Lord Highlander

Chapter 1345 1332. Cleaning

Immediately, the sound of horseshoes came from both ends of the street...

A group of knights from the guard battalion rushed over from the edge of the city wall. The leader was a squadron leader with a fair face. They forcibly shuttled through the crowded streets with their superb riding skills, forcing pedestrians on the street to dodge to both sides. The small stalls that were not properly occupied were also knocked to the ground. With the shouts of people and the neighing of war horses, the whole street was in chaos.

Followed by the city defense team of the public security brigade, this street is on the edge of the city wall, they quickly mobilized their men to rush down from the city wall, and came towards this side for support.

Even the archers on the city wall aimed their arrows at the inner city. Rows of archers all drew their bows and appeared neatly on the towers of the city wall.

And the scene was even more silent.

Suldak stood there with a dark face, ignoring the guard battalion knights who rushed over immediately.

The knight squadron leader hurried over with his combat team, and seeing that there were no traces of fighting, he was about to lose his temper immediately, but he still endured the temper that was about to explode, dismounted and bowed to the three guard battalion knights standing aside. He asked in a low voice, "What's going on? Who is blowing the golden whistle here?"

The captain of the guard battalion glanced at Siya, and the squadron leader's eyes fell on Siya, and then he immediately recognized Siya's identity. In the past half a year, Siya was undoubtedly Sur on the side of the city hall. Spokesman for the Dark Archon.

The captain of the knight squadron handed over the horse to the subordinates behind him, walked quickly to Sia, his eyes passed over Suldak's face, but he failed to recognize the consul.

He asked Siya: "Miss Siya, Albin Bain, the squadron leader of the 7th Squadron of the Second Brigade of the Guard Battalion, is here to report for duty. What can I do for you?"

"I need you to bring everyone recorded on this page of notes here." Xi Ya handed the palm-sized sheepskin book to Albin Squadron Leader and said to him.

Squadron Captain Albin Bain was slightly taken aback when he picked up the sheepskin booklet. He looked back at the captain of the guard battalion beside him. His name was clearly written on the cover of the sheepskin booklet.

At this time, the City Guards had arrived, making the street even more crowded.

Sia said to the squadron leader Albin Bain again: "Oh, please go and invite that Baron Cervez..."

"Yes, Sir Siya." Squadron Captain Albin Bain narrowed his eyes and said sharply. He saw the young female swordsman sitting on the ground. Taking the opportunity to turn around, he secretly glared at the captain of the guard battalion. With a glance, blame him for not being able to handle such a small matter well.

In fact, he was the one who had just dealt with this matter, and Baron Cervez was also his close friend. They just met a brand new adventure group when they were eating in a restaurant at noon. Enough to spend, I think this fat sheep is not bad...

Xi Ya saw that he didn't move, and said: "Also, the person who bothered you went to invite Chief Nathaniel over."

Albin Bain frowned. He didn't think it was necessary to alarm President Nathaniel Mary.

Although the chief executive will definitely protect him, it will also reduce his impression points in his heart...

"Master Xiya, if you have doubts about this matter, you can go to the headquarters of the guard battalion to apply for a review. There is no need to create such a big mess, and the golden whistle in your hand is not used in this way." Albin Bain said to Sia said.

"Albin, shut up quickly! Don't you know Mr. Suldak Consul? He is Mr. Suldak Consul!" An officer squeezed out from the crowd was the city guard of an officer.

As he spoke, he walked quickly to Suldak, stood up straight and gave a military salute to Suldak, and then said loudly: "Lancelot, the city guard, sees Mr. Suldak Consul!"

Suldak had a dark face, showing some impatience, and waved to that Lancelot, motioning him to stand aside. Then he said:

"I'll just wait here and tell Nathaniel Marley to come over quickly, as well as that Baron Cervez, and other members of this adventure group, hurry up and don't interfere with my dinner. "

Albin Bain's eyes went dark, and his heart tightened and loosened suddenly. He never thought that he would be bumped into by Mr. Suldak Consul. He heard that Mr. Suldak Consul was very strict. It's not good for me to lose my position as the squadron leader, and I will be scolded by the elders in my family.

"Yes, my lord!" He didn't even dare to look at Suldak, and immediately bowed and retreated.

He took the reins of the horse from his subordinates, while secretly making gestures to tell the captain of the guard battalion to be calm, while thinking about how to explain to Chief Nathaniel later, and what gift he should use to impress him and let him save yourself.

Albin Bain gritted his teeth, and if he couldn't do it, he would agree to marry the fat daughter of the chief executive, and he had to overcome the current difficulties.

Then there was a murderous intent in his heart. If those young people were to be executed in prison, it would be said that they committed suicide in fear of crime... Forget it, there is a famous nobleman among those young people. The trade union law enforcement team must send manpower to investigate.

A squad of knights from the guard battalion poured into this street, and this street, which was not originally wide, became more and more congested.

The guard battalion knights who rushed over did not hear the sound of the golden whistle, but heard that someone blew the golden whistle here, and they all ran over.

The traffic on this street has been completely paralyzed. Some of the small merchants and citizens who were squeezed into the street stood there to watch the excitement, and some wanted to take advantage of the chaos to sneak out.

The knights of the guard battalion crowded outside didn't even know what happened here, so they could only ask each other.

Commander Nathaniel came here on horseback, and behind him was Captain Amos of the Second Brigade of the Guard Battalion, who was Albin Bain's immediate boss.

Baron Cervez didn't dare to come over at all. He heard the news from Albin Bain, so he immediately packed up some things and prepared to hide for the night. He will take the magic airship and run to his aunt in Bena City tomorrow morning. Go home and hide.

On the contrary, the young adventurers who were escorted to the prison of the guard camp were sent here early.

Suldak didn't even need to ask, this matter was done very roughly, but it was done in a more secretive way, and to scare these young people so that they would not dare to complain, he didn't want to track down the planner at any time, and he didn't need to know about the execution Everyone is there, because these situations are completely unnecessary for Suldak.

Commander Nathaniel jumped off his horse from a distance, surrounded by a group of guard battalion knights, and opened a passage for him.

Let him run up to Suldak panting with a fat belly. This kind of embarrassment seems to be able to win some sympathy from Suldak, and even calm him down a little.

Chief Nathaniel knows what kind of people he has under his command. There are knight captains with outstanding abilities, and some are noble children from various families in the city. Albin Bain is one of them. This fair-skinned young man has a good impression. I didn't expect such a big mess to be made today.

On the way here, he had a hasty discussion with Albin Bain. Since this matter was discovered by Mr. Suldak Consul, and it still needs to be thoroughly investigated on the spot, it is impossible to resolve it. In this case, Someone has to take the blame. If Albin Bain doesn’t want to recite it, let his friend Baron Cervez do it. Anyway, that kid doesn’t plan to live in the city of Ruyt, and Mr. Suldak Consul will also recite it. He won't always think about such a small matter, and wait for him to forget about it after a while, and then notify Qiervez to come back.

Chief Nathaniel thought this countermeasure was okay, so he hurried over with Amos, the captain of the second brigade.

"Master Consul Suldak, this may be a misunderstanding caused by the negligence of the knights in the guard battalion under me. I have already sent someone to summon Baron Cervez. I will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly and punish him severely. All those involved." Chief Nathaniel said out of breath.

His posture was very low, and he even got down on one knee to salute Suldak.

But under the eyes of everyone, he didn't wait for Suldak's support. He knelt there in embarrassment, with sweat streaming down his chubby forehead, and couldn't help but look up at Suldak...

At this time, Suldak passed Chief Nathaniel directly, and shouted to a group of guard knights following him:

"I called you here today. I don't want to accuse any of you, but since this kind of thing has appeared, it is very likely that you or your colleagues around you have done it, and you have participated in it, or you have not participated in it. Knowingly, or not knowing at all.”

"I'm here, and I can tell you responsibly that such dereliction of duty is not allowed in Ruyt City."

"And I summoned you to come here, and I want to take this opportunity to tell you that Ruyt City has given you the power to enforce the law. What you represent is the scepter and shield in the hands of the hero statue at the gate of the city hall, but now... Look at you people, how many of you are using this power to enrich yourself?"

"Now, Ruyt City and Mukuso City are almost connected as one. I need these two cities to restore their former prosperity from the war. I need foreign businessmen and adventure groups to inject vitality into these two cities. I want to tell everyone Bena people, the future Ganbu plane will become a resort."

"And you... are just the face of this city of Ruyt. The meaning of your existence is to treat everyone fairly and justly. Now that you have let the scepter bestowed on you by this city be stained, you will also lose your existence." significance"

"By using this incident, I want you to make it clear that I don't need law enforcement officers who dare to damage the reputation of Ruyt City!"

"At the same time... I don't need your apologies, not only a few of you, since this scepter is going to be cleaned from top to bottom, all of you, up to Nathaniel Marley, the chief of the guard battalion , Down to the gatekeeper, the guard, the groom, the kitchen cook, all of them will be sent to the barracks in the town of Hatangada on the Ganbu plane to undergo transformation."

"Those who feel that they don't deserve to be wronged and don't want to suffer, get out immediately."

"However, I hope that these people who voluntarily get out of the city can move out of Ruyt City as soon as possible in the next period of time, and it is best not to let me catch any violations of law and discipline, otherwise I will unceremoniously dismiss you Arrest them, let you squat in the prison of the guard camp, and confess to the cold wall every day the mistakes you made in the first half of your life."

"Don't feel how wronged you are. You people either do it or turn a blind eye...you are desecrating the uniform you wear."

"And don't tell me that you don't know. If you don't know, it can only prove that you are not a qualified guard knight at all."

"I'll give you one night to pack your luggage, and gather at the portal in the central square tomorrow morning. I hope that all departments can fully prepare the materials that need to be handed over."

Hearing what the Suldak consul said, Nathaniel Mali, the commander of the guard battalion kneeling on one knee, was completely dumbfounded.

In the history of the province of Bena, there have been incidents in which the knights of the guard battalion collectively made mistakes and were collectively demoted, or the consuls collectively dismissed all the officers above the squadron leader of the guard battalion after taking office. Going to the barracks on the Ganbu plane to accept reformation, the punishment is a bit too heavy.

"Master Consul Suldak..." Nathaniel Marley, the chief of the guard battalion, shouted in a panic. He felt that his voice had changed a bit.

Suldak waved his hands impatiently, bent down to get close to Nathaniel's fat ear and said sharply:

"If you still want the Ma Li family to continue to have a foothold in Ruyt City, you should accept this punishment honestly. Whether you know about it or not, I will blame you on it. If you know it or not, it means you You should be punished, you don’t know, and I have to question your ability to run the guard battalion.”

Chief Nathaniel's face was flushed, but at this moment he didn't dare to say anything, or made any protests, even the guard knights around him were in an uproar...


The biggest difference between Mr. Suldak Consul and other consuls is that he has a powerful army in his hands and is the great lord of Ganbu plane.

Whoever dares to stand up and question Suldak now will be condemned by the noble lords of the entire plane.

Suldak didn't even want to know the specific details of this matter. As more and more people gathered on this street, Suldak climbed onto the roof of the magic caravan and shouted at the slowly surging crowd. shouted:

"Here, I, Suldak, the current consul of Ruyt City, the great lord of the Ganbu plane, promise to you adventure groups and business groups that I will strengthen Ruyt City and In the security management of the Ganbu plane, anyone who violates the local security regulations will be severely punished, and if the law enforcement officers violate the security regulations, the entire department will be transferred to the frontier military camp to receive military training and rectification."

"I want to change this place into a stable, fair, civilized and harmonious Ruyt city."

"All foreign business groups and adventure groups will be accepted here, and you will not be treated unfairly just because you are outsiders. If anyone dares to violate the laws here, tell me their names, and I will let you They receive the most severe punishment."

"At the same time, I also want to warn those who like to challenge the guard knights and sheriffs. Please don't try to touch the public security regulations of Ruyt City. Although the prison of the Ruyt City Guard Battalion is not big, but this What the city lacks the most are laborers like you who don't need to pay wages."

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