Lord Highlander

Chapter 1331: 1318. Reward

Most of the lord's army outside the bridgehead camp has gone to the upper camp of the Three Rivers Plain.

The large dam built there has been shut down due to the winter freezing period, but many preparations are being carried out in an orderly manner.

In order to be able to control the rivers in the upper reaches of the Sanhe Plain, this time Suldak specially transferred a group of craftsmen from Wall Village. They participated in the construction of the reservoir dam in Wall Village almost all the way. The reservoir dam in Woer Village is at least dozens of times larger, but the structure and principle of the dam are basically the same, except that there is no volcanic ash on the Bailin plane, and the large dam can only be formed by putting stones into iron cages. The main body, and then fill the gap in the middle of the dam with concrete.

When Suldak returned to the bridgehead camp, the main force of the lord's army had basically left. There were only some logistical supplies that needed to be pulled to the upper camp of the Sanhe Plain by a large number of carts. In addition, there were still a group of wounded soldiers. Temporarily recuperating at Qiaotou Camp.

There was no hustle and bustle of the past in the camp, and in the quiet winter day, people felt a little deserted.

Both Andrew and Wolf Knight Tiger are still recovering from their injuries at the bridgehead camp. Their injuries are basically healed, and they can do some simple exercises, but their bodies have not fully recovered. Any strenuous exercise may tear the healed wounds apart. The two of them Living here is mainly because Nika and the medical team are also in the Qiaotou camp.

In this battle against the Dark Insect Valley, it can be said that Nick and her treatment team have treated nearly ten thousand wounded soldiers of the Lord's Army. In addition to the Lord's Army, members of the adventure group will also run to the barracks if they are injured in the battle, as long as they pay enough rewards , The barracks also accepts injured members of the adventure group.

Nika and her medical team consisted entirely of women from the temple.

Back then, when the merchant Malakom sent those maids to Suldak, he never expected that these women would become the maids of the Temple of Dawn.

And now he has become a pharmacist in the medical team. With his excellent ability to identify herbs and treatment methods, he is loved by the soldiers of the Lord Army.

With the addition of the druids from the southern tribes, the medical team gradually became larger. These druids had known the maids in these natural temples before, and now they met again, and they would naturally talk about the past.

For Nika, she is the saint of the Shrine of Dawn, and the believers in Dodan Town who are composed of immigrants are still praying that she can return to the shrine as soon as possible.

Otherwise, there is no need to go to mass every week these days, but Nika obviously doesn't plan to just go back to Dodan.

Suldak opened the curtain of the tent and went outside, only to hear a knocking sound coming from all around.

After pulling out the tents, the garrison at the left-behind area has to pull out the iron rods smashed into the frozen soil in the open space of the general camp, and also clear up a large area of ​​land. Now that a large number of adventure groups have also evacuated from here, the size of the bridgehead camp is bound to be reduced. To the way it was before, so the large tracts of land that the camp had expanded before will be discarded.

And in the future, the entire Dark Worm Valley will no longer be a hunting spot, so these adventure groups will follow the lord army to the Three Rivers Plain to find new ways to make money.

Of course, there are also members of the adventure group who are thinking about living and trying to understand the information of the northern roc birds, but they failed to make some preparations for hunting those roc birds.

Suldak has long discovered that the Bailin plane has a lot of monster resources, but among the many sub-planes in the Bena province, the Bailin plane is not famous for producing monster materials.

The reason, at best, is that the lords here are very conservative, and to put it bluntly, the lords of the Bailin plane are more timid.

At the beginning, the vast land in the Bailin plane was developed by the Benar Legion under the Duke of Newman. Now this group of lords who settled in the Bailin plane is basically a group because their ancestors have made some meritorious deeds, or they have some in their hands. Spare money, exchanged for a piece of land from Duke Newman with merit and magic spar.

Not only are they content with the status quo, but they also have no idea at all about developing territories.

Especially in recent years, the plane wars in various places have suffered setbacks.

Even Grand Duke Newman's Bena Legion was stuck in the Warsaw plane and could not move. The Duke repeatedly sent a call-up order from the Warsaw plane, hoping that the noble lords of the Bena province could lead the lord's private army into the Warsaw plane and start There were also some great lords who responded positively, but as the lords' private army of those great lords were trapped on the Warsaw plane, the lords of the Bailin plane were even more afraid to act rashly.


Samira wore a set of salamander leather armor and stood guard outside our tent for Suldak.

At this time, seeing Suldak come out of the tent, he climbed back onto the platform of Lei Tingxi, his body was as nimble as a jungle cheetah, and after a few jumps, he climbed onto the 8.9-meter-high platform .

Suldak looked up at Samira stretching out his hand vigorously, only to find that Carrie Decker had just finished taking a shower in the wooden cabin on the platform, his hair was wet, and in such a winter day, he was wearing a thin towel and peeking out from the wooden cabin. He raised his upper body and greeted Surdak.

The white flower arms and the wet long hair formed a sharp contrast in color, especially the bulging breasts were ready to emerge from under the towel.

In the past, when he was in the Blue Bridge Fortress, Suldak even met Carrie Decker frankly, and he didn't have any special feelings at the time. Now this half-covered look makes him a little unacceptable...

Suldak immediately looked away, thinking that returning to the Bailin plane this time would reward the followers around him, so he raised his head again, squinted his eyes and shouted at Carrie Decker: "Carrie Decker, come to the medical tent later."

"We...? Okay, got it! Boss." Carrie Decker deliberately interpreted Suldak's call to her as two people, Samira and her.

Samira pretended not to hear, pushed open the door of the wooden house and went straight in.

From Carrie Decker's point of view, the half-elf archer seemed to lack the courage to face Suldak alone.


Suldak walked into the medical tent, and Nika was leading a group of maids in the tent to change the dressings for the wounded, making the tent noisy.

It wasn't until the group of wounded soldiers saw Suldak open the curtain and walk in that the surroundings quickly quieted down as if infected, only the sound of air-conditioning was left.

The aborigines of the southern tribes migrated from the south of the Bailin plane to the Dark Worm Valley this time. The aborigines did not carry much supplies with them, but the aborigines of these tribes carried back the large amount of herbs they had accumulated. In order to thank Suldak for taking care of the 300,000 aborigines along the way, the druid leader Elder Bai Jide donated a large amount of herbs to Lord Suldak.

Therefore, there are no herbs in the military camp. Only a very small part of these herbs are magic herbs, and the others are ordinary plants in the forest.

It's just that when these herbs are ground into medicinal powder, they will have a good self-healing effect under the preparation of the druids. Nika also followed the advice of the druids and gave these wounded soldiers every two days. Change the bandage once.

When Suldak walked into the tent, it happened that Nika and the maids were changing the healing medicine for these wounded soldiers.

Andrew and wolf knight Tiger were also lying in the innermost part of the wounded and sick tent. As the commander of the cavalry battalion, the tent where Andrew lived was an extension of the medical tent.

Although the two are connected as one, this side can be regarded as an independent area.

The two were lying on two separate wooden beds at the innermost side, and the Frostwolf Bonita was lying on the side of the wolf knight Tago's bed. His huge body was very conspicuous in the tent. When Suldak walked into the tent, it Sleeping with eyes closed.

Both Andrew and Tago were covered in bandages, like two mummies, tied tightly to the bed and unable to move, but even this did not affect their chatting mood in the slightest.

It seems that this orc wolf rider is very suitable for this kind of medical environment. There is still half a bottle of unfinished fruit wine beside the bed of the two of them...

The wolf knight Tiger suffered much more serious injuries than Andrew, and under the same treatment conditions, his wounds healed much faster than Andrew's. This is probably due to the physical problems of the orcs, and the orcs themselves also have very strong physical strength. Resilience, especially on orc wolf riding.

"Boss, why did you come back so soon?" Andrew lay on the bed, waving his only half-movable arm, and greeted Suldak.

In contrast, Wolf Knight Tiger was much more free, he could barely sit up from the bed.

"How are you two recovering?" Suldak walked between the beds of Andrew and Tago, sat on a stool and asked casually.

Andrew chuckled, and said energetically, "If Nika hadn't tied us up, I would have been going out for a ride on a horse. I think the wounds on my body have basically healed."

He wanted to show Suldak the flexibility of his body, but unfortunately, his whole body was almost bound by bandages, and he couldn't move at all...

Suldak smiled slightly. Of course he knew where Andrew was injured before, and pressed his hand towards his wound.


Even Andrew seemed unable to bear the pain, blushing and took a deep breath.

"Is this what you call 'recovering well'?" Suldak sneered.

However, such ridicule obviously did not affect Andrew.

"Head, you probably don't know, I was endowed with a new ability by that world tree..." Andrew touched the movable half arm to the floor under the bed, and then said to Suldak: "When my arm When I touched the ground, I could clearly feel a surge of life force pouring into my body, as if I had inexhaustible strength all over my body, and that feeling was like an aura of power magnified countless times."

"Both of you have this feeling?" Suldak looked at the wolf knight Tiger curiously.

Andrew and Tago looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Suldak possesses the 'Earth Nourishment' magic pattern, and the second magic pattern on his body has such an effect, which can continuously absorb power from the earth to nourish the body.

Now that Andrew and the wolf knight have obtained this ability out of thin air, Suldak was naturally very surprised, but he was relieved at will...

Since the two of them accepted World Tree's treatment with life essence, it's nothing to gain some World Tree's abilities, but they should communicate with World Tree if they have a chance someday.

Afterwards, Suldak thought of his reason for coming, and said to the wolf knight sitting beside him:

"Tigo, you have been working with Andrew for so long, and you probably know that Andrew has two magic lines on his body, which give him the power of fire and lightning."

When Tiger heard what Suldak said, he also nodded slightly to show that he knew.

For all things combat-related, this wolf knight is astute.

At this time, Carrie Decker, who was wearing light leather armor, and Samira, who was wearing fiery red, walked in from the outside at the same time, and the wounded barracks immediately became silent, even the sound of breathing in air-conditioning while changing the bandages disappeared. At this moment, all the wounded soldiers seem to have become indomitable heroes...

Go through the medical tent and into the area where Andrew and Tiger are.

Suldak motioned for Carrie Decker and Samira to sit down as well, and then said to several people:

"It just so happens that Carrie Decker is also here. In the battle of the Dark Worm Valley, I got a few good magic patterns..."

As he spoke he paused.

Samira understood immediately, stood up and lowered the curtains of Andrew and Tago's tent and the medical tent, and this place became an independent space.

Suldak first glanced at Andrew and found that he was covered with bandages, so he patted Samira on the shoulder, and while Samira was slightly startled, he reached out to remove her salamander shoulder armor and armguard, A round and white arm was revealed, on which was engraved the magic ape's 'double strike' magic pattern. This magic pattern was hidden on Samira's arm, and it would only be clearly revealed when she was running the magic pattern.

"Just like the picture of Samira, it's not the magic pattern structure engraved on the body by some inscription master, but it seems to have the same effect!" Suldak explained: "They all belong to the magic pattern and can give you Add some abilities to yourself, which can be to enhance your physique, strength, and agility, or to strengthen single abilities such as balance and speed. It can also allow you to have elemental powers such as fire, frost, and lightning. In short, you can choose one that will help you the most. of."

"Of course, the prerequisite is that I must have this kind of magic-striped magic skin."

Suldak continued: "Then I can help you implant your body so that you can acquire such abilities. Based on my current experience, fighters who strengthen their own strength can not only increase their combat effectiveness, but also increase their strength." It will be helpful to break through the current bottleneck... This time you and Carrie Decker can both choose a magic-striped magic skin."

"Boss, I have asked Master Inscription to engrave two magic pattern structures on my body." When Carrie Decker said this, he did not hesitate at all, and lowered his head to unbutton the leather breastplate directly. After taking off the leather breastplate, she turned around and lifted up the thin cotton vest, letting Suldak see the magicweave structure engraved on her back.

Suldak asked casually: "Are these two magic pattern structures a heavy burden on your carrying capacity?"


Carrie Decker was slightly taken aback, not understanding why Suldak asked such a question.

"I have always suspected that the magic-weave structure and this kind of magic-weave skin will not interact with each other. In the past, none of the people around me have inscribed this high-end magic-weave structure. If you want, I want to make a new one on you. try..."

Suldak said to Carrie Decker.

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