Lord Highlander

Chapter 1344: 1331. Golden Whistle

The magic caravan stopped at the south gate of Ruyt City, and Suldak opened the door first and jumped out of the car.

Looking up at the tall city gate, there are six magic bed crossbows placed side by side on the huge arrow tower at the top, but these magic weapons are covered by thatch and are tied with black chains around them. Below the city wall are some warehouses for military supplies. Although the entire city wall It has been well repaired, and many broken places have been filled with pozzolanic cement, and the craftsmen have retained the original wall joints.

The hanging garden at the gate of the city has almost been built. Stone pillars more than 20 meters high rise from the city wall, dragging the huge arched stone beams, and these stone beams form a huge aerial corridor above the city wall.

Those dense construction wooden frames have been removed one after another, revealing the entire city gate. At the top of the city gate is a beautiful sky garden.

When many businessmen from other places came to Ruyt City for the first time, they would be attracted by the magnificent buildings above the city gate.

The passage at the gate of the city was full of traffic, and a large number of four-wheeled carriages carrying supplies entered Ruyt City in a long line from outside. Surdak saw that these four-wheeled carriages were not only loaded with food, but also some meat and dry goods. , Cloth, ironware, the items are very mixed, it can be seen that they are all transported to the dry cloth plane.

"Where are so many supplies shipped every day?" Surdak didn't think the residents of the Ganbu plane had such a high spending power.

"Well, the Ganbu plane won the war against the low-level demons. Many lords of Tarapagan will secretly go to Mukusuo City. It is said that they want to learn some details of the battle in the city. God, they will also encounter similar situations." Xi Ya said as usual.

"The first was the lords, and then there were some knights and adventure groups who wanted to enter Ganbu and visit some famous war sites. In fact, our travel agency also has such tourism projects. The war sites along the way are all our tours. Attractions, otherwise why do you think there is an adventure group willing to come to us."

"Now the resident population of Mukuso is less than 500,000, and the floating population is nearly 300,000. Even the townhouses in the outer city are almost full of residents. In addition, your outer city wall needs to be repaired. It has been parked for so long, and it has not been repaired, and I heard that many citizens are complaining about it."

"You may not know it yet, just because Mucuso City implements a subsidy for transmission tolls, and after the road leading to the town of Hammond is opened, supplies are sent to Mucuso City from the small towns around Mucuso City , far less expensive than transporting materials from the southern area of ​​Tarapakan around Ruyt City, so many merchants will buy materials from Tanan and send them to Mukuso.”

"At least half of the daily necessities of the 800,000 citizens will be transported from Ruyt City, that's why there are so many trucks in the city now."

Hearing Siya's words, Suldak patted his forehead. Originally, the meaning of the existence of these planes was to import resources into the Grimm Empire and maintain the prosperity of the Grimm Empire. Once the resources of these sub-planes were exhausted, the lord They abandoned. Unexpectedly, the current Ganbu plane is doing the opposite, and is currently absorbing various resources from Tanan to feed itself.

However, it is precisely this kind of business model that allowed Ruyte City and Mucuso City to return to their previous appearance in just two years, even more prosperous than before.

Now there are many business houses in the two cities, and the whole city can feel the vitality.

Suldak climbed up the city wall along the narrow steps. There is no vertical lift in the hanging garden. In order to climb the hanging garden, in addition to using the steps of the city wall, he has to climb six floors. Tall simple wooden ladder.

At present, the construction section at the gate of the city has been basically completed, and the sky garden has taken on the appearance it should have.

In the early spring, many green plants have been transplanted to the beams of the arch bridge. In the Suerdak plan, the columns and the construction bridge will be covered with ivy, and the upper corridor needs to be planted with two rows of tall hibiscus trees. A sky garden will surround half of Ruyt City.

Now that the part that has been repaired has revealed the tip of the iceberg, the citizens know that Suldak has such a big hand, and in order to collect money to build the sky garden, he still launched a plane war.

Last autumn, there were still countless people who criticized this matter, but with the victory of the Plane War, all these opposing voices were washed away by the tidal wave of cheers after the victory.

It was only this spring that many people in Ruyter began to seriously observe the building under construction.

"It's really grand..." Siya, who was halfway up, knocked on her legs and complained.

For a Jana sea tribe, asking them to climb stairs with phantom legs is definitely a very cruel thing.

Suldak stopped, hovered on the slow wooden steps, and said to Sia:

"In my design blueprint, this sky garden has more than just one floor, but this battle of the Bailin plane can at most build up the floor in front of me."

Xi Ya asked in surprise: "...How many layers should it have in your plan?"

"Fourth floor." Surdak replied.

Baron Martineau walked down the wooden stairs from above, and said with a serious face: "If it is built higher, the bottom stone pillar will not be able to bear the weight of the top..."

Suldak did not answer, but pointed to the eighteen marble-covered columns that had already been built in front of him, and praised:

"Martino, you have built this garden very well, which has exceeded my expectations, especially the reliefs on the pillars are exquisite."

Baron Martino said nonchalantly: "You can continuously deliver volcanic ash cement from the barren land. I'm just in charge of supervising the construction. It's not difficult. As for those reliefs, they are just carved by stonemasons on stone slabs. Then stick these relief slabs to the columns with pozzolan cement."

He is a stubborn person, and he is a very thoughtful architect. Once he decides on one thing, he must argue whether it is right or wrong.

"But what you said just now is that you want to continue to build this hanging garden upwards. I don't agree with this!" Martino said to Suldak again: "These pillars are only so thick. You want to continue to build up the building blocks. Next We need to add new load-bearing columns..."

"...Unless I can find those pumice stones for making floating devices, if there are enough pumice stones, theoretically, a palace can be floated in the air." Suldak turned around and interrupted Baron Martino.

Baron Martino was slightly taken aback. He couldn't argue against Suldac's idea, because it was theoretically possible.

However, the biggest and only problem with this idea is the 'floating stone'.

Martino said: "I know, but the three major floating mines of the Grimm Empire have all been abandoned many years ago...so this idea is impossible to realize, let's go, let's go to the tower north road!"

Baron Manino stepped forward, on the wooden stairway suspended in the air, pointed to a straight north road outside the city, and said to Suldak.

A group of people climbed up the wooden stairs to the main corridor of the hanging garden in one breath, and the view here became quite open, and the road leading to the north of Tarapakan came into view more clearly.

Luke and Charlie, who were in charge of the construction site of the Hanging Garden, heard that Suldak was here to inspect the progress of the project, and hurried over from the construction site where the concrete columns were being poured.

These two young men who came out of Woer Village expanded the Mukusuo No. 1 engineering and construction team to a scale of nearly ten thousand people. They are the actual managers of this huge engineering team, and now they have settled their homes in Lu It City.

The group went to the cement stone pillars under construction again, and Suerdak learned about the construction situation on site. Here, Suerdak once again felt the jungle made of reinforced concrete, full of the modern atmosphere in his memory.

He held the gray-white cement wall with one hand, looked at the concrete pillars surrounded by wooden planks, couldn't help closing his eyes, and felt the last bits of memory fragments left in the depths of the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

After a long time, Suldak opened his eyes and looked around with a lonely expression. Before leaving here, he invited Charlie, Luke and Baron Martino to return to the castle for dinner.


On the way back to the castle, several magic caravans at the crossroads in front of them caused road congestion. This is the only way to enter the aristocratic neighborhood. If you want to take a detour, you have to walk along the inner city wall until you reach the east and west walls. In order to enter the noble area from the passage over there.

The coachman was about to jump out of the carriage and run to the front to see what was going on.

Xi Ya cast the 'Boundary Vision' technique in the carriage, and happened to see that the cause of the congestion was the protruding decorations of two magical caravans with noble emblems twisted together. The place where they were together was cut off, but the coachmen on both sides seemed to be arguing, and the nobles in the carriage refused to show up, so they could only stand there for a while.

Suldak didn't want to judge the right or wrong of this kind of thing. According to the practice of nobles, it's your fault for being low.

But now that the two sides were at a stalemate, it seemed troublesome, so he waved decisively and asked the coachman to drive the magic caravan around the east wall.

The road here is relatively narrow and the road condition is relatively poor. The magic caravans of the nobles seldom go this way.

The magic caravan is driving slowly in the middle of the road. On both sides of the street are some stalls set up by vendors. Some craftsmen who have walked down the city wall are scattered on this street. They probably have some spare money in their hands. On the side of the street Stop and go, will buy some snacks in front of the street stalls.

The whole street is full of strong fireworks, and many residents of Ruyt City will also run here to buy snacks.

Pedestrians almost gave way to the magic caravan, and Suldak even teased Charlie, was it because the food at the construction site was so ordinary that so many craftsmen came out to buy street food, Charlie could only Complaining about the influx of a large amount of supplies into Ruyt City has directly led to these street snacks being rich in variety and low in price. There are always some craftsmen who are tired of eating the food on the construction site and will come out to change their taste.

When several people were chatting in the magic caravan, Xi Ya suddenly let out a cry of surprise, and then reached out and rang the bell to make the coachman stop.

Without saying anything, she opened the door and jumped out of the carriage, walking back quickly.

Suldak turned his head and looked through the rear window, just in time to see a slightly familiar figure sitting on the side of the street crying, his hands still covered with black iron chains, and three knights from the guard battalion were urging him on horseback. where to take.

Several knights from the guard battalion saw Sia walking over, and the leader obviously knew her and was explaining something.

Suldak looked at the dusty figure sitting on the ground again, and remembered that he had seen it in the tourist commune in the morning. It was the sweet-looking female swordsman who came over to strike up a conversation. The guard camp was locked.

He hesitated for a while, then got out of the carriage, came to Xi Ya and asked:

"what happened?"

A knight of the guard battalion saw that Suldak was wearing the magic pattern structure, and immediately responded: "My lord, this group of people stole in the city and were caught by us. According to the law of Ruyt City, their mastermind will will be put in prison, and other accomplices will be deported from Ruyt City."

Those young people were obviously a group of young swordsmen who had just graduated from the academy. Their eyes looked forward to the expectation of an adventurous life, and it could even be said that they knew nothing about the outside world, and they didn't look like thieves at all.

"What did they steal?" Suldak asked calmly.

"A bag of gold," replied the Knight of the Guard Battalion.

Suldak glanced at the female swordsman sitting on the ground blankly, and asked the guard knight: "Is the evidence conclusive?"

"Yes." The guard battalion knight continued.

Suldak said in a serious voice, "Let the two of them stay here and wait, you go and show me the trial notes."

Seeing that Suldak didn't intend to reveal her identity, Siya showed her identity badge to the three guard knights.

Probably seeing the position of the City Hall of Xiya, the knight captain of the guard battalion standing in the middle quickly stood up and said:

"There is no trial, the verdict is handed down on the spot, here are the verdict notes!"

Then he took out the parchment notebook the size of a palm in his arms. There were only a few words on it. Suldak took it over and glanced at it casually. Baron Si's pocket of gold coins?"

Without waiting for the captain of the guard battalion knight to answer, he turned around and asked the female swordsman sitting on the ground, "Do you... have anything to say?"

The female swordsman looked up and saw Suldak, and immediately remembered that he was the constructed knight she had seen at the tourist commune in the morning, and then she quickly said as if grabbing the last straw: "The pocket of gold coins belongs to us. We didn't steal them. They forced us to write those records. If we don't write them, we will be imprisoned..."

Her voice was full of grievances, and it could be seen that this was the first time she had experienced such a thing.

Suldak didn't look at the three guard battalion knights next to him who had come back to his senses. Siya saw that Suldak had a stern face and had no intention of continuing, so she immediately blew on his chest. . The front golden whistle.

Hearing this whistle, the three guard battalion knights standing aside could of course hear it. On the first day of their tenure, they will be specially trained to memorize several unique whistle sounds. We put down all the affairs at hand and immediately went to the place where the whistle sounded.

There are two such unique whistles in Ruyt City, and they should be in the hands of the consul and the Speaker of the House of Representatives respectively, but the two highest positions in Ruyt City are held by one person, so they just want to do something ——The governor-sama of Luit City came back yesterday.

Although I just glanced at it from a distance yesterday, that blurred figure overlapped infinitely with the constructed knight in front of me, and the captain of the constructed knight became paler and paler...

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