Lord Highlander

Chapter 1370: 1357. Bad News

The lava mine cave is warm and dry, and there is a faint sulfur smell in the cave, but it is not that strong.

These smells all come from those lava pools. Looking at Aphrodite who is lazily lying on the rattan chair, her lower abdomen seems to have recovered, and her lower abdomen has become very flat again. Looking at Suldak, he had no intention of speaking.

Two kobold slaves were kneeling at her feet, fanning her with fans.

There were also two kobold slave girls looking after the little one in the cradle.

When Suldak leaned over to look at her, the little guy was dreaming sweetly in the cradle, and she could see that she was sleeping very soundly.

"Didn't you say that the due date is next spring?" Suldak asked a little puzzled. He squatted beside the cradle and couldn't help but touch his chubby little hand with his hand.

I heard that always touching the face can easily make the baby drool, so Suldak gave up this idea.

"You can't always measure a succubus by human standards." Aphrodite put aside the book of travel notes in her hand, and looked at Suldak with some contempt in her eyes.

Suldak stood up, turned around and walked to Aphrodite, and sat down on her wicker chair.

The magic robe seemed unable to cover her plump body, and the seductive silhouette outlined under the magic robe made Suldak feel a little parched after taking a look at it.

"Um... I don't think you are any different from me." Suldak said to Aphrodite.

Aphrodite shook her head, opened her slightly squinted purple eyes again, and said to Suldak: "Don't forget that we live in hell, where there is no grass on the vast land, and the volcano there is full of lava all the year round. The sky there is cloudy all day long... The races that can survive here all have some special survival instincts."

Then he added: "Take our Succubus family as an example. We are born with charming eyes, and our bodies have long adapted to the living environment in hell."

"The sixteen-month expected births are all full-term little succubi."

"Those little succubi have already mastered half of their mother tongue since they came out of their mother's womb, but in fact, they are ready to be born after eight months of gestation in their mother's womb."

"If it is in the hell world, the living environment outside is worrying, so it usually stays in the mother's womb for 16 months, but the environment here is more suitable for his growth, so I will let her come out earlier."

Aphrodite hooked Suldak's neck with both hands, and pressed her body against Suldak's back.

"So you are considered a premature baby?" Suldak asked, frowning.

A smug smile rose from the corner of Aphrodite's mouth. She understood Suldak's thoughts. The man in front of her must be dissatisfied in her heart, so she frowned and spoke.

Aphrodite replied very calmly: "It can also be said that the environment here is not that bad, and coming out early is good for his growth."

"..." Suldak looked at the little padded jacket in the cradle with some distress. He didn't think that coming out so early would be of any benefit to the little padded jacket, so he complained, "It's too early for you..."

Aphrodite raised her delicate eyebrows, glanced at Suldak with a pair of piercing purple eyes, and said casually: "What? I can't bear it... If you don't like what I do, you can tell me She took it to Ruyter."

Dumbfounded by Aphrodite's random words, Suldak could only say embarrassingly, "That's right."

Aphrodite lay down on the wicker chair again, waved her hand casually, and said impatiently: "Let's go, let's go, I'm annoyed when I see you!"

Thinking that women will be a little nervous after giving birth, Suldak said, "I'll go see Iser."

After finishing speaking, I went to the red crystal cluster to pick a bag of red crystals, and walked towards the depths of the cave...


Just when Suldak was about to start enjoying this wonderful summer, the recruitment order from the military headquarters of the Bena province was sent to him again.

In fact, Suldak knew about the specific situation as early as spring.

This call-up order came at least a month later than he expected...

In view of the fact that the situation in the Warsaw plane is getting worse day by day, the current Grand Duke Newman already has the idea of ​​letting the Bena Army withdraw from Handanar County. He just wants to pull the frontline troops out of the Warsaw plane little by little. Troops must be added to the field in Handanal County.

This time Suldak's lord's army shined brilliantly in the Bailin plane. When entering the Bailin plane, there were only 50,000 lords' army. When they walked out of the Bailin plane, the lord's army had expanded to 100,000. It's hard not to be noticed by Duke Newman for his dazzling record.

And just this year, the Grand Duke Newman finally made some moves.

According to Grand Duke Newman's request, the lords of the Bena province will organize a large army of lords to enter the Warsaw plane, and try to make a final fight on the battlefield of the Warsaw plane. After that, regardless of success or failure, the Bena army will withdraw across the board Warsaw plane.

According to the instructions of the Duke of Newman, the military department of Bena Province recruited troops willing to enter the Warsaw plane from the private armies of various noble lords.

And Suldak's lord's army has now grown to one hundred thousand troops, so naturally it cannot escape this call, and because of Suldak's outstanding military exploits, the military department appointed Suldak's reinforcements as the supreme commander of the West Route Army.

It is said that the recruitment of troops is a big move this time, and many great lords in other areas of Bena Province have also sent private troops, with a total strength of about 210,000.

This large-scale recruitment can be said to be the last support of the lords of Bena Province for Duke Newman's campaign against the Warsaw plane. If the reinforcement operation is successful, then there will be troops entering the Warsaw plane later, but if such a A large army has entered the Warsaw plane, and the situation there has not improved, which will have a great impact on the prestige of the Grand Duke Newman.

There are almost 150,000 heavy infantry, 30,000 light cavalry, 20,000 heavy cavalry, and 10,000 structural soldiers.

The so-called Constructed Warriors include Constructed Swordsmen unique to Bena Province and a small number of Constructed Knights. It is not easy to form Constructed Knights in Bena Province.

One hundred and fifty thousand heavy infantry, that is to say, a total of nearly one hundred heavy armored infantry regiments will join the Warsaw Plane War, and most of these heavy armored infantry regiments will be willing to obey Suldak's dispatch.

The light cavalry is divided into two types: scout rangers and cavalry archers.

Suldak was one of the top commanders of this batch of reinforcements, and he was able to become the top commander because of recommendations from some lords, most of whom followed Suldak to taste the land in the Ganbu plane and the Bailin plane. To the sweet lords, the military department asked them to send part of the army to support the Warsaw plane, which is no problem, but they demanded that the commander of the reinforcement army must be Suldak, otherwise they refused to participate in the war.

It was for this reason that Suldak was elected as the supreme commander of the West Route Army.

These lords have a large number of heavy armored infantry in their hands, so there are also a lot of heavy armored infantry assigned to Surdak.

This time Suldak will lead one hundred thousand heavy armored infantry, ten thousand heavy cavalry, and five thousand constructed knights to form a large West Route Army and enter the Warsaw plane.

The commander of the Eastern Route Army is Lord Norton. Although the number of heavy armored infantry in the Eastern Route Army is only 50,000, they have 40,000 cavalry and 5,000 armored swordsmen. Obviously, the East Route Army is going to throw the West Route Army a few blocks away.

Seventy percent of the lord army under Suldak's command are veterans of the original lord army alliance.

As for the logistics and logistics group, the military department will be in charge, because almost none of the Bena merchants are willing to enter the Warsaw plane and become a military merchant group of a certain lord army, so the current logistics materials can only be transported in by the military organization.


Just one month after Hathaway gave birth to Little Wente, Marquis Luther and Mrs. Marianne arrived at the airport pier in Ruyt City by magic airship.

Suldak dropped what he was doing, and ran to the airport pier to greet him with Hathaway and Beatrice himself.

This time the Marquis Luther came to Ruyt City, in addition to visiting Hathaway and Little Wentt, he also came to see the preparations for the expedition of the Suldak Lord Army. After all, this expedition will be on the Warsaw plane. Well, Bena Province and Evelson Province are thousands of miles apart. If you take a magic airship from Bena City, you will have to fly for at least a month to reach Evelson City.

However, that side is just a transfer station, and one needs to enter the Warsaw plane through the portal there.

Almost all of Suldak's lords' army was stationed in the barracks outside Mukusuo City, and after this battle on the Bailin plane, the lords' coalition army did not disband, and the army was stationed outside Mukusuo City, waiting This call-up order from the military department.

Marquis Luther first walked around the city of Ruyt, first looked at the dining plaza, then boarded the city wall to look at the half-built sky garden and Tanan Avenue, and entered Mukuso City through the portal that day.

Seeing the brand-new city, the prosperous streets, and the vitality everywhere, Marquis Luthor was completely relieved of the level of Suldak's governance of the city.

"How is the military going to send us there?" Suldak asked Marquis Luther curiously while standing on the wall outside Mukusuo City.

"A temporary teleportation circle will be set up outside the city of Bena. At that time, all the troops will enter the city of Everson through the temporary teleportation circle. After all, there are more than 200,000 troops. Although the establishment of a temporary teleportation circle is expensive, But that is also simpler than using a magic airship to transport troops." Marquis Luther replied.

His gaze fell on the neatly arranged two-story buildings in the outer city, and when he retracted his gaze, he said to Suldak:

"With the temporary teleportation circle, the capacity for this expedition is sufficient."

"And it's a round-trip ticket. When you enter Warsaw, tens of thousands of Bena Legionnaires will withdraw from the battlefield."

"Speaking of which, this is the last mobilization of the Lord's Army in the province of Bena. If the situation still cannot be opened in the Warsaw plane, Duke Newman will order the entire line to withdraw from the Warsaw plane."

When saying these things, Marquis Luther felt a little heavy.

"The situation in the Warsaw plane is so serious?" Suldak asked in surprise, because Duke Newman has guarded the Warsaw plane for so many years, and it is very likely that he will return to Bena province with nothing. Just thinking about it will make people feel very depressed.

Marquis Luther nodded and said:

"Duke Busman offended the Angibold royal family and lost the royal family's support. At the same time, he lost successive battles in the Warsaw plane, which completely made the lords of Evelson province lose their last bit of confidence."


Suldak didn't speak.

The city fell into silence immediately, and after a long silence, Suldak seemed to remember something, and asked Marquis Luther:

"Can I bring a little more cannon fodder this time?"

Marquis Luther was slightly taken aback. Although every army has more or less cannon fodder, no one has said it so bluntly like Suldak.

Marquis Luther thought for a while before saying to Suldak:

"It can't be too much. I'm worried that the logistics team of the military department will not be able to supply them. After all, the province of Evelson is in the Great Depression, and the financial situation of the province of Bena is also very worrying."

"Fifty thousand!" Suldak said, stretching out five fingers.

Standing on the top of the city wall, Marquis Luther, who was holding on to the wall with one hand, shook his hand suddenly, and then he returned to his natural state.

"Heavy armored infantry?" Marquis Luther asked. To be honest, he was a little surprised by the amount of cannon fodder, it was too much.

"Where do I have so many heavy armored infantry, it's ghost pattern soldiers..." Suldak replied casually.

Hearing what Suldak said, Marquis Luther calmly breathed a sigh of relief, and exclaimed, "Got it, it seems that the battle on the Bailin plane has yielded quite a lot."


In the castle, Hathaway and Mrs. Marian sat beside the cradle and chatted in low voices.

Marquis Luther and Suldak walked in from the outside one after the other. Marquis Luther saw little Wente in the cradle, his sharp eyes instantly melted. Regardless of the fact that little Wente was still asleep, he took the maid and handed it over to him. He wiped his hands and face with a warm towel, put his hands into the cradle, and picked up little Wente.

"Put it down quickly, you will make him very uncomfortable if you hug him like this..." Mrs. Marian quickly stopped him.

Marquis Luther didn't say much, and quickly handed Little Went to Mrs. Marianne.

Looking at Hathaway sitting by the bed, and at the ruddy little Wen Te lying in the cradle with his eyes closed, he said to Hathaway:

"If you feel tired, you can take him to Bena City to live for a while at any time, and you can ask Marianne to help you..."

"Understood." Hathaway glanced at her father gratefully, and said sweetly.

"What a cute little guy." Marquis Luther leaned over again, looked at little Wente and praised.

Marquis Luther stayed in Ruyt City for only one night before leaving in a hurry.

Mrs. Marianne will live here in Ruyt City for two months.

All the lord's armies on Suldak's side needed to be reorganized, and entered September in a busy manner. Just when Suldak's army had almost been mobilized, an urgent letter from Hailansa City It was sent to Suldak's hands for a while.

Suldak tore open the envelope, and there was only one line on the pale yellow parchment paper:

‘Darcy Christie is critically ill, come quickly. '

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