Lord Highlander

Chapter 1330 1317. Inside the City 2

The magic caravan was driving on the mountain road of Oak Ridge, the snow made the mountains and fields white, and there were hawks hovering in the blue sky.

In the mountains, a gray hare sprang out from the snow cave, every time it jumped, it could fly a few meters away, but the kite eagle was still like a falling meteor, pounced on the gray rabbit, and the kite eagle accurately landed on the hare. Flopping behind the hare, the moment it hit the ground, it spread its wings and grabbed the back of the hare with its strong claws. The eagle and the hare rolled a few somersaults on the hillside before the hawk struggled to get out of the snow slope. climb up.

The two paws only grabbed the weakened rabbit and flew back into the air.

Old Sheila's eyes fell back into the carriage from the snow scene outside the window, and looked at Suldak who was wearing a delicate armor opposite.

She knew that the affluent life in front of her family was the result of this man's hard work from the battlefield.

The Grimm Empire has a nationwide recruitment system, and a large number of soldiers die on the battlefield every year. For civilians, if they can come back alive from the battlefield, then their life has officially begun.

In the past, what Woer Village feared most was the letter sent back from afar, because that letter was likely to be a bad news.

Because civilian soldiers rarely make money on the battlefield...

The eagle in the mountains still needs to fight for a rabbit in the snow-covered world. Now Suldak is leading an army to fight outside. I really don't know what kind of pressure he has to bear.

She closed her sore and astringent eyes, and Little Peter was beside Old Sheila, pulling up the blanket on her lap.

Suldak, who was sitting across from him, raised his head, and he found that little Peter had really grown up a lot, as if he had transformed from a naive child into a well-behaved boy all of a sudden.

He rubbed his hands together, and told Little Peter again:

"Recently, it is the best time for you to learn meditation and magic perception. You must complete the exercises that Captain Gerald asks you to do carefully, and don't get tired. He is the most outstanding magician in Hailansa City. teacher."

Little Peter complained to Suldak with a bitter face:

"Father, I don't like the profession of magician very much. I wear a black robe every day and lock myself in the laboratory of the magic tower. What fun can I have?"

Suldak reached out and touched Peter's hair, and said to him seriously: "As long as you awaken the magic pool, you can become a magician nobleman. Do you know what that means?"

Little Peter shook his head blankly.

"At that time, you will know how much envy your peers will arouse when you walk into that gorgeous magic tower, and how different your life will be when you gather a flame in your palm!" Suldak said to Little Peter drew a big cake, and then said: "When you become an adult, countless nobles will come to your door and propose to you to marry their beautiful daughters to you, and they will also bring a generous dowry."

Speaking of which, Suldak smiled slightly, as if thinking of something interesting.

"But I want to be an excellent knight like you." Little Peter said his ideal.

But Suldak shook his head and said: "If you have magical talent, I hope you can become a magician, because you will meet more competitors on the road of knights, and you may not get the holy light." Your favor... So I hope you can try to participate in the awakening ceremony, if you can't become a magician, you can go to the Knight Academy in time."

Listening to Suldak's detailed planning of little Peter's future, old Sheila's eyes rarely revealed a trace of tenderness.

In her blurred vision, little Peter was Duck's appearance when he was a child, even his personality and some small movements were exactly the same, so little Peter was the softest part of her numb heart.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Little Peter agreed obediently.

The wheels of the magic caravan smashed the ice and snow on the road, and passed the south gate of Hailansa City before the gate was closed. A group of knights standing at the gate stood neatly on the suspension bridge and walked towards the carriage. Standard military salute.

Although Suldak was too lazy to greet them, he still had to push the door open and raised his hand to greet the knights.

Seeing those knights sucking their fat stomachs into their chests and saluting their father solemnly, Little Peter felt very proud.

A gorgeous magic caravan was parked on the side of the road at the gate of the city, and the emblem on the carriage was the emblem of the Christie family.

When Suldak's carriage slowly passed by, the door suddenly opened, revealing Dacie Christie's thin face inside, the news of Suldak's return to Hailansa, except for Natasha in the city , only Karl knows, it seems that his good friend sent the head of the news to Mrs. Mariana.


Suldak shouted at the coachman.

The coachman cleverly drove the magic caravan to the side of the road, and the two Gubolai horses spewing out this white water vapor were restlessly pawing the ground with their hooves.

The coachman hurriedly jumped off the driver's seat and took out a huge towel to wipe the sweat of the steaming horse. In this kind of weather, once the sweat on the horse's body condensed into ice, it would be easy to get sick.

Suldak jumped out of the carriage and looked behind.

Dacie Christie, who was wearing an aristocratic dress and a silver fur scarf around her neck, stepped out of the magic caravan at this moment, looking towards this side with some sharp eyes, it seemed that she was here specially waiting for Suldak.

Suldak strode over, his leather boots creaking on the snow.

"I heard that you're back, so I just want to see you." Daxi squeezed a smile on her face, but her voice was a bit cold.

Probably the person who came back from the ferry of the Styx would become stronger in character, and she now has a full aura.

"If you want to find me for anything, you can send me a letter." Suldak said to Daxi.

When he saw Daxi, he couldn't help but remind him of that Baron Armand Dacone who was hiding in the Dunstan family. Recently, Suldak really met him a few times beside Speaker Fred.

"How long can you stay in Hailansa City this time?" Daxi stood beside Surdak, talking next to the low bush wall on the street.

A group of Knights of the Christie family separated the pedestrians so that the two could not be disturbed by others.

"Leave tomorrow morning."

Surdak looked at the bustling street and immediately became a little congested, frowning.

Daxi smiled and said, "So if I don't wait for you anymore, I'm afraid I won't see you this time!"

Suldak turned around and looked at Daxi. Although she had fully recovered, she was much thinner. The cheekbones on her face were a little prominent, but her eyes were very bright.

Suldak continued: "I heard from Karl that you managed the city of Hailansa well. As the consul of Hailansa city, as long as you control the army in the city, no one will dare to spy on your position, and After all, we are also allies, so you can write to me if you have any troubles."

Hearing what Suldak said, Daxi showed a trace of disappointment in her eyes. She raised her lips into a very far-fetched smile, with a stubborn and arrogant look in her pride. She turned her head so that Suldak could not see herself. Heartbroken.

After a short silence, more and more magic caravans were congested on the street.

"Little Peter is still waiting for me over there..." Suldak made an apologetic gesture, expressing his desire to leave.

Daxi suddenly turned around and shouted:


Suldak stopped in his tracks...

"I seem to have forgotten that I should say thank you..."

Darcy felt that this sentence contained all her strength.

Suldak waved his hand, jumped onto the carriage in two strides, and told the coachman to move forward.

In the evening in the city of Hailansa, after the sunset, the shadows in the city gradually increased. The shops on both sides of the street began to light up the windows full of goods, and there was even a scent of barbecue in the street.

Perhaps it was because he had been on the battlefield for too long. Looking at the strong atmosphere of the market, Suldak felt the strong atmosphere of killing in his heart become a little duller.


The magic caravan is parked in front of a row of small buildings in the magic block. It only takes five minutes to walk to the magic union from here. This is a gathering area for magicians. Many magicians live here, so although the house is not too big, But the rent is no cheaper than the mansions in the aristocratic district.

This house was rented by Lance for Suldak at the beginning, because it is very close to the Magic Union, and Little Peter will not walk too far to the Magic Union every day, and Gerald the magician is Helansa The head of the law enforcement team of the Magic Union is usually very busy. Once he can't take care of little Peter, little Peter can just run home casually.

Suldak got out of the compartment of the magic caravan first, and the servant ran out quickly to open the door, and helped little Peter carry old Sheila out of the compartment.

Natasha stood at the door, hugging a thick blanket. When she saw Suldak, her eyes were full of joy and a little bit of resentment.

"I'm tired, I want to sleep for a while!" Old Sheila said to Natasha, and then closed her eyes.

If it weren't for Suldak accompanying him all the way, old Sheila's physical condition would not be able to complete this trip at all.

"Grandma, I'll take you to the room that was prepared for you earlier." Little Peter took the initiative to stand up, and together with the servants, took Old Sheila to the room that was prepared for her.

Old Sheila was lying on the big soft bed, tightly holding on to little Peter's hand, not wanting to let go.


In the living room, Suldak opened his arms towards Natasha. Natasha, who was wearing a home skirt, came over and snuggled into his arms, resting her head on his chest. My nose is itchy.

She smelled like lavender.

"Sorry, it's been so long since I came back to see you." Suldak whispered to Natasha.

Natasha shook her head vigorously, hugged his waist even tighter with her hands, and replied in a low voice: "The current life... I am already very content, really."

Even if there is a place to take a bath in the military camp, it is far less comfortable than the bathtub at home, not to mention that there is a gentle wife rubbing her back carefully.

The dinner is very simple to prepare, grilled meatballs and wheat cakes, and creamy mushroom soup, which is warm in the stomach.

The two went to bed naturally. On winter nights, there is no place more comfortable than a warm bed.

Suldak was probably also due to his mental relaxation, and fell asleep almost without talking a few words. Natasha wrapped him tightly from the back of Suldak.


In the battle of the Dark Worm Valley, Suldak also received a part of the World Tree.

He felt that since he communicated with World Tree, the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness has grown a lot again.

In the dream, Suldak walked into the door in the middle of the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness again, and jumped into the sea of ​​ice. He could even stretch his body and wave his arms to wave the cold sea water in front of him, facing the waves on the sea. Swim to the land full of ice and snow.

Although the low-temperature seawater almost froze his soul, he still gritted his teeth and persisted...

Until he was exhausted, one arm just rested on the ice on the shore. This was not the first time he touched the edge of the land.

Surdak struggled to float his body out of the water, turned over and lay down on the snow-covered land.

After lying down for a long time, he felt that his body was covered with frost, and his body was almost frozen into a popsicle, so he tried to move his joints a little bit to get up, and walked towards the snow peak step by step against the ice and snow.

Obviously it's just the soul and his own spiritual body climbing the snow peak, making it look like he has a real body.

It wasn't until he fell down on the snow-covered hillside again that Suldak woke up from his sleep.

He opened his eyes and looked at the sunlight coming in through the cracks in the curtains. The sky should be bright now. He hugged the quilt and leaned against the head of the bed sorely, feeling his stomach growling, and was thinking about getting out of bed and eating something , Natasha brought the prepared breakfast to the bedside.

Suldak insisted on getting up and taking a shower, and then the two had a hearty breakfast in bed.

Suldak put on the magicweave structure again, and then went downstairs to bid farewell to old Sheila.

Only then did he walk out of the villa and board the magic caravan that had been waiting outside.


The magic caravan drove Suldak to the garden hotel in Hailansa City, greeted Boss Cohen, quickly climbed to the top floor room, pushed open the wooden door and saw Aphrodite with a protruding belly , sitting by the window eating a smoked salamander neck.

She saw Suldak walk in, and asked Suldak while she was licking her grease-covered fingers:

"Do you want to go to Ruyt City and see those two again?"

Holding a fork, Suldak picked a piece of tender meat from the salamander's neck, tasted it, and asked, "Forget it, you should take a good rest, are you sure you want to go back to Pustule Mountain?"

"Compared to being in a villa in Hailansa City, I wish I could lie quietly on a wicker chair by the lava pool." Aphrodite said, rolling her eyes.

Suldak immediately comforted him with great interest: "Understood, how about I arrange Samira to accompany you?"

"Don't you feel the hostility towards me when she looked at me recently?" Aphrodite pouted.

"Uh... I'm always a little worried about leaving you there alone."

Suldak wanted to hug the succubus, but was pushed away by Aphrodite.

"I can call you here at any time, so there is nothing to worry about." There was a trace of disgust in Aphrodite's eyes, and then she said: "Okay, if you want to go, go, I have to sleep for a while, I will catch up with you." Leave before noon..."

The two of them are not in an ordinary match, just like an old couple who have been married for many years.

just one chapter

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