Lord Highlander

Chapter 1361 1348. Ruyter's Morning 2

Two servants wearing linen robes, one lying on the ground, dead or alive, and the other servant was stared at by the ogre with two heads. The spirit completely collapsed, and he said incoherently:

"I... I'm feeding the fish..."

The trembling voice carried inexplicable panic, and his eyes kept wandering around.

Gulitum didn't say much, pulled out the dagger he was carrying, and cut off a piece of fresh meat from the gazelle, which was not considered corrupt.

"You come to eat..."

The servant's face changed instantly, and he sat on the ground limply, with a desperate panic in his eyes.

He looked at the rapidly decomposing piece of meat, and suddenly embraced the hand of Gullitem holding the dagger with both hands. The two-headed ogre Gullitem thought that this servant wanted to snatch his beloved dagger with his bare hands. The table knife wanted to knock down the servant to the ground immediately, but before his big fist fell down, the servant had already faced the edge of the dagger with his chest.

The sharp horn dagger pierced the servant's heart fiercely, and a stream of blood came out along the dagger, warm and sticky, instantly dyeing the dagger held by the two-headed ogre red.

It also shocked the two-headed ogre Gulitum, he didn't expect this servant to die like this.

And the body of the servant fell on the gazelle.

At this moment, the gazelle has been corroded by the unknown potion until its white ribs are exposed, and a large amount of fresh meat has melted into rotting blood.

The servant threw himself on the gazelle, and his body began to melt like a melting candle in the rotting blood...

And the rotting blood on the two-headed ogre's arm was also rapidly eroding the ogre's arm. He already felt that his arm was starting to go numb, and the rotting skin had already lost consciousness, and he couldn't feel any pain at all.

The good brother Naohuaer said hastily: "It may be the plague..."

As he spoke, he quickly drew a magic pattern circle with one hand, and chanted a spell. In an instant, a layer of ice armor wrapped around the body of the two-headed ogre, and the ogre's infected arm Frozen into a lump of ice.

"Don't worry, if we find Duck, we can ask him to use the holy light to help us get rid of this plague, but we have to inform other people now that we can't let everyone be infected with this plague..."

Nao Hua'er muttered to Gullitum who was a little dazed.

At this time, a team of castle guards had already run out of the castle. They discovered the situation here and wanted to come over to deal with it as soon as possible.

Seeing the castle guards rushing over, the two-headed ogre immediately stood up, and Gullitum yelled at them:

"Don't come over, stop!"

At this time, Naohuaer also pointed to the captain of the guard, and told him:

"Go to the kitchen to find some peat ashes, and then go to bring a rice jar for storing rice. The others go to the intersection and put the road under martial law. Everyone should move, hurry up."

Although the two-headed ogre is usually not responsible for guarding the castle, the castle guards know the identity of the two-headed ogre.

He was Lord Suldak's personal guard, and he would take him with him wherever he went, so the castle guards did not hesitate at the order of the two-headed ogre, and immediately acted according to the two-headed ogre's instructions.

The two-headed ogre had already covered the two corpses with the sand by the river, but blood kept oozing out from the sand, and then Gulitham kept covering them with sand.

When the wooden box containing the ash was brought over, the ogre immediately covered the bloody mound with the ash, and used the shovel brought by the guards to put the mud mixed with blood into the box, and then covered it with a layer of ash. A thick layer of plant ash.

After finishing all this work, the ogre let out a long breath, and Gulitum asked Naohuaer, "Brother, how do you know this?"

Nao Hua'er took out a magic newspaper full of grease from her arms, and said with some pride: "Recently, the magic newspapers have been discussing the undead army on the Pai Plateau, so I took the opportunity to read a few books about the Scourge. The historical miscellaneous talk, which records a disease that is almost the same as this situation, they call it the plague of blood, it is a kind of plague that is highly contagious and corrosive, the flesh and blood of the infected will soon melt, and some people Even become a ghoul after death..."

Hearing Naohuaer say this, Gulitum immediately asked worriedly:

"Brother, you said that we are already infected, so will we become big ghouls later?"

Nao Hua'er said confidently:

"It shouldn't be before my magic power is exhausted. Now this arm is completely frozen, so we must find Dak quickly. In addition, since they have released the plague here, it may also be released elsewhere, so our top priority is to quickly Inform the other guards of the castle to restrict the entry and exit of people in the castle from now on, and make sure that the castle is safe."

When Naohuaer said this, Gulitham immediately became a little nervous, and he told the captains of the castle guards next to him:

"Now go and tell Siya what happened here immediately, and besides... come and search outside with a team of people."

"If you find any abnormal situation, don't deal with it without authorization..."

The two-headed ogre has not finished speaking...

In Ruyt city, the whistle of the whole city was sounded.


Samira witnessed the necromancer pouring some potion into the well at the entrance of the street. In order to prevent anyone from drinking the well water, she could only cut off the rope of the well with the long dagger she carried with her. He chased and killed those undead warlocks running around the city without looking back.

Three necromancers have already died under Samira's arrows.

The first one was nailed to the rafters protruding from the eaves by Samira with an iron feather arrow, and the arrow penetrated into his chest.

He was suspended in the air by an arrow, and the black robe was shaking under the eaves, causing the woman who opened the window to check the situation outside to hear the movement on the eaves to scream.

His magic twig fell into the alley and was picked up by a laborer who just wanted to go out.

Maybe because no one noticed it, the tanned laborer quickly took the magic bundle home.

Worried that the necromancer would play dead, Samira jumped over and stabbed him in the throat before chasing another necromancer.

The second necromancer was shot through the head by Samira. The arrow entered from the back of his head, protruded from his forehead, and penetrated into the red brick wall.

The necromancer's head was against the wall, and his body knelt there, leaning on the wall with his hands. His posture was like that of a drunk drunk leaning on the wall to vomit, but the blood that spewed out stained a large area of ​​the wall.

The third necromancer looked back when he was fleeing, and was shot in the eye by Samira's arrow, and fell directly from the handle of the magic scorpion. His forehead hit the sculpture on the roof, and it shattered like a watermelon Open, the whole body is hung on the safety rope of the roof statue.

Although the ropes of some wells seen along the way were cut off by Samira, Ruyt City was so big that she couldn't stop the residents beside other wells from drinking water in the morning, and the plague spread rapidly in the city.

The plague spread very quickly. When Samira hunted down the fourth escaped necromancer, he saw not only corpses appearing by some wells, but some corpses even turned into ghouls. Their bodies decayed rapidly, and then they came from Get up on the ground, like a walking dead, relying on the instinctive sense of smell to find the living people in the city.

Samira didn't expect these necromancers to bring a terrible plague.

She stood on the roof, looked at the empty quiver, and took out a bundle of new arrows from the space belt and put it into the quiver.

Samira discreetly covered her nose and mouth with a facecloth.

This magicweave facecloth was given to her by Suldak when she was in the barren land of Wall Village.

There is volcanic ash floating in the air all year round in the volcanic territory over there. In order to prevent the volcanic ash from being inhaled into the lungs, Suldak requires all people close to the volcano to wear masks.

Samira locked onto a necromancer again, she stepped over the eaves of a building, and chased after him as lightly as a bird.

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