Lord Highlander

Chapter 1343: 1330. Ruyt City

After these young people walked into the tourist commune, they went straight to the front desk. They were wearing light leather armor, some accessories were hung on the weapons around their waists, and exquisite gold and silver ornaments were worn on their wrists. There was a sense of lightness in their steps. .

Suldak couldn't help but take a second look at the two beautiful girls.

In fact, he was not attracted by the beauty of young girls. In terms of the beauty of their faces, few girls can compare with Sia and Samira. elf.

Suldak only saw the shadows of Hathaway and Beatrice from them. It seemed that they had just walked out of the Swordsman Academy and faced the outside world with freshness, curiosity, and a little arrogance. , the young men next to them took good care of them.

Among them, the most shrewd and capable young swordsman asked the waitress in front of the bar:

"Hello, if we want to go to the Noma River to see the waterfall, how much does each person need to pay?"

The body of the mermaid girl from the Jana clan was covered with wet drops of water, which kept dripping down... The charm of the alien race was infinitely magnified on her body.

She introduced in a strange imperial language: "If you don't need any additional items, each person only needs three gold coins, and the travel period will be about three weeks. We will arrange professional tour guides to provide you with professional services throughout the journey. These three gold coins include the two gold coins that need to be paid for crossing the portal, and the other gold coin will cover your three simple meals a day, the cost of the magic caravan, and the cost of accommodation along the way. Stay in the most comfortable hotels in every town."

"Of course, if you want to eat something different along the way, you can choose to go out and find something to eat in an eye-catching restaurant, or you can choose our luxurious catering service, which will definitely let you experience the flavors of every town along the way. Delicious food."

"If you have any ideas about a hotel with four people in one room, you can also choose luxury accommodation service, and you can live in one room for one person throughout the whole process..."

"If you all want to enjoy the sunset on the prairie with those mermaid ladies after arriving at Lake Noma, this part of the fee will be added."

It can be seen that she has said these words many times, and can even recite them fluently with her eyes closed.

At this time, Xi Ya was not in the hall, she had just walked up to the second floor to handle some official business.

Suldak was alone on the sofa in the lounge area of ​​the lobby, with a cup of black tea on the table in front of him. He was also listening to the introduction of the mermaid lady of the Jana tribe. He didn't expect that the travel agency of Xiya and the others was so cheap For a trip across planes, ordinary people would need to spend at least two gold coins to pass through that portal.

The remaining one gold coin has to bear 21 days of living expenses and travel expenses. It is hard to imagine where the profit point of this tourism commune is... Is it also a compulsory consumption?

Suldak thought about it, and planned to mention it to Xiya later. If this kind of thing is done too much, it may have a certain impact on local tourism.

Just when he lowered his head to think about something, a gentle voice suddenly came from beside him: "Mr. Knight, are you also going to travel to Ganbu? If it is to visit Lake Noma, we just happen to go along the way..."

"...No, I chose another route. I want to try my luck in the land of collapse." Suldak raised his head, nodded slightly to the sweet-looking young female swordsman, and said casually.

The young female swordsman showed a regretful expression, and stepped back lightly. Her big white legs exposed under the leather armor moved like a light deer.

It's just that when she walked back to her companion, her voice became less gentle immediately, and she covered her face with her hands to ease her embarrassment, and said with some complaints:

"Gakitru, why don't we go to the canyon town to see those strange houses on the rock wall?"

The shrewd and capable male swordsman said gently: "Didn't everyone discuss last night that we will go to Lake Noma to watch Miss Mermaid's water dance performance..."

Someone on the side immediately echoed: "Please, let's stop arguing about this."

Another young man took the opportunity to say: "Actually, I think the most worthwhile place to visit in Ganbu plane is neither the canyon town nor Noma Lake, but Mukuso on the other side of the portal. The streets there are full of fresh elements now.”

"It's not easy to go to Mukuso, as long as we line up, we can step through that gate." The young swordsman named Gakitru said casually.

Although their chatting voice was very low, it still couldn't escape Suldak's ears.

A group of young people paid the deposit quickly, and that Gakitruu actually took out three magic crystals.

When they reached the gate of the tourist commune, the sweet-looking girl suddenly turned around, strode towards Suldak, and said softly:

"Mr. Knight, can I have lunch with you? I know there is a restaurant not too far from this that has a very good barbecue."

Suldak was thinking about how to reject this group of young people from other places, when he saw Xiya stepping down from upstairs. She was gently holding a long skirt with shark pattern in one hand, with light makeup painted on her face, showing a trace of A suppressive smile before saying:

"Sorry, he has promised me... to have lunch with me."

The young female swordsman looked at Siya, then at Suldak, with a hint of indignation towards Siya and a little disappointment on her face, she pouted and turned away without saying a word.

Xi Ya sat next to Surdak gracefully, and teased him: "I didn't expect you to be quite popular with little girls..."


When Suldak and Xiya left the tourist commune, they saw several young people walking in together. They were also dressed as members of an adventure group, and they were also talking about traveling to the Ganbu plane. Prepare some daily necessities here in Techeng. Many commodities here are very cheap.

Suldak opened the window and waited until the carriage drove away from the street and merged into the traffic on the street, then he smiled and asked Sia:

"Do you provide any free services to young members of the adventure group... How come so many members of the adventure group come to you?"

Xi Ya squinted her big blue eyes, stared at Surdak suspiciously for a while, and then explained: "I will teach them how to save money and enjoy better services when living outside, whether it is Whether you choose a restaurant or a hotel, there is a lot of learning involved.”

"That's all?" Suldak was a little disbelieving.

Xi Ya patted her chest and assured: "Well, that's all! It's very simple, isn't it? Many people choose the simpler way when they travel because they are afraid of trouble. After all, three gold coins are beneficial to many rich people. It's nothing at all."

"Didn't you drag the guests into a cabin and not allow them to come out unless they paid for some stones?" Suldak asked tentatively.

"Why do you have such evil thoughts?" Xi Ya glanced at Suldak with disdain.

Suldak said: "I just feel that the cost of three gold coins is not enough for them to complete the three-week journey to the plane."

The topic went back to how to save money. She seemed to have a lot of experience with this Siya. She pinched her white-eyed fingers like suet jade, and carefully calculated to Suldak: "Actually, saving money is still possible. The tour group When passing through the portal, we only pay the toll tax according to a passenger magic caravan. In fact, only five gold coins are needed. In addition, every hotel and restaurant in the small town has a negotiated price. The magic caravan is our own, and a coachman You only need to pay 60 silver coins a month with a guide, which is the highest commission standard in the industry in Ruyt City, so there is still money to be made, but the profit is small, but you also said that when we dry the cloth plane The fame has been established, and more people are willing to come here to play in the future, and more and more profit points will be made. What we need to do now is to accumulate word of mouth..."

"What's more, those who are willing to participate in this kind of tour group always hope to live better and eat better." Speaking of this, Siya sneered like a cunning fox again.

Suldak thought about the tourism industry that the Ganbu Plane was about to develop, and said: "Yes, in the future, the Ganbu Plane will establish a reputation for tourism. The streets are clean and tidy, and the hotels and restaurants... even street food To have some features, we need to make great efforts to build some public facilities, at least to make the road level..."

The magic caravan left the central square. There are a lot of vehicles on the streets of Ruyt City, half of which are trucks carrying various supplies. When these trucks pass through the portal, they still enjoy the subsidies from Mucuso City. , that is, the toll tax can be deducted from the commercial tax of Mukuso City.

The central square is very lively, and there are many people busy here.

It is rare to see those idle homeless people on the streets. It is said that these homeless people are currently under the unified management of the City Sanitation Bureau. As long as they can still work, they have to come out every morning to sweep the road and take out the garbage.

There are no street children to be seen on the street. According to Suldak's request, all these children will be rescued by Ruyt City, and they will work for this city when they become adults, or they will simply be transferred to the small town of Ganbu Plane Li is a civil servant until he pays off all the debts he owes before he can regain his freedom.

So the public benches on the streets of this city are not beds for homeless people, the trash cans in the alleys behind restaurants are not dining tables for homeless children, and the bridges are not temporary shelters for homeless old people.

Although these systems have been implemented, and Suldak will mobilize a large amount of expenditure on this every month, there is no detailed research on the specific effects.

In any case, at least it was hard to see those homeless people on the street.

The magic caravan has come to the catering plaza, and today the catering plaza has been fully completed. The entire food plaza has public drinking water facilities, toilets, and public dining areas. Rows of shops can’t wait to put their kitchens outside. The smell of barbecue and seafood flooded the entire street.

The entire dining area was crowded with diners, and the bustling crowd gathered into a stream of people pouring into the eating plaza, which seemed to be the most prosperous place in Ruyt City.

Suldak and Siya did not follow the crowd into the dining plaza. They sat in the magic caravan and looked at the bustling scene through the window. It was just a magic caravan standing still on the side of the street. It caught the attention of the guard battalion patrolling knights.

Xi Ya asked enviously, "How do you know this place will become more and more lively?"

"Although this is a slum area, it is located near the gate of Ruyt City. It has natural geographical advantages. This is the first place that foreign businessmen will see when they enter Ruyt City. And when it comes to catering, many restaurants require Gathering together has a competitive advantage, because when many people want to eat something good, they actually don’t know what they want to eat at all, and it’s always good to have more choices, so there is such a dining plaza.” Suldak said slowly.

"There is another group of consumers here, that is, some foreign businessmen. Look at that group of people. They have just arrived in Ruyt City, and they are newcomers. Naturally, they will choose to eat in crowded places, because crowded restaurants, The taste must not be too bad."

"Since these restaurants are open to the public and not dedicated to serving nobles, of course they should be built in places with the largest passenger flow."

Looking at the bustling market, Suldak couldn't remember how the steel workshop was full of chimneys.

"This has become the busiest place in Ruyt City at night..." Xi Ya continued to sigh.

Two guard battalion knights on steeds walked over slowly and stopped beside the magic caravan.

Suldak's magic caravan does not have any noble insignia, and it looks only a little more luxurious than the magic caravans that can be hired on the street. Hurry up gesture.

Another knight from the guard battalion said to the coachman with a serious face: "There is so much traffic here, why do you still park here? Do you recognize the sign of the no-parking area in front of you? Leave quickly, or you will be fined... ..."

The coachman was slightly startled, and just about to reveal his identity, the front window of the rear compartment was pushed open by Suldak, and Suldak said to the two knights: "Let's go here... ..."

Hearing the words of the consul of Suldak, the coachman looked at the two guard battalion knights speechlessly, raised his whip and tapped it on the buttocks of the horses.

The magic caravan began to move forward slowly, and then mixed into the crowded traffic.

"Hey! There are guard battalion knights who don't know you..." Xi Ya sat in the carriage and smiled.

"What's so strange about this? You can't expect everyone in the 3,000 guard battalion knights to know me. Besides, even if they know me, there's nothing wrong with enforcing the law like this. I have to abide by these rules!"

Suldak replied in a good mood, leaning on the leather sofa in the carriage.

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