Lord Highlander

Chapter 1348: 1335. Holding Hands

At the celebration party held in Mukuso City, almost all the residents of Mukuso City ran to the street to participate in the parade. A grand military parade was held on the Heroes Square in front of the City Hall. The grand celebration reception, by the time the reception ended, it was already midnight.

For the residents of Mukuso City, the celebration ceremony is far from over, and there are still a large number of people gathered on the street.

It seems that the whole city was storing wine that night, and was drunk by the residents of the city. The merchants urgently dispatched barrels of ale from Ruyt City. These oak barrels were shipped out from the portal, directly in the central The cork was cut open in the square, and the cloudy liquor exuded a strong smell of alcohol.

It seemed that Gullitum was not planning to return to Ruyt City. He was drinking with a group of infantry soldiers around the grill at this time.

Gullitum had already drunk too much, but his good brother was still sober enough to grab the iron skewer piercing the meat and stuff the big piece of mutton that was roasting sizzlingly into his mouth, the ogre His belly was already slightly bulging, and the totem magic pattern on his body was also exuding a halo of power. It was obvious that after he was drunk, he couldn't suppress the power in his body.

Good brother Naohuaer dare not drink like this. As a magician, the most important thing is the coordination of spells and hand-painted magic circles. Excessive drinking will make your hands and feet less flexible...

Because the lord of Suldak likes ale, it is popular in the whole city of Mukuso to drink ale.

Today's Mukuso is full of new scenes, neat and clean streets are planted with street trees and shrub low walls, and each road is equipped with trash cans and wooden benches, which are painted white. , looks very striking.

There is a free public cistern at the crossroads of every avenue. There is a water-gathering magic rune board locked inside the stone platform above the pool. This rune board gathers clear water into the pool day and night. The rune There is only the simplest magic circle on the board, so the water flowing out is only a trickle. When passers-by on the street pass by, it is no problem to wash their faces and drink some water, but it is completely impossible to use these clear water to water flowers and irrigate. Not enough.

In order to maintain the water supply of these reservoirs, Mukuso City has to spend nearly 50 magic crystals every month.

However, this move can be regarded as a complete solution to the problem that foreigners often cannot find water to drink when they come to Mukuso City. If Suldak wants to develop the tourism industry in Mukuso City, he needs to build a lot of public facilities in the city.

As a half-elf archer, Samira is very self-disciplined. Unlike the elves, she basically does not drink alcohol. Even if it is the sap wine and berry-flavored fruit wine brewed by the elves, her diet is relatively simple, and she occasionally eats a little Grilled fish, mostly just some fruit and veggies.

This time she and Siya accompanied Suldak to the celebration reception. As Suldak's assistant, Siya wanted to help Suldak hold back the wine, so she also drank a lot of ale, although Janna had a lot of wine. Strong ability to control water, but the alcohol invaded Xi Ya's sober consciousness a little bit. When the reception was about to end, Xi Ya hung almost half of her body on Suldak's shoulders.

Suldak's magic caravan was parked next to the Heroes' Square, and there was a six-hour time difference between the Ganbu plane in summer and the Green Empire on the Roland continent.

On the Ganbu plane, the time between day and night is shorter than that of the Grimm Empire, so it is already midnight on the Ganbu plane, while it is just evening on the Ruyt City side.

Suldak took a carriage to Ruyt City, and saw the setting sun just falling from the stone arch hole in the sky garden on the west side of the city wall.

Thinking of Carrie Decker who had just taken over the Guard Battalion in Ruyt City, he decided to visit the headquarters of the Guard Battalion in Ruyt City. He had already communicated with the bearded Edgar at the celebration reception. Two days later , Edgar the beard will lead 3,000 cavalry to join the Ruyt City Guard Battalion.

The magic caravan passed by the intersection of Seventh Avenue in the Magic District. Suldak was squinting his eyes slightly and resting his head on the back of the sofa. The drunk Sia rested his head on Suldak's shoulder, sleeping very soundly.

Samira was on the sofa on the opposite side of the carriage. This time she didn't wear light leather armor or a magic pattern structure, but a very rare white gauze dress that elf women often wear, and her feet were also wearing A pair of hard crystal sandals, although not wearing any expensive jewelry, but the whole person is like a fairy fairy who does not eat the fireworks of the world.

Some light pink lip gloss was applied to her lips, and her whole face became extremely vivid.

If it wasn't for the fact that she was by Suldak's side, those officers didn't dare to approach easily, maybe she would be completely surrounded by those officers tonight...

The wind outside the window was blowing her long hair draped over her shoulders, and the strands of hair fluttered back and forth between her cheeks, and the reflections of shop windows on Long Street flowed in her eyes.

At this moment, Suldak had a lot of feelings in his heart. He thought of something he had read in the newspaper... It was said to be news, maybe it was just a casually fabricated story about a young man who suffered a lot when he was young. A high-ranking official with many important events, when he sits in a high position, will be silent in those gentle villages in just a few years and cannot extricate himself. At that time, he couldn't understand it very much. How could those people's control become less firm the older they got?

Thinking about it now, I can only laugh at myself, but I can't take my eyes off Samira's charming eyes.

Seeing Suldak's fiery eyes, Samira didn't dodge, instead she met her gaze more resolutely. The two of them were facing each other in the carriage, and the ambiguous atmosphere became more and more intense...

Suldak stretched out his hand to hold the back of Samira's hand hanging by his side, but through the glass window, he vaguely saw a figure entering the alley. The figure was wearing a black robe with a hood attached to it, which almost covered Covering his entire face, his steps didn't look big, but the speed of his movement was very fast, which was fleeting in Suldak's eyes.

It wasn't his black robe that attracted Suldak's attention, but a faint breath emanating from him.

Although the aura was very, very weak, as a second-rank powerhouse, Suldak's body was filled with the power of the holy light, so he felt the faint aura very keenly.

His body exudes a breath that spreads outward like ripples. This kind of breath Suldak has felt in Earl Funak and Naomi more than once. It should be the death breath of the undead, so Surdak Dak suspected that he might be a necromancer.

The law promulgated by Ruyt City clearly stipulates that all undead warlocks in the city must register with the guard camp.

In Suldak's impression, there is no necromancer in Ruyt City, and looking at his back, it should not be the Naomi he is familiar with. Naomi's figure is much smaller than him. , and Naomi's limbs are stiff, and it is difficult to coordinate her arms and legs when walking, so she looks very unnatural.

But the pedestrian in the black robe has a very flexible body.

If it wasn't for Naomi... Suldak decided to chase him out the next moment!

He immediately let go of Samira's hand, supported Siya's head to the other side, and then quickly pushed open the carriage door. The magic caravan was still speeding on the street at this moment, and Suldak flew onto the street. , his body stepped over the low bush wall, lightly landed on the sidewalk, and ran towards the alley over there.

Before the pedestrians on the street even reacted, Suldak had already disappeared without a trace.

Samira also saw that figure, but she didn't want that person to affect her, so she chose to turn a blind eye. Unexpectedly, Suldak just glanced at it, sensed something was wrong, and chased after him without hesitation. .

Samira hated that figure to death, kicked her feet casually, took off the high-heeled crystal shoes, held the hem of the veil skirt with both hands, followed Suldak to jump out of the magic caravan with bare feet, arms A faint magic pattern appeared on the ground, and the next moment she landed on the street more lightly than Suldak.

Just as she flew out, she didn't forget to close the carriage door with her foot.

The two hardly needed to communicate. The moment Suldak rushed into the alley, Samira chose to jump onto the roof, and went directly from the roof of the side street to the front. Like a dragonfly flying in the wind, every time it taps on the ridge of the roof, it jumps forward seven or eight meters and disappears in a blink of an eye.

Suldak rushed into the alley, the 'halo of enthusiasm' had spread from his feet, and he lost sight of the man in his eyes.

Just being able to feel a trace of death energy flowing in the air, he chased forward very quickly for a certain distance, and then jumped onto a high wall again. Facing him, very quickly through the crowd.

Suldak put his hand on the hilt of his sword, jumped directly from the high wall to the opposite street, and chased after the figure.

Suldak was wearing an aristocratic dress, and he ran wildly on the street like this, and everyone would know that he was an aristocrat as long as they had eyes, and the pedestrians on the street dodged to both sides.

Seeing that the pursuit was getting closer, Suerdak pressed one hand on the hilt of the sword, and the other hand pressed the shoulder of the man running in front.

On the busy street, the man continued to run forward without looking back. Suldak pulled hard, and one sleeve of the black robe was pulled off by Suldak. It turned out that there was a bone arm inside. And the person in front also stopped, he turned his head, the hood covering the top of his head fell down, revealing a skull face shining with soul fire in the afterglow.

There was even a trace of ferocity in the steaming blue flame, the skeleton warrior stopped running, but raised his bone arm and rushed towards Suldak.

Suldak drew out the broadsword in the next moment, the blade exuded a faint holy light, when he swung the sword, afterimages of the five blades appeared at the same time, the bone arm of the skeleton warrior was just stiff He blocked the first blade of Suldak's sword, and was then shattered by the shadow of the sword behind him.

The broad sword didn't stop because of this, and then the afterimage slashed on the forehead of the skeleton warrior again, the skull on the forehead suddenly cracked, the holy light on the blade met the soul fire in the eye socket, and then the soul fire seemed to fall Like snowflakes in the pond, they were instantly melted by the holy light.

As the soul fire in the skeleton warrior's eye sockets was extinguished, the skeleton warrior instantly shattered into dry bones, and the broken black robe was also piled on the ground.

The pedestrians around were stunned by this unexpected incident, and everyone was staring at Suldak dumbfounded. The guard battalion knight who heard the sound of fighting in the distance also rode quickly towards this side.

Suldak squatted down and picked up the tattered clothes with the long sword in his hand. The pile of white bones on the ground almost turned into broken bones.

He couldn't find any useful clues from the broken bones. At this time, the crowd of onlookers slowly gathered towards this side, and the two guard battalion construction knights had already rushed over at this moment.

Suldak still didn't know... the most he chased was the stand-in puppet.

The one who was really chasing had already slipped away, but Samira hadn't come to join him for so long, so Suldak guessed that Samira hadn't lost track of him.

At this time, the guard battalion's constructed knights had recognized Suldak's identity, and were about to dismount to salute, Suldak quickly waved his hand and said, "Help me deal with this, I'll go to the front to see... "

"Yes, my lord!"

The knight in construction hurriedly got off his horse and saluted, watching Suldak leave, but there was only a pile of dead bones left on the scene. The knight in construction did not neglect, took out a cloth bag from the horse's back, and packed all the dead bones and tattered robes. Go in, and quickly clean up the scene...

When Suldak found Samira, he found her standing on the edge of the inland river in a daze.

"Where are people?" Suldak asked Samira, looking around, but did not find any prisoners or wounded.

Samira pointed to the small river in front of him, and said to Suldak, "Jump into the river and disappear..."

Suldak searched the river for a while, but he didn't feel that special dead air around him.

Samira regretted that she didn't wear the magic pattern structure. Even if she wore the light salamander leather armor, the target would not jump into the inland river. Thinking of this, she clenched the sky strike bow in her hand.

"What should I do?" Samira asked Suldak.

"Let's go, let's go to see Carrie Decker and ask her to arrange people to investigate in the city. Oh, the guard battalion may not have enough manpower these days, and it will be over in two days..." Suldakla Follow Samira back.

Samira lowered her head, she didn't know how red her face was at the moment, but her hand was tightly held by Suldak.

The two walked to the street step by step, and the coachman finally found him with the magic caravan. Suldak opened the door and got into the car, only to find that Sia was still sleeping soundly on the sofa, knowing nothing about what happened outside. Know.

Samira followed Surdak into the carriage, but instead of sitting across from her, she naturally sat with Surdak.

The sunset in the evening completely entered the horizon, and a red glow appeared in the sky, but Samira's mood was extremely bright at this moment...

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