Lord Highlander

Chapter 1352 1339. Tomb Raider

At the funeral, the young wife that the old Earl of Benton married in the last days of his life stood at the very edge, looking haggard and pale.

She stood helplessly on the edge of the tombstone, rubbing the obsidian tombstone with her white fingers that were almost translucent, and there was a trace of loneliness in her eyes.

There was a faint wry smile on the corner of her mouth, and a faint self-mockery in her eyes.

Suldak went up and said a few words to the wife of old Earl Benton. His mother is the first wife of the old Earl of Benton, and he will officially become the patriarch of the Benton family after the funeral, saying that he hopes that Suldak can participate in the power ceremony by then.

Minister Allen Benton's words revealed the meaning of attachment. He knew that in the city of Ruyter, the first nobles to hand out olive branches were the Ludwig family. In just this year, Ludwig Under the protection of Suldak, a lord army formed by the German family has achieved a very good record on the battlefield of the Bailin plane.

The first thing Minister Allen Benton did after taking control of the Benton family was to hope that he could bring the family together to be tied to the big ship of Lord Suldak.

Suldak smiled and nodded.

A group of people left the cemetery and walked down the stone steps to the foot of the mountain, where everyone's magic caravan was parked.

The wives of the old Earl of Benton and members of his family stood at the gate of the cemetery, bidding farewell to the nobles who attended the funeral. Behind the charming Mrs. Benton stood a few young people from the Benton family, watching They acted frivolously and kept whispering to the young people behind them.

Suldak could see that this charming Mrs. Benton might be the most excluded one, and she was also the most restless one.

He didn't want to provoke this kind of woman, but before leaving, he saw the youngest Mrs. Benton again...

When Suldak left, he nodded slightly to her.

And this young Mrs. Benton seemed to have fallen into a self-enclosed consciousness, standing in the crowd blankly.


When walking down the steps, the nobles behind Suldak were also talking in low voices as they walked.

Without knowing it, Suldak, who was more than ten meters away, listened to the conversation between them verbatim.

"It's so pitiful to be a widow at such a young age." The middle-aged nobleman with a hoarse voice sighed and said with a sense of pity. .

"Speaking of which... Old Benton's old age was truly blessed!" Another nobleman also echoed.

The third person spoke more normally, which made Suldak feel that they had not forgotten their noble status after all: "Now that old Benton is gone, Alan should be in charge of the Benton family next. It seems that old Benton is a bit more Not confused, pushing Alan to the position of logistics minister in Ruyt City, and handing over the Benton family's property to Alan's hands little by little, the current Benton family still has a strong cohesion."

"This time our lord tyrant attended the funeral of old Benton, obviously he wanted to have a closer relationship with the Benton family." The nobleman who liked to go along with him said something.

The hoarse voice suddenly interjected: "What do you think Alan will do with the young widows of old Benton? They have no heirs, will they be driven out of the Benton family?"

The nobleman who spoke normally asked back: "So you want to try the taste of old Benton?"

"Your suggestion...is not impossible." The hoarse voice laughed dryly.

The nobleman who spoke normally interrupted the conversation between the three of them, and said in a teasing tone: "Hey, we haven't walked out of the Benton family cemetery yet, if you say this, maybe you will make old Benton I was so angry that I crawled out from under the tombstone... ran to your house to look for you!"


After speaking, the three of them laughed softly.

Suldak felt that the worst thing about becoming a rank two powerhouse was that after possessing five senses that surpassed ordinary people, there would always be some whispers and noisy voices inadvertently passed into his ears.

He could hear these words whether he wanted to or not, and some words would be annoying to him, making him want to turn around and pick up a stick and stick it into the hoarse nobleman's mouth.

He was a little curious about the names of the nobles, turned his head and glanced at Sia who was following beside him, and Suldak hesitated to speak.

Holding a parchment note in her arms, Xi Ya took advantage of the time when she was going down the mountain to help her arrange the next itinerary.

This Miss Janna mermaid has to deal with a lot more things than Suldak imagined every day.

The beauty products jointly run by her with Hathaway and Beatrice are almost prepared by her, and she also runs a travel company in her hands, and every tour group needs to be personally reviewed by her. She wanted to turn her share of the proceeds into magic crystals, and let the slave traders buy all of them from the Janna mermaids in the market in Bena City.

As early as last year, Suldak banned the slave trade in Ruyt City and the Ganbu plane, so there is no slave market in Ruyt City.

However, this move did not actually affect the local nobles buying slaves. They often went to the slave market in Lincheng. Therefore, there was a group of underground slave traders in Ruyt City, and Xiya often dealt with them. In this slave trading circle Well, it's no secret that this female assistant under Lord Suldak likes to collect beautiful Janna mermaids.

In addition, Suldak's official duties at the city hall and the meetings that need to be attended by the House of Representatives will be fed back to Xiya first.

For some simple procedural matters, Xi Ya will even sign and hand them over directly.

Only some relatively important things will be fed back to Suldak.

So although Suldak wanted to know the names of the three nobles, he didn't say anything more when he thought that Xiya was so busy.

Back at the city hall, Samira, who hadn't slept all night last night, was lying on the long sofa in the lounge area of ​​his office to catch up on sleep. Hearing the sound of the door opening, Samira sat up sleepily from the sofa, Then he walked to the tea table beside him and got himself a cup of cold black tea.

Suldak walked in and asked Samira, "How... what did you gain last night?"

Samira was slightly taken aback, stopped holding the teacup, turned to Suldak and asked, "How do you know that I went to investigate last night?"

"Guess, I know you won't leave the question until the next day..." Suldak smiled and threw her a purple fruit, which was similar to a plum, but the taste was more sour and the flesh was a bit crunchy.

Samira easily caught the fruit, held the black tea in one hand, stood in a sunny place by the window, and said, "In fact, nothing was found. The cemetery looks normal, and there are no undead. Breath, even a little too clean..."

Suldak was originally sitting at his desk and began to deal with today's official duties, but he was slightly taken aback when he heard Samira's words.

"Oh? So? What are your plans next?"

"Necromancers are the ones who know the most about necromancers, so I plan to go to the abandoned mine area to ask Naomi for help. Do you think she will help me?" Samira asked Suldak with her hands on the windowsill road.

"It should be!" Suldak was not sure.

"I'm going to find Naomi, and I won't be able to return until tomorrow..."

After speaking, Samira leaned back and fell out of the window. Then she swept across the flower bed like a swift, stood firmly in the courtyard, and walked out of the inner courtyard of the city hall in a few steps...


The morning sunlight fell into the room through the gauze curtain blown by the wind.

Beatrice was like an octopus, her white arms and thighs were tightly wrapped around Suldak, the thin white quilt had already slipped to the floor, and there was only the sound of even breathing in the room.

There was a sudden knock on the bedroom door.

Suldak woke up from his sleep, and carefully moved Beatrice's arm away. Then Suldak put on his pajamas and walked to the door. When he opened the door, he saw Sia. Carrie Decker was standing in the west. Beside Ya, he looked at Suldak a little embarrassedly, and before Suldak could speak, Carrie Decker whispered to Suldak: "Boss, last night, old Earl Benton His body was stolen..."

Suldak's drowsiness dissipated in an instant, and he asked:

"When did this happen?"

Carrie Decker hurriedly said:

"It should be midnight. The gravekeeper in the cemetery yelled when he heard the dogs barking outside, and ran outside to check the situation. He saw a few gravediggers sneaking in. Waiting for him to signal and call Benton The guards of the manor and the gravediggers hurried away. When he checked the cemetery, he found that the grave of the old Earl Benton who had just been buried had been dug up, and the coffin was gone!"

Suldak turned around and took the leather jacket from the hanger, put it on, and took Carrie Decker to the living room.

"Tell me about the specific situation."

there is another chapter tonight

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