Lord Highlander

Chapter 1347: 1334. Triumph

Before the early morning fog cleared, the central square of Ruyt City was crowded with guard battalion knights who came to report. There were five brigades in the Ruyt Guard Battalion, and each brigade occupied a corner of the square. The knights led Gu Bolai's war horses, wore standard armor, long swords on their waists, and light shields on their backs. Everyone was talking about what happened yesterday.

This extortion case has been told countless times by the knights, and everyone knows the truth of the matter.

Knight Albin Bain of the Second Battalion has become a celebrity in the guard battalion.

In the eyes of many guard battalion knights, what he did was serious.

According to the laws and regulations of Ruyt City, after this incident is exposed, at best, he will be fined and paraded through the streets, losing his decent job as a knight in the guard camp.

But now, the entire guard battalion has to be dispatched to the dry cloth plane, and everyone is quite critical of the punishment of the Suldak consul.

Knowing that it was this Albin Bain knight who blackmailed an adventure group, everyone was sent to Hatangada Town to suffer. It is inevitable that the other knights have some resentment in their hearts.

Many people think that this Albin Bain knight is stupid and stupid, and the most important thing is that his luck is too bad...

Now it caused everyone to suffer together, and everyone wanted to throw rotten eggs in his face.


In the square, Chief Nathaniel was riding in a magic caravan with curtains on the glass windows. He didn't even get out of the car, and just sat silently in the car.

The five captains of the guard battalion began to count the guard battalion knights present.

The result of the count was very surprising, only five personnel serving in the guard battalion were not present.

None of the five employees were knights in the guard camp, one was a temporary gardener, there were two servants in the kitchen, and two old men guarding the gatehouse. None of them had rushed to the central square, and the rest Everyone is here.

Those young people who tried to find a relationship to stay in Ruyt City last night were almost all honestly leading their horses and lining up in the team.

Temporary martial law was imposed around the square in the early hours of the morning, clearing an empty space for the guard battalion knights.

There were a lot of people seeing them off, and everyone was standing on the edge of the square waving goodbye to their relatives, and some people were cursing Surdak while sending farewell blessings.

When three thousand guard battalion knights led their horses and waited in the square, the square was immediately crowded with guard battalion knights and war horses. When the guard at the teleportation gate signaled that the guard battalion knights could pass through the portal, the knights rode on Gu Bo one after another. The horses passed through the portal filled with magical halos, and disappeared into the mirror one by one.

The portal in the central square of Ruyt City is considered to be a relatively small portal among the plane portals. Compared with the several-storey portal in the back garden of Duke Newman's mansion, the total building height of this portal is only 12 meters. , at most one magic caravan can be allowed to pass through.

It is simply impossible to let the Thunder Rhinoceros of the Thunder Rhino Merchant Group of the Malacombe Merchant pass through this portal...

Moreover, this kind of portal only has the ability to teleport in one direction during its operation.

Watching these knights from the guard battalion enter Mukusuo City dejectedly, the crowd outside the stadium finally could not suppress the sound of crying and cursing.

Chief Nathaniel's magic caravan was the last to drive into Mucuso City, and he had actually been waiting for Suldak to persuade him to stay, and then he stayed on, even if he handed over the real power of the guard battalion later, After a period of time, the position of chief executive is also handed over.

But what made him feel a little cold was that Suldak ignored him at all, or that he had already been forgotten by the Consul...

The Constructed Knights officially took over the guard camp last night. The whole city is not as Chief Nathaniel thought. There will be chaotic scenes on the streets and intersections in the morning. The sun still rises as usual. They set up stalls at the intersection of the street in the morning, and then the shops on both sides of the street also started to open, and there was a busy scene everywhere, which was no different from every morning in Ruyt City in the past.

Before the magic caravan entered the portal, Chief Nathaniel Ma Li looked back at Ruyt City again, and the carriage was completely swallowed by the mirror-like portal.


The nobles in Ruyt City finally saw Lord Suldak's tough tactics.

In the past few days, the commander of the city security brigade, Earl Mickey Mende, has had a hard time. He has been sleepless every night recently. What worries him most every day is that the governor of Suldak will send someone to the city security brigade. Taken over.

Like all the commanders of the city defense brigade, Earl Mickey Mende also made some manipulations with the logistics supplies in the city defense brigade's warehouse. If Kezhen sent someone to check the warehouse supplies of the City Anti-Security Brigade, Mickey Mende would lose his position as the commander of the City Anti-Security Brigade.

According to the guesses of the nobles in Ruyt City, the Suldak Consul wanted to hold the guard battalion and the city security brigade in his hands.

Now that the war on the Bailin plane has subsided, Lord Suldak has 100,000 lords in his hands. Although there are nearly 50,000 lords who are allies of other lords, Lord Suldak actually has to control it now. There are nearly 50,000 lords' private troops, not counting the permanent troops on the Ganbu plane.

In other words, Lord Suldak currently has such a large number of troops to deploy, even if all the positions of the City Defense Brigade and the Guard Battalion of Ruyt City are taken, Lord Suldak still has a way to eat them all.

Mickey Mende even wondered whether Hamas, the chief of the guard battalion in Mukuso City, would be so worried again.

The end of the plane war meant that a large number of meritorious officers and soldiers would withdraw from the army. Lord Suldak wanted to place these meritorious officials, so the guard battalion and the city security brigade were naturally the first choice.

The entire city of Ruyt was panicked by this incident, and the knight Albin Bain was cast aside by the entire Ruyt noble circle.


The lord's army finally arrived at the city of Ruyt in early June. All the soldiers returned to the city of Ruyt in a carriage this time. It also took a full four weeks.

As a large number of convoys transporting supplies entered the city of Ruyt, all the mountains and plains outside the city were soldiers who had returned in triumph, and the residents of the city boiled all of a sudden.

It seemed that everyone was looking forward to the safe return of the triumphant army, but when the convoy of the Lord's Army transporting supplies entered the city of Ruyt, everyone felt that it happened suddenly.

In the Green Empire, everyone knows that only continuous expansion can maintain the prosperity of the empire...

But this taste of victory, as a Ruyter, has not felt it for a long time.

What is it like specifically? When the trucks carrying a large amount of supplies crowded the central square in the city, and even caused a lot of congestion on the central street, countless businessmen stood on the street and cheered, because everyone knew that this time they came to Lu It is the right place to bet on trading in Yite City.

Lord Suldak was willing to bring back so many spoils of war, no doubt, in order to promote the trade between Ruyt City and Mukuso City.

This can also be regarded as a benefit to local businessmen.

Then I saw a large number of convoys carrying the soldiers of the Lord's Army. These vehicles didn't even enter the city, and they left the soldiers of the Lord's Army outside the city before turning around and leaving.

Not long after, the soldiers of the Lord's Army who came down from the carriage formed a square formation on the roadside outside the city, and soldiers of the Lord's Army could be seen everywhere in the mountains and fields outside the city.

In order to welcome these triumphant warriors, Suldak and the pregnant Hathaway appeared at the gate of Ruyt City at the same time.

Suldak also invited the noble lords in the city of Ruyt. The nobles could see clearly from the city wall, and the countless warriors standing outside the city looked like mountains and seas.

And they were all silent, like the calm before the storm, that kind of depression even made people unable to breathe.

The officers were commanding their respective battle groups, and entered Ruyte with the convoy of supplies in order. When the soldiers of the lord army entered the city, they stepped on the drawbridge at the gate of the city with neat steps. At this moment, it seemed that every officer would Shouted: "Head up... salute!"

All the soldiers of the lord army would salute Suldak before entering the city of Ruyt, so that Suldak couldn't be lazy if he wanted to. He could only stand by the wall and salute each passing phalanx .

The residents of the city had never seen such an orderly army. Their steps were almost identical, and every time they took a step, there would be a huge earthquake under their feet.


The phalanx of infantry soldiers of the Lord's Army entered the city, and the residents on both sides of the street were forced to retreat...

Although Hathaway was sitting on the wall at the gate of the city, and only occasionally stood up to look outside the city, sharp-eyed soldiers still saw Hathaway. Ordinary soldiers did not know Mrs. Hathaway, and among the officers in the Lord's Army Someone knew her identity and saw her appearing on the tower with a big belly, so they introduced her to the soldiers below in a low voice...

Then someone raised their arms and raised their arms and shouted excitedly. This kind of cheering can be quickly contagious, especially in such an exciting situation.

Soon everyone, including the residents of the city, raised their arms and shouted with the soldiers of the Lord Army:


The huge and majestic sound made the whole city tremble.

Immediately afterwards, the mages of the Ruyt City Magic Union rode through the sky on a magic scorpion. They were worried that someone would take the opportunity to make trouble.

For a long time, the traditional aristocracy and the magical aristocracy in the city have been in opposition.

But the magicians in the Magic Union of Ruyt City got along very well with Lord Suldak.

This is not a city controlled by a parliament controlled by nobles. There is only one real power here, and that is Lord Suldak.

Suldak held Hathaway's hand and waved towards the lords who entered the city, and suddenly there was overwhelming applause from all around.

The lords in Ruyt City finally knew how huge the mountain was pressing on their heads. Many people even felt that the surrounding air was frozen...

"This is our home, and I want to make it like a garden." Surdak said with emotion.

Hathaway glanced at the completed hanging garden above her head, as if she understood some of Suldak's ideas.

Before that, she had objected to Surdak spending huge sums of money to build a hanging garden.

It's just that she didn't say it all the time, and she didn't question Surdak.

Now she found that she seemed to understand Suldak a little bit, this was their home.

Hathaway held her heavy belly with one hand, pursed her lips slightly, and a faint smile appeared in her eyes.

Suldak pointed to the direction of the central square, and continued to Hathaway: "And that is our back garden, where most of my accumulated wealth will be gathered in the future, and every time I am away, you Help me watch it."

Hathaway knew that Suldak was talking about the dry cloth plane.

In fact, for the dry cloth plane without any mineral resources, it is somewhat unreasonable to define it as barren, but it is definitely not rich here.

She knew that Suldak wanted to develop the Ganbu plane, and he spent a lot of thought on this. Mukusuo City was almost rebuilt on the ruins, but Hathaway never thought that Suldak Ke is so fancy about the dry cloth plane.

Suldak tightened Hathaway's hand before saying, "Anyone who dares to be dishonest will be kicked out."

It can be seen that Suldak was very serious when he said this.

"Understood, I will take good care of my home!" Hathaway promised.


The lord army didn't stay in Ruyt City, they didn't even station outside the city, but returned to Ganbu plane through Ruyt City overnight.

An army of one hundred thousand entered Mukuso City with all its supplies, and the gate of Ruyt City was not closed all night, until the next morning, there were still troops left behind passing through the city.

The small traders in the city suddenly found a good business opportunity. They stood where the army passed by with their wares. As long as they handed the wares to the soldiers of the lord army, someone would definitely take them. The weird thing is that they actually give money.

Food, fruits, and drinks are the most popular here, and some exquisite gifts are also acceptable. The soldiers of the lord army are very generous. They don't even have the habit of carrying copper coins. They always hand over a silver coin every time. Son.

As a result, the small vendors exchanged a large amount of change. Later, when there was no more change to exchange, the small vendors discovered that these soldiers actually didn't mind buying more.

So throughout the morning, the streets in the city where the soldiers of the lord army passed were almost crowded with small vendors of all kinds.

The worst ones were the bakers holding magic sticks, they wished to stuff every soldier with a whole magic stick that could knock people unconscious, and the one who paid for the bread was often the captain of the team.

If you are lucky, the warrior squad can also buy fluffy white bread and even a glass of sweetened milk.

Those who are unlucky can only hold the baguette. It cannot be chewed with the mouth unless it is torn apart. Even so, there are many people who are willing to buy one.

When the soldiers of the lord army who passed through the portal with their sticks in their hands saw the long table on the Mukuso Hero Square and the free breakfast piled up on it, everyone regretted it...

Afterwards, the wargroups of the Lord Army were notified that the celebration of the Plane War would be held in Mukuso City.

At that time, Lord Suldak will be present.

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