Lord Highlander

Chapter 1362 1349. Ruyter's Morning 3

In just one morning, there were many incidents of ghouls attacking citizens in the city of Ruyt, and almost all of these incidents happened next to various wells in the city.

Under Edgar's dispatch, the Knights of the Guard Battalion, except for the necessary personnel on duty at the headquarters building of the Guard Battalion, almost everyone is maintaining the order in Ruyt City.

The whistle of the whole city's alert blew continuously over the city of Ruyt. Now the city of Ruyt has just been freed from the flames of war. I am quite familiar with this state of war readiness. Hearing this kind of siren-like whistle, Most residents will hide in their homes.

Only some members of the caravan who rushed to Ruyt City from other places, because they didn't understand the warning whistles, there were still some people running around on the street like headless chickens.

So far, the main areas where ghoul attacks have occurred are almost all concentrated near the residential areas of civilians.

At this moment, Carrie Decker almost had a nervous breakdown.


Suldak sent her to keep an eye on the movements in the slum area last night, and there was no movement all night, but she and the constructed knights in the knight order had a breakfast near the dining square , Plagues began to appear one after another in various streets in the slums.

Some people saw that it was a group of magicians in black robes who put something into the well at the intersection of the street. It is said that the residents who drank the well water accidentally died one after another, and some even became food. ghoul.

Carrie Decker knew that they were not magicians in the city, but a group of necromancers.

But these undead warlocks run very fast, especially when they ride magic scorpions through the streets and alleys.

Carrie Decker and the Constructed Knights could not catch up with them with their horses. The Constructed Knights could only close the streets in the slums and try to control the wells at each street entrance.

It’s just that the residents of the slums usually get up early because they have to work. Many people need to wash and make breakfast in the morning, so some people died directly by the well, and some people took the polluted well water with them. Back home, the whole family was infected with the plague.

As a result, ghouls soon appeared on the streets of the slums, and now the construction knights have to clean up the ghouls along the street, and these corpses are basically the source of infection, so they must be burned or deep-dried with plant ash. buried.

After Carrie Decker discovered that the wells in the slums were the source of infection, he quickly asked the Construct Knight to seal all the wells in the slums.

In addition, she ordered all the guard battalion knights to check the infected people from house to house. This blood plague is a contact transmission. As long as the infected people can be controlled, they will not mutate and become those aggressive ghouls. Drinking polluted well water can control the epidemic here.

But what he never expected was that the situation in the slums had just been brought under some control, and the disease appeared again in the civilian areas and commercial districts, and ghouls kept rushing to the streets.

What is even more irritating is that there are almost no wells at the entrance of the commercial district, and most of them are pools built with magic rune boards.

To get the knights of the guard battalion to seal off these two areas of Ruyt City, it is far from enough to have only 3,000 knights of the guard battalion. During this period of time, Carrie Decker was almost sitting Fight fires around on horseback.

The city has become a mess. In order to prevent the plague from spreading outside the city, Carrie Decker immediately sealed the city gate.

But that was the problem that gave her a headache. Because of the terrible plague that broke out in the city, the nobles in the city took magic caravans one after another, and they lined up a long convoy through the streets and alleys to leave Ruyt City.

But the gate of the city has been blocked by the knights of the guard battalion, and the private guards of some noble lords are at the gate of the city, and a conflict broke out with the guards of the gate.

The scene at that time was also quite chaotic. If Carrie Decker and the Constructed Knights hadn't arrived in time, the noble lords would probably break through the city gate from inside. Even so, the guard battalion knights guarding the city gate were here. Many people were injured in the clashes.

Samira carried Santos's famous shotgun and blasted and killed more than a dozen of the lord's personal guard knights with blood on their blades in a tough posture, which shocked them.

However, more and more magical caravans gathered on the street at the gate of the city, and even some ghouls sprang up from the side alleys, and even attacked some nobles in carriages. It might become a slaughterhouse for those ghouls.

Seeing the ghoul biting people, the nobles who were about to calm down protested strongly again, and everyone claimed to exercise noble power: "Every noble who has not violated the law is free, and they have the right to leave at any time." Ruit City. '

A group of nobles got off the carriage and walked to the gate of the city one after another. They greeted the knights of the guard battalion guarding the gate of the city.

These guard battalion knights can only retreat frequently, and drawing their swords against a noble who has not been convicted will violate the laws of the Grimm Empire.

"Knight, we are going out..., you have no right to restrict an imperial nobleman!"

"If you dare to stand in front again, I will attack you. Don't force me to attack you with the sword in my hand..."

Words like this abound, and Carrie Decker doesn't know what to do at this moment.

At this moment, a team of constructed knights hurried over.

Carrie Decker went up to meet them, only to find a coffin on the truck behind them. The corpse inside the coffin was so badly decomposed that the body had almost turned into a bone. The head had been chopped off, and now it had become flesh and blood. Vague.

"what happened……"

The constructed knight beside him told what happened:

Carrie Decker ordered the constructed knights around him to guard the wells at the entrances of the streets, and this squad of constructed knights was responsible for investigating the infected families in the slums one by one. When they found a row of buildings, two of them The adults had already fallen to the ground and turned into a pool of blood, but there happened to be a child of a few years old hiding under the bed. Apart from a few blood stains on his face, his body didn't seem to be stained with that corrupt blood.

The knight captain then felt some compassion. He knelt by the window and stretched out his hands, ready to take the child out of the bed.

"Son, come out, I'll take you out of here..."

Before he finished speaking, the companion on the side shouted loudly:

"Don't hug her, let her come out by herself."

The knight captain ignored his companion's reminder, and he reached out to fish out the frightened boy from under the bed. Unexpectedly, the boy's eyes turned red in an instant, his face became a little distorted, and he opened his mouth just as soon as he opened his mouth. The knight captain took a bite on the neck.

After this bite, the boy's body was extremely twisted and turned into a ghoul.

And the knight captain quickly left the boy behind, but no matter how fast he moved, he was still infected with the plague of blood...

Carrie Decker watched the magic pattern outfit that the captain of the knight knights took off neatly put aside. He stabbed his heart with his knight long sword by the well. Before he died, he asked his companions to take his Head cut off.

Carrie Decker looked at the Constructed Knight Captain lying in the coffin, unable to say anything.

The plague in the city in front of her is spreading rapidly, and it seems difficult to control it, and the nobles in front of her still want to take the opportunity to escape from Ruyt City, but she has no reason to stop it at all...

At this moment, Carrie Decker's tense nerves were almost about to collapse.


Watching the plague spread rapidly in the city...

Viscount Du Wei, who was hiding in a residential house in the city, stood behind the gauze curtain by the window, looking at the chaotic scene on the street through the gauze, with an intriguing smile on his face.


Under the sunlight, the morning fog in Ruyt City quickly dissipated.

The city finally revealed its original appearance, and the city became chaotic. The knights of the guard battalion and the Constructed Knights guarded the streets and alleys. The nobles crowded at the gate of the city. They were confronting the knights of the guard battalion in the city. .

Under the oppression of these nobles, the knights of the guard battalion kept retreating...

At this time, a loud dragon chant suddenly came from the distant sky, and a red dragon as bright as a flame broke through the clouds and flew straight over. Every time the huge red dragon wings flapped, the red dragon flew faster It seems to speed up a point.

When Carrie Decker saw the figure of the red dragon, just as a surprised smile appeared on her face, the red dragon Iser had already flown to the top of the city, and its huge body landed firmly on the platform of the watchtower.

It lowered its head slightly, and Surdak quickly jumped off its back.

Just waiting for Suldak to say a word of thanks casually, the red dragon Iser nodded. It spread its dragon wings again and flapped it twice on the spot, and a portal appeared in front of it. Iser Drilled in swiftly...

At this time, Suldak took a step forward, jumped down from the top of the city, stood beside Carrie Decker, and said to the nobles who were stepping forward in front of him: "There is a plague in the city, in order to prevent The plague of blood is spreading outwards, and Ruyt City is temporarily closed, everyone please go back!"

The group of nobles saw that Suldak jumped off the back of a red dragon, and immediately remembered some rumors about Lord Suldak.

A group of nobles backed away reluctantly in front of Suldak.

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