Lord Highlander

Chapter 1349: 1336. Cemetery

Carrie Decker was sitting on the armchair in the office of the Chief of the Guard Battalion, with his two long legs resting on the edge of the desk. Her slender thighs are accentuated by tight leather trousers stretched across her legs, and a wide leather belt is tied around her waist. Santos' famous shotgun hangs on a nearby wall.

Her long black hair was scattered behind her back like a waterfall. Looking at the piles of documents on the desktop, she knew that there might not be any holidays these days.

Thinking of this made her a little irritable...

In the past two days, she has been busy with trivial matters in the guard camp. She handles all kinds of trivial matters in the guard camp, which is not what she is good at.

"Ellie, go and call out Knight Wilson!" Carrie Decker tapped on the armrest of the chair with her right hand, and ordered to the assistant in the compartment outside the door.

"But...Master Chief, Knight Wilson and the others have already left at this time, do you want to send someone to call them back?" Ellie asked Carrie Decker, who was in the room.

At this moment, Carrie Decker tapped his head, glanced at the darkened sky, waved and said:

"Forget it, I forgot that this is not a military camp."

After she finished speaking, she added: "Ai Li, you can leave too, I want to sit here for a while, you don't have to wait for me."

Ellie had actually been waiting for Carrie Decker to say this so that she could go home early, when she heard Carrie Decker say this, she immediately stood up and responded: "Okay, Carrie Chief Leigh Decker, you should go to bed early, too."

After speaking, she stood up, and her table had already been cleaned up.

"Yes." Carrie Decker replied.

Ellie left Carrie Decker's office lightly, with a look of relief on her face. She didn't let out a long breath until she entered the corridor, and walked quickly to the stairs.

When she reached the gate of the headquarters, Ellie just saw Earl Suldak and Captain Samira walking in from the outside, and hurriedly stood at the door, saluting Suldak and Samira.

Samira knew the assistant Carrie Decker, so she asked, "Ellie, is Carrie Decker in there?"

"Yes, Captain Samira." Ellie replied obediently, while waiting aside, if Samira asked her to lead the way, she would turn around and walk back.

But this time Samira just nodded slightly, and walked towards the stairs together with Suldak, without letting her lead the way.

Ellie also had some free time, and immediately walked out of the headquarters building of the guard battalion.


There was no light in the corridor, and the light was a little dark. The office door at the end was open, and a glimmer of light came from inside.

When Suldak and Samira walked to the door, they saw Carrie Decker holding a roll of documents to be signed and reading them carefully. The way she frowned delicately made her somewhat heroic show her A hint of femininity.

"It seems that our chief executive is very hardworking!" Samira laughed at the door.

Recently, the relationship between the two has become much closer, and it seems very casual to say a few jokes.

Carrie Decker heard Samira's voice, put down the document in his hand, and looked up at the door.

I just saw Suldak and Samira standing there side by side, stood up with surprise on his face, and said excitedly: "Boss, why are Samira and you guys here? I thought you left me here , leave me alone!"

Suldak knew that Carrie Decker needed more encouragement at this time, so he said:

"Hey, including Tago, I have only three second-rank knights under my command. If it weren't for the lack of suitable candidates, how could I have placed you here..."

"But no matter what, you have to help me keep an eye on this side during this time."

"Persist for a few more days, I'm going to transfer the bearded Edgar over and let him be your deputy. Let him handle the daily chores in the guard camp. He will also bring over 3,000 cavalry, and then you can Let the Construct Knights withdraw completely, but the position of the commander of the guard battalion is still up to you."

Carrie Decker didn't expect that Suldak had already arranged the rest of the matter. Thinking that such difficult days would not last long, he suddenly said excitedly: "Great, when will Edgar come over?"

"I'll probably arrive the day after tomorrow." Suldak thought about it.

Carrie Decker crossed the desk excitedly, hugged Samira tightly, and said excitedly, "I knew you wouldn't abandon me..."

Samira pushed away Carrie Decker, who was more than half a head taller than her, walked to Carrie Decker's chair and sat down. While looking at the office, she asked, "Hello... How have you been in the guard camp for the past two days? Have you felt the charm of power?"

"Forget it, there are endless chores to deal with every day." Carrie Decker moved a chair and asked Suldak to sit down.

She wanted to call Ellie to prepare two cups of black tea, only then did she realize that Ellie had already left.

Suldak sat down, and asked Carrie Decker, "How is it... Are you a bit unaccustomed to working here? Have you encountered any problems recently?"

"There are only a lot of trivial matters, and I haven't encountered any problems!" Carrie Decker replied, looked at the darkening sky outside, and then said, "Have you had dinner yet? Boss, seeing how hard I've been working recently, why don't you invite me?" I'll have dinner!"

After thinking about it, Suldak agreed, "Yes, I know there is a good barbecue restaurant."

Carrie Decker walked to the closet in the room, and quickly took off the uniform on his body. It was just summer, and Carrie Decker's uniform jacket only had a corset, and a large area of ​​snow-white skin was exposed on the shoulders, and he could even see To shallow magic lines.

Suldak withdrew his gaze, and his eyes fell on the desk. He flipped through the report scrolls on the desk casually. He picked up the scroll. A strange thing happened one after another in the cemetery. Someone would sponsor a kind of coffin for free to poor families. When someone in these poor families died, someone would come to the door and talk about it. , then he can offer them free coffins.

Regarding this matter, Carrie Decker sent a Constructed Knight to the slums to investigate, but the report was nothing special.

It is nothing more than that many poor people are very grateful to the cemetery owner who funded free coffins...

"Have you found anything?" Suldak pointed to the file in his hand and asked Carrie Decker.

Carrie Decker said casually: "No, the feedback from the slum area is relatively normal..."

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