Lord Highlander

Chapter 1353 1340. Investigation

The Benton family in Ruyt City can be considered a rich and noble family if it goes back a few decades. The family has thousands of lords and private troops.

The nobles of Ruyt City have different opinions about how the Lord Army of the Benton family disappeared. Some people say that after the old Benton discovered that Lord MacDonnell had the idea of ​​defecting to the Grimm Empire, he disbanded the Lord Army on the spot. , Some people say that Lord MacDonnell incorporated this army.

The Benton family did not choose to join Lord MacDonnell's rebel army. If they wanted to live under Lord MacDonnell's nose in Ruyt City, they could not have too many Lord Army.

This is how the Benton family survived the Battle of Tarapagan by maintaining a neutral attitude.

If anyone thinks that the Benton family's heritage has been hollowed out, it is a big mistake.

This aristocratic family can last hundreds of years in the empire, and the family is destined to hide some secrets.

The history of the Benton family can be traced back to the beginning of the establishment of the Grimm Empire. The ancestor of the Benton family was a great swordsman in the Constructed Swordsman Group of the first Duke of Newman.

He was wounded in the battle and returned home, and later settled in Ruyt City.

Hundreds of years passed in a flash. Although the Benton family has not produced a highly talented swordsman in these years, there are people who can become construct swordsmen in each generation, so the Benton family can continue.


The old servant who guards the Benton family cemetery is not some hidden master.

He is just a male servant who is brave enough to live in the cemetery. He lives in the cemetery because there is basically no need to do any work here. It is far more comfortable than in the manor. The time is basically in his own hands and he lives more casually. be more sexual.

In order to avoid mistakes, these gravediggers also arranged a soothing magic circle around the cemetery guard's hut. Although this magic circle is not like those magic barriers that can isolate all sound and light outside the barrier, it can play a very strong sleep aid. Effect, that is to say, if someone is affected by the soothing magic circle at night, they will soon fall asleep.

The group of tomb robbers never thought that although they put the tomb guards into a deep sleep, they tried to steal the coffin without anyone noticing.

But it happened that a dog who accompanied the gravekeeper to guard the cemetery discovered them, and then barked in front of the gravekeeper's house.

Originally, the grave robber wanted to sneak into the gravekeeper's room and stab the old servant to death with a sword, but the first thing the gravekeeper did when he walked out of the room was to release a magic flare into the night sky. The survivors fled the cemetery in a hurry.

The knight guards of the Benton family who arrived later discovered that Earl Benton's body had been stolen, and immediately reported it to Minister Alan Benton.

This news also reached Carrie Decker before dawn.

Carrie Decker originally wanted to deal with it himself, but thinking that Suldak attached great importance to the necromancer last night, he ran to Ruyt Castle in person and reported the news to Suldak.


Hearing Carrie Decker's detailed account of last night, Suldak sat on the sofa and took a cup of milk tea brought by the maid.

He said to Carrie Decker: "I guess you haven't had breakfast yet, so why not have some with me."


In the restaurant, the maid brought warm white towels.

Carrie Decker sat on the chair, wiped his face and hands with a towel, and then imitated Suldak's action, tearing up a piece of wheat cake and putting it into a large bowl. Leigh Decker was a little confused, and then the maid brought a large pot of boiling hot broth and placed it on the dining table.

Seeing Suldak's signal, he poured the milky white hot broth on top, until the pieces of boiled meat piled up on the scones. Suldak also added a touch of fine salt to his bowl.

Then, holding the huge soup bowl, with a silver spoon, he snorted and sent the soup cakes to his mouth.

Carrie Decker was not as picky as Samira, so he ate a big bowl with Suldak.

Xi Ya walked in from the outside and said to Suldak: "The magic caravan is ready."

Seeing that Carrie Decker had also finished eating, Suldak stood up and said, "Then let's go out of the city and visit the cemetery!"

When he walked to the door of the restaurant, he turned to Carrie Decker and asked, "Is Samira back?"

"Not yet..." Carrie Decker replied.

Suldak told Siya: "Send someone to Mucuso to call Edgar over, and ask him to come to the Ruyt City Guard Camp to organize his daily work immediately. His one-day vacation is over."

Xi Ya immediately ran out quickly again.

Carrie Decker said somewhat unnaturally: "I'm sorry, boss, I didn't manage the security camp well."

Seeing that Carrie Decker looked a little depressed, Suldak put his hands on the shoulders of this tall female warrior, and said to her with a smile:

"What does this have to do with you? I just think this matter may not be as simple as it appears on the surface. Next, you and Samira will investigate this matter. If necessary, you can call Gulitum over at any time."

Saying that the two had already walked down the steps of the castle, Suldak took the lead in boarding the magic caravan, and told the coachman:

"Go to the Benton family's cemetery first."

The coachman waved his whip and made the magic caravan circle around the pool in the front courtyard before driving towards the gate.

Just when the carriage was about to drive out of the courtyard, Xi Ya rushed to catch up from behind. When she was running, she stepped on a wave with every step, as if something was supporting her to gallop forward.

This is the water-type magic of the Janna tribe, "Walking on the Waves", which Sia uses very skillfully.

When Xi Ya got into the compartment of the magic caravan, the coachman raised his whip again, urging the two Gu Bolai horses to move forward.


In Ruyt city in the early morning, there were very few magic caravans on the street. The magic caravan of Suldak galloped all the way out of the city and headed north all the way to the cemetery in the south of the Benton family territory.

At this moment, thousands of lord's private soldiers gathered around the foot of the cemetery, and these lord's soldiers were eating breakfast.

From a distance, Suldak saw Alan Benton resting on the steps with a tired face. He stepped off the magic caravan and came to Alan Benton. At this time, Earl Alan Benton was next to him. His confidant pushed him awake and reminded him in his ear: "My lord, Mr. Carrie Decker, the consul of Suldak and chief of the guard, is here."

Alan Benton woke up suddenly, his eyes were bloodshot, tired and anxious.

Suldak immediately went up, reached out and patted his arm, comforting him: "Don't worry, this time I will personally watch this matter, and I will definitely find out the truth..."

Earl Allen Benton showed a grateful expression.

"Did your people find any clues?" Suldak asked Alan Benton.

Earl Allen Benton shook his head with a gloomy expression.

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