Lord Highlander

Chapter 1298: 1285. Karst Cave

Before exploring the eastern karst cave, Suldak blew up nearly half of the entrance of the ant nest with black powder, which greatly slowed down the daily fighting intensity of the lord army.

Although this wave of explosions attracted a fierce counterattack from several ghost-striped male ants that were bigger than the magic caravan, the battle was quickly subsided by the joint efforts of Andrew, Samira and Wolf Knight Tiger.

When the second-rank powerhouses faced these huge ghost-striped male ants, the battle was relatively easy, and these ghost-striped males were hunted for the first time this year. Before that, for a year and a half, Haunted Drones never come out of the Poison Mist Swamp.

When the corpse of the ghost-striped male ant was brought back from the battlefield by a four-wheeled truck, the merchants in the military business group were talking about these monster materials. No matter how much it costs, they will grab one.

However, for these ghost-striped male ants, the price Suldak sold to the merchant group was not high, and they were only eligible to trade with the military merchant group.

Although these ghost-striped male ants are large in size, the hard armor on their bodies is too thick to be practical. The only valuable thing is the magic core in the skull of the ghost-striped male ants, which has a high probability of obtaining high-level The magic core of the magic spar.

Merchants want to buy ghost pattern drones, it is said that they are used to make specimen statues, and then transport them back to Bena City.

It is said that the aristocratic lords in Bena City like to collect such high-level monster specimens. Many noble lords will be very interested in such a monster at the peak of the third level. The surface of the carapace is painted with waterproof varnish. Many wealthy nobles like to place such a high-level monster specimen in the vestibule as a sculpture.

Taking out the most valuable magic core inside, Suldak will sell these ghost-striped drones at the price of three magic crystals each.

Immediately, there was a heated discussion among other business groups in the camp, and everyone began to feel that it is really a good thing to become a military business group.

In addition to the daily fixed gains from the lord's army, the daily gains of those adventure groups are also uninterrupted, and some adventure groups and lucky ones have hunted giant ghost-striped soldier ants. This kind of monster itself is also very valuable. It is said that On the day of hunting, he was bought back by a local businessman in Bailin for 20 magic crystals.

Right next to the lord's army camp, a large number of field tents have been set up by the military trading company, which looks like a large free market.

"The eleven-person adventure group has a record of hunting eleven ghost-patterned soldiers in a single attempt, and now recruits a sharpshooter..."

"Eight-person adventure group, the best record is to hunt five ghost-striped soldier ants, and now recruit two shield warriors who are above the middle stage of the first rank. They need to have a piece of magic-stripe structure and a magic shield, which can block the ghost-striped soldier ants with a full blow. Those with combat experience are preferred!"

Temporary recruitment information like this was actually posted on the walls on both sides of the barracks.

Every day, some new adventure groups arrive on the battlefield. Seeing the lively scene and the truckloads of loot shipped out, all members of the adventure group who come here will be too excited to sleep on the first wild night.

There were also some adventure groups who came up with the idea that joining the lord's army would be a good idea after seeing the exchange merit list on the bulletin board at the entrance of the barracks.


At this moment, Suldak has taken Gulitum, Carrie Decker, and Selina on a journey to explore the cave on the east side. The four of them led less than a hundred followers and first rode at the foot of the mountain. Detour all the way to the bottom of the cave on the east side of Jushan.

As Lance described, the karst cave is actually located between the 100-meter-high cliff. The arch bridge goes all the way to the east, you have to go to the end of the stone arch bridge, and then go back on the stone arch bridge, so that you can follow the stone arch bridge to the cliff closest to the cave.

In fact, the four of them took a detour to the stone arch bridge with a group of followers. It took nearly two days to pass the stone arch bridge to the place closest to the entrance of the cave, but there is still at least ten meters away from here to the cave. , and there is a cliff between the two, there is no foothold at all.

Looking at Selena, who was riding a white camel, walking side by side with Suldak, Carrie Decker felt secretly envious.

She walked at the end of the team, the magic shotgun was hung in the leather pouch next to the saddle, she was wearing a bulky magic pattern outfit, and she was riding a unique magic pattern warhorse here. Her long black hair was tied into a ponytail, making her look like a So heroic.

The two-headed ogre Gullitemu walked at the front of the team. This guy had already killed more than a dozen ghost pattern soldiers along the way. His temper seemed to be much more irritable than before. The two of Naohua'er were talking non-stop. They seemed to be arguing about something, but they were both sticking to their own opinions. These days, no one has been able to convince the other...

There is no road in front of the stone arch bridge. If you want to enter the cave, you must climb the cliff. Although it is not too far, you only need to cross a distance of more than ten meters, but it is also very dangerous.

The stone arch bridge is like a tree root growing from the stone wall. It has no connection with other places, and the closer it is to the giant mountain, the stone arch bridge will become extremely thick.

Standing on the edge of the stone arch bridge, the two-headed ogre Brain Flower said with some worry:

"Even if this cave leads to the mountainside, how do you think the lord's army can cross here?"

"What's so difficult about this..." After Gulitum finished speaking, he stepped back a few meters with a brainstorm, and the three-meter-tall ogre moved forward steadily at the place closest to the cave after a run-up With one leap, his robust body bounced up, even over a distance of more than ten meters, and stepped into the cave steadily.

Gulitum looked back at the people on the stone bridge and waved vigorously at them.

Suldak frowned, and said to Carrie Decker and Selina beside him:

"A temporary pontoon bridge may be needed to connect the stone arch bridge with the cave, and it is estimated that the soldiers of the Lord's Army can pass here..."

Then he added: "Although we can't build a pontoon now, it's still no problem to connect a rope from here to there,"

As he spoke, he found a thick hemp rope from his magic pocket, and threw the hemp rope at the two-headed ogre Gulitum...

The terrain of the stone arch bridge is relatively high, and it is easy to slide into the cave through pulleys.

Suldak nailed the rope to the stone arch bridge, and more than a hundred followers also slid into the cave along the rope. Suldak and Selina were almost the last to slip into the cave. Tem has already hunted and killed a few ghost-striped soldier ants inside, has lit a bonfire, and is about to settle lunch at the entrance of the cave...

today's chapter

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