Lord Highlander

Chapter 1320: 1307. On the battlefield

Tens of thousands of ghosts uttered "soul screams" at the red ants all over the sky at the same time. The terrifying mental shock immediately caused the heads of these hard-armoured red ants to burst, and even some limbs became deformed under the impact of the ghost army without any entity. Fragmented.

Countless ghost-striped red ants were turned into a handful of ashes under the impact of the ghost warriors, and those soul powers were like thick white smoke when their bodies disintegrated into ashes, and these smoke seemed to have After a certain kind of life force was extracted from the body of the ghost pattern red ant, it was like countless news flowing into a great river. These white mist gathered together and nourished the group of ghost warriors passing through it.

The tide-like ghost warriors are like tens of thousands of galloping horses, charging towards the ant colony under the command of Earl Fornak.

However, they didn't seem to be able to stay here for too long. As the ghost warriors at the front began to emit black air from their bodies, Earl Funak waved his hand, and the bloody gate that was originally in front of the World Tree disappeared out of thin air. Less than 50 meters in front of the ghost army, a brand-new blood-colored gate emerged from the soil, and then the gate opened, and a group of ghost warriors poured into the blood-colored gate in an instant.

When the last ghost warrior entered the bloody gate, the last breath of soul on the battlefield was also absorbed by these ghost warriors.

There are only countless dead red ant shells left on this battlefield. Those shells seem to have been weathered and aged for countless years, and they will turn into handfuls of gray sand and fall on the grass when they are blown by the wind.

Even the green grass around the World Tree turned into dry grass after the ghost army passed by, dissipating in the wind together with the ashes of the red ant corpses.

During the whole process, Earl Fornac held his hands in front of his chest like a conductor of a symphony orchestra. The scepter was like a baton in his hand. After the song ended, he seemed to be still immersed in the beautiful music. melody.

When he opened his eyes, a large area on the battlefield became barren and dead.

Earl Funak opened his arms to Suldak, nodded slightly to him and said: "Dak, thank you for preparing the sumptuous afternoon tea, which has benefited my ghost army a lot this time. Of course, we must follow every One world law, so I'm afraid it's your performance time."

After finishing speaking, he turned to his youngest son and the alchemist's assistant who were standing aside silently watching the whole process, and at the same time floated towards the bloody gate in the distance. Inside the gate, countless bone hands struggled to climb outwards, and some arms even held half of the bone. The body was taken out of the door.

Seeing this scene, Earl Fornak flashed a few times in a row, and arrived in front of the bloody gate in an instant.

At the gate, the young alchemist's assistant suddenly turned around, waved at Suldak, and then followed Count Fornak into the bloody gate.

As the bloody gate dissipated in smoke, those bone hands that were about to struggle out instantly turned into patches of black mist.

For a moment, Surdak's side fell into silence.


And the army of ghost-patterned red ants has been completely dispersed, and there is a biting sound of "cracking" from a distance, and an invisible mental shock is transmitted from a distance.

It's just that the seedlings of the World Tree formed a golden mask in the next moment, not only protecting the 100-meter-high tree, but even Suldak and others were also protected by the golden mask.

The 'spiritual stimulation' visible to the naked eye rushed on the mask, and immediately shattered at the same time as the golden mask.

Suldak even had a very strong feeling, as if a huge glass ceiling had suddenly shattered. He subconsciously raised the Goethe Shield in his hand, but the shattered glass did not fall from above his head.

In the dense giant mushroom forest not far away, giant mushrooms all collapsed.

And amidst the flying grass and smoke, a half-human, half-ant ant queen without a tail, abdomen or wings, her body almost turned into an afterimage, galloping from the cave battlefield, it almost exploded The strongest power also increased the running speed to the limit, and the entire army of red ants and guards attacking the cave were left far behind by it.

It rushed back desperately, completely out of fear that the World Tree seedlings would escape its control.

Now, a large number of ghost-striped red ants have disappeared from her perception area in an instant. The ghost-striped ant queen is on the verge of going berserk at this moment, and all those who dare to stand in front of her have become fragments. Its body seems to be half-illusory State, covered in insect armor with a hint of dark gold.

Her body was completely surrounded by golden dark lines, and countless magic powers formed a vortex around her body.

Even the gray clouds in the sky began to gather above its head, and electric arcs kept moving from the gray clouds.

Looking at the strange celestial phenomena, Suldak could feel a powerful aura rapidly approaching from a distance. Although he had encountered a sixth-level monster before, it could only be regarded as a weakened sixth-level monster. Now this ghost ant queen is a monster at the peak of the sixth level.

The gap between the two was almost a level, and Suldak could clearly feel the oppressive feeling of being completely crushed.

Andrew next to him gathered his 'potential' at the first time, while the wolf knight Tiger almost went into 'beast transformation' at the same time, the two rushed towards the direction of the ghost-print ant queen, Suldak quickly stopped: "You guys! Come back soon..."

It's a pity that these two battle madmen who often kill red eyes on the battlefield can't hear Suldak stop at this moment.

Andrew's body was burning with flames, and electric arcs flickered on his hands and the butcher's ax...

Tiger almost turned into a giant frost wolf that could walk upright. His hands turned into sharp claws, and he ran on the battlefield with both hands and feet, which was much faster than Andrew running with all his strength.

The Frostwolf Bonita at the back let out a mournful roar almost at the same time, but Tiger rushed forward desperately without looking back.

Seeing that the ghost-striped ant queen in sight became more and more clear, it was in the center of the storm, and there were no followers around, and the ghost-striped red ants on the battlefield hadn't been able to gather on a large scale, and the ghost-striped ant queen seemed to be I couldn't wait any longer, and came straight to kill here.

The first person I met was Tiger the wolf knight. This orc strongman, who once wanted to die, turned into a giant wolf at this moment. While running, he was provoked in the air, and the huge wolf head suddenly pounced on the upper body of the ghost-print ant queen, towards her. His neck opened wide, and Tago's body seemed to be surrounded by a layer of strong fighting spirit.

But at the moment when the huge wolf head was about to touch the queen ant's neck, the queen ant's body suddenly disillusioned, and then her body appeared behind Tago, a sharp black outrigger with dark gold patterns like a long Like a spear, it was inserted from the back of Tiger's heart very strangely, and the black spear tip protruded from the lower jaw.

The ghost ant queen didn't seem to let go just yet. The moment the outriggers were pulled outward, Suldak even saw a bloody gash on Tiger's back.

The berserk Tago was more like a wild wolf, but his back was cut open by a leg of the queen ant, and before Tago could dodge, he actually hugged the leg with his backhand, biting down with his sharp teeth, secretly The golden legs left only a few tooth marks.

The body of the Ghost Empress Ant was in the air, and her six jet-black outriggers stretched out, throwing Tai Ge's broken body far away.

Tiger's body fell on the grass like a broken leather, his whole body was severely distorted and deformed, looking bloody and bloody.

At this time, Andrew was only two steps away from the Queen Ant Queen. The queen's humanoid upper body was covered with dark scales, but Samira's Sky Strike Bow arrived first, and a golden light flashed in front of the Queen Ant's forehead. It looked like she couldn't dodge it, but she opened her mouth suddenly, and a sharp arrow protruded out of her mouth, colliding with Samira's golden light arrow.

The two thunderbolts collided in mid-air at the same time, dissipating at the same time amidst the lightning and thunder.

The Ghost Ant Queen pounced on Andrew who was swinging the sharp axe. Andrew's sharp ax had countless electric arcs on it. While he was swinging out, his other sharp ax was swung backward at the same time. The body disappeared from Andrew's face again, and appeared behind him in the next second, just as a butcher's ax flashing with an electric arc struck towards him.

The outrigger stabbed by the Ghost Empress Ant collided with the sharp axe, and countless electric arcs flew out immediately.

Before Andrew could swing the second sharp axe, the other three sharp legs of the ghost-striped ant queen pierced his magic-striped structure and lifted him into the sky. Two outriggers support the body.

Two tree vines much thicker than a bucket suddenly burst out of the ground at this moment, they spread their petal-like teeth, and devoured the queen's two strong hind legs into her stomach.

The ghost-striped ant queen had no time to tear Andrew in mid-air, and threw Andrew towards the ants gathered behind her. The four sharp legs pierced downwards at the same time, and cut two vines into several sections in an instant. Breaking free from the entanglement of vines, he uttered a sharp and piercing cry, and rushed towards the group of druid elders guarding in front of the World Tree.

Suldak didn't dare to neglect to rush forward with his shield in hand. At this time, what everyone needs most is mutual trust, and as a knight, he also needs to stand at the forefront of the team.

Not only did the silver light of the 'Holy Shield' appear on the shield, Suldak also drew the rune words of the 'Oath of the Ancients' in front of him, and suddenly an ancestor phantom held a shield that completely overlapped with Suldak, And behind him appeared an angel with wings of light, and the angel's wings embraced Suldak layer by layer.

Suldak stepped on the 'Halo of Enthusiasm' to block the way of the Ghost Ant Queen...

The golden-patterned eyes of the Ghost Queen Ant lit up, and her human face wore a cruel smile. After her body was extremely twisted, her six outriggers stabbed at Suldak at the same time, and her body also After a moment of stillness and movement, it seemed to flash in front of Suldak.

The first outrigger pierced Suldak's sacred shield, then the second outrigger pierced the shield of the ancient oath, and the third outrigger pierced the wings of the angel phantom.

A beam of light fell from Suldak's body, and he consumed a huge amount of mental power to wake up the magical battle armor suspended above the door in the central area of ​​the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, and a light armor made of light and sound appeared in Sul On Dak's body, behind him was the illusion of a pair of wings.

The remaining three legs landed on the light armor almost at the same time, and the light armor dissipated...

In fact, the light armor dissipated because Suldak's spiritual power simply couldn't carry the holy armor. Even if Suldak forced it to appear, it could only last for a short moment.

Suldak condensed the sacred power in his body on the broadsword.

'white heat'

The broadsword slashed at the neck of the ghost queen ant's half body with five afterimages, but the black scales on the queen's body were extremely hard, and the broadsword in Suldak's hand chopped on it, leaving only a white mark .

However, the Queen Ant's dark hands had already firmly grasped the blade, her upper body was as soft as a snake, and she put that creepy face in front of Suldak, opened her mouth and stretched out a Stab the sword at Suldak.

At this moment, the tree vines controlled by those druids had rushed to the surrounding of the ghost ant queen. They seemed to have received some kind of blessing. Some white roots grew on the surface of each tree vine, and more than a dozen tree vines Like a spirit snake, it entangled the ghost-print ant queen, and grabbed several of its outriggers tightly.

Gulitum, who was catching up from behind, stretched out his hand and dragged Suldak back, barely avoiding it and stabbing him face-to-face.

Carrie Decker charged forward with a shot, but left a white spot on the chest of the Ghost Ant Queen.

The six outriggers of the Ghost Queen Ant were entangled by the vines, and she couldn't break free for a while. At this time, root systems drilled out of the soil. These roots all had turquoise life marks, like chains of shackles holding the ghost. The queen ant was stuck in place.

The Sky Strike Bow in the hands of Samira, who was standing not far away, shattered a magic spar again, and the arms of the bow were filled with lightning power, and a light arrow shot out again.

Accompanied by the light arrow, a thunderbolt hit the top of the ghost pattern ant queen's head at the same time, and the light arrow also successfully penetrated the ghost pattern ant queen's chest, and the ghost pattern ant queen let out a mournful hiss again, her face The whole body has been extremely twisted, but the body can't break free from the tree roots no matter what.

Just as she was struggling again, the ogre covered in ice armor hit it on the head with a stick, and the blow almost made it stunned.

The druid elders also gathered around one after another,

Suldak raised the broadsword that shone with holy light, and inserted it into the gap between its joints. The broadsword cut through the thin hard armor, and the ghost ant queen immediately broke a black outrigger.

Seeing this, the ghost-striped ant queen screamed again, and countless ghost-striped red ants rushed over like crazy.

A blue-green light spot appeared on the upper body of the Ghost Queen Ant Queen, and then her abdomen suddenly swelled up, and then she opened her mouth to spit out a large amount of acid.

The vines and roots quickly melted away in the acid solution, and the ghost ant queen quickly retreated towards the ant colony after she was freed.

Seeing that the ghost ant queen wanted to escape, Suldak tried his last bit of sacred breath to draw a 'call to war' rune language in front of him.

A light door appeared in the center of the huge magic pattern circle, and as the light door opened wide, a dragon chant came from inside...

gone today

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