Lord Highlander

Chapter 1385: 1372. Inside the City

Everson City in the morning

The sky had just turned white.

Under the blowing of the northwest wind, the fallen leaves kept rolling forward against the stone road. Those leaves that had found shelter from the wind just hid in such a comfortable way, as if the troubles of the world had nothing to do with them.

The night watchman on the street had just extinguished all the street lights, and hundreds of garbage trucks in the city were lined up at the gate on the west side of the city.

The city gate guard came down from the top of the city yawning, hung the noose on the hook of the city gate, pulled out the iron bolt inserted into the crack in the ground, and shouted at the top of the city: "Turn the capstan, open the door..."

The black iron noose in the stone trough at the city gate began to slide slowly, and as the winch began to exert force gradually, the noose stretched straight, and the city gate was slowly pulled open by the noose.

The suspension bridge in front of the city gate also slowly fell with a creaking sound, and those people waiting at the city gate lined up to walk outside the city.

Seeing that the dung truck in front began to move slowly, the coachman sitting on the shaft immediately tapped the horse's butt with a whip, and the horse immediately followed the front carriage to move.

The wheels of the carriage rolled on the wooden planks of the suspension bridge, making a creaking sound.

After crossing the city gate suspension bridge to the outside of the city, you have to walk along the road in front of you to the river bend three miles away. There is a place for dumping manure, and there is a small river beside it. Rinse the dung bucket on the carriage.

Across the small river, you can see the continuous military camps on the slope of Caoling.

The coachman returned to the carriage with a bucket of clean water, wiped away the stains on the edge of the giant wooden barrel with a water-soaked scorpion, and then scooped water out of the bucket with a ladle and poured it on the giant barrel, so that the wooden barrel could be easily cleaned. Bucket rinsed clean.

"I heard that the army over there came from the province of Bena..." The coachman was amazed in his tone, and at the same time lamented in his heart. It has been a long time since the aristocrats in Evelson Province have such a big hand.

"There are more than 200,000 reinforcements, and there are more than 10,000 knights alone. I heard that this may be the last bit of wealth of the nobles in the province of Bena." The coachman behind interrupted.

"I went to watch the fun outside the city the day before yesterday. Guess what I saw... Huge red ants, each one stronger than a bull, and the pair of pincers on top of their heads... Tsk tsk, I saw a big willow tree with a thick waist It was cut off at once, guess what happened afterwards? That thing actually ate the tree, and the whole tree was eaten clean by a few giant ants." A young coachman actually leaned over shirtless in such a cold morning , showing a row of neat teeth with a grin.

Then another coachman came over and chatted: "Don't worry about anything, as long as they can drive away those evil spirits from the Warsaw plane, what is Evelson doing now!"

The coachmen groaned.

"My younger sister lives in Epsom City on the Warsaw plane, and I haven't had any contact with her for almost eight or nine years. At that time, her little girl was only this tall..." The coachman who spoke first sighed.

The young coachman spread his gossip again: "I heard that the ghosts of the deep hell have built a fortress on the side of the connecting passage. I don't know how long it will take to conquer that fortress..."

"I'm not as optimistic as you. As long as the Seven Counties can be taken back, I will praise the Statue of Liberty."

The coachmen gathered by the river to rest for a while, let the horses pulling the carts graze on the grass by the river, and then drove the dung truck back to Everson City.

With the first rays of sunshine, this city with a long history of 800 years glows with new vitality.

The small vendors in the city started another busy day, and the familiar scent came from the intersection again.


There is a swamp to the west of the military camp, where groups of wild boars often appear.

The residents of Everson City think that wild boar and wild rabbits exude an unbearable stench, and most residents do not eat this kind of meat. The price of beef and mutton here is cheaper than vegetables, so it caused There are groups of wild boars in the swamp ten kilometers away from the city, but there are no hunters at all.

Only when the nearby farms were attacked by wild boars would people from the Agricultural and Commercial Association organize a hunting team to clean up a large area at the edge of the swamp.

There are large wheat fields and sunflowers outside Everson City, and this season happens to be the time to harvest sunflower seeds.

Before dawn, a dozen druids ran out of the barracks with a large group of ghost pattern soldier ants, heading towards the swamp to the west.

Gulitum knew that these ghost-striped soldier ants were going to hunt in the swamp, so he gave up the idea of ​​following Suldak into the city, and followed a group of ghost-striped soldier ants with a big stick, and ran to the swamp in.

Suldak had a meeting with the commanders of the West Route Army in the morning, mainly for the purpose of counting the actual situation and number of troops that arrived in Evelsen City. Obviously, all the lord troops mobilized by the military department this time are willing to enter Warsaw. In the plane's troops, almost no fighters were left behind.

According to the combat plan of the military department, the West Route Army led by Suldak will stay in Everson City for two days, and then enter the Duke's Mansion in Everson City that afternoon, and arrive at Aiwald through the portal in the Duke's Mansion. Purson City.

After Suldak arranged the itinerary for the West Route Army for these two days, he left the barracks with Signa and Nika who had been waiting impatiently.

Nika and Signa ride a docile ancient Bolai horse together. Nika is an aborigine in the northern part of the Bailin plane and has been riding a horse since childhood.

Naturally, it would be no problem for Signa to share a horse with her.

Suldak still remembers the first time he went to the Bailin plane, he took more than 500 cavalrymen who were not considered cavalry. At that time, Selena still had a white camel, but this time Selena sneaked away Come here, but failed to bring the piece of white camel here.

The horse that Suldak was riding was the silly horse that Andrew specially brought over from the Bailin plane. In the past few years, Suldak has been running around, and his mounts have been changed several times, ranging from magic-weave warhorses to blue-scaled horses, but this old horse has been kept in the town of Duodan on the plane of Bailin. in the garrison camp.

This time he went to the Warsaw plane, Suldak asked Andrew to bring the old horse to the city of Bena.

Last night, I came to Everson City from Bena City through the teleportation circle.

Suldak rode on his horse, took Nika and Signa with him and walked towards the gate of Evelson. When he arrived at the gate of the city, he still found that many Benar troops sneaked out of the barracks while they were resting, preparing to enter the gate of Evelson. Walson walked around the city, but he couldn't tell which ones were the soldiers of the West Route Army.

The city gate guards did not prevent the Bena army from entering the city. Seeing Suldak wearing a noble badge on his chest, they guessed that he should be a general in the Bena army. Several city gate guards even saluted Suldak. military salute.

When Suldak passed through the city gate, he led his horse in.

Seeing the familiar city gate, Suldak couldn't help but patted the silly horse's neck, and asked it: "Old man, do you still remember this place?"

The Gu Bolai horse just snorted loudly and spit all over the place, probably because it didn't understand Suldak's question.

Nika also followed Suldak's example and led the horse into the city of Evelson. The petite Signa sat on the horseback. The two girls came to Evelson city for the first time. They were curious. His eyes are always looking around.

Evolsen City and Bena City are two completely different architectural styles. The architectural structure of Bena City is compact, with gorgeous and exquisite patterns, which is closer to the Baroque architectural style.

On the other hand, Evelson City is almost full of tall and majestic buildings with rough lines. Many buildings are built very high, and the streets are also very wide. Some shops are in the thatch sheds built on both sides of the street.

It is said that Evelson is rich in red copper, and there are many copperware shops in the city, and many copperware shops can be seen in the shops on both sides. The exquisite copper utensils are dazzling.

It seems common for nobles to come out to do business here. Surdak can see some people wearing noble costumes soliciting business at the door of many shops facing the street.

Signa and Nika stopped in front of a jewelry store. There were utensils and accessories inlaid with colored gemstones in this shop. The owner seemed to be a nobleman. He was middle-aged and his eyes were restrained. He looked like a Very knowledgeable person.

He saw Nika and Signa stepping in, just sitting behind the counter and nodding to the two girls. He didn't even speak, and continued to wipe a very old-fashioned ornament with a piece of wool.

Nika and Sia looked at the copper comb inlaid with red and sapphires on the first row of shelves.

Suerdak didn't go into the shop, but just stood in front of the counter, looking at the furnishings in the shop.

"Bena people?" the shopkeeper smiled at Surdak.

"So obvious?" Surdak asked in surprise.

"The aristocratic badges on your side are slightly different from ours, and this attire is hard not to remind people of the Bena reinforcements outside the city." The shopkeeper pointed to the magic pattern structure on Suldak's body. , said.

Suldak smiled and did not continue the conversation.

Signa gave herself a red and emerald necklace. The base material was magic red copper. There were seven soybean-sized gemstones in total, which looked very delicate and beautiful.

Nika was holding the fine-looking comb, and the two of them were placed on the counter almost at the same time.

The shopkeeper put down the jewelry he was cleaning, casually picked up the gemstone necklace and the copper comb, looked at them, then pushed them to the two girls, and casually said, "A gold coin."

Suldak glanced at him in surprise. Just for that gemstone necklace of Signa, regardless of the quality of the gemstone, even the magic red copper used for the base of the necklace, the material price will not be less than one coins.

Seeing Suldak's surprised gaze, the shopkeeper smiled gently and said casually: "Even if you are willing to come all the way to help us, I hope that the army of the Warsaw plane can drive away those evil spirits as soon as possible." ghost."

Suldak didn't say anything more, and he was not polite. He directly took out a gold coin from his wallet and pushed it in front of the shopkeeper.

"Then we won't be polite," Suldak said.

Signa handed the necklace to Surdak with a smile, and begged, "Dak, do you think it's pretty? Put it on for me..."

Nika carefully put away the copper comb, and thanked Surdak in a low voice.

"There are a lot of shops here in Everson City, you can go shopping around, let's take a rest when we're tired, and find a reliable restaurant for lunch." Suldak said to Signa and Nika Said.

Then the three of them walked out of the jewelry store.

For the sea, a meow 1 silver leader added (36/90)

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