Lord Highlander

Chapter 1375

The temporary barracks outside the city of Bena have been filled with the lords' army gathered from various cities. A large number of heavy armored infantry regiments not only filled the temporary camp outside the city to the brim, some legions even simply lived in the empty space outside the airport pier. superior.

As soon as Suldak arrived in Bena City by magic airship, he saw a camp set up outside the city.

Teams of cavalry continued to gather towards the city of Bena along some main roads outside the city. Dust flying in the dusk and the neighing of war horses finally made the city look like it was before the war.

The airport in Bena City became busy. Magical airships carrying a large amount of supplies docked in front of the high tower platform. A group of laborers carrying bags came and went in and out of the airship warehouse like hardworking workers, constantly transporting supplies. Go to the four-wheeled wagon under the pier.

Surdak stood on the bow deck, quietly waiting for the airship to dock beside the platform.

Until the knights who constructed the Knights lined up to leave the airport terminal, Surdak and his party had been stranded at the airport terminal in Bena City for a whole night.

The morning light at dawn made the land in front of Bena City extraordinarily enchanting. The morning glow on the horizon gently held up a round of red sun. As the sun continued to rise, it finally began to emit dazzling light.

Walking on the avenue between the airport pier and Bena City, looking at the military camps built on the side of the road, many camps have already emitted cooking smoke.

"This expedition to the Warsaw plane, there are at best only more than 200,000 troops. Why do you feel that there are lords' troops everywhere outside the city of Bena?" Suldak said to Samira behind him with some doubts.

The half-elf archer wearing the salamander's tight leather armor held the reins of the horse, looked at the barracks in the wilderness, and said: "This should be the last time that the province of Bena will send more troops to the Warsaw plane on a large scale. In addition, there should be a large amount of war preparations, and this time the military department of Bena Province has really spent a lot of money for the Duke of Newman."

Just as Suldak led the Constructed Knights out of the airport pier, three military officials came to meet him on horseback.

One of the officials in light armor came to Suldak, took the initiative to salute Suldak and said:

"Lord Suldak, we are the dispatcher of the military department of Bena Province. You probably don't know much about the temporary camp where the West Route Army is stationed. This time, I will take you there."

Suldak nodded.

The dispatcher came up on horseback.

The other two continued to wait by the side of the road, as if they were waiting for the next wave of troops to get off the magic airship.

Suldak turned his head to look at the young officer, looked at the barracks by the road, and asked:

"Which part of the soldiers in the camp in this area belong to?"

The young dispatcher quickly replied: "This time, the military department has transferred a large number of lord troops from various regions, resulting in the emptiness of the defense forces in some regions. The military department needs to deploy troops to these regions. These troops are all reserve troops to be filled in various places. , The reason why they are stationed next to the airport terminal is also to be able to board the airship in time once a magic airship stops at the airport terminal, and try to avoid the magic airship staying in front of the terminal platform for too long.”

Suldak nodded slightly.

The cavalry team passed the caravan parked by the roadside and walked to the right at the fork ahead.

Suldak knew that the road on the left led to the south gate of Bena City, and it seemed that the dispatcher was going to take them directly to the temporary camp.

"I have a group of troops who should have rushed over from the Bailin plane. I don't know if they have arrived yet?" Suldak asked the dispatcher.

The dispatcher turned sideways slightly, and replied respectfully to Suldak: "I have already lived in the temporary camp a week ago."

Seeing that he was very familiar with the troops he was going on, Suldak asked, "Where are those special forces?"

The young dispatcher's expression was serious, and when he looked at Suldak, he admired him even more, and hurriedly said:

"According to Commander Chester's request, this group of special troops is temporarily stranded in the ranch outside Wilkes City. There is a large slaughterhouse in Wilkes City, which produces a large amount of animal offal almost every day. Cheap food goes to that special army of yours these days."

Suldak nodded again, and asked the young dispatcher again:

"When will the temporary teleportation circle be built?"

The young dispatcher turned around and pointed in the direction of the gate of Bena City, and replied:

"It has been built, and it was built in front of the South City Gate. The magicians of the Stargazer Union are currently debugging."

Suldak: "Does the military have an exact plan, when will we set off?"

The young dispatcher thought for a while before saying, "If everything goes well, the cavalry regiment of the Eastern Route Army will be the first to pass through the temporary portal in about three days, and it will be the turn of the Western Route Army to pass through the temporary portal in a week."

Suldak lowered his head and calculated, then frowned and said:

"Does that mean I only have six days to familiarize myself with my army?"

The young dispatcher immediately added: "In Everson City, you will have plenty of time to get to know your West Route Army."

Suldak still doesn't know which lord army he will lead. Currently, there are 30 heavy armored infantry regiments belonging to the direct line army, and there are about 45,000 infantry soldiers. There are also 10,000 cavalry and 1,000 constructed knights.

Entering October, the leaves of willow trees on both sides of the road have fallen clean, and the road is covered with dead leaves, and the horseshoes stepping on it make a soft rustling sound.

The temporary military camp was not far from the city of Bena. It was on a hillside covered with clover grass. There was a small stream meandering under the hillside. Thousands of war horses were drinking water by the stream at the moment.

As soon as Suldak's Constructed Knights emerged from the forest road, they heard a wild howl of a wolf, and then a huge frost wolf that looked like silver rushed out from a forest upstream of the river. , its body reflected the dazzling light in the sun, and there was an orc crouching on the back of the giant wolf, it was Tiger.

On the other side of the horse herd by the stream, several constructed knights also ran towards Suldak from the stream.

Andrew stood out from the knights on a magic-striped warhorse. He held the rein in one hand and raised the other hand high, shaking it vigorously towards Suldak!

Probably because I haven't seen Andrew for a long time, not only Suldak was a little excited, but also the two-headed ogre Gullitum was a little excited. Even covered with a layer of ice armor, let out a deafening roar.


"Gulitham..." Andrew responded.

Most of the constructed knights behind Suldak were brought out by Andrew, and when they saw Andrew again this time, they all went up to meet him...

Andrew, Samira, Gullitum, Tiger... Except for Carrie Decker who was still on the way, the members of Suldak's combat team gathered together again...

Moreover, this time there is an extra necromancer, Naomi.

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