Lord Highlander

Chapter 1354: 1341. Viscount Du Wei

Suldak walked towards the cemetery and walked along the stone steps to the cemetery halfway up the mountain. The old servant of the Benton family who guarded the tomb sat at the entrance of the cemetery with a somewhat listless expression. The place was already guarded by the knights of the Benton family. Surrounded by a crowd, no excited expressions could be seen on the faces of the knights, and Suldak knew that the group of knights hadn't gained anything after working hard all night.

Carrie Decker and Sia accompanied Suldak, followed by a squad of constructed knights.

Suldak walked towards the old servant who guarded the tomb, and a dead dog lay in front of him. The dog's neck was pierced by a sharp arrow, and the exposed blood had already congealed from the wound, which could be seen by the tomb guard. The old servant had a deep relationship with the dog. He sat at the gate of the cemetery, staring at the dog's body without saying a word.

Suldak walked to the side of the dog, and was a little surprised to see that it had no hair on its body, and its skin was covered with wrinkles. It looked like it had been shaved off all the dog hair, showing a very ugly appearance. On its exposed skin, there are faint veins of lava on its body. Although it can't feel any fire elemental breath, Suldak knows that there must be a trace of hell dog mixed in its body blood.

This should be a hunting dog that was crossed between a hellhound and a local native dog.

Suldak took out a dagger, and tilted the sharp edge to its mouth. The sharp teeth were indeed covered with patterns of demons.

The old servant guarding the tomb looked at Surdak in surprise, and asked in surprise, "My lord, do you know the Neroa Hound?"

Suldak shook his head, wiped the dagger on the dirt dog, and then inserted it back into the scabbard before saying, "I just feel a trace of demonic aura about it."

"No wonder it can withstand the appeasement circle..." Carrie Decker said standing in Suldak.

"Carrie Decker, take someone to check around the cemetery and see if you can find some clues." Suldak instructed her.

Carrie Decker turned around very simply, and led the Constructed Knights to fumble around the outside of the cemetery.

Suldak said to Earl Allen Benton: "Can your people take me to the tomb of the old Earl Benton?"

Alan Benton has been following Suldak, and when he heard what Suldak said, he immediately stepped forward and led Suldak himself.

At this time, Suldak began to ask the old servant what happened last night, and the old servant who guarded the grave answered almost the same information as what Carrie Decker said.

Suldak walked to the tomb, only to find that the tomb where the old Earl Benton was buried yesterday had been dug again...

What surprised Suldak was that these gravediggers actually put the soil dug out from the tomb on a piece of linen. The coffin was moved out.

The gravediggers even wrapped the headstones in linen, as if they wanted to restore the tomb so they could steal the coffin without anyone noticing.

There were only a few simple footprints around, and it was impossible to tell whether they belonged to those gravediggers.

It's a pity that Tiger and Bonita didn't follow Suldak back to Ruyt this time, otherwise Bonita could track the tomb robbers with his keen sense of smell.

Suldak asked the old servant guarding the tomb about the linen on the tombstone again, and after confirming that these should be done by the gravediggers, he nodded slightly.

Seeing that Suldak paid so much attention to this tomb robbery incident, Alan Benton, the logistics minister who lost face, also showed a grateful expression at this moment.

Who would have thought that on the first night after the funeral, someone sneaked into the cemetery and stole his father's body and coffin together. This simply made the Benton family lose face...

Carrie Decker brought the Constructed Knights back from the outskirts of the cemetery, but did not find anything new.

They are all soldiers returning from the battlefield, and they still lack experience in this kind of case investigation.

Before leaving the cemetery, Suldak continued to comfort Alan Benton, saying that the Ruyt Guard Battalion will definitely follow up on this matter, and it is impossible to let these gravediggers go unpunished. A provocation from the aristocratic circle of It City.


On the way back to the city, Suldak sat in the magic caravan and asked Carrie Decker and Siya, "Why do you think these gravediggers dug the grave of Earl Benton?"

The lush scenery on both sides moves back and forth from the car window, and the forest road here looks very quiet.

This large piece of land is the territory of the Benton family.

Carrie Decker was leaning against the side of the carriage, with her arm covering the window. She frowned and thought about it seriously, and said, "Maybe it's to get some valuable funeral objects in the coffin."

Suldak shook his head, denied Carrie Decker's guess, and said, "They put so much effort into not only using the primary magic circle, but also preparing to restore the tomb. It seems that they don't want people to know that they will The coffin in the tomb was dug away, I don’t think it’s that simple.”

"I want to go to that cemetery, can you still find that cemetery?" Suldak asked Carrie Decker.

Carrie Decker nodded, and said with certainty: "Of course, Samira and I just went to investigate the night before yesterday. Although the cemetery is a bit far away, I definitely remember the way."

Suldak sat up straight, stretched out his hand and rang the bell, and the coachman parked the magic caravan by the side of the road.

Suldak pushed the carriages and jumped out.

The constructed knights behind followed, and he took the reins of the horse from a constructed knight, and said to Carrie Decker who jumped off the carriage, "Take me to have a look."

Carrie Decker quickly stepped onto another horse and rushed to the front of the team.


Surdak didn't expect that the so-called civilian cemetery would be built so far away from Ruyt City, and it would take half a day to ride a horse.

For the poor in Ruyt City, if they want to come to the cemetery to pay homage to their relatives, it will take a whole day even if they take a carriage, or they may miss the time to enter the city and have to stay outside the city for one night.

The dense forest along the road is almost full of red pines, and a locust tree was planted around the civilian cemetery.

The inside of the cemetery is very clean, and each area is very neatly divided. The tombstones are uniform and ordinary stone tablets. In addition to the name of the owner of the tomb, there is a short epitaph on it. The entire cemetery is very standardized, and the guard at the door The tomb man was also very conscientious. When he saw someone entering the cemetery, he not only came out to greet him, but even accompanied him throughout the process, and introduced the entire area of ​​the cemetery to Suldak.

Suldak jumped off his horse, threw the reins to the constructed knight behind him, and walked into the depths of the forest of tombstones.

He found that there was a flat stone slab behind each tombstone, which was probably used to seal the tomb...

It's just that the power of the holy light overflowing from his body, there is no sign of melting in this cemetery, because he can hardly feel the breath of death here, large areas are empty, the breath of death, the remaining soul Breath, or negative emotions such as resentment and hatred, can't be felt in this cemetery at all, as if someone has completely washed the place with a big purification technique.

If Carrie Decker hadn't said that this was the cemetery, it would be hard for Suldak to believe that the cemetery was for civilians.

Apart from being a bit far from Ruyt City, there are no other disadvantages.

"Whose territory is here?" Suldak asked, because the city hall did not have this expenditure, so the only answer is that this land is probably private territory.

The cemetery guard with a shovel in his hand replied respectfully to Surdak:

"This is the territory of Viscount Du Wei, and he is also managing the cemetery. This viscount often helps the poor in the city, and has a good reputation in Ruyt City."

Suldak stopped in his tracks and responded suspiciously, "Oh?"

He was in City Hall and had never heard the man's name.

After walking around the cemetery, Suldak said to Carrie Decker, "Let's go."

"Aren't you going to look again?" Carrie Decker was surprised that Suldak had traveled such a long distance, so he just walked around the cemetery and planned to go home.

The moment Suldak walked out of the cemetery, he turned his head and seemed to be looking back at the gravekeeper, but his gaze swept across the entire cemetery, and then he said:

"Forget it, there is no need to look at it anymore."


Carrie Decker guessed that Suldak had already found the answer, but she still didn't see anything wrong with the cemetery...


In a mansion in the aristocratic area of ​​Ruyt City, dozens of nobles gathered in the hall.

On the table in the center of the room, a somewhat skinny middle-aged nobleman stood in the center. His eyelids were painted with thick smoky eyeshadow, and even his lips were blue-purple. He was wearing an expensive dress, and everyone in the hall looked at him. All concentrated on him.

He was holding a golden cane in his hand, with a ruby ​​inlaid at the end of the handle of the cane, the light passing through the gap between his fingers dazzled the people around him.

His eyes became a little gloomy and negative, but he said with a metallic voice:

"I often think, what is the meaning of life?"

He looked around, then continued:

"We are nobles from birth, we grow up in a favorable environment and enjoy a luxurious life, and we live like this year after year, day after day, until we grow old, and then lie in a coffin, and are recognized by future generations. Buried in the soil, our names were engraved on the tombstones, until our descendants also lay in the cemetery, and finally the words on the tombstones were covered by weeds, and we were completely forgotten by this world."

He sighed lightly and continued:

"This is the ordinary life that many nobles will experience."

"And what we are facing now is a crisis that we have never encountered in so many years. It has even affected the foundation of all the nobles in Ruyt."

"Yes, all of us present..."

"I don't know if you have the same worries as me. The profits of the shops we operate have been suppressed to the point where they can only maintain the workers' wages, and the prices of crops produced in manors outside the city have also been limited. Cut in half by a road, now that he can divide this piece of land in two, in the future it is possible to cut it into four...eight pieces!"

"I agree that when we are able, we can help those poor people, but this does not mean reducing the income of our nobles, or making us donate the land that should belong to us..."

"So we can no longer remain silent, we must stand up and resist, for the benefit of the family, and also to draw a wonderful stroke for our own life."

After the middle-aged nobleman finished speaking, he poured the bright red wine in his hand into his mouth, and then walked down the podium gracefully.

The nobles in the hall were deeply touched at this time, and everyone talked about the recent changes in the family. Due to the influx of a large number of business groups in Ruyt City, the business turnover of the local nobles' shops has been continuously shrinking.

Everyone originally wanted to find a way to resist these foreign businessmen, but now Viscount Du Wei suddenly stood up and called out that these were all caused by the new policies implemented by the Suldak Consul, and called on everyone to unite and deal with the Suldak Governance official.

"Du Wei, what are you going to do?" Someone asked loudly from the audience.

"I'm going to reshuffle the cards for the entire city of Ruyte..." Viscount Duwei sat in his seat and shouted while holding his glass.

His friends around him laughed loudly, thinking that what he said was just a joke.

Some nobles even directly said loudly: "He has a 100,000 lord army in his hands, with the support of so many lords, and he also holds the dry cloth plane in his hands. Even if all of us here use all our strength, it is difficult to compete with him." What's more, there is the Marquis Luther behind him, and you don't know that just three years ago, the Luthor Legion smashed the entire Tarapakan by itself!"

Speaking of Marquis Luther behind the Consul of Suldak, the nobles in the hall fell silent for an instant.

Grand Duke Newman has been dealing with the war between the Bena Legion and the Warsaw plane with all his heart in the past few years, and has always let go of the affairs of the Bena province. In the city of Bena, his legion has always been ready to go to war at any time, and in the past few years, it has won many times in various plane wars in the province of Bena.

Now the Marquis of Luther has become a banner of the main combat faction in the province of Bena.

Anyone who knows something about Suldak knows that he is very likely to become the successor of the Luthor Legion in the future.

That's why Suldak was so strong in Ruyt City, and even sent Chief Nathaniel to Hatangada Town on the Ganbu plane, and the Ma Li family didn't even dare to fart.

"We can incite the poor and launch protests throughout the city. I plan to organize a city-wide parade in the middle of this month. This time I invite you to come, and I want to use your influence to mobilize those around me. Take part in this parade..."

Viscount Du Wei said loudly to the nobles in the hall.

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