Lord Highlander

Chapter 1369: 1356. Birth 2

Hathaway was lying on the bed, her sweaty face exuded a holy radiance, every ounce of strength in her body seemed to have been exhausted, looking at the child held in the hand of the maid, her eyes fell on On the side of Suldak.

Suldak's gaze never left the baby who was not much bigger than the palms of two adults. His cry was exceptionally loud, and some mucus was still on his body. The midwife beside him seemed to have tied the umbilical cord in a knot. Take another pair of sharp scissors and cut off the end.

The two maids who believed in the Son of Nature cast a life-like spell, filling the child with life.

Nika is also using pure light spells to purify the baby's body.

Suldak took the little baby over. Although his eyes were closed, the small appearance between his brows and eyes gave him some very special touches. He gently placed his son beside Hathaway's pillow. Servi looked at the little baby with a look of relief.

She frowned and said with a sad face, "Why is he so ugly!"

"Every child is born like this, and when he grows up, he will become a great hero." The nun with rich experience in midwifery comforted Hathaway.

Suldak also squatted beside Hathaway, and said with a smile: "What a healthy little guy, we have to give him a better name, Hathaway, thank you for bringing this little cutie into this world. "

Hathaway's eye circles were slightly red at the moment, and her nose was a little sore.

She had just tossed and tossed for a long time, and every pain caused her to die of pain. She didn't even cry. Looking at the little guy next to the pillow who had calmed down with his eyes closed, and listening to Suldak's gentle words, she could feel With the love in Suldak's words, a warmth flowed from the corners of his eyes, and quickly rolled to the pillow.

"Do you like it?" Hathaway's voice was weak and hoarse.

The painful cry just now hurt her throat a little.

Suldak knew that a mother's emotions would become extremely unstable, sensitive and fragile, especially when she had just transformed into a mother. Many emotions flooded into Hathaway's mind. She needed gentle comfort, so she said without hesitation : "Of course, he is our child. I can feel my breath in the blood in his body. To be honest, his eyebrows still look more like you."

Hathaway finally showed a happy smile on her face.

Beatrice squatted on the other side of Hathaway. She looked at Hathaway on the delivery bed with some envy. Recently, Suldak spent the night in her room almost every night. Even change positions every night, just to increase the chance of pregnancy.

It's a pity that there is still no movement in the belly. Now Hathaway and Suldak's son is born. Apart from being happy, Hathaway's desire for the child is even more urgent.

In particular, Suldak is not the same as those nobles in Bena City. The joy in his eyes, the fiery love he looks at the child, is far stronger than that of other nobles in Bena City. She is even a little worried about gains and losses I thought: When I give birth to him in the future, I don’t know if he will be happy like this...

The news that Hathaway gave birth to a baby boy quickly spread from the castle to the outside world.

In just half a night, before the people of Ruyt City fell asleep, almost everyone in the city knew the news. My heart immediately became mixed, and it was clear whether it was joy or worry...

The iron-blooded means displayed by the consul lord these days have suppressed all the nobles in Ruyt City in just a few months.

Many nobles know that the recruitment order of the military department of Bena province has not been issued for a long time, and they are probably waiting for this good news.

The nobles discussed in private:

"The mother of this child is Hathaway Luthor. The Marquis of Luthor is just such a daughter. In the future, he will inherit the wealth, territory and army of the Luthor family. He will also inherit the Ganbu plane and the city of Ruyt. With a golden spoon in his mouth from the moment he was born."

"Yeah, this time Lord Suldak has a successor, maybe he can be more relaxed on the battlefield..."

"Hey hey hey, it should be too late to start preparing now. Hurry up and let your wife have a few more daughters. Maybe which one will be favored by the future governor of Ruyt City."

"You think so far!"

"Hey, Mr. Suldak Consul has arrived..."

The discussions in the chamber stopped abruptly. Ever since such a topic appeared in the chamber of the House of Representatives, the harmony among the members has increased a bit.


Suldak's love for the child made Hathaway let go of the last trace of anxiety in her heart.

Hearing that the whole city of Ruyt was celebrating this, Hathaway was lying on the bed, lovingly looking at her son lying in the arms of the maid, with an unconcealable smile on her lips.

As the second hostess of the castle, Beatrice has recently received some noble ladies who came to congratulate her every day. Even the noble ladies in Mucuso City, after receiving the news, the first time He rushed over through the portal for a while.

It is said that Lord Suldak doesn't like to be late, and the noble ladies on the Ganbu plane don't know what kind of character Hathaway is, so they rushed here from various regions on the Ganbu plane.

Hathaway was so excited that she couldn't sleep all night that Suldak named the child Went. Since Suldak didn't have a surname, in a letter he wrote to Marquis Luther, he specifically proposed to Add the surname 'Luther' to the child's name suffix.

For Marquis Luther, this matter has almost become a heart disease that has accumulated in his heart.

Now that Suldak took the initiative to propose this idea when naming the child, Hathaway felt that even the sky outside was exceptionally clear.

In the Green Empire, there is no such thing as a family, and the nobles of the Green Empire are particularly interested in the right of inheritance.

Due to successive years of wars, the number of men in the empire has decreased year by year, and the ratio of men to women in the empire is somewhat out of balance. Therefore, almost every family in the Green Empire is polygamous. Because there are various problems in life to be considered, it is not an easy task to be able to support more than two wives.

Hathaway has the inheritance rights of the Luther family, which means that Wen Te is the heir of the Luther family after birth.

As Went's father, Suldak can even use his own name as the family's surname, so that Went can also inherit the Luthor family, but the inheritance of the Luthor family may be interrupted in Went's hands, maybe this way of inheritance In a few generations, the younger generations will even completely forget about the Luthor family.

Suldak suggested that Wen Te should include the surname Luther in his name, only in this way can the Luther family continue...

Gently holding Wen Te in his arms with both hands, he felt that his chest was extremely swollen. Hathaway's plump grain bag was stuffed into his son's mouth, and the juice gushed out almost instantly.

"Father mentioned this matter to me before, but he didn't talk about it much later. I was still thinking about how to open my mouth so that he wouldn't have any grudges in his heart. Now it's all over. He is really careful and considerate when he talks about it. "Hathaway said to her girlfriend with her lips curled up.

Beatrice sat aside and listened quietly, but said nothing.

After the child was born, Hathaway's appearance quickly recovered after her stomach was deflated, and now she seemed to have another taste.

Hathaway twisted her waist uncomfortably, and Beatrice added an extra pillow behind her.

Hathaway waved her hand and drove away the maids who were about to surround her, and Beatrice said, "It's just that his request is a bit too strange. I'm not allowed to take a bath these days, and now I feel that I have to Moss is growing."

Beatrice also saw Hathaway's greasy face and hair, and whispered:

"If you're really uncomfortable, I'll ask them to bring two basins of hot water and use a hot towel to wipe it off for you. It shouldn't affect you."

"Yeah, you are the best to me." Hearing Beatrice's attention, Hathaway nodded like a chick pecking at rice.

After some cleaning and a new set of nightgowns, Hathaway finally lay comfortably on the bed again.

This time she took a sip of the sweet juice and said to Beatrice again:

"I'm a bit greedy for barbecue. Can I skip that light oatmeal porridge for dinner? I don't want to eat boiled eggs at all. I want to eat some roast chicken, steak or something."

Beatrice remembered Suldak's advice in the morning, squeezed out a forced smile, and said to her girlfriend, "You still have to bear with it..."

Hathaway blinked, seeing that Beatrice was unmoved, she could only give up the idea.

Thinking of the surname Luther in Wenter's name, even Beatrice, who has a cheerful personality, has an indescribable envy.

She was sitting by Hathaway's bed, feeling a little depressed as she touched her flat belly.

Even if Suldak could give birth to a son, their child would not be able to inherit the property of the Gophero family. In the future, Suldak might be able to give him a piece of territory, but compared with Wente's treatment, it would also be a waste of time. It would be very different.

Hathaway and Beatrice have been best friends who have stayed together almost every day since they were young, and now they are even married to the same man. Seeing Beatrice's loss and worry, Hathaway How can you not know the reason.

Hathaway looked at Beatrice with a happy face, and whispered to her: "Dark won't stay in Ruyt for long, so you have to work harder and try a few more times according to my method." Second-rate……"

The round-faced Beatrice bowed her head and said nothing.

Seeing that Wen Te quickly fell asleep after eating, Hathaway waved to Beatrice, and when Beatrice walked to the bed, she whispered a few words in her ear.

In just a few words, Beatrice's eyes lit up, and she said to Hathaway excitedly, "Really?"

Hathaway nodded affirmatively.

Beatrice was a little moved. If Hathaway hadn't analyzed the distribution of Suldak's territory, she would not have even realized that Suldak's territory had grown much larger in just a few years. In its heyday, the Gophero family had an even larger territory.

Thinking of trying his best to please Suldak at night, a blush appeared on his face.


Speaking of the gifts prepared by several second-rank powerhouses for Suldak's newly born son, the gift the two-headed ogre gave Wen Te was a baby cradle made of red ant eggshells, which was light, warm and textured. It is tough and has natural magic patterns on it. Although it is a useless and incomplete magic pattern, at least this little cradle is very delicate and beautiful.

It's hard to imagine that such a small item was polished by a two-headed ogre...

Samira, who was a little sad in her heart, made a leather wooden horse out of the hard armor of the chest of the ghost-striped red ant. The pony can shake back and forth in place. It is estimated that Wente will be able to use it when he grows up.

The texture of the ghost pattern red ant leather is very tough, and I want to sew it into a small wooden horse. It is not so easy.

Carrie Decker made a small wind chime out of the fangs of the salamander ghost snake, hung it on the head of the bed, and when it was touched lightly, it would make a pleasant 'jingling' sound.

Several gifts were placed in Hathaway's bedroom...

Hathaway knew clearly in her heart that these were not only gifts, but also a silent recognition of Little Wente.


Suldak has been extremely busy these days, because he has been running to the Pustule Volcano almost every day recently.

Because the succubus Aphrodite has also entered the labor period, and there is no one here...

It was precisely because of this that Suldak was running back and forth.

As a succubus, even with a big belly, Aphrodite is still very casual. Her favorite thing to do every day is to lie down by the lava pool and sleep late.

Suldak once leaned over to listen to the movement of the child in Aphrodite's stomach, and even heard a crisp laughter of 'giggling'.

Ten days later, Aphrodite gave birth to a baby girl by the lava pool in the lava mine. The succubus Aphrodite acted very simply, and sealed the Void Summoning Gate while Suldak was away. , gave birth to the child alone in the lava mine.

When Suldak ran back through the Summoning Void Gate, Aphrodite even bathed herself and the baby girl at the same time, and put them into the eggshell cradle cleanly.

Suldak looked at Aphrodite speechlessly, but this kind of thing involved crossing races, and he had no right to say anything.

It's just that when he saw his daughter for the first time, Suldak immediately became a little uneasy.

The first time he saw her wrapped in a blanket, seeing that she had no wings, Suldak was secretly relieved, and he couldn't tell whether it was relief or loss, after all, wings are the source of power for succubi.

But then Suldak carefully peeled off the blanket covering her head and saw two small bumps on her head. Suldak's heart was even more complicated. This is a little girl who was born with devil horns. Girl, this means that she has the source of magic power since she came out of her mother's womb, and it is obviously the blood of the devil that suppresses the blood of humans, which makes Suldak even more concerned about gains and losses...

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