Lord Highlander

Chapter 1360 1347. Ruyter's Morning

Under the ceiling chandelier in the study room floats an extremely weird huge eyeball. Under the amber mottled skin, the eyeball exudes a dizzying aura, and when looking at it, there will be a strong feeling of drowsiness.

But now the eyeball shoots out a ray, enveloping the necromancer.

Aphrodite stood in front of the necromancer, using words to bring him into the dream in his heart.

"You? Just relying on this abomination and the ghoul hidden underground, you want to stir up trouble in the city of Ruyt with a population of 700,000?" Aphrodite questioned the necromancer.

The necromancer closed his eyes, and the raised corners of his mouth revealed a strong confidence:

"He is an abomination with unlimited potential and the ability to devour. His body is like a powerful soul furnace. As long as he is allowed to eat sacrifices continuously, every time he eats a fresh corpse, the furnace will Transform the corpse into the power of the soul to nourish himself, and his strength will gradually increase."

"They need to be carefully cultivated to become extremely powerful..."

In his dream, the stitch monster hadn't been killed yet, and the necromancer had strong confidence in this abomination.

"How many of these stitch monsters have you created?" Aphrodite asked.

There was a trace of struggle on the necromancer's face, as if he was about to wake up from a dream, a trace of pain appeared on his face, and then he calmed down slowly, and then said: "Only it, the vehicle with a powerful soul Too little, and it took us a lot of effort to convince Earl Benton to become an immortal."

Aphrodite glanced at Suldak again before asking, "But your fusion seems to have failed..."

The Necromancer also showed a sympathetic expression, and complained: "Because the time is too short, Viscount Du Wei wants to wake it up tonight. If it is carefully cultivated for a period of time, I believe it should have a clearer consciousness."

This time, Aphrodite held her stomach and walked slowly in front of the necromancer. She pressed close to the necromancer's ear and asked in a very charming voice: "You are tired, so you want to go home and rest for a while , take a shower, have a good sleep, when you walked back, what did you see while walking?"

The struggling expression on the necromancer's face became more and more obvious, and the expression became more and more painful, like a person who had fallen into a nightmare and wanted to wake up from the dream.

The light from the floating eyeballs in the study intensified a bit, and the drowsy atmosphere permeated the entire room.

The necromancer still failed to wake up in the end, he said slowly:

"I got out of the woods and came to Viscount Duwei's manor along the mountain road. I entered the manor through the east gate. My bedroom is in the small building next to the stables. We usually live in the basement over there..."

Hearing this, Suldak immediately walked out of the study, and ordered a captain of the constructed knights guarding the door: "Take some constructed knights to the small building next to the stables on the east side, and check the In the basement, pay attention to safety, and if there is any situation, immediately send a signal and wait for support."

"Yes, my lord." The Constructed Knight Captain saluted Suldak.

The butler and the four servants who were waiting outside had a panicked expression as if something had gone wrong.

Although they quickly lowered their heads, the reaction on their faces clearly fell into Suldak's eyes.

"Viscount Du Wei went out alone in the morning, do you know where he went?" Aphrodite whispered in the ear of the necromancer again.

"He went to Ruyt City. Today is the first day we implement the plan." The necromancer replied without thinking.

"Your plan...what are you going to do in the city?" Aphrodite continued to ask in a low voice.

Speaking of which, the necromancer's struggling expression seemed to be suffering from infinite pain. He wanted to wake up, but he was trapped in a dream and couldn't extricate himself.

His body was already surging with extremely unstable magic fluctuations. Seeing him struggling so violently, his floating eyeballs began to tremble all over his body, and Aphrodite's purple eyeballs also kept showing red aura.

That's the succubus' innate ability 'charm'.

The necromancer finally failed to escape from the dream, and said slowly:

"The comrades who are ambushing in the city of Ruyt will throw the plague of blood into all the wells in the city this morning, and the whole city will become a plague city in a short time. At that time, we only need to bring the abomination to the city. Inside, let it continue to devour these plague-infected lives, and will continue to grow itself..."

Hearing this, Suldak's back became icy cold. He never thought that Ruyt City would be targeted by such a group of crazy guys.

Suldak walked to the door of the study again, and told another constructed knight:

"Now find a mountain with a higher terrain and send a magic signal to Ruyt City, so that the whole city will be on alert. I will rush back to deal with it as soon as possible, hurry up..."

The Constructed Knight shivered slightly, and immediately said, "Yes, my lord!"

As he said that, he even jumped out of the window in the corridor, rode on the blue-scaled horse in the inner courtyard of the manor, and rushed out of the manor quickly.

Suldak was in no mood to wait for the results of other interrogations. He and Avroth could communicate with each other, so there was no need for him to stay here.

At this time, Aphrodite was also very clear about Suldak's inner thoughts, so she said, "Hurry up and return to the city, and leave this place to me and Naomi."

"Okay, if there is any new situation here, you must inform me as soon as possible." Suldak said without hesitation, and strode outside.

"Dark..." Aphrodite shouted from behind.

Suldak stopped, turned to Aphrodite and said, "Don't worry, I have the power of the Holy Light to restrain the dark forces, and if I go back now... there should be still time."

Aphrodite nodded.

Then she turned her head and glanced at the necromancer who was bleeding from all seven orifices under the powerful spirit of mind reading, and beckoned to the constructed knight outside the study, signaling them to escort the butler into the study.

The necromancer was lying on the carpet in the study room, his body hadn't completely cooled down yet, and Aphrodite didn't hypnotize him as carefully as he did with the necromancer this time, so he walked directly to the housekeeper and asked condescendingly:

"Tell me, where did Viscount Du Wei go?"

The butler turned pale, hesitating what to say.

But when he saw Aphrodite's purple eyes, he stood there in a daze...


In the morning of Ruyt City, a faint mist shrouded the civilian areas inside the city, but the cities above the mountainside were not shrouded in morning fog.

If someone is standing on the top of a clock tower in the city like Samira at this moment, you can see the endless thick fog rolling slowly against the vast land outside the city of Ruyt, only the high mountains and the mountainside above the city of Ruyt Only part of it was exposed outside the dense fog.

Yawning, Samira was about to jump off the tall clock tower when she saw a magical flare flashing in the sky far to the north.

And that magic flare was an emergency warning signal for the entire regiment of the Lord Suldak's army. Samira stood there solemnly.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the police whistle has already sounded on the street...


Carrie Decker was originally investigating suspicious factors in the slums of the city, but the morning fog hindered their investigation work, so she took these constructed knights to have breakfast in the restaurant plaza, while waiting for the morning fog to dissipate as soon as possible, Start the next investigation work.

The dining plaza is located at the lowest place in Ruyt City, and it is also the place with the thickest fog.

Hearing the sound of the police whistle for all guards, all the costume knights stood up from the dining table. Carrie Decker took out a few silver coins and left enough money for breakfast on the table.

All the constructed knights quickly came to the outside of the square, mounted their horses and rushed towards the direction where the police whistle sounded.


Ruyt City has been firmly under the control of the Knights of the Guard Battalion since last night.

Edgar brought over 3,000 guard battalion knights from Mucuso City, and took over the streets and alleys of Ruyt City almost overnight. Although he didn't understand what Suldak was investigating , but still carried out his orders to the letter, this is a habit developed in the lord's army - absolute obedience.

In line with Carrie Decker's deployment, the Knights of the Guard Battalion were outside the slum areas. Four Knights of the Guard Battalion were guarding almost every intersection, and every avenue was patrolled by knights.

The bearded Edgar sent out almost two-thirds of the Knights of the Guard Battalion.

The undead warlocks lurking in the dark had no chance to get close to the wells at the streets of the city, but these undead warlocks secretly rejoiced that the morning fog came in a timely manner. There can be fog in the morning for eight days in the day, but this morning's fog made them so excited that they wanted to shout...

They got out of the rented houses where they were hiding, took advantage of the cover of the morning fog and came to the street, and rushed to the wells at each street according to the mission area arranged last night.

Standing on the tall clock tower, Samira saw the warning magic flare, and then heard the siren whistle from the city wall...

And on the streets of Ruyt City, under the cover of the morning fog, a group of men in black robes riding magic handles came out of various houses.

Samira never thought that there are so many necromancers with magic handles hidden in the city, and she has 'insight' and can clearly see the flight paths of those people through the thick fog.

It's just that there are so many people, Samira can only stare at the necromancer who is closest to him.

In one leap, jump from the top of the bell tower more than 50 meters high to the street...


The city of Ruyt was built on a hillside, and only the slums at the foot of the mountain had wells. The citizens of the merchant district and knight district halfway up the mountain almost all used the water from the public reservoir. There are a lot of public water sources, but most of the people have water-gathering magic circles in their homes. It is somewhat unrealistic to pour the plague of blood into the reservoirs of noble families one by one.

The only thing that can be done is to pour the plague of blood into public water sources and inland rivers. Of course, if the amount of this thing is too small, it will be diluted to have no effect. The plague of blood is a disease that is infected with corpses and blood , so only if the dead are created continuously, this plague will spread rapidly.

In the aristocratic district of Ruyt City, it is difficult to walk on the street with one or two dead bodies, but it is still possible to throw one or two dead cattle and sheep into the inland river.

Just beside the inner river on the west side of the castle in the aristocratic area of ​​Ruyt City, a gorgeous magic caravan slowly stopped.

At this time, inside the fence, the two-headed ogre woke up in the first ray of sunlight in the morning. The first thing he did every day when he woke up was to look for food. Recently, he ate a lot of ghost-striped red ant eggs, which made him grow There was a lot of power, and there was a faint feeling of breakthrough, which made his five senses extremely sharp, especially for some specific smells.

Like... the smell of blood!

While rubbing his eyes, Gulitham walked quickly to the wall of the castle. He stood on a watchtower and looked towards the street outside the wall...

There were few pedestrians on the street in the morning, and a magic caravan was parked by the inner river.

Two servants in linen robes were bringing out a dead gazelle from the magic caravan. After the gazelle got out of the cart, they even sprinkled a bottle of strange potion on the belly of the dead gazelle, and then threw the gazelle Into the inland river.


Then the two servants in linen robes quickly boarded the car, and the magic caravan walked downstream along the river...

Gulitum asked. There was a faint fishy smell in the air, and his intuition told him that the people in the magic caravan did not do anything good.

He knew that Suldak, Samira, and Carrie Decker were no longer in the castle at this time.

Carrie Decker specifically reminded him last night that he would be responsible for the safety of this place for the time being. Although he didn't think there would be that unsightly guy who would run over to make trouble, he still guarded the yard very responsibly.

Thinking of this, the tall and bulky body of the two-headed ogre was thrown from the high watchtower like a heavy shell, and slammed into the front of the magic caravan. People stood up in fright and made a hissing sound.

Gulitum didn't give them any chance to flee in a panic. He slapped a horse on the head with one hand, killed a Gubolai horse, and then slammed his shoulder against the front shaft of the speeding magic caravan. Stopped the magic caravan with brute force.

Before he stepped forward to inquire, the two servants in linen robes rushed out of the carriage.

Although the two servants ran fast, they didn't have any speed advantage in front of the three-meter-tall two-headed ogre. Gulitum could take seven or eight meters in one step. The collar, the other person just separated from this person and fled, just about to jump into the moat, but was held in place by an ice ring.

Gulitum took the man by the collar calmly, and before he could struggle, he slashed at the back of his neck with his hand knife, knocking him out completely.

Then he fished out the rotting gazelle from the river, stood in front of the servant who was frozen in place by the ice ring, squatted down and asked in a low voice, "Tell me! What is this... ..."

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