Lord Highlander

Chapter 1359: 1346. Interrogation

Already around the woodland were lit pine torches.

In the fierce firelight, Suldak finally saw that this clearing in the forest was actually a corpse hiding place in essence.

According to the tomb specially prepared for the poor not far away, almost all the corpses in the tomb should have been buried in this forest.

The cemetery is far from the city of Ruyt, and it takes almost half a day to get here by carriage.

This means that it is actually very difficult for the poor in the city to go here to sweep the grave. Not only do they have to spend money to hire a carriage, but they may also have to stay in a hotel outside the city for one night. For the poor, many poor people cannot afford it. the money.

The poor in Ruyt buried their relatives in this free cemetery. In fact, only a small number of people have the ability to come here to visit the grave.

After being buried in the cemetery, almost all the corpses were dug up again and transported here.

And those zombies and ghouls crawling out of the mud should be the owners of the tombs in the slum cemetery.

Suldak was the first to say that these necromancers had nothing to do with that Viscount Du Wei.

The altar here is obviously built for these necromancers to create stitch monsters.

Seeing the necromancer in front of him shut his mouth tightly, Suldak didn't continue to ask, but quickly bandaged the necromancer's shoulder wound, and counted the constructed knights brought over in the forest Once again, let the two guard knights send Earl Allen Benton, who was about to collapse, back to the manor.

After that, Suldak didn't hesitate any more.

Before the morning mist cleared, they led the knights in costumes to surround Viscount Du Wei's manor a few miles away.

It was only when Suldak rode his horse into the manor that he realized that the whole manor was in chaos. When Suldak rode his horse into the gate of the manor, he saw dozens of servants carrying luggage on their backs in the whole manor. Going to sneak out of the manor.

Suldak easily occupied Viscount Duwei's manor without even making a move.

There was no resistance from anyone during the process, and even the servants who were about to leave the manor were all stopped by Suldak.

When the female relatives in the manor saw Suldak rushing in with the army, they were all frightened and panicked, and hid in the inner house of the manor.

Suldak entered the manor with a wave of his hand, and a pair of constructed knights rushed into the manor and began to search for the necromancers and Viscount Du Wei.

After some searching, neither the Undead Warlock nor Viscount Du Wei could be found.

Suldak was about to interrogate a housekeeper and four servants in the manor, together with the seriously injured necromancer, the six of them were escorted to the door of the study by the constructed knights, and the servants began to tremble continuously. It's hard to hide the panic and fear.

At this time, Suldak was sitting in Viscount Du Wei's study.

Standing in front of the bookshelf, he dug out a Yala Adventure Notebook from a row of books. His eyes fell on the top row of books. They were all books related to the undead, and there were even descriptions. Tome of the Scourge.

He was not in a hurry to let those few into the study...

Aphrodite reluctantly stepped out of the void door, saw Suldak next to the bookshelf, walked lazily to the long sofa and lay down.

She is already pregnant, but I heard that Aphrodite said that the succubus has a special constitution, and the pregnancy period is about sixteen months, so the expected date of delivery is around April next year.

And Hathaway's delivery date is approaching, probably around this weekend.

"I don't think there is any need to come to me for this kind of thing. Do you think there are still people in this manor who are innocent?" Aphrodite said lazily: "You can ask all the people in the manor alone, and tell lies kill a few of them, and then you'll hear the truth."

"It's too troublesome!" Suldak put down the travel notes in his hand and said, "I really want to know where that Viscount Du Wei and other necromancers went, please ask them for me..."

Aphrodite asked in surprise, "Why... Didn't you suspect Viscount Du Wei yesterday?"

Suldak said depressingly: "Viscount Du Wei had already escaped before we arrived."

Aphrodite immediately sneered and said, "Hehe, this is the true strength of the Empire Constructed Knight? It's far worse than the Demon Doom Guard."

"Hey! I called you here for your help, not for your sarcasm." Suldak sat opposite Aphrodite.

Aphrodite pouted, and finally didn't continue talking, but changed the subject and said: "Hypnotism and charm can't affect necromancers, if you use mind reading, you can't expect them to wake up later .”

"Okay, hurry up..."

Suldak didn't want to keep the necromancer either.

Seeing that Aphrodite agreed, Suldak immediately signaled the constructed knight outside the door to bring people in, and the first to bring in was the necromancer with the injured shoulder.

And the undead warlock walked into the study and raised his head suddenly, seeing a huge eyeball suspended under the chandelier above his head.

The eyeball looked towards him, but the necromancer heard a hypnotic spell in his ear, and immediately fell into a coma.

Just when the necromancer was about to fall to the ground, Suldak took a step forward, supported the necromancer with both hands, and helped him into a single sofa.

The necromancer seemed to have fallen into a deep coma.

At this time, Aphrodite took out a rattle. She lay on the sofa and shook the bell in her hand slightly.

Hearing the crisp sound of 'ding', the necromancer who fell into a coma immediately sat up straight mechanically. Although his eyes were closed, Aphrodite asked, "Hey, you pushed me away just now." That door, what did you see?"

"I saw a group of constructed knights break into the altar, and it was a ghost who brought them in. The ghost entered the altar to absorb the power of the abomination, but because of his carelessness, he was caught by the abomination, in order to get out , that ghost resolutely cut off part of his strength..."

The necromancer replied with his eyes closed.

Aphrodite then asked slowly: "You guys created this abomination? You must have been preparing for a long time to create the abomination!"

"Yes, in order to create it, we not only worked hard to gather hundreds of corpses, but also found a dead person with powerful soul power to be the leader."

Aphrodite asked: "So you chose Earl Benton to lead the abomination?"

The necromancer replied calmly: "Yes, the power of his family blood gives him a soul power that is different from ordinary people..."

"Why did you create the abomination?" Aphrodite glanced at Suldak and continued to ask.

"We are preparing to overthrow the rule of Ruyt City..."

The necromancer continued to answer.

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