Lord Highlander

Chapter 1372: 1359. Lord Hailansa

Walking in the inner corridor of the Christie family castle, you can see the knight guards of the Christie family not far away.

Surdak has been living in the castle of Ruyt City recently, so he has not lost his way due to the countless gates in the castle, nor has he been dazzled by the luxurious decoration inside, but the more he walks in, the more Su Er Dak's heart became colder.

There are knight guards at the door of almost every gate...

When Suldak asked Karl about Dacie Christie's injury, this old friend actually stammered and kept answering questions that were not relevant to the question.

The eyes of Mrs. Marianna who was following Karl were even more red, and her eyes were already swollen.

At the gate of the castle, Karl and Mrs. Marianna seemed to be trying their best to hide it, but when they entered the castle and passed through the gates, there were no servants in the castle anymore, and they didn't say anything about Darcy's condition.

When he climbed up to the second floor, Suldak saw six magicians from Hailansa City. They were sitting in a small hall drinking hot tea, talking in low voice about the drawing method of the magic pattern circle. It seems that they should be exchanging experiences and understandings.

There was no Lance in this group of magicians, but there were some friends of Lance.

Suldak was a little surprised, how could there be so many magicians in the castle of the Christie family.

When he climbed to the third floor, there were actually two constructed swordsmen guarding the door. When Suldak passed by them, although the two constructed swordsmen did not stop them, their sharp Eyes have been fixed on him.

Walking into the corridor on the third floor, Suldak could feel the strong magic fluctuations in the innermost room.

What made Suldak even more unexpected was that the Ferdinand scholar was sitting on a bench in the corridor to rest. Suldak was very familiar with this mage scholar who had been concentrating on the magic topic of "limb grafting" in the magic tower. During the period of living in Hailansa City, Ferdinand scholar gave Suldak a lot of help, but because he knew the living habits of this magic scholar, Suldak knew that he rarely Out of the magic tower.

Unexpectedly, meeting this magic scholar again was actually in the castle of the Christie family.

Seeming to be watching, Scholar Ferdinand slowly opened his eyes, and when he saw Suldak standing in front of him, he nodded to Suldak and said, "I thought you would It won't arrive until two days later, go in and see Da Qian!"

"Scholar Ferdinand!" Suldak hastily and habitually gave a knightly salute to Scholar Ferdinand, and Scholar Ferdinand quickly stood up to return the salute.

"You are already an earl now, and you are still the great lord of the Ganbu plane, so you don't need to salute like this..." Scholar Ferdinand said, patting Suldak on the shoulder.

There was a hint of fatigue in his voice.

Karl came up and said kindly to Ferdinand Scholar: "Master Scholar, go and rest for a while!"

Facing Karl, the Ferdinand scholar said calmly: "Wait a little longer, after half an hour the gemstone base of the magic circle needs to be replaced with a batch of magic crystals."

Hearing what Scholar Ferdinand said, Karl didn't say anything more, but pointed to the wooden door that exuded a magical atmosphere, and said, "Dark, you can go in now, and Darcy is lying in the room inside."

Suldak turned his head to look at Mrs. Marianna. This woman with a slightly raised belly also gave Suldak a positive look.

When he got to the door, Suldak felt that the two guards at the door were even more unusual. They had a strong murderous look on them, just like officers who had just come down from the battlefield. Their aura was different from others.

The two of them set their eyes on Suldak, on the magic badge on his chest...

Just when Suldak thought he needed to say something, one of the swordsmen actually pushed the door open for him, which was filled with a lot of magical energy. The moment he pushed the door, countless magical breaths gushed out, making Su Erdak couldn't help holding his breath.

Probably worried that the footsteps would wake up Dacie Christie, Suldak walked slowly into the room, only to see that there was only one big bed in the huge room, and the carpet around the big bed was covered with countless monster leathers. Almost all the Warcraft leathers are closely connected with some magical metals, and the strong magical atmosphere is constantly generated by these Warcraft leathers.

The magic circle in the room is in the shape of a hexagram, and there is a magician in a black robe on the pointed corner of each hexagram. These magicians are using a ray of mana to maintain the operation of the whole magic circle.

And just above the big bed, a Darcy Christie who was wearing this white gauze dress with her hands crossed on her chest and holding a lily in her hands was lying there with her eyes closed, life after life transformed by magic. The breath continuously poured into Dacie Christie's body along the six magic chains.

Her face was as pale as paper...

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Suldak couldn't feel Dacie Christie's breath, and there were two ghost coins on the bedside cabinet.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Suldak's heart clicked, and the worst answer came to his mind instantly.

Dacie's body in front of her eyes is like a torn sack full of holes. No matter how much life breath these six magicians inject into Dacie Christie's body with the magic circle, at most they can sustain her last breath, but they cannot Heal the slightest wound on his body.

Suldak walked in step by step, and Dacie Christie's personal maid stood up quickly.

Without asking the maid about Daxi's situation, Suldak walked to Daxi's bedside and bent down to touch Daxi's wrist.

Her wrist was as cold as a piece of ice, her chest didn't throb, and Suldak realized more clearly that what was lying on the bed was just a well-preserved corpse.

"How long has she been dead?" Suldak sat down beside Daxi without letting go.

The holy light in the palm of the hand poured into Daqian's body, and it dissipated instantly.

"It's been six days!" said the personal maid helplessly.

Suldak's eyes became sharper, and he said to the personal maid: "Didn't you tell us to take care of her? Why did you encounter an assassin?"

The maid stood aside, tears welling up from her eyes.

"He had been hiding in the carriage for a few days, Erluo who was in charge of protecting... just got out of the carriage, and he suddenly jumped out." The personal maid said with a choked voice.

Suldak sighed softly and asked, "When she left, did she have any instructions?"

The maid did not answer, but turned mechanically and walked to the door of the room, and said to Karl and Mrs. Christie who were waiting outside: "Baron Casement, Mrs. Mariana, please come in too, since Earl Suldak has already Here comes, then it is time to publish the last will..."

"Scholar Ferdinand, please get ready to contact the sealing circle in a quarter of an hour!"

Scholar Ferdinand sat on the bench with his eyes closed and nodded without even moving his eyelids.

The personal maid once again said to the butler waiting in the corridor outside: "Please invite Earl Ryan, Earl Piaro, Viscount Douam... all, as well as Captain Davidson in the side hall outside... "

Suldak followed the personal maid with his eyes. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

Before Suldak was kept waiting for long, several important members of the Christie family came into the room one after another. Behind each of them were two constructed swordsmen. Their faces were very ugly, but there was a faint smile on their brows. schadenfreude.

Several senior generals of the Christie family lord army also came to the room.

Just when the personal maid turned around, Suldak had a very familiar feeling.

There were more than a dozen people standing in the originally empty room, which instantly made the bedroom look extremely crowded, and the personal maid actually walked slowly to the side of the big bed under the gaze of everyone, and then unexpectedly She lay beside Dacie Christie without saying a word, with her head resting on Dacie Christie's shoulder, her hands clasped together in front of her chest, her legs curled slightly, and then she closed her eyes.

Seeing the personal maid pretending to be falling asleep, Scholar Ferdinand who was waiting at the side immediately stood up, replaced a magician, and stood at the leading position of the magic circle.

Scholar Ferdinand began to chant incantations, and the other five magicians also chanted along with him. As the incantations were recited, the magic pattern circles on the floor of the room began to light up one by one, as the power of magic continued to be revealed. , a round birdcage loomed in front of Suldak's eyes, which was completely condensed by magical power.

The cage covered almost the entire room.

As the incantations were recited, part of the magic power gathered in Scholar Ferdinand's hand, and then this magic power began to slowly transform into a large transparent hand.

And this big transparent hand stretched out, and actually touched the body of the maid who was lying on the bed next to her, and the big transparent hand suddenly went deep into her body and grabbed it.

Suldak already felt that the big hand grabbed a soul that was so weak that it was almost dissipated. Suldak rubbed his eyes vigorously, because he had already seen a clue from the outline of the soul.

After Scholar Ferdinand pulled out the soul from the personal maid, Suldak finally saw the phantom of the soul that was about to disappear.

That phantom floated on Darcy Christie's body...

Suldak finally realized that Scholar Ferdinand had arranged a magic circle to seal the soul. Simply put, it could seal the soul of the dead into the magic space and release it after a while.

The conditions required for this kind of magic sealing circle are very strict, except that the magic pattern circle needs to be manipulated by a magician 24 hours a day, and another point is that a container is needed to carry the soul, that is, the personal maid just now is just a vehicle, and Just now, what was in her body was Daxi's soul.

No wonder Suldak always felt inexplicably familiar when he spoke.

The phantom of the soul almost completely overlapped with Daxi's body, but her body was completely rigid and unable to move.

The phantom of Daxi's soul floated up again, just above the bed.

Her eyes looked around with great nostalgia, and now everyone in the bedroom focused on this remaining soul.

"Dark, thank you for rushing over here at the first time!"

Nadaxi's phantom was able to speak, and then said to the people in the room: "When I was in charge of Hailansa, I failed to bring any changes to this city, nor did I revitalize the family. I'm sorry to disappoint everyone. gone."

The voice of Daxi's soul was a bit too calm, but Suldak knew clearly that that soul was Daxi.

Mrs. Marianna on the side wanted to reach out to grab her hand, but it was in vain.

"Daxi..." The hoarse voice showed that Mrs. Mariana's throat had been broken.

Suldak stood at the head of the bed without speaking.

The weak soul landed beside Mrs. Mariana, and almost stuck to Mrs. Mariana's face, saying:

"Auntie, don't cry, listen to me explain the last things..."

Mrs. Marianne shut her mouth immediately when she heard Darcy say this.

Darcy Christie's body was lying on the bed, which made Suldak feel somewhat unreal.

Darcy's eyes fell on Mrs. Marianne Christie's slightly raised belly, and she said to Suldak, "This is her and Karl's child. It's a pity that I couldn't see his birth with my own eyes."

The phantom of the soul dimmed again, and she paused for a moment before begging to Suldak again:

"After I die, I hope that David can become the consul of High Lansa City, but he has not yet been born, and he may not be able to be the consul of High Lansa City before he becomes an adult. Shall I take over High Lansa City?"

Suldak was stunned, he never expected that Daxi put the hat of the Consul of Hailansa on his head.

As Suldak didn't agree immediately, but hesitated for a moment, Daxi's soul phantom said again:

"It won't take long...just sixteen years."

Suldak broke out in a cold sweat all of a sudden, will it take sixteen years? But seeing that Daxi was about to lose her soul, she didn't know how to refuse.

At this time, I heard Darcy's soul phantom continue to say: "When David completes the adult ceremony and can inherit the title of the Christie family, you are giving him a little bit of power in your hand, but these must be based on the fact that he has a knight. The eight virtues of..."

Seeing that Daxi's soul was already too weak, Suldak could only bite the bullet and nodded and said:

"Okay, I promise you, when he comes of age, I will hand over this city to him."

Darcy Christie's soul blurred with a faint smile, and said to him, "I'm so lucky to have met you in this life!"

Then the phantom of the soul told the head of Davidson's army, nothing more than to actively cooperate with Lord Suldak to stabilize the current situation in Hailansa City, and after sixteen years of persistence, both Hailansa City and the Christie family will be successfully restored. Delivered to the child in Lady Mariana's womb.

After saying this, Darcy Christie's phantom of the soul dissipated in a magical light curtain...


(The book is actually finished here, and the plot of the Warsaw plane will be unfolded next to repay the rewards and changes owed from this spring.)

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