Lord Highlander

Chapter 1327: 1314. Great Lord

After the Bailin plane entered January, the lord army led by Suldak began to withdraw from the Dark Insect Valley. Before the arrival of spring, 300,000 aborigines of the southern tribes will continue to migrate to Worm Valley.

Once spring comes, the Poison Mist Swamp will completely seal the gate of the Dark Worm Valley, and it will become very difficult to enter the Dark Worm Valley.

Fortunately, these southern tribal aborigines have already arrived at the copper mine resettlement site in Invercargill Forest. From there, they only need to follow the caravan to the bridgehead camp on the north bank of the Great Rift Valley, and then drive to the dark worm valley from the bridgehead camp. The karst cave, if the journey is divided, each section only needs to walk for three or four days.

Moreover, the caravan also dispatched some four-wheeled carriages to carry the children and old people of the aboriginal tribes in the south. This large-scale migration was not officially organized, but the migration efficiency was much higher than that of the officially organized migration activities. Many aborigines walked forward without saying a word. Even though it was getting colder as they went north, they never complained about suffering and tiredness.

A large amount of dry food was prepared with the military business group.

Along the way, there are porridge sheds that provide free oatmeal porridge everywhere. Drinking a bowl of porridge can not only fill your stomach, but also drive away the cold.

Elder Bai Jide knew that the reason why these business groups were able to take care of these people was that Lord Suldak said hello to the accompanying business group, but after all, the number of people he migrated was as high as 300,000. For porridge, the food consumed every day should also be calculated by car.

In the past few days, the aborigines on the dark worm valley have started to drive a group of ghost pattern worker ants to manage the mushroom forest in the valley. Many fresh and tender ghost mushrooms hidden in the ant nests have been collected by the aborigines and quickly sent to In the hands of the lord of Suldak, it is said that this mushroom is a precious magic herb, and the price has always remained high in the magic market.

In addition, 30 tribal druids led 30,000 aboriginal fighters to join Earl Suldak's lord army.

Elder Baijide arranged for some aborigines to transform a large number of giant mushrooms around the world tree into livable mushroom huts. Although these huts are still relatively rough, the first group of tribe aborigines who rushed to the dark insect valley have already If you live in it, this kind of mushroom hut is very suitable for living, but it takes a lot of thought to make them very comfortable, such as the upper and lower floor partitions, beds, doors and windows, etc.

When the lord army withdrew from the entrance of the cave, in order to enable the aborigines of the tribe to be able to resist the northern rocs, Suldak left eighty bed crossbows in the dark worm valley. These bed crossbows will be moved into the dark worm valley. The residents drove the ghost pattern worker ants to place eighty bed crossbows on the umbrella tops of the giant mushrooms.

These aboriginal warriors, who are the children of nature, will use bed crossbows to hunt and kill northern roc birds in the dark insect valley.

For this reason, Suldak also spent a huge sum of money to order a hundred shooting crossbows from the imperial capital.

These magic giant crossbows are lighter than bed crossbows, but they don't have a chassis wheel frame, and the crossbow bolts are nearly two-thirds smaller than the giant crossbow bolts of bed crossbows. This kind of sky-shooting crossbow mainly has a pitching frame with a larger adjustment angle, and can easily aim at the roc bird hovering in the sky, because the crossbow arrows use shorter pure iron shafts, and the air-to-air range is much better than that of the bed crossbow.

Just to customize this batch of sky-shooting crossbows, merchants still need to go to the imperial capital with orders and magic spar, so it is still full of uncertainty whether the merchants who go to the imperial capital can come back before the poisonous mist swamp seals the dark worm valley.

The lord's army retreated back to the bridgehead camp in the Great Rift Valley, and the adventure group finally ended their winter hunting trip.

The main troops of the Lord's Army went to the Three Rivers Plain one after another. After the river thawed, the Lord's Army would fight in the area where the Red Ridge Giant Turtle was located.


In mid-January 258.9, Suerdak submitted an application to Wilkes City to open up the territory, formally including the Dark Insect Valley into the territorial territory, and promised to divide the poisonous mist swamp around the Dark Insect Valley and the surrounding area. The large lakes of the Grimm Empire were released to complete the 433 territory development agreement of the Grimm Empire.

This time Lord Suldak's lord army on the Bailin plane has increased to 100,000, which has almost exceeded the sum of the private armies owned by the noble lords of Wilkes City. Most of the fertile land in the north belongs to the lord of Suldak. Although Suldak does not have a large area of ​​grassland, it stretches from hills and mountains in the south to the dark worm valley in the north. After owning this large area of ​​land, Suldak has become a white forest. The first great lord of the plane.

So after the application submitted by Suldak was sent to Wilkes City, it was immediately placed on the desk of the Consul of Florian.

The Consul of Florian readily signed his name, and then the application was submitted to the House of Representatives in Wilkes City. Erkers City was approved.

Immediately, clerks from the Bureau of Land Management will rush to the Dark Worm Valley to check the approximate area of ​​the land.

But in fact, this place is already considered the private property of Earl Suldak. The only thing that makes Selena feel depressed is that the aborigines of these southern tribes have their own beliefs, and no one wants to become a follower of the Evernight Goddess.

Suldak has only now figured out one thing. In fact, the Grimm Empire's policy on the tribal aborigines on the plane is relatively loose.

The imperial army has repeatedly clashed with the aborigines. The main reason is that in order to occupy more land, the local lords will impose tyranny on the local tribal aborigines when they enter the city. Take the aboriginal herdsmen in the northern occupied area of ​​the Bailin plane as an example. The local nobles and lords almost always hire them to herd horses at the cheapest price, and some are even free labor...

Suldak came to Wilkes City again because Wilkes City held a meeting of noble lords.

It is not the first time that Suldak has come to Wilkes City. The only place he is most familiar with in this city is the road from the portal to the north gate, and the Wilkes City Military Headquarters. Did not stop in Wilkes City.

Surdak took Samira to stay in a hotel called 'The Hill' near the military headquarters in Wilkes City. The decoration of this hotel is very special, it looks like a dwarf. It is said that the entire building is Hidden in a large mound, and lived in it, I found that every room inside is round, with round rooms, round doors and windows, and the beds and wooden tables in the rooms look like Simple partitions.

Even the waiters here are forest dwarves from the elf world.

The outside of the hotel is covered by large vines, although it is January, these vines still show a hint of green.

Wilkes City is not cold. Walking on the streets of the city in the afternoon, there is a very slow inland river in the city. The water in the river is not clear. Occasionally, some women can be seen squatting by the river to wash clothes. The child was squatting by the river, fishing with a fishing rod in his hand. The fish hidden in the river were lazy, or maybe their bait was bad, and there was only half a barrel of clear water in the wooden barrel.

Samira, the half-elf archer, and Carrie Decker, the gun rose, walked in front. The two looked at the shops on the other side of the river and whispered to each other about women.

Suldak and Gulitum walked side by side, and the two-headed ogre grew a lot taller. This time he fought against the ghost-striped red ants, and his strength improved by leaps and bounds. It was Gulitum, whose height was almost straight. Pushing four meters, Suldak is considered a slightly burly man among the people of the Green Empire, but standing next to the two-headed ogre, it just reached his waist...

A row of protruding bone spurs had grown from the back of the two-headed ogre, and the totem pattern on its body became more and more complicated.

Andrew and Wolf Knight Tiger were recuperating in Dodan Town. This time they escaped from the gate of hell, and it would take at least two or three months before they fully recovered.

When the group of children by the river saw the tall two-headed ogre, they seemed to be stunned by his burly figure. They stood on the pier with their mouths wide open, and saliva flowed from the corners of their mouths.

A young girl with a stack of toast on her head had just walked onto the bridge when she saw a two-headed ogre approaching and fell into the river in fright.

Fortunately, Carrie Decker had a quick eye, and before she fell into the river, he quickly pulled the girl up.

"Are you okay?" Carrie Decker shook his hand in front of the girl's eyes.

The girl put down the bread basket on her head, and seeing that the bread and butter inside was still there, she squeezed out a wry smile and shook her head. She also said a little thank you, but she didn't know how to say it.

"How much is this butter bread?" The huge figure squatted in front of the girl, the eyes of the two heads fell on the butter bread, and one of the heads asked in a low voice.

"Seven copper coins for each loaf..." The girl replied with a guilty conscience, unavoidably worried: What should I do if he stretches out his hand to snatch it?

"I take care of everything." The two-headed ogre said without raising its head.

The girl was slightly startled when she heard the husky voice, and then two shiny silver coins flew out and landed firmly in the young girl's palm.

Then, the basket above Gu Nian's head suddenly lightened, and a stack of bread was scooped up by a big hand.

She stood at the end of the bridge and watched those people leave, she was speechless for a while.

"Dark, why are we going to the lord's meeting in the Bailin plane?" Gulitum asked Suldak while stuffing half of the toasted bread into his good brother Brain.

"At least come here to get acquainted. After all, everyone is the lord of the Bailin plane, and it is necessary to meet." Suldak walked forward along the stone road in the inner river, and the chamber of the House of Representatives was tall The roof is already in view.

This is the administrative center of Wilkes City, the city hall, the chamber of the House of Representatives, the guard battalion and the city security brigade are almost all nearby.

This was the first time for Suldak to participate in the lord meeting of the Bailin plane, and he did not know all the councilors at the meeting.

But no matter where he goes, there will always be members of parliament who come up to greet him warmly, and many of them will introduce themselves.

The seat where Suldak sat in this meeting was at the front of the noble lords in the House of Representatives, which fully shows that Suldak, as the great lord who owns the largest territory in the Bailin plane, is also among all the noble lords. superior.

During the whole meeting, Suldak seldom spoke. He only suggested to the Speaker of the House of Representatives that Wilkes City should build an airport terminal at the end of the meeting. In the near future, the copper mine in Invercargill Forest would also be Build an airport terminal, and then the magic airship will be able to pass.

The speaker just said to consider it, once Wilkes City built the airport terminal, the agreement signed with the Pengniao clan will be completely invalidated.

This is not what other noble lords want to see.

The lord meeting also discussed the prospects for the development of animal husbandry and mining in the Bailin plane. Animal husbandry is considered the industrial pillar of the Bailin plane. Suldak has no pastures, so it did not participate in this topic.

But he owns two mines.

In fact, the copper and iron mines from the Invercargill Forest have almost monopolized the metal market in Wilkes City at low prices in the past six months.

There are some other small lords on the Bailin plane who have a small amount of mineral deposits, but since the Suldak Copper Mine began to export copper ingots, the copper ingots produced by these small mines have no profit at all. To smelt a copper ingot, the local lord had to put a few copper plates into it.

So these little lords hoped that Lord Suldak could increase the price of copper ingots, but this proposal was rejected by Suldak without hesitation.

If the price of copper ingots is increased, these copper ingots of his will not be competitive in Bena City.

Regarding Suldak's tough attitude, the other little lords had absolutely nothing to do.

After the lord meeting in Wilkes City, Suldak declined the sumptuous dinner prepared by the House of Representatives, and then walked through the portal that night and returned to the residence of Marquis Luther in Bena City.

This time the Marquis Luther knew he was coming in advance and prepared a sumptuous dinner at the Marquis Mansion.

Marquis Luther was also very surprised by the results of Suldak's battle against the Bailin plane. He expected to occupy part of the Sanhe Plain, but he didn't expect Suldak to open his mouth so wide. It almost swallowed two-thirds of the land of the Sanhe Plain in one bite, and then it will have to stuff the remaining one-third into its mouth before giving up.

He knew that Suldak would send troops to fight against the ghost-striped red ants, and he thought he was just trying to earn some magic crystals and magic materials from the red ants, but he didn't expect that this time he would wipe out the entire ant tribe in the dark worm valley in one fell swoop.

It must be known that the Grand Duke Newman led the Benar Legion after hesitating for a long time, and finally announced that the Benar Legion would withdraw from the Bailin plane.

At the beginning, I was worried about the connection between the ant clan and the rocs, but looking at it now, even if the ghost-striped red ants were wiped out, it seems that the rocs did not take any large-scale retaliatory actions...

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