrodite can also run out to help by summoning the magic circle.

Andrew, the wolf knights Tiger and Samira want to stay on this battlefield. They are all second-rank powerhouses who can display their full strength on the frontal battlefield. Andrew also has a way to hold on for a while.

Because he was worried that the ghost-striped red ants here would take the opportunity to counterattack, Suldak prepared some small gifts for them before leaving...

there may be another chapter

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