Lord Highlander

Chapter 1386: 1373. Warsaw

Everson City Magic District

The four-story magic tower was actually built in the center of a square. A large area of ​​gardens and pathways were built under the magic tower, and some green plants were even built in the shape of magic symbols. There are many separated pools in the square. The fountains in the pool should be linked, and the sprayed water reflects seven-color light in the sun.

There are actually a lot of people playing in the square here, there are no vendors setting up stalls in the square, and there are some magic shops around the square.

Signa and Nika were playing in the square garden, and they had to take care of the two horses tied to the stone pillars.

Suldak walked into the magic tower along the smooth path.

There are only a few magicians in the hall on the first floor of the Magic Union, and the whole hall looks a little deserted.

A magic apprentice stood in front of the reception desk, and when he saw Suldak approaching, he asked, "Is there anything I can help you with, sir."

"I wanted to see Magician Antonio, so I told him that a friend from Bena wanted to visit him!" Suldak said to the young magic apprentice.

The magic apprentice immediately called his resting companion to take his place, while he ran up the stairs to deliver the letter.

Suldak was arranged to wait in the rest area of ​​the lobby on the first floor.

When the magic apprentice walked down the stairs with a magician wearing Calemia's magic robe, Suldak also stood up from the sofa in the rest area.

Antonio looked at Surdak suspiciously, and there was even a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

Suldak recognized Antonio at a glance. His appearance basically didn't change much, but the magic robe became more advanced. There were dark lines of magic runes on the neckline and cuffs, and the mana fluctuations emitted from his body also changed. Much stronger than before.

It wasn't until he walked in front of Suldak and looked at it carefully for a while, that there was a daze on his face. He pointed at Suldak and said excitedly:

"You are the retired soldier Suldak from Bena Province. I remembered, I remembered, ugh! How did you become a nobleman? Oh oh oh...you are still an earl."

Seeing that Antonio finally remembered himself, Suldak stepped forward, opened his arms and hugged Antonio vigorously.

"I thought you had forgotten my friend!" Suldak said with a smile.

Antonio said annoyedly: "How could it be! It's just that I didn't expect you to change so much. If you were dressed as a knight, I would have recognized you the first time."

He kindly pulled Surdak to sit down in the rest area, and said excitedly:

"After returning to Bena City, your life must have been very rich. You went from a reserve knight to an aristocrat. The span is really big. You came to Everson City this time... Are you also in that group of reinforcements?"

Suldak nodded, "Yes."

Antonio frowned, and said in a low voice, "Obviously they ran out, and you know how deep this quagmire is, so why are you running back?"

Then Antonio took Suldak to leave the Magic Tower of the Magic Union, it was not very convenient to talk here after all.

Antonio took Surdak to a tea restaurant opposite the magic union, and the two found a secluded corner to sit down.

Suldak could see Signa and Nika standing by the pool across the street, and they would occasionally glance at Suldak.

"Speaking of...we haven't seen each other for almost five years!" Antonio said with emotion.

Suldak nodded and said, "Yes, time flies!"

Immediately afterwards, he said: "I am in the province of Bena, and it is difficult to find out the situation here. This time I came to you, and I also want to know the situation in Evelsen City and the situation in the Warsaw plane..."

There are many shops around the Magic Square. At the same time, there are many vendors setting up stalls in front of the shops on the street. It's just that these vendors look a bit down-and-out, but they still wear decent clothes.

"Look at those nobles who set up stalls everywhere on the street, most of them escaped from the Warsaw plane, gave up their territories and manors, and then spent all the property they brought over. They want to continue To live, one must find a way to make money, and turning into something more valuable is their first step..." Antonio sighed as he spoke.

Suldak never thought that nobles would come out to set up stalls...

"It's okay for those who have property. Those who don't have any property, especially some minor nobles, can only sell the things they brought back to maintain their daily expenses."

The waiter brought two cups of tea, and after he had left, Antonio said:

"Speaking of which, Duke Ryan shouldn't offend the Angibald royal family. It doesn't matter if he is so willful. The people of the entire Evelson Province are suffering. Since the Royal Knights withdrew from the Warsaw plane, the situation there has been very serious. It collapsed step by step, and now four of Warsaw's seven counties have completely fallen."

Suldak had heard that there were seven counties in the Warsaw plane. When he left the Warsaw plane, the seven counties were still in the hands of the empire.

"You mean that four of the seven main cities were captured by the evil ghost army?" he asked.

Antonio nodded without speaking.

"How's the situation in Handanar County?" Suldak asked again.

Antonio said casually: "It should be okay. The evil ghost army has suffered a lot from the Bena army, and has been occupying Moyun Ridge, suppressing the Bena army from expanding eastward..."

The two were chatting in the corner of the tea restaurant when they heard a woman in the direction of the back kitchen saying urgently:

"Angelina, what are you doing?"

A childish voice said softly: "Bena's reinforcements are here. Dad should be able to come back from there. I'm going to prepare a gift for him."

Hearing what the little girl said, the questioning voice softened, and she continued: "Angelina is so good, she is right, the Bena reinforcements are here, and the Warsaw plane should be able to win the battle, the one we lost The land will be taken back bit by bit.”

"When I have money in the future, I will prepare a big cake for him, with a thick layer of peanut butter on top, a layer of strawberry jam inside, and a thick layer of nuts..." The girl tried her best to imagine with delicious cake.

"The days to come will get better and better." The woman's tone was filled with expectations, mixed with some laments.

Suldak didn't continue listening, he looked at Antonio.

The magician Antonio shrugged his shoulders and said with his gestures, "This is what the city of Evelson looks like now."

Then he took a sip of tea, and then whispered: "Duke Ryan is about to die, and now Quentin has begun to take over the Busman family's property, territory, and army, but now the Busman family is like a ship that is about to die. It’s a completely rotten broken ship, and it’s already riddled with holes, even if you want to repair it, you don’t know where to start.”

Suldak asked Antonio:

"I never figured it out. At the beginning, Duke Ryan Busman ran to the imperial capital because of the victory in the Battle of Kempato in the Warsaw plane, in order to gather more lords to send troops to invest in the Warsaw plane. But... How did such a good situation cause him to collapse?"

Magician Antonio blinked and said:

"I also learned about it from inside information from the Magic Union. At that time, Duke Ryan was attending a ball in the imperial capital. At the ball, he competed with a young magician for a widow in the imperial capital. It is said that Duke Ryan also made some cruel remarks at that time. , almost caused a conflict between the magician aristocrats and the orthodox aristocrats in the imperial capital, and they didn’t know how to restrain themselves afterwards. It is said that the young magician had a deep relationship with Prince James and the Prince of Wales. The Angibold royal family After coming forward to save the young magician, the Royal Knights withdrew from the Warsaw plane overnight after receiving the news..."

"After the Royal Knights withdrew from the Warsaw plane, the noble lords of the imperial capital did not dare to send troops into the Warsaw plane easily. Instead, some small lords wanted to take a gamble, but as the small lords were defeated one after another... since then From the beginning, the war situation in the Warsaw plane began to gradually collapse."

"To say something that shouldn't be said, I actually don't agree with you entering the Warsaw plane, because the battle situation there is almost completely corrupt."

"Now Quentin is staring at Old Ryan. Even if he has soldiers in his hands, he doesn't dare to go into the battlefield. He has to wait for Old Ryan to die before he has soldiers in his hands to control the situation of the Busman family."

"For Quentin, the Warsaw plane is a mess that can't be abandoned and can't be cleaned up."

Hearing the situation on the Warsaw plane analyzed by Antonio, Suldak was a little speechless.


Who would have thought that the Warsaw plane had become like this.

Now that this is the situation, Duke Newman still does not want the Pena Army to withdraw from Warsaw, and now he is mobilizing the Lord's Army for reinforcements.

Suldak suddenly felt that Duke Newman's transfer of troops from Bena province should not just want to liberate the Bena army from the Warsaw plane...

At least his attempt should not be that simple.

Speaking of the output of Handanar County, it can't support a Bena army. Now that so many reinforcements have entered the Warsaw plane, Suldak tapped his forehead in pain.

After reminiscing with Antonio, he declined Antonio's dinner invitation.

Suldak watched Antonio return to the Magic Tower, and then joined Signa and Nika who were waiting in the square, went to the clock tower of Evolsen City, and finally went to Busman Turning around the outside of the family castle, I saw people coming out of the portal in the back garden of the castle in a long line.

Obviously, even if Bena's reinforcements arrived in Epson City, they still failed to give any confidence to the people in Epson City.

The people of the Warsaw plane seem to be completely disappointed with the situation there, and they don't know how many people are waiting in a long line to pass through the portal.

It is also the constant influx of people from the Warsaw plane that makes the city of Evelson extraordinarily crowded, with old people, women and children everywhere in the streets and alleys.

"Dak, I suddenly felt... living in Hailansa is actually pretty good!"

These were the first words that Signa said after she walked out of Everson City.

For the sea, a meow 1 silver leader added (37/90)

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