Lord Highlander

Chapter 1376: 1363. Can't close my eyes

The camp of the Lord Army of the West Route almost occupied the entire southern slope of Moon Moon Ridge. This is one of dozens of earthen ridges in the south of Bena City. It can become the camp of the Army of the West Route mainly because the south slope is gentle and has a large area of ​​green grass. There is a clear river below the hillside.

The white felt tents are neatly arranged on the hillside, and each team will be clearly distinguished.

When the commanders of the various lord armies heard that Suldak had finally arrived, they all ran to the large tent specially set up for him by the military headquarters. This large tent had been idle in the camp for nearly three weeks, and today was the first time. Crowded.

Suldak was sitting on a chair in the middle of the big tent, flipping through a volume of the march plan that had just been delivered. According to the instructions of the military department, the West Route Army would wait at the temporary teleportation gate in eight days without any delay.

Suldak knew that once the temporary portal was activated, the magic hub would burn a lot of magic crystals every moment, so every army of the Lord Army had to be perfectly connected when passing through the portal, but the biggest problem now is , Carrie Decker and five thousand cavalry are still on the way, and it will take at least a week to reach the city of Bena.

In other words, if there were no accidents, Carrie Decker and the cavalry regiment arrived at the camp without any resting world at all, and they would immediately pass through the portal and enter the city of Everson.

Suldak looked up and looked around, seeing that the tent was already crowded with the commanders of the various lord armies, he immediately turned to the march plan in his hand.

On the wooden table on the other side was the catalog of the West Route Army. He coughed lightly, and the tent immediately became quiet.

As for Lord Suldak, all the commanders present have heard of his name.

When someone mentioned him at the noble ball in Bena, many people would subconsciously think: Oh! I know that lucky knight chosen by Marquis Luther! Luther not only recommended him to become a nobleman, but also married his daughter to him, what a lucky guy.

When someone mentions him in the big tent of a military camp on a certain plane, some people can't help but sigh: It's that great knight who knows the Holy Light technique! Rank two powerhouse, it would be great if we could have such a powerhouse in our knight order, at least one battle can save a lot of people from dying.

According to a certain lord, he also became friends with a red dragon. Although he is not yet a dragon knight, at least he has taken the first step towards the legendary road.

Some people even said that he had reached some kind of agreement with the lord of the undead world, and he would take the lead when he was in danger.

The most outrageous thing is that some people say that there is a great alchemist hiding behind him, who has strengthened all his war horses with strengthening scrolls...

Although a bit outrageous, these things are not groundless. When the commanders in the tent passed the door of the big tent, they all saw that the tendon of the front leg of the ancient horse was almost covered with complicated magic patterns.

Now that he finally appeared in front of everyone, he realized that he was nothing more than that.

He has an ordinary appearance, a burly figure, although his eyes are sharp, but he looks like a gentleman, and the beard on his face is neatly groomed, which makes him look very clean.

"Ahem, there are no tables and chairs in the tent, so let me make a long story short. The main purpose of calling everyone here this time is to meet with you and get to know each other better. After all, we will fight side by side for a long time to come." Suldak held the list of commanders of the West Route Army Lord Army in his hand, and said to everyone present.

"Then the commander whose name I named next, please come out and say a few words to everyone!"

"Jasper Mende..."

"Guy Ludwig..."

Suldak counted the names of the commanders one by one, let them walk to the center of the tent one by one, and then introduced himself to the commanders in the tent.

Wait until the commanders present have introduced their identities.

Suldak said again: "This time the military department appointed me as the commander of the West Route Army, so I would like to make two requests to everyone present. The expedition is imminent. Once you leave the city of Bena with the West Route Army troops Once you step into the territory of Everson City, you must obey absolutely, even if you don’t understand or have doubts about some of my orders, you must carry them out to the letter.”

"Because we are a whole, and what we are facing is also a powerful enemy that we have never seen before. They are the dark army from the forces of hell, and the army of evil spirits occupying the Warsaw plane. They are cruel and bloodthirsty. We need to twist Only by forming a rope can we have a chance to defeat them."

"I will do my best to bring everyone back with all their beards and tails!"

The whispered conversation in the tent came to an abrupt end.

War on the Warsaw Plane...

When the commanders received this call-up order, they knew that they would fall into the quagmire of the Warsaw battlefield, just like Duke Newman who was tied up there. Time to get out from there.

Before departure, everyone had already prepared for the worst.

After arriving at the camp of the West Route Army, the commanders suddenly realized that there were almost such soldiers around them, and everyone's fate was the same. This fear of the unknown battlefield gradually eased a little.

When Suldak said that he would try his best to bring everyone back with their beards and tails, the commanders realized that the quagmire was also a battlefield meat grinder, and it had swallowed up countless benars in the past few years. The life of a soldier.

The atmosphere became a bit heavy, and in the oppressive atmosphere, whoever shouted:

"Please rest assured, Commander, we will completely obey your command!"

Suldak raised his fist and said to the commanders in the camp:

"Many people say that the current Bena army is not as good as a group. Since the Bena army left, the noble lords in the entire Bena province have become deaf and dumb. Everyone dare not face the cruel position. Faced with the war, there is no longer any responsibility in the Lord's army, and no one has the courage to go to that human-eating plane."

"Now that we are gathered here, we want to go against the wind and become an example for many lord armies."

"We want to say loudly to the group of evil spirits: tremble, our Bena army is here again!"

"For the glory of the Benar warriors!"

Suldak yelled out with the last breath.

The blood in the hearts of the commanders was also stimulated, and they all shouted:

"For glory!"

"For the glory..."


When Suldak returned to his tent, he saw Samira spreading a sleeping bag in the corner of the tent.

Under the sleeping bag was a red-eyed hyena's fur mattress. The fur on this mattress was bald in some places, but Suldak was more used to the smell on it, so he could sleep soundly on it.

This time, Samira had already made up his mind and planned to live in the tent at night.

Only now the tent is full of people.

This marching tent is not big, and Andrew, Gullitum, and Tiger alone have already occupied a large space. The three of them seem to be chatting about the story of the time they have been separated. Chewing the jerky meat that Andrew brought over, the jerky meat made by this salamander ghost snake is very chewy, and the final taste is a bit sweeter, more delicious than the crocodile jerky of the swamp giant crocodile.

During the days when the two-headed ogre followed Suldak back to Ruyt City, Andrew and Tago were not idle. After their injuries were healed, they led the cavalry to the outskirts of the Invercargill Forest. Patrol, the Three Rivers Plain in the east and the Dark Worm Valley in the north have been occupied, and the Thorn Mountains in the south, only the Anya Swamp in the west is still undeveloped, and the cavalry has been continuously going deep into the Anya Swamp these days.

Naomi is also sitting in this tent, and there is no suitable place to place him yet. Her skin, which has almost no flesh, is like dead tree bark, making her look like an old woman who has half-legged into a coffin As a human being, her gaze also seemed a little dull, and it took a little effort to turn her eyeballs every time.

Wrapped in thick linen and wrapped in a cloak, he curled up in the corner without saying a word, just listening to Andrew and the others chatting quietly.

Frostwolf Bonita was lying at the door of the tent, constantly growling angrily at Naomi in the corner.

When it bared its teeth, it revealed its three-inch-long sharp canines, and its pale green pupils revealed ferocity and bloodlust.

It issued a few warnings to Tago, but Tago ignored it, and instead threw it a large piece of dried meat, which made Bonita very dissatisfied, and his eyes almost never left Naomi.

Suldak didn't expect the Frostwolf to be so against necromancers.

Tago's explanation for this is: "Benita can smell the smell of the dead from her body, a very strong dead breath..."

In fact, Suldak also has some headaches. Naomi's identity cannot be exposed in the army anyway. The followers around him include plane natives, half-elves, ogres, and orc wolf riders. It is very strange in itself, so now there is an extra weirdo wrapped in thick cloth, and no one pays much attention to it.

Now, Bonita has a strong hostility towards Naomi, and it seems necessary to keep her away from those hounds.

The dinner was very sumptuous, and everyone sat around together.

Naomi didn't seem to need to eat. She usually just drank some potions that she carried with her to maintain the last bit of her body's functions.

There was fried meat on the dinner plate, mutton soup, and rice porridge... Suldak immediately tasted a little familiar taste.

At that time, he had just arrived in Woer Village. At that time, Woer Village was still very poor, and only a sheep would be killed in the village during festivals. In order to turn the sheep into the most delicious sheep soup, the old village head Bu Wright also tried his best to ask Selena, the best cook in the village, to cook mutton soup. Then Suldak met Selena, who was called a disaster by the villagers, and drank it at Selena's house Multigrain tree rice porridge.

Surdak fiddled with the tree rice on the plate with a spoon, squinted his eyes and said to the outside of the tent:

"Selena, don't hide, come out!"

There was a surprised question from outside the tent: "...Ah! Dak, how did you find out?"

Signa's voice was very sweet, and before she could finish her sentence, a small white face poked in from the door, her big black grape-like eyes looked at Suldak flickeringly.

After a while, Selena, who was wearing a black robe and a black silk scarf on her head, got into the tent with a smile.

Nika also followed behind Selena.

Andrew smiled and said to Selena: "I didn't tell him that, God knows how he guessed that you are here..."

Selena smiled and said nothing, and naturally knelt beside Suldak, took the plate in his hand, and added some porridge for him.

"Why are you here?" Suldak asked with some doubts.

Selena said indifferently: "I want to go to the Warsaw plane with you!"

Time seems to have never left any marks on her face, even her skin is fairer and more delicate than before, and her eyes are full of rich emotions.

"What about the Temple of the Twin Goddesses?" Suldak asked in a low voice.

Selena handed him the plate and poured him another glass of ale before saying:

"Don't worry, I have already found new priests for the Temple of the Night Goddess and the Temple of the Dawn Goddess, and they will also be favored by the two goddesses. This time I will follow you to the Warsaw plane, and I also want to see how the environment there is. ..."

Even though she said that, she just had a smile on her face. It didn't look like she was going to develop followers of the Dark Goddess.

Samira, who was sitting by the side, held a green apple in her hand, and suddenly felt that eating it was really bitter and astringent.

She put down the apple she had just gnawed, sat up straight, and whispered in Naomi's ear, "I'll set up a tent with me later, and we'll sleep together..."

Naomi turned her head mechanically, her neck bone made a crisp sound, she took a straight look at her, and nodded in agreement.


Samira seldom prepares new army tents, because her troops are armed Thunder Rhinoceros, and the wooden house on the platform on Thunder Rhinoceros's back is her residence.

It's just that there is no armed Thunder Rhino in the Lord's Army of Suldak this time, and the temporary portal built this time cannot pass through the 89-meter-high behemoth, although the plane portal in Evelson City can let Thunder Rhino go free. However, if he wanted to transport Thunder Rhinoceros to Everson City, he would have to travel a long land route, so Suldak cut off the archers armed with Thunder Rhinoceros from the expedition lord's army.

Before it got dark, Samira set up another marching tent next to Suldak's tent, and took Naomi to live in it.

Throughout the night, Samira lay in the sleeping bag and barely slept well.

Even though she had already blocked her ears with cotton balls, for a Rank 2 expert with super five senses, the uncontrollable joy next door could still penetrate into her ears clearly.

Moreover, Naomi, who lived with her, seemed unable to sleep either. Instead of wearing a sleeping bag, she lay on the wolf fur mattress, staring at the top of the tent without saying a word.

"You can't sleep either?" Samira turned over wrapped in a sleeping bag and asked Naomi.

Naomi hardly moved, and said to Samira: "It's not...the eyelids are too dry to close. I will buy some magic materials tomorrow, and add some eye drops on them. I heard that the magic in the city of Bena The shop is full of magic materials."


Samira didn't know what to say for a while.

Adding a new meow 1 silver lord to the sea (27/90)

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