Lord Highlander

Chapter 1374: 1361. A New Journey

The next morning, Suldak was sitting in an armchair in the largest conference room on the second floor of Hailanza City Hall.

The entire Tarapakan area knows that Lord Suldak does not like to be absent during meetings. Those noble lords who were absent from the meeting on the Ganbu plane have now been deprived of all the territories and properties of the Ganbu plane. The nobles who were absent from the meeting in Ruyt City were basically kicked out of Ruyt by him.

Now that he is sitting in the position of Consul of Hailansa City, all the officials in Hailansa City have become extremely nervous. Everyone does not know what this newly appointed powerful Consul will do to them Behavior.

Many officials in Hailansa City are no strangers to the name Suldak. Many people even know that he comes from Wall Village in the barren land. During his service, he became a formal knight from a poor man. Served in the guard battalion, and later became a third-class baron under the strong recommendation of Marquis Luther. After reaching the position of earl step by step, he married Marquis Luther's daughter, Miss Hathaway, and reached the pinnacle of life.

It is such an aristocrat who came out of the commoner class and now sits in the highest position in Hailansa City.

Some envy, some admire, some envy, some hate.

This room is very large, but there is only one throne-like chair, and other nobles have to stand around the stage.

A lot of noble officials came to this meeting. As the bronze bell of the clock tower on the square not far away was rang, the door of the meeting room made a dull closing sound, and all the whispered conversations stopped immediately.

There are six round arched high windows on the left and right sides of this room, so the light is not dim.

Suldak nodded to the nobles present, and then said: "Good morning everyone, everyone must know me, I am Suldak!"

"Appointed by Countess Darcy Christie, I am currently the new consul of Hailansa City. I feel very sad that Countess Darcy Christie was accidentally assassinated. Darcy is my best friend. We met on the plane of Warsaw , I became a friend who talked about everything at the Junior Knight Academy in Hailansa City, I originally thought that she would sit in this position until she was old, and bring new glory to the Christie family."

"But now, it's a pity that she is already lying under the tombstone. Although the murderer committed suicide on the spot, I am more concerned about the instigator hiding behind. I hope he can always live in the shadows, just like The rat in the sewer lives so humblely and cautiously, you better not let me find out, otherwise I will personally add him to the stake."

"The investigation into the cause of Daxi's death will never stop until the truth is revealed."

Suldak paused for a while, and after the oppressive atmosphere in the hall eased a bit, Suldak said again: "Next... I want to talk about the appointment of departments. Changes will be made, and I would also like to ask Mrs. Mariana to temporarily serve as the consul of Hailansa City!"

The officials in the hall were in an uproar. Regarding Earl Suldak's appointment as the consul of Hailansa City, everyone present had nothing to say, after all, their identity and strength lay there.

But Mrs. Marianne Christie, her first husband was the heir of the Langdon family, and although she is a widow in name, she has an inexplicable relationship with Karl of the Casement family. In summary, there is only one sentence In other words, that is 'Germany does not match'.

Karl also knew that the nobles of Hailansa City would not let Mrs. Mariana become the consul of Hailansa City.

Even if their children want to inherit Hailansa City when they grow up, they probably need Suldak's full support.

Now Suldak suddenly pushed Mrs. Marianna to the front, and the nobles in the hall were stunned, 'Do you really care what we think? '

The first person to stand up to object was Karl. He didn't want to push Marianne out and put her on the fire. He walked out of the crowd and stood in front of Suldak, and said to him without any scruples: "Dak... She is a pregnant woman now, how could she have the energy to help you manage Hailansa?"

Suldak waved to Karl, signaling him to calm down.

Then he stood up, leaned on the high chair with his hand, glanced at the officials in the hall, and said confidently:

"I think that during the period of Mrs. Mariana's pregnancy, each department should be able to handle the troubles of its own department. She usually only needs to sign. Carl, you must pay attention to sending someone to protect her safety."

Just when the officials were confused... and didn't know how to refute Suldak's decision, Suldak took out a call-up order from his magic pocket and said, "As for me... I have already accepted it." The deployment of Bena's army will go to the Warsaw plane in the near future!"

There was another murmur in the hall, and the voice was full of emotions such as relaxation, joy, and exclamation.

Everyone knows what the conscription order represents. Going to the Warsaw plane is not something worth celebrating, and many noble lords avoid it.

In the aristocratic circle of High Lansa City, Earl Mond Goss is the best example. He has been in the Warsaw plane for eight years. Now not only the family's lord army has been completely exhausted, but the Goss family has also declined. .

However, this kind of recruitment order also has some protective policies for noble lords.

Once the military department of the Bena province issues a call-up order for the noble lord, it means that the noble lord will make a certain sacrifice for the benefit of the Bena province. During this period, the Bena province will also guarantee the noble lord His power and property are not enough for other nobles to invade.

It's just that the officials of Hailansa didn't expect that after Suldak became the consul of Hailansa city, he would lead the main army to the Warsaw plane to participate in the war of planes without handling a single official business. It was luck or misfortune for Hailanza.

Suldak clapped his hands, focused everyone's attention, and then continued: "In the next period of time, all departments will still perform their duties according to the usual practice. If there is a dispute, it will not be Mrs. Mariana." If you can decide, you can write to me for small matters, and for major matters, you can bring them to the meeting of the House of Representatives of the Province of Bena for resolution."

"I only have one request. During my absence, I don't want to see the economy of Hailansa City go backwards, and I don't want to see the population of residents in the city show a reverse growth. The basic requirement is that the economy and population must at least maintain The current situation, I hope you can let me see your ability."

Suldak only stayed in the city hall for half a day before leaving the city of Hailansa on horseback.


When the magic-striped warhorse passed through the market and came to the drawbridge at the city gate, Suldak heard someone calling him above his head. The voice was clear and clean. When he raised his head, he found that it was Little Peter standing on the high wall of the city gate, with a Holding the flag planted on the wall, he waved vigorously at him.

It seems that the farewell in the morning did not satisfy little Peter. He actually waited on the city wall at the gate of the city.

Sulda grabbed the reins of the magic-pattern warhorse, and the warhorse kept stepping on the wooden boards under its feet, and then stopped after turning in a circle.

"Take good care of grandma and mother..."

Suldak waved his hand vigorously at the city wall, and the magic-weave warhorse neighed, and then sped away.

I can't hear the immature call in my ears, only the whistling wind is left...


In the castle of Ruyt City, Beatrice sat alone on the high observation deck, rubbing her stomach a little depressingly, even though Hathaway had left all the opportunities for herself this summer. Li almost drowned to death, but her flat stomach still didn't improve.

She stroked the vest line on her lower abdomen, apart from the sadness of parting, her heart was filled with a faint sense of loss.

On Yuanyuan's face, the smile seemed so forced.

The wind on the observation deck was a bit strong, but it was just enough to have a panoramic view of all the actions on the parade square in front of the castle. A group of knights stood on the square.

Hathaway came from the stairs, hugged her from behind, and put her pretty face on her soft shoulders.

The two looked at the noisy square in front of the castle. This time, Carrie Decker will lead the cavalry regiment to the city of Bena by land. Before departure, Suldak will conduct the final mobilization on the square.

It seems that the residents of Ruyt City have become accustomed to this kind of frequent battles, and the recent two war victories have brought unprecedented prosperity to Ruyt City.

Everyone is looking forward to greater victories brought by the lord's army. Recently, even the recruitment of soldiers in Ruyt City has shown a step-by-step increase.

As the head of the cavalry regiment, Carrie Decker needs to rush to Bena City by land with the Lord Army Cavalry Regiment, while Suldak leads the Constructed Knights to the city of Bena in a magic airship.

Carrie Decker, the head of the knight order, was very dissatisfied with the unequal treatment between cavalry and constructed knights.

But after all, the capacity of magic airships is limited. The magic airships in the whole province are currently under the unified deployment of the military. Most of the magic airships are transporting heavy armored infantry regiments, and cavalry regiments have no chance at all.

Watching groups of cavalry marching towards the gate of the city with their bags on their backs on the parade ground, Carrie Decker gave a military salute to Suldak, followed the last cavalry group, and left the city of Ruyt. .

Before leaving, he sent an encouraging look to Samira.


There were only 500 constructed knights, 30 young magicians, and Nika's medical team left in the square.

These are the elite troops of the Suldak Lord Army, and these people will take the magic airship to Bena City together with Suldak.

The people around the square have not yet dispersed. Everyone is watching the Constructed Knights, imagining that one day they can become a Constructed Knight. It can be said that the men of the Grimm Empire have a Constructed Knight in their hearts. Dream.

Young people prefer to watch Nika's medical team. Those maids who believe in nature wear white dresses. Although not all of them are beautiful enough, they are better than neatly dressed, and their appearance is at least above the passing line.

Even the young mages were secretly observing the medical team, they really wanted to see healing methods other than water magic and holy light.

The cavalry withdrew, leaving only horse dung eggs scattered around on the parade square.

This summer is about to pass, and the residents of the city are preparing for the Harvest Festival celebration. Every main street in Ruyt City is covered with ribbons, and the merchants have also prepared vats of wine and a lot of food. This year, Ruyt City is different. In the past, the huge benefits brought by the war made the whole city look brand new.

But now the clarion call for the expedition resounded throughout the city, and everyone began to look forward to the next victory.

Compared with the optimism of ordinary people, the nobles in the city are much more sober, mainly because they all know clearly that this time the lord army will go to the Warsaw plane, which is almost completely forgotten by the entire Grimm Empire. Warsaw.

"Let's go, the magic airship is still waiting for us at the airport pier! Let's go to Bena City."

Suldak said to Samira, Gulitum and Nika.

A group of costumed knights opened the way ahead, and the people on the street pushed away to both sides of the road one after another. These magic pattern horses were covered with dark red hard armor, and each horse looked very handsome, with their hooves trampling on the stone road. , making a crisp tapping sound.

Wherever Suldak went, the cheers of the people could be heard all around him.

This time, the officials of Ruyt City were still waiting at the airport pier to see off the Suldak Consul.

Suldak saw the bearded Edgar standing in the crowd, and immediately beckoned him to his side, and the group stopped at the gate of the airport terminal.

"You have to help me guard the city of Ruyt, and there must be no more troubles like necromancers. If there is anything that can't be solved, go to Sia, and she can contact me in a special way, even if I am in Warsaw Plane, there will be a solution!" Suldak whispered in Edgar's ear.

"Understood, Commander!" said the bearded Edgar.

Suldak patted the shoulder of the bearded man, said his final goodbyes to the officials of Ruyt City, and then walked into the high tower of the airport terminal.

Today, the airport tower in Ruyt City is almost at the same height as the sky garden on the city wall. According to Baron Martino's city blueprint, the airport tower will likely be replaced by a sky garden stop in the future.

Suldak was about to go up the street when he suddenly saw Naomi coming out from the shadow at the corner of the stairs. Her footsteps were a bit unnatural, and she was carrying an oversized worn-out backpack on her back. Perhaps it was because many Construct Knights knew her , she walked directly in front of Suldak.

"Naomi... why are you here?" Suldak asked the necromancer.

When Samira, who was waiting in front, saw Naomi, she was not surprised at all, obviously she knew that Naomi was here.

An ugly smile appeared on Naomi's somewhat stiff face, and she said, "I thought about it for a while, I'd better go with you, or maybe one day I will be discovered by the knights in the city, and it will be more troublesome if I want to move. Now The entire city of Ruyt is not so friendly to necromancers, it is better to follow your lord army to change the environment."

"Are you going to join us?" Surdak asked in surprise.

Naomi said in her unique hoarse voice: "Otherwise... I've said it so bluntly, wouldn't you take the initiative to invite me?"

"Welcome to join our team... Naomi!"

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