Lord Highlander

Chapter 1377

The basic composition of the West Route Army is based on the elite troops of the 60,000 alliance lords in Suldak, and then nearly 50,000 heavy armored infantry were assembled from the hands of noble lords from various places. These foreign heavy armored infantry regiments have respective commanders.

On the battlefield, Suldak only needs to convey orders to these commanders, and then he can command these infantry regiments to fight against the evil ghost army.

Of course, there used to be some selfish commanders who used to send these peripheral troops to the battlefield as cannon fodder for the first echelon.

But if he really wants to do this, the outcome is not difficult to predict, that is, the position of commander will be dismissed by the military department soon.

Moreover, the military department is unlikely to consider such generals as commanders, so whether it is Edmund Arnold, the commander of the Eastern Route Army, or Suldak, the commander of the Western Route Army, both of them have been involved in the war between the planes. Those who have performed well as commanders.

For this expedition to the Warsaw plane, the military department is responsible for providing logistical supplies.

Moreover, the agreement reached between the military department and the lords, the spoils seized on the battlefield this time will also be executed according to the principle of four-three-three distribution, that is to say, the military department that provides logistics supplies, the noble lords who form the lord army, and fight on the frontline battlefield The three parties of the fighters divided the spoils equally. This distribution method is undoubtedly a huge benefit for the fighters who participated in the war.

The reason why the military department did this is also very clear, that is, in the past few years, almost no one is willing to go to the battlefield of the Warsaw plane.


Suldak stayed in the temporary camp for two days, and after arranging the affairs of the camp, he took Andrew, Samira, and Gulitum to Bena City.

This time he met Marquis Luther at the military headquarters, and the son-in-law Weng couldn't even say a few words, so Marquis Luther was invited away by the adjutant.

During the recent period, Marquis Luther has been busy formulating the combat route in the military headquarters. This time, he also summoned the combat staff in the military headquarters to carry out war games on the Warsaw plane in the conference room. There was no time to entertain Sulda at all. gram.

After Suldak left the military headquarters, he didn't go to the Marquis's mansion again.

This trip to the Warsaw plane, I don't know how long it will take to return to Bena Province.

So Suldak is going to take Andrew, Samira, and Gulitum back to the Maca plane to have a look. After all, it is the hometown of the three of them. loved ones.

According to the memory of the two-headed ogre, his hometown should be in a bay on the plane of Maca, and it is not known how far away from the city of Wojmara. At the beginning, he wandered in the forest while hunting. in that valley.

This time he didn't have the chance to go back to the ogre village, and he was willing to return to Wojmara City just to eat two meals of delicious food here, so as to comfort his homesickness.

Andrew and Samira returned to the city of Wojmara in the Maca plane. Andrew was eager to see his relatives, wife and children at home. Andrew's home was in the poor Nanai people in Wojmara city. In the district, thinking how long it would take for this war of planes to end, Andrew exchanged half of the achievements accumulated in the army for city gold coins, and filled a large wooden box...

When receiving the gold coins, Andrew was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect that he could receive so many gold coins. He had no idea about numbers.

Unconsciously, he stepped into the ranks of the rich.

When Andrew realized that he had become a rich man, he was silent all the way, thinking about his own thoughts.

Seeing Andrew walking behind without saying a word, Suldak stopped and stood at the gate of the back garden of Duke Newman's mansion. The caravan's carriages lined up beside him. The merchant was counting the number of carriages with the tax official. .

"What are you thinking?" Suldak asked Andrew.

Andrew is the kind of reckless guy who seldom worries, and this time he obviously has some entanglements in his heart.

"I'm thinking of the clansmen in Wojmara." Andrew replied in a muffled voice.

During the time when several people stood at the door, a group of coachmen in the caravan looked a little scared when they saw the big two-headed ogre, and even Gu Bolai, who was pulling the cart, kicked the ground uncomfortably.

Suldak quickly patted Andrew on the shoulder, motioning him to go inside.

A group of four people got a special pass from the military department, because the expedition is imminent, this kind of cross-plane transmission pass will have the stamp of "urgent\

,"The four of them walked directly through the aristocratic passage to Wozmara, and there was no queue at all.

There were many people standing at the portal of the Duke's Mansion. Suldak handed the special pass to the guard of the portal. The guard stopped the two nobles who were about to enter the portal and let Suldak and his party pass quickly.

The two nobles just looked at the four with some dissatisfaction, and didn't say anything to complain.

Passing through the mirror-like portal, Suldak stood at the Heroes Square in Wojmara City. The climate here was quite different from that of Bena City. The Taylor trees around the square were already covered with mature Taylor trees. As a result, this season is also the happiest day for the residents of Bena.

According to the rules of Wojmara City, the moment the Taro fruit falls on the ground, the children in the city who have not participated in the coming-of-age ceremony can pick it up at will, and whoever picks it up will be theirs. A kind of life guarantee given by the consul to the poor children in the city. .

"You don't want to take your clansmen and leave Wojmara, do you?" Suldak looked at the children squatting under the Taro tree in twos and threes, and asked Andrew beside him.

Andrew shook his head and said, "I just want them to live a better life. Do you know how many Nanai aborigines live in Wojmara City? There can be at least 100,000, and they are all used to this. Life on the side..."

"What are you going to do?" Suldak asked.

Andrew shook his head and didn't speak.

Walking along the portal passage towards the edge of the square, there is a row of horse-drawn carriages that can be rented temporarily on the street, some are four-wheeled wagons, and some are magic caravans.

Andrew took a few steps forward, and his eyes accidentally fell on the plaque on the gate of the Junior Warrior Academy across the square. His eyes lit up, he stopped and said:

"Boss, I thought about it, maybe I can't change the embarrassing life of all the people in the tribe, but I can help those Nanai children who can't afford to go to the Warrior Academy to go to school. The cannon fodder in the infantry regiment, I hope they will become Nanai warriors in the future, as long as the younger generation grows up in a better environment, then the life of the tribe can slowly change."

"This idea is really good!" Suldak put it on Andrew's shoulder and praised.

If it was a few years ago, Andrew would not be able to say such a thing, and his vision has broadened a lot during this time.

"This time, I will mention it to the old patriarch when I go back to see if it is feasible." Andrew stood in front of a magic caravan, opened the door and got into the car, said something to the coachman, and the magic caravan drove into the street. In traffic.

Andrew left happily.

Only Suldak, Gulitum, and Samira were left standing on the side of the street, and a magic car quickly filled up behind them, and the coachman took off his hat to salute Suldak and his party.

"Dark, where are we going next? Shall we eat first?"

Gullitum looked at a terracotta beef pie shop opposite, and suggested impatiently.

Seeing Samira standing quietly aside, Suldak hesitated and said:

"There is no rush to eat, let's go to the shelter first!"

After speaking, he boarded the compartment of the magic caravan. Samira then got into the compartment, and Gulitham sat on the shelf behind the magic caravan with some reluctance.

The magic caravan moved forward slowly amidst the stubborn voice.

There are a few small stalls at the intersection of the square, and there are many iron brazing irons hanging in the iron stove. Some people gather around to buy roast chickens. Suldak stretches his arm out of the rear window and gives Gulitum a silver coin. Son, said to him: "The roast chicken on the street corner over there is very good. Someone invited me to eat it when I came to Wojmara last time. You can buy a few to try, but you have to save some stomach, and you can order more later." Come have dinner with us!"

The two-headed ogre opened its big hands, quickly took the silver coins, happily jumped off the back shelf, and strode to the side of the street.

Now he is not the kind of reckless guy who is giving money after eating. He knows the process of asking the price first, and then paying the silver coin to get the food. Although many people in the empire get the food first and then pay, the ogre has long since stopped thinking about it.

The grilled chicken here is very cheap. Suerdak gave him a handful of silver coins with eight pieces, and he bought two skewers, each with eight pieces, and it was the kind of roasted golden yellow oily fat The chicken was covered with brown sauce. Probably worried that Gullitum would be inconvenient to hold it, the stall owner gave Gullitum two iron brazes.

The ogre barely stopped, and ran back to the carriage happily, and sat on the luggage rack at the back again.

He had gained a lot of weight recently, and when he sat on it, the carriage on the metal bridge shook suddenly, and the footsteps of the two ancient horses pulling the cart in front became extraordinarily heavy.

Passing through the main street of Wojmara, the carriage walked slowly.

As if this city had given Samira enough courage, she leaned gently on Surdak's shoulder, closed her eyes and enjoyed the afternoon sunshine in autumn, unknowingly brushing her short, thin hair Her long hair grew into a shawl, and her pointed ears became crimson. She could feel the heat on her face, and even her heartbeat became louder, as if her chest was trembling.

The sky in Wojmara was blue, and some withered and yellow leaves kept falling down.

The streets are full of people...

A tyro fruit fell from the garden, attracting three children to rush for it. The moment the tyro fruit fell to the ground, a red-haired girl in a long linen dress picked it up first. She immediately put it in her pocket, and then Jumping away like a lithe deer, the other two boys who rushed over let out a frustrated groan.

Although sweat ran down her cheeks from her temples, an inexplicable joy hung on her little face, and her messy hair was flying in the wind.

Probably knowing that Samira was a little nervous, Suldak took the initiative to hold her slender and strong hand.

"Do you know? Back then, I was the best at robbing Taro fruit, and no one in the whole street could compete with me." Samira said in a low voice with her eyes closed.

She was so familiar with this place that she didn't even need to open her eyes to know that someone was still picking up terra fruit outside.

Samira's face was as red as if she had been drunk.

"I remember the first time I saw you, you were guarding that city wall." Suldak looked at the city wall in the distance, in fact, it was far away from the city wall, and the city wall was almost submerged in the layers of buildings middle.

"Hell dogs attacked the city. No one hired a tour guide in those few days. It happened that the city defense team lacked archers, and I was rewarded with a silver coin for shooting a hell dog. My archery has always been very good. Joined the archer group, shot the hellhound's head with an arrow, and it was a silver coin! At that time, it was like being possessed by a demon, and I couldn't control my hand at all. As long as I could pull the bowstring, I would can hit..."

Samira whispered to Suldak.

"You inspired the blood power of the great elf archer, but you didn't know how to use it at the time, and you almost cost your arm..." Suldak looked at Samira's right hand arm.

Samira unbuttoned the leather shoulder pads, exposing her fair and round right shoulder.

On her forearm, a life pattern of a Vigorous Demon Ape flowed with a red magic breath.

She showed it to Suldak proudly, her pale red eyes were filled with 'Look, with this life magic pattern, the arms have been fully recovered...', the proud and flying look on her face made her She seemed to be full of life.

Seeing her agile appearance, Suldak couldn't help reaching out to touch the top of her head, Samira subconsciously turned her head, and Suldak's hand happened to touch her soft pointed ears.

She blushed even more, and this time she didn't hide, but leaned on Suldak's shoulder again.

Let the magic caravan drive through the streets of Vojmara...


The coachman didn't make a detour, and turned left in the alley on the edge of the city, and came to the street that Samira was most familiar with.

The residents on this street are very poor, and the houses on both sides of the street are dilapidated and crowded. It can be seen that there has been basically no change in the past few years, but now the shelter has changed, and the gate of the iron fence is hung A wooden board, the board has been painted with white paint, and there is also a line of imperial script written on it.

‘Worj Mara Orphan Shelter’

The iron gate was tightly closed, but the small wooden gate next to it was left open, and the courtyard seemed very quiet.

Through the iron fence wall, you can see a newly built red house with a pointed roof in the yard. This is a small three-story building with a raised spire on the roof. There is a small copper bell hidden inside. The windows were wiped down exceptionally clean.

There is another small pool in the yard, in which there are a lot of Tyro fruits soaked. A few children are sitting on the small stools, cleaning those Tyro fruits hard.

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