Lord Highlander

Chapter 1373: 1360. Darcy's Funeral

The biggest difference between the mountain city of Hailansa and the city of Ruyt is that it is located halfway up the mountain. The whole city is hidden among the dense oak forests, almost blending with the surrounding environment, like a magnificent yellow patch embedded in the blue sea. gem.

Ruyt City, on the other hand, completely covered the nearly 200-meter-high cliff, and the city completely covered the cliff.

The top of the mountain in Hailansa belongs to the territory of the Christie family, and few people can climb to the top of this mountain.

At this moment, Suldak was standing on the top of Hailansa Mountain, and at his feet was the mountain city with extremely dense buildings. If anyone could set up a few trebuchets on this mountaintop, then the entire Hailansa city would be completely destroyed. Shrouded within range of the Catapult.

The land on the top of the mountain belongs to the Christie family and is the cemetery of the Christie family.

Looking around, the obsidian tombstones almost occupied the entire top of the mountain. Since the top of the mountain is surrounded by dense golden and silver oak trees, few people know that there is a hidden cave here.

Daxi's tombstone is located on the sunny south slope of the cemetery. Looking down from here, you can just have a panoramic view of Hailansa City.

Almost all the nobles in the city of Hailansa came to the funeral. The open space in front of the tombstone was crowded with nobles in black dresses. Karl had been carefully accompanying Mrs. Mariana. At this moment, Mrs. Mariana was almost crying Fainted.

Compared to Mrs. Mariana's distraught, other members of the Christie family were relatively silent.

Before Daxi died, she handed over the Guard Knights of the Christie Family to Suldak's hands, which was probably the main reason for their collective silence.

Darcy Christie's funeral went on all morning, and when the nobles placed the flowers around the tombstone, the funeral also came to an end.

People left one after another, and the tombstone was surrounded by flowers, and the petals would fall with the wind when it was blown so gently...

Suldak waited until the end, looking at the quiet cemetery, he sighed softly.

On Darcy Christie's tombstone, there is also a sentence in imperial language: "The moon shines her light all over the sky, but keeps her dark spots for itself." - Suldak'

Those attending the funeral left the cemetery on the top of the mountain one after another, and even Mrs. Mariana was helped away by the maid...

On a raised cliff on the top of the mountain, Suldak, Karl and Lance sat on it.

The three of them looked at the lush green mountains in the distance. Lance, whose eyes were shining with wisdom, asked Surdak with curiosity:

"If you could start your life over again, would you choose to marry Daqian?"

Suldak shook his head, turned his gaze back to his feet, and said to Lance, "I don't know..."

He was silent for a while, then said again:

"If you missed it, you missed it. Maybe there were some regrets at the time, but for Daxi and I at that time, our stubborn personalities meant that we couldn't stay together."

Hearing what Suldak said, Lance stopped talking.

On the other hand, Karl suddenly asked Lance:

"I heard that Captain Gerald is going to recommend you to be the deputy head of the law enforcement team?"

Lance was a little surprised, and asked suspiciously:

"Well, I was notified the day before yesterday, how did you know?"

Carl smiled triumphantly and said, "I'm the chief security officer of Hailansa City..."

At this time, Suldak didn't listen to the teasing between Lance and Karl. He set his eyes on the place where the sky and mountains in the distance connected, but his thoughts drifted away with his eyes.

Many times, this world is unreal to him.

But looking at the friends around me, I found that I have been moving forward, and along the way, I can finally stand on the top of the mountain and look into the distance.

There was a trace of determination in Suldak's eyes. Several plane wars had polished him to look like a sharp knight's long sword. He habitually touched the hilt at his waist and said to his two friends:

"I'm going to the Warsaw plane, maybe we will meet again next time, when I return from the Warsaw plane..."

Carl was taken aback, and Lance also stayed on the spot.

Karl asked Suldak:

"Dark, I remember that you are serving in the Warsaw plane, don't you? Why did the higher-ups send you to that fire pit this time?"

With a wry smile on his face, Suldak said to Karl: "I am the lord of the Ganbu plane, what's so strange about that!"

"I heard that Lord MacDonnell didn't want to lead the Lord's army to the Warsaw plane, so he took the risk of choosing the Ganbu plane to be independent!" Carl said to the two.

"I heard that Warsaw is a big quagmire. I hope you can get out of it as soon as possible..." Lance put his hand on Suldak's shoulder.

Just now I was so envious of Suldak acting as the governor of Hailansa city temporarily, but in a blink of an eye, when I heard that he was about to go to the Warsaw plane to fight the evil spirit army there, I suddenly felt that this Hailansa The position of the governor of Saskatchewan seems to be less prosperous.

In the past few years, countless noble lords in the province of Bena have fallen to the sand in the Warsaw plane...

Now that Suldak is going to lead the army to the Warsaw plane, no matter how I think about it, I don't think it is a reliable thing.

"Is it settled?" Carl asked.

Suldak nodded and said: "50,000 heavy armored infantry soldiers have already taken the magic airship to Bena, and I will reorganize the cavalry regiment next..."


The streets in Hailansa are still so crowded that you can see a bridge passing over your head almost every time you walk. The balconies of many buildings almost extend to the street, and some clothes drying poles are built from the balconies here Go to the protruding terrace across the street, so when walking, you have to look up from time to time to avoid being hit by falling water droplets.

The Knight Academy on Doronvale Street in Hailansa City has started school.

Looking from the outside of the school, groups of teenagers in the academy are running on the playground. Every student is very immature. Suldak rode a horse and continued along the road beside the street. In order to make it easier for little Peter to go to school at the Knight Academy, Natasha The rented house was chosen on this street.

And it's not too far from the Magic Tower, as long as you walk a short distance along this street, you can reach the Magic Tower.

Natasha temporarily rented a three-storey villa. The yard is not big, the roof is covered with dark red tiles, there are two fruit trees in the yard, and there is a low wall of shrubs in the yard. After cutting the wooden fence, Surdak led the horse and walked in.

Originally, Suldak planned not to stay here, but on the way back, he changed his mind.

After all, it's been a long time since I saw Natasha, and it may take two or three years to leave this time. Although I can sneak back to have a look halfway through, there won't be too many opportunities for that.

There was a rhythmic sound of beating clothes in the yard. Surdak tied the rein to the tree at the door, and then followed the sound and walked over.

I saw Natasha squatting next to the water table, washing some dirty clothes. Hearing footsteps behind him, he suddenly turned around and found that Suldak was already standing behind him. Natasha immediately stood up and yelled. Wiping off the soapy water from his hands, he threw himself into Surdak's arms.

The good life made her look plump, and when she was hugged in her arms, the sense of happiness was almost overwhelming.

Although the family now has no worries about food and clothing, and employs maids and cooks, Natasha is used to doing these things.

There was a faint smell of lavender on her body, and the two of them didn't even speak, Suldak held Natasha's delicate face and pecked heavily on her soft and warm lips.

Natasha's eyes seemed to be able to speak. When she saw Suldak, her eyes were almost bent into double crescents.

"Did you miss me?" Suldak asked Natasha's ear.

Although they were already old couples, Natasha would still blush when Suldak hugged her.

Natasha nodded, then responded in a low voice:

"I knew you'd be back!"

From Natasha's words, Suldak guessed that Natasha already knew about Daxi's death.

Natasha pulled him into the house, and asked with some expectation: "How long can I stay this time?"

"Leave tomorrow..." Suldak looked at Natasha and said to her.

"Leaving so soon?" Natasha was slightly disappointed.

Suldak can only say: "The news about Darcy Christie was received quite suddenly this time, and there are still many things that have not been dealt with. In addition, this time the military department has dropped a call-up order. I guess it will go out soon. Warsaw plane."

Hearing that Suldak was going to the Warsaw plane, Natasha's face instantly turned extremely pale.

"Don't worry, I'm the supreme commander of the West Route Army, so my safety is guaranteed!" Suldak comforted the woman beside him in a low voice.

Natasha was only worried for a moment, and then began to prepare food and bath water for Surdak.

Old Sheila was sitting on the rocking chair in the living room, seeming to be sleeping, but when Suldak came to her side, old Sheila just opened her somewhat cloudy eyes, saw Suldak, and just smiled slightly at him. She nodded and motioned for him to sit down beside her, but she didn't say a word.

Old Sheila had been aging very quickly during this time, and the old spots on her face were two more spots than last time, and the loose flesh was almost piled up on her cheeks.

She raised her trembling hand and pointed to the nuts on the small table.

This was the first time that old Sheila took the initiative to invite Suldak to eat, which moved Suldak a little.

Suldak sat beside the old Sheila, and did not rush to eat those nuts, but washed the old Sheila's body again with the power of the holy light, and said to her: "I have already arranged everything about little Peter." Well, if the Magic Awakening Ceremony fails to make little Peter a magic apprentice, then send him to the Knight Academy."

Hearing Suldak talk about little Peter, the old Sheila who was a bit tired immediately became much more energetic.

Little Peter is probably the only spiritual pillar in her heart now.

"This time I'm going to the Warsaw plane..." Suldak added casually.

Old Sheila, who was trembling and holding a water cup, shook her hands suddenly, and the teacup in her hand fell on the carpet. Although the teacup didn't break, the tea inside was like a carpet wet.

Old Sheila's lips trembled, and she wanted to say something discouraging, but when she saw Suldak's resolute gaze, she retracted the words that had just reached her lips.

"I will go to Moyun Ridge to see him, the second team, and the forest camp. Do you need me to bring him back?" Suldak asked old Sheila.

Old Sheila waved her hand, panted slightly while breathing, and said, "Let him lie there, there is no need to toss about."

"If possible this time, I will help them avenge..."

Before Suldak finished speaking, he was interrupted by old Xila: "I don't need you to take revenge, don't be blinded by hatred, where are you leading the army this time?"

Suldak nodded.

"Then I only have one request. Promise me, you must bring them back as much as possible, and don't leave them there. This war has been going on for too long. Compared with the victory of the war, everyone hopes that their loved ones can be safe Come back." Old Sheila held Suldak's hand and said to him seriously.

Suldak squatted in front of old Sheila's rocking chair, feeling that although old Sheila was old, she was not confused.


This villa has a separate bathroom.

The bathtub is filled with water.

Suldak sat in the bathtub and took a bath.

Natasha moved a small maza and sat behind Suldak to help him rub his back. Suldak didn't speak, and he just quietly listened to Natasha talking about the trivial things he encountered in life.

She met some neighbors here...

The neighbor's children would always sneak into the yard and steal the pears on the tree, but since Natasha picked a large bowl of pears and delivered them to the two children's home, the child never stole the pears over the courtyard wall. There are pears.

The widowed old man across the street likes to bask in the sun at the door of his house. Every time little Peter passes by, he will chat with the old man.

According to Little Peter, the old man was a famous swordsman when he was young, but now that he is old, he still has a good grasp of the skills of using a sword.

Every time Little Peter talks about this, his eyes always shine, but Little Peter rarely talks about the things he learned in the Magic Tower...

There are occasional flower sellers on the street, and Natasha will occasionally buy a bouquet and put it in a bottle. As long as the bottle is filled with water, that kind of flower can live in the bottle for more than half a month.

She babbled a lot, and Suldak listened patiently.

While talking, Natasha stopped and hesitated for a while before asking Suldak: "I heard that Ruyt City is a big city, is it bigger than Hailanza?"

"It's bigger, and there is a portal in the center of the city, and there is a bigger city on the other side of the portal, and its name is Mukuso." Suldak replied. "These two cities are almost connected by a portal."

He turned his head to look at Natasha, smiled at her and said, "Do you want to visit the city of Ruyt? In fact, there is nothing wrong with it, but I don't have much time recently. I guess I have to wait until I come from Warsaw. The plane is back..."

"How long are you going, four years?" Natasha asked nervously.

Suldak shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe it won't take that long, maybe like Duke Newman, he will be entangled by the evil ghost army and can't escape..."

Next is the debt repayment chapter of the Warsaw plane, which will probably have about 300,000 words and 80 chapters. Well, let me talk about a digression: Many people don’t understand, there are so many stories behind, why don’t they finish it without writing, this time track involving this magical world, I have a story about the main character soon To be honest, the power system will be unbalanced when I write it down, and the three protagonists will be very different by then. The main character was taken apart abruptly. Well, when I finish writing the Warsaw Plane, the third character will be on the scene soon.

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