Lord Highlander

Chapter 1297: 1284. Explosion


Material management uncovered a large piece of tarpaulin next to the catapult, revealing the neatly arranged black powder kegs inside.

All the black powder kegs transported from Wall Village are stored here, arranged like a wall, and a group of heavily armored soldiers swarmed up, loaded these black powder kegs on flatbed carts, and pushed them to the front battlefield.

The battle at the front of the anthill is still going on in full swing.

There will be some casualties in the Lord's army every day, but due to the proper handling, it is still within the controllable range, but the hunting on the adventure group's side seems to be a bit messy, and some adventurers are often dragged into the ant nest by the red ants. Not even a bone was recovered.

A strong heavy armored infantry soldier carried a black powder barrel and strode to the entrance of an ant nest in a core area. The heavy armored infantry soldiers lined up in a shield wall made room for him, and there were spearmen On the shield wall, a sliding board inclined towards the entrance of the hole was set up, and the heavy armored infantry soldiers put the black powder barrels on their shoulders on the sliding board, and when everything was ready, the soldiers behind ignited the fuse of the gunpowder, and the heavy armored soldiers let go immediately .

The round oak barrel rolled along the slide towards the entrance of the ant nest. Once the rolling speed of this heavy black powder barrel started, it would be difficult to stop even if there were stones underneath.

As the black powder keg rolled into the entrance of the ant nest, the fuze at one end was shining with magnificent flames.

The ghost-striped red ants huddled at the entrance of the cave did not know that what fell from the outside was a black powder keg.

Seeing the black powder barrel falling down, a ghost pattern soldier ant immediately bit the black powder barrel fiercely with two scissor-like fangs.

The gunpowder barrel was cut to pieces in an instant, the black powder in the oak barrel was swayed out in an instant, the sparking fuze lost its restraint, and jumped back and forth in the wormhole, the sparks touched the swaying black powder, dazzling light and scorching instant When it exploded, the air in the entire wormhole was drained instantly, and the flames spread out, and all the ghost-striped red ants crowded at the entrance of the hole were ignited with flames.

A carbonized burnt mark was formed on the hard armor, and countless ghost-striped red ants wailed in fear and despair.


The heavy armored infantry soldiers ambushing around the entrance of the cave only felt a light burst out from the entrance of the cave, and the thick smoke was transpiring like a mushroom cloud.

The black powder barrel didn't explode, but the black powder gave full play to its burning power, almost burning through the hard armor of the ghost pattern soldier ants at the entrance of the cave.

At this time, hearing the captain's whistle, the soldiers ambushing around the entrance of the cave immediately set up the tower shield again.

The squad leader waved to the heavy armored infantry soldier carrying the black powder keg behind him, signaling him to carry the black powder keg to the front. The squad leader lit the fuse of the second black powder keg, and then rolled down the slide again to In the wormhole.

At the entrance of the cave, the ghost-pattern soldier ants, whose bodies were burnt and bruised all over, were scrambling to retreat into the cave, not noticing the falling black powder keg at all.

The entrance of this ant nest is a vertical shaft, which is about ten meters deep, and it will be dug parallel to the mountain. It is surrounded by burnt ghost-pattern soldier ants...

Ten seconds later, there was only a muffled sound from the depths of the wormhole...

As a thick cloud of smoke and dust sprayed out from the hole, the smoke and dust that rushed out were mixed with the stumps and arms of some ghost-striped red ants, which scattered all around like raindrops.

Some ghost-striped red ants, disturbed by the explosion, almost crawled out of the cave with all their might.

Their bodies were burning with flames, some of them lacked some outriggers, and they walked crookedly. Although the heavy armored infantry soldiers waiting at the entrance of the cave were also affected by the huge earthquake, they saw the ghost-striped red ants crawling like this. When he came out, he used a sharp spear to ruthlessly poke the ghost pattern red ant's jaw into its head...

At the foot of the mountain, almost half of the entrances of the anthills were performing this scene, and there were explosions and smoke everywhere.

Countless ghost-pattern soldier ants were killed or injured by the blast.

This action of throwing the powder keg almost made the adventure group who were playing soy sauce on the periphery look stupid,

For a long time, from the simplest fireball technique to the fifth-level magic meteorite, this kind of explosive damage has never been inseparable from magicians. They either throw out the prepared magic scrolls, or simply recite spells to cast magic. Spells, big fireballs, bursting flames, walls of fire, hell flames, volcanoes... Every time the fire magicians break through a level, they can cast more powerful fire magic.

Although many armies of the Green Empire are equipped with fire scale bombs, the core of this firearm is also a simple magic scroll.

For a long time, the members of the adventure group thought that the black powder keg was like flint that would explode, and it could only be used in a big battle. But this time they obviously opened their eyes. It turns out that the black powder keg can still be used like this. .

This thing is too destructive. Most of the corpses of ghost pattern soldier ants brought back from the battlefield were burnt black. This part of the hard armor can no longer be used. How much fresh meat comes out.

This kind of battle, the wear and tear on the battlefield is really too great, the heads of some ghost-pattern soldier ants were blown apart, and the magic cores inside did not know where they flew.

Just as the ghost-patterned red ants were forced back into the depths of the cave by the explosion, some cave entrances also began to collapse amid the explosion.

Moreover, these heavy armored infantry soldiers seem to be artificially controlling the number of collapsed holes.

They not only kept some holes used by the adventure group for hunting, but also selected some wormholes with less depth and slightly inclined angles to keep. These preserved holes were prepared for the future general attack.

The explosion continued for a whole day,

At dusk, finally there was a tank-like ghost-striped male ant in the cave, struggling to climb out of the cave against the frequent explosions of the black powder barrel.

There were no nimble ghost-striped soldier ants around them. When they came out of the ground, their majestic bodies pushed up countless huge stone slabs. A large amount of sour liquid was sprayed out of the mouth of the ghost-striped male ants, which immediately stirred up the surrounding heavy armored ants. The infantry soldiers were turned on their backs, and some soldiers were even stained with some sour liquid.

Andrew and Carrie Decker saw the ghost-striped male ants emerging, and immediately rushed to support them.

And Samira was sitting on the control console of a bed crossbow, aiming the giant crossbow at the ghost-striped male ant in the distance, pulling the trigger without hesitation, and the crossbow flew out at an extremely fast speed...

Holding two axes in his hands, Andrew leaped high, and the moment the giant ax slashed down in the air, the blade of the ax slashed across the sky, triggering an electric arc to slash down.

The electric arc and the battle ax smashed on the top of the ghost pattern male ant's head at the same time, and the hard armor leather with patterns was instantly split into a deep wound by the sharp axe.

There are hundreds of wormhole exits on the side of the stone arch bridge. Except for some well-positioned holes that are suitable for fighting ghost-striped red ants, the other wormholes were all blown away by the black powder barrel.

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