Lord Highlander

Chapter 1328: 1315. Magic Pattern

The back garden of the Marquis Mansion was covered by a thick layer of snow, and the gardening green plants turned into snow walls and ice sculptures, and the corridors had been cleared.

Marquis Luther walked in front, his thick leather boots left a clear footprint on the snow, and Suldak followed obediently. Although the back garden of the Marquis's mansion was beautiful, it was very deserted.

This is the best location in the aristocratic area of ​​Bena City. From the back garden, you can see the tall tower top of the Newman Duke's Mansion.

The sky was blue, the air was crisp, and gusts of cold wind carried debris of ice and snow, scraping on his face like sharp blades.

Mrs. Mabel's three daughters were married after the Harvest Festival. Marquis Luther was fighting on the Nasha plane at that time and did not attend the wedding of the three daughters, but the dowry was not inferior to any nobleman. Servi's dowry is probably just missing a city.

The daughters were all married, and the Marquis Mansion seemed much deserted.

The Marquis of Luther has no son, and everyone knows that Hathaway is the first heir to the Luther family, so Suldak seems to have become half the owner of this place.

The gazebo in the back garden was cleaned out by the attendants. Marquis Luther walked into the gazebo, looking at the snow scene in the backyard, it could be seen that he was in a very good mood.

Mrs. Marianne led a group of maids serving steaming tea. Suldak saw Mrs. Marianne approaching from a distance, and immediately stepped out of the pavilion to salute Mrs. Marianne.

Madam Marianne has nothing to dissatisfy with this son-in-law who has gone from a little knight step by step to the present, and has become a great lord in the province of Bena. This young man has a very good chivalry spirit, fairness, humility, and compassion ,courage……

Thinking of this, she couldn't help admiring her husband's vicious eyes.

"What are you going to do next?" Marquis Luther held on to the cold railing with both hands, and the wrinkles between his brows were as if carved with a knife.

"Wait until spring, the lord's army will continue to explore the Three Rivers Plain. I plan to achieve the goal of occupying the entire Three Rivers Plain before summer." Suldak took a cup of hot tea from Mrs. Marian and said to Marquis Luther.

Marquis Luther knew the situation in the Bailin plane very well. He turned his head and asked in surprise, "Oh? Then what method have you come up with to deal with those giant redback turtles?"

"During the dry season, let them come out of the lake, and then let the ghost pattern soldier ants fill up with their lives..." Suldak said casually.

Marquis Luther took a breath, apparently ignoring the matter.

While Suldak occupied the Dark Worm Valley, he also conquered the ghost-striped red ants. He was fully capable of dominating those ghost-striped red ants. Marquis Luther suddenly discovered that the greatest value of these ghost-striped red ants was not the demons in their bodies. Nuclear and hard armor, but can become the cheapest cannon fodder on the battlefield...

"Keep this kind of thing as secret as possible."

Marquis Luther wanted to say something, then turned his head to look at Suldak, and found him standing beside him with a calm face, so he gave some advice to Suldak:

"Your territory has risen too fast, and the power you possess has clearly threatened the real big lords in the province of Bena. They will even worry about the power in your hands once you take over the lord army of the Luthor family in the future. It will break the balance of forces in Bena Province, so in the next period of time, you'd better be able to restrain yourself."

Suldak nodded and said: "Understood, this time I have decided to give up the territorial allocation of the Three Rivers Plain. Regardless of whether the war on the Bailin plane can end before the summer, I will return to Rui before the end of the spring." Special City to accompany Hathaway."

Seeing that Marquis Luther did not say a word, Suldak continued: "Ruyt City has already saved enough construction funds, and the wealth harvested from this plane war is enough to support the paving of the road leading to the north of the tower, and the city The extension of the garden."

"In addition, Invercargill Forest and Dark Worm Valley also need time to stabilize the situation, so I plan to return to Ruyt City to live for a while."

Suldak was talking about his plans for the next six months.

Marquis Luther asked Suldak: "What are you going to do with those birds in the north?"

Without even thinking about it, Suldak said, "The second batch of sky-shooting crossbow orders have been sent out. This time I'm going to order five three-masted magic airships. I'm going to build an airport terminal on the Bailin plane. I'm using Sky shooting crossbows and magic airships form the initial force of air combat to suppress the area of ​​activity of the roc."

Marquis Luther did not expect that Suldak would buy five magic airships at once. You must know that the price of an ordinary magic airship is about two thousand magic crystals, and the price of a large magic airship is doubled. , but also to train the captain and crew of the airship, each airship represents a huge expense.

"It seems that you have gained a lot from the ghost-striped red ants this time." Marquis Luther said to Suldak.

Suldak nodded and said, "And some benefits will be continuous... By the way, this time I brought you and Mrs. Marian a gift."

As he said that, Suldak pulled out a magic sealing box from his magic belt. This is a No. 3 magic sealing box. It doesn't look special. After Suldak opened the magic sealing box, Rolls of red black-striped magic skin were exposed inside.

Marquis Luther looked over curiously, and said, "Oh? I thought the supplies you brought over in a carriage were gifts for us!"

Suldak said with a smile: "Those are just some picked out spoils, I want you to share them with Mrs. Marian, they are not a gift."

As he spoke, Suldak picked out two volumes of magic skins from the magic sealing box and placed them on the stone platform in the pavilion.

"What is this?" Marquis Luther asked curiously as he looked at the magic skin scroll.

It's not that Marquis Luther has never seen a magic scroll. The magic scroll made by a magician is much more delicate than these magic skin scrolls, so he asked this question.

Suldak didn't hide anything, and said frankly: "This is a magic pattern that can strengthen the body. It is different from the structure of the magic pattern of the inscriber. This kind of magic pattern does not need to be painted, but the whole piece of magic skin is implanted directly. Body."

Suldak unfolded the magic skin, which was peeled off from the body of a giant ghost-patterned soldier ant, so it was square, but the edges were a little irregular.

"My carrying capacity is almost at full capacity now..." Marquis Luther said to Suldak.

When people reach middle age, their physical fitness declines year by year, so even their own carrying capacity also decreases. Surdak did not expect Marquis Luther to maintain his own carrying capacity so well.

Suldak explained: "This actually doesn't require much carrying capacity, so I also prepared a copy of this kind of magic pattern for Madam Marian."

After hearing what Suldak said, Marquis Luther asked curiously, "Then what benefits can this magic pattern bring me?"

"Enhance some strength and endurance." Surdak replied.

Marquis Luther's eyes lit up slightly, and then he said, "It seems that I really can't refuse!"

Immediately afterwards, he was a little curious about what magic pattern Suldak prepared for Marian, so he asked, "Then what did you prepare for Marian?"

Suldak quickly unfolded the second magic skin, pointed to the magic patterns on it, and said, "Agile and balanced, this will make Madam dance more lightly at the ball."

Hearing that Suldak actually prepared a magic skin for herself, Mrs. Marian said curiously: "Dak, although I learned some sword skills when I was young, I can't even count as a first-round swordsman. So are you sure I can use this magic skin?"

"Of course, Madam Marianne, I carefully prepared this for you!" Suldak said confidently.

Probably the Marquis of Luther and Mrs. Marianne were looking forward to it, so the dinner that had been prepared so sumptuously was tasteless.

Marquis Luther is also planning to take Suldak to the ball held by the lords of Beina City, and let him take the opportunity to get to know some nobles of the upper class of Beina City. Because the magic skin will be implanted at night, he will participate in the ball. Also canceled.

In the guest room on the second floor, Suldak spent half the night, and finally implanted two life magic lines for Marquis Luther and Mrs. Marian.

Marquis Luther himself is a second-rank swordsman. He has two magic pattern structures drawn by the inscription master himself, which are on the lower abdomen and thigh, so Suldak implanted the magic pattern this time. Marquis Luther's left chest, of course, was very successful. After all, Suldak had at least successfully implanted hundreds of such magic patterns.

Feeling the sudden power in his body, Marquis Luther said to Suldak with emotion on his face: "Now I finally know why Speaker Fred always looks at you differently. When you rescued him back then, did you also give him Implanting such a magic pattern, and thus improving his body?"

Although Suldak didn't speak, he didn't deny it either.

Suldak considered a lot about implanting the magic skin for Mrs. Marian, but this magic pattern is not too complicated, so Mrs. Marian finally decided to implant it on her calf.

After the magic pattern was successfully implanted in Mrs. Marianne's right calf, she stood up from the sofa and took a step forward. Unexpectedly, there was an obvious feeling of stagnation in both legs. It looks extremely light.

"What a wonderful ability, I really hope this is a nourishing magic pattern, at least it can make my skin look younger..." Mrs. Marian stood in the middle of the room, lifted her petticoat, and stared at the magic pattern carved on herself. The calf sighed.

Suldak stared at Mrs. Marian with a speechless face, and swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

Because in addition to this quick-growing and balanced life magic pattern, he really has a nourishing magic pattern, but he thinks that magic pattern is useless, so he didn't take it out.

Mrs. Marianne couldn't wait to dance with Marquess Luther in the living room. The light dance made her look like a forest elf dancing on flower petals.

She was in a good mood and whispered to Marquis Luther: "I think...the reason why the elves have such a high talent for dancing is that they probably have such magic lines somewhere on their bodies..."

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