Lord Highlander

Chapter 1363 1350. Ruyter's Morning 4

As the nobles retreated one after another, the chaotic scene at the gate of the city was stabilized by the arrival of Suldak.

"Carrie Decker, take the Constructed Knights to capture the group of necromancers in the city, and leave it to me!"

Suldak instructed the somewhat ashamed Carrie Decker.

"Understood, all the knights of the Second Constructed Knights follow me..." Carrie Decker quickly got on his horse and shouted to the group of constructed knights behind him.

After she finished speaking, she pulled the rein and rode the horse along the sidewalk of the street towards the city.

Behind Carrie Decker, a group of costumed knights lined up in a long row and rushed into the city.

There was only one city guard left at the gate of the city. They leaned against the gate and looked at the nobles crowded on the street. Many people's hands were sweating. Wipe it on a cloth sweat towel.

The nobles at the gate of the city stood there in embarrassment, and the few nobles who squeezed in the front didn't even dare to look into Suldak's sharp eyes.

At this time, someone among the nobles begged Suldak:

"Lord Suldak, please let us go!"

"Yeah, there is a plague in the city, let's take our family out of the city to avoid it, the city of Ruyt has become like this now, we want to hide in the manor..."

Seeing many old people, women and children mixed in the crowd, Surdak stood on a big wooden barrel at the gate of the city, and shouted loudly to the numerous nobles in front of him:

"I don't know who actually hid the necromancer in Ruyt City,

But I think it would be difficult for them to gain a firm foothold in Ruyt City without the help of the nobles. "

"Viscount Duwei is already on the wanted list in Ruyt City. Any nobleman who is friendly with Viscount Duwei will become the object of my suspicion. I think you don't want to be the wanted criminals on the list. If you are connected with this plague of undead warlocks, and I can’t hear you defending yourself when I find out, I will submit the evidence of the crime to the House of Representatives of the Province of Bena, and before that, I will also deprive you of the Lu The aristocratic rights, aristocratic status, territories, manors and other wealth enjoyed by Yite City."

"Of course, I can also understand that you occasionally get confused and do some wrong things, but if you regret it and want to redeem yourself, now is an excellent opportunity."

"So if any of you know Viscount Du Wei's hiding address, you can send someone to inform me in private. I think this should be a very good opportunity to prove yourself."

After Suldak said this, a group of nobles changed their faces, and everyone immediately began to discuss in whispers.

For a while, the square in front of the city gate was like a noisy market.

Suldak pulled out the broadsword at his waist, knocked hard on the heavy shield, and said to the city guard leaning against the city gate:

"Open the door and let them go!"

The city guards gestured to the top of the city wall to 'open the city gate', and as the winch chain slowly turned, the heavy suspension bridge was lowered.

The guards of the city defense lifted the big iron bolt across the city gate, and the gate of the city was slowly pushed open.

A group of nobles quickly boarded the magic caravan, and the coachman started to wave his whip and drove the magic caravan out of the city.

But Suldak took a step forward, stopped in front of the first magic caravan that was about to leave the city, and shouted to the nobles in the car: "Everyone please get out of the car, every noble must accept the routine Check."

The nobles in the carriage looked at Suldak in disbelief, and someone continued to protest: "These civilian soldiers, what qualifications do you have to inspect us?"

Suldak didn't speak, and took out a magic hair signal from his waist and shot it into the sky.

The magic flare flew into the sky, streaking across a dazzling red parabola.

"Since they are not qualified to inspect you, I will invite magicians who are also nobles to do routine inspections..."

In fact, the alarm sounded in Ruyt City, and the magicians of the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team also came out of the magic tower immediately. They were still checking the situation in various places in the city, and some magicians had already participated in the arrest of necromancers. among.

Over the slum area at the gate of the city, there are also magicians from the Law Enforcement Corps flying on the handlebars.

Seeing the magic signal from the city gate, the two magicians immediately turned the tiller and rushed to Suldak's side as fast as possible.

Standing at the gate of the city, Suldak waved at the two magicians, signaling them to get closer.

The two young magicians had just participated in the Bailin Plane battlefield in winter, and when they saw Suldak beckoning to them, they flew down without hesitation.

"Lord Suldak, what can I do for you?" Two young magicians asked Suldak respectfully.

Suldak pointed to the nobles who were still sitting in the carriage, and said to the two magicians: "You are here to help me check these nobles who have left the city. My request is very simple, don't let any necromancers go. ..."

"Okay!" The two young magicians readily agreed.

Suldak turned around and shouted to the magic caravan waiting to leave the city: "Everyone in the car, please get out of the car and accept the routine inspection of the magician noble..."

For a magician, it is relatively simple to be able to tell whether the opponent is a necromancer face to face.

Almost all the magicians in these law enforcement groups have magic detection rods. This kind of transparent crystal is engraved with simple magic circles. As long as there is a slight fluctuation of mana around them, the magic detection rods can emit a faint light.

When the nobles saw that Suldak had invited a magician to guard the gate of the city for a routine inspection, their objections suddenly disappeared.

The wheels of the first magic caravan ran over the planks of the suspension bridge and quickly left Mukuso City.

There are many magic caravans blocking the gate of the city, but not everyone is eager to leave at this moment.

Some nobles began to hesitate, considering a series of consequences if they left in a hurry.

Many aristocrats know...

When the plane was dry, Suldak treated those nobles who dared to leave the city in times of crisis, and almost deprived them of all the territories in their hands. The reason is very simple, just need to label these nobles as Lord MacDonnell The label of the same party is enough. Even if these nobles went to the city of Bena to appeal afterwards, they failed to stand up.

Now there are still people who leave in a hurry, but there are also many nobles who quietly turned their carriages and returned to their houses in the city.


When Suldak was dealing with the nobles who were clamoring to leave the city at the gate of the city, Sia learned from Carrie Decker that he had returned, and hurried to help here in a magic caravan.

When he saw Suldak, Suldak was telling Edgar:

"Immediately order the entire city to be under martial law. According to the information I have learned, this blood plague can only be spread through contact... that is to say, you can only be infected by drinking polluted well water or plague blood. Generally speaking, the disease will occur within a few minutes, most people will die directly, and the corpse will become a new source of plague transmission, while a few residents with excellent physique will purify the ghouls who have lost their minds in the city."

"So you control the wells in the whole city. You must avoid touching those corpses directly. Collect as much plant ash and quicklime as possible to cover the corpses. I will organize vehicles to deal with these sources of plague as soon as possible."

"By the way, when you are fighting those ghouls and plague zombies, you must avoid being bitten by them. Those ghouls almost fight by instinct, and the soldiers must be careful not to get hurt."

"Only by completely cutting off the source of infection can we prevent the spread of the blood plague..."

The bearded Edgar was followed by a whole team of guard battalion knights, straightened his waist in front of Suldak, and said loudly to Suldak:


The law enforcement team of the Ruyt City Magic Union sent five more magicians to support the city gate. After explaining the rotating tasks at the city gate with these magicians, Suldak took the time to tell Sia:

"Siya, take my warrant and go to Mukuso to bring the 7th Archer Regiment over! The medical team from Janica is also here..."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Xi Ya promised.

She didn't expect that just after seeing Suldak, she was sent to Mukuso City to mobilize the Lord's Army.

At this time, some aristocratic officials in the city hall also rushed over, and some aristocratic officials even brought the lord's private army, and the entire city of Ruyte gradually restored order amidst the panic.

According to Suldak's order, all residents of all cities must stay at home.

The knights of the guard battalion are all over every street, preaching to the residents of the city the characteristics of the spread of the blood plague.

At noon, Suldak's 7th Archer Regiment of the Lord's Army had already ascended the city wall and the commanding heights in various places in the city, completely restricting the free flight of the magicians in the city.

And Nika's medical team also rushed over from the military camp in Mukuso City, but this kind of blood plague is an acute plague that will develop rapidly within a few minutes as long as it is infected, so once civilians are infected, there is no cure at all. There is no power against death.

So Nika doesn't need to treat the residents of the city at all, she only needs to treat the infected knights.

In fact, in addition to the protection of the magic pattern structure, these constructed knights also have the rescue of magicians. Everyone knows from the two-headed ogre Gulitum that freezing can effectively prevent the spread of the blood plague. The magic union immediately dispatched forty magicians, carrying a large number of frozen magic scrolls, all over the city.

Once the constructed knights are infected with the plague, magicians will come to support them, and the affected areas will freeze immediately.

This greatly reduces the fatality rate of Constructed Knights...

In this city-wide raid, Samira and Carrie Decker led the Constructed Knights to kill seventeen undead warlocks on the spot, and captured three injured undead warlocks.

In just one day, the plague in Ruyt City was effectively brought under control.

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