Lord Highlander

Chapter 1321: 1308. Under the Battlefield

The moment the red dragon Yiser came out of the light gate, the battlefield in front of him was filled with a large number of red ants, and the ghost-striped queen quickly fled in the direction of the ant colony. Yiser's innate hunting instinct made her stare round Eyes, the whole body escaped from the light gate, and then spread out the dragon wings more than ten meters long, and ran out of the light gate with two hind legs in great strides.

Just kicking forward hard on the boulder in place, the dragon wing flapped hard twice and then rose into the air.

The crimson dragon scales even reflected Suldak's face red, and the aboriginal druids with tree vines sat down in fright, and they stared angrily at the low-altitude flight. The red dragon, everyone has a big mouth.

Iser didn't even say hello to Suldak, it only had one leg broken in its eyes, and the ghost pattern ant queen who was running away when she fled.

With a dragon cry, Yiser's abdomen suddenly released a trace of fire. The flame condensed in Yiser's stomach, as if it could transmit heat to the outside through the thick dragon scales.

As its belly got bigger and bigger, the bright red light finally formed a dazzling flame, and a scorching dragon's breath was sprayed out from Iser's mouth, accompanied by a large amount of magma, all poured on the ground. In the ant colony that has just gathered together.

Right under the flames, the ghost ant queen jumped up suddenly, and even a mottled shield appeared on her body, but it broke after only a few seconds under Iser's dragon's breath, but the ant queen borrowed In just a few seconds, he nimbly jumped into the air.

The battlefield below was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, and all the red ants stained with the breath of the dragon were like a group of dancers on the fire.

They ran and fled with all their might, screaming death...

At this time, the Ghost Queen Ant was about to jump onto the canopy of a giant mushroom.

Just when it jumped up, the red dragon Iser, who just took off from behind, stretched its neck, opened its huge mouth and bit the queen ant. Its sharp teeth almost crushed the hard legs of the ghost queen ant. Bitten off all of them, and then shook her head violently. The ant queen who was held in her mouth by Iser was shaken to a mess. She was going to stab Iser's chin with a leg like a spear, but at this time It seems impossible to do it at all.

The ghost ant queen desperately resisted the red dragon Iser, and she even gave up all six hard legs to escape from the dragon's mouth.

At this moment, only her humanoid upper body and half of the black carapace fell to the ground, looking like a human female whose lower body got into the hard carapace.

With her remaining hands, she crawled on the grass like crazy.

A group of ghost pattern soldier ants wanted to protect their queen, but unfortunately, Iser, who gathered the dragon wings and landed on the grass, stepped on the hard carapace and could not continue to crawl forward.

In the distance, the queen's personal guards had rushed out of the mushroom forest, and dozens of ghost-striped drones were even bigger than Iser.

At this time, Iser bit the ghost ant queen again, and then hung upside down in mid-air.

Suldak also caught up from behind. He first glanced at the ghost ant queen hanging in the air, and then the voice of World Tree came from the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness: "Lord Suldak, please don't kill it, I have a better way of handling it..."

Hearing the message from World Tree, Suldak quickly waved at Iser.

Iser, who was planning to swallow the ghostly ant queen in one gulp, stopped, shook her head violently, threw the ant queen to the ground, stomped on it with a huge dragon claw, and then slammed the ferocious dragon The head stretched out in front of Suldak, and asked him, "What's the matter? Dak."

"Iser, you can't eat it yet, I keep it and it's still useful!" Suldak raised his head and said loudly to Iser who was folding his wings.

"I caught this!" The red dragon Iser roared and said to Suldak in dragon language.

Suldak responded in dragon language: "You can taste those big guys first, this ant queen does not belong to you completely, it needs to be taken out and distributed with other allies."

Although the red dragon Iser roared again, he didn't continue to bite the ghost-striped ant queen. He just stepped on the hard armor of the ghost-striped ant queen to pieces, and then he spread his wings and rushed into the red ant colony. middle.

The destructive power of a red dragon that has mastered dragon language magic is extremely terrifying, especially when it faces a group of weak ants.

Those bulky ghost-striped male ants had no power to resist in front of the red dragon Iser. After being struck by Iser's claws, the exposed heads were almost swallowed into their stomachs.

Iser killed all directions in the ant colony, and Suldak squatted down and looked at the ghost-print ant queen lying flat in a pool of blood.

For the aesthetics of normal humans, although the Ghost Queen Ant has half of a human body, this half of her body is covered with dark red scales. The dark red is like the color of scabbed blood. There is no hair on the head, but some white fluffy fluff.

From the chest down, it looks like a silkworm chrysalis...or more similar to a crab shell that has lost its legs, but there are still sections of ring-shaped decorations on the hard carapace on the back.

Although she was bitten to death by Iser, the powerful aura of the ant queen did not dissipate.

Suldak found that it was very different from the young ant queens he had seen before. First of all, this ant queen does not have wings. If it had wings, Iser would not be able to catch it so easily. In addition, it has a half-human body without a fat belly.

Now the hard armor was cracked by Yiser, and the whole body was scorched by the dragon's breath. Suldak even felt that it might die at any time with such a serious injury.

At this time, Suldak felt the cold and disgusting breath of destruction and the vast and majestic breath of life, which appeared in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness almost at the same time.

"If it wasn't for you, I might have returned to the prosperous age of 10,000 years ago on the Bailin plane!"

The cold and disgusting aura of destruction remained silent.

"Now you can choose to end your sins with a single cry, or you can choose to sign a soul contract, and the entire ant tribe will become slaves in this valley..."

The cold and disgusting aura of destruction extended outward, trying to impact the majestic aura of life, but was oppressed by the majestic aura of life and kept retreating.

"I see! Lord Suldak, we can do it!" World Tree sent a message to Suldak with spiritual power.

Suldak understood the meaning of World Tree's so-called hands-on action, which was to kill the ghost-print ant queen.

He immediately held the broad sword and walked towards the dying ghost pattern ant queen.

"Wait... I am willing to sign a soul contract..."

An extremely cold voice came into Suldak's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

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