Lord Highlander

Chapter 1388: 1375. Battle Plan

No matter where it is, it is difficult to give charcoal in a timely manner, but everyone is willing to do the icing on the cake.

The East Route Army originally had only ten Constructed Swordsman Regiments of five hundred members, which means that the Eastern Route Army originally had only five thousand Constructed Swordsmen, and these Constructed Swordsmen were almost all Lords of the Marquis Edmund Arnold Alliance However, after the lords of Bena City learned that the commander of the Eastern Route Army was Marquis Edmund Arnold, there were more than a dozen regiments of armored swordsmen who wanted to join the Eastern Route Army.

After the selection of Marquis Edmund Arnold, another ten regiments of Constructed Swordsmen were confirmed to officially join the East Route Army. Therefore, the number of Constructed Swordsmen in the East Route Army was exactly 10,000 when they went out.

At the same time, the East Route Army still has 10,000 archers and 30,000 cavalry, which makes the combat power of the East Route Army a level higher than that of the West Route Army in terms of the mix of arms.

The living room of Hooker's Mansion is decorated very gorgeously. The sofas in the meeting area are made of soft magic antelope leather, and the leather that is sewn on these sofas is very complete. You can see the complete pattern of the magic antelope fur through the sofa.

Marquis Edmund Arnold sat on the main seat of the sofa, staring at the map of Handanal County on the coffee table with eagle-like eyes, and sat there without saying a word.

The liaison officer next to him from the Bena Legion was already speaking dryly. Marquis Edmund Arnold handed him the teacup on the small table next to the sofa. Continue to explain the distribution of troops of the Benar Legion.

Suldak found that at least 80,000 of the 300,000 troops of the Bena Army were pinned down by the evil ghost army in the mountains around Moyunling, and there were 140,000 cavalry guarding the east bank of the Kampatomos River. The rest of the army was scattered in various strongholds and fortresses in Handanar County.

In addition to the Bena Legion, there are nearly 200,000 lord troops stationed in Handanar County in the Bena Province.

That is to say, before the reinforcements from Suldak arrived, there were nearly 500,000 Bena troops in Handanar County on the Warsaw plane. However, these Bena troops have been trapped in Handanar County. Although the land is vast and abundant, the largest piece of land is the Great Meadow in the northwest, and there are mountains in the north.

Although these lush lands and forests are also high-quality resources, they are not like mines that can quickly bring a lot of economic benefits through large-scale mining.

In other words, the financial revenue of Handanar County in the Warsaw plane cannot support the nearly 500,000 troops of the Bena Legion. Almost every quarter, they have to buy food from the southern provinces of the Green Empire and purchase armaments from the province of San Carlos. , to maintain the daily attrition of the Warsaw Plane Army.

Especially in recent years, the situation in the Warsaw plane has been deteriorating day by day, a large number of nobles have withdrawn from the Warsaw plane, and the economic situation in Handanal County has gone from bad to worse.

Suldak couldn't figure out why the Warsaw plane had become so rotten, why Duke Newman still stayed here.

If the Bena Legion could return earlier, perhaps the income exchanged would have already filled the big hole owed in the Warsaw plane.

Just when Suldak was puzzled by this, the liaison officer waved away the attendants and adjutants in the hall, leaving only the five heads of the discussion area, and then spoke to Suldak and the others. said:

"When the Duke went to war on the Warsaw plane, he had an agreement with Duke Ryan that the Bena Legion would only operate Handanar County, and a contract was also signed."

Suldak glanced at the others, and their eyes showed astonished expressions, obviously they had just heard about it.

The liaison officer went on to say:

"My lord Duke also thought about giving up the Warsaw plane at the beginning, but he insisted on not giving up Handanar County. One of the reasons was that he heard that Duke Ryan accidentally fell off his horse on the battlefield and injured himself. neck."

"I thought Duke Ryan wouldn't last long, but I didn't expect that after more than two years, he's still lying on the sickbed..."

"Although he has only his last breath left, he has not passed away."

The ordinary-looking liaison officer uttered such a secret, making everyone present like a melon eater, and everyone's eyes fell on the liaison officer's face.

"Your consciousness... means that once the Duke of Ryan dies and the magic contract signed between the Duke and the Duke of Ryan becomes invalid, we have a reason to send troops to recover other counties?" Marquis Edmund Arnold said the last thing. The key point.

The liaison officer nodded slightly, and then said:

"It is estimated that the Duke will need to sign a Warsaw Plane War Agreement with the incoming Duke Quentin, and if Duke Quentin wants to get the support of the Bena Province, he must give up part of the interests of the Warsaw Plane. And if this piece of cake is only in the province of Bena, it can’t be eaten, and there should be grand dukes from other provinces joining together.”

The quartermaster Louis Fitch of the logistics department was also a little dumbfounded at the moment, and said to the liaison officer: "It means that not only Quentin Busman is waiting for old Ryan to die and inherit the title, but the entire Everson The province and several other grand dukes who have a covenant with the Busman family are also waiting for the news of Duke Ryan's death..."

"Probably so." The liaison officer nodded and said, "This time, our Bena Legion is destined to seize an opportunity."

After speaking, he took out a scroll from his magic belt. On it was a simple map of Handanar County, but it was clearly marked with two red arrows. Although Suldak had never attended the War College , but the arrows on the map can still be understood.

The liaison officer's eyes fell on Marquis Edmund Arnold, and he pushed the unfolded scroll in front of Marquis Edmond Arnold, and said seriously:

"According to the combat plan formulated by the Duke of Newman and the Battle Command of the Benar Legion, this time the Marquis Edmund Arnold will lead the Eastern Route Army to the Biramos Ferry in the lower reaches of the Moss River. In the northeast area of ​​Kornberg, most of Kornberg has already been occupied by the demon army, you need to go all the way south to capture the northern pass of Gray Raven Ridge..."

"Okay, I'll camp by the ferry and wait. I'll prepare the materials to build the pontoon bridge in advance." Marquis Edmund Arnold squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the area map on the coffee table. He seemed to want to know what Moss was doing. The state of the area between the river and Gray Raven Ridge.

The liaison officer did not continue, but turned to Suldak and said, "Count Suldak, you are going to lead the West Route Army to the north of the Great Meadow to establish a new camp. When you take Kornberg with all your strength, all you need to do is to resist the army of evil spirits rushing down from the direction of Moyun Ridge..."

Suldak didn't expect to go around in circles, and this time he led the West Route Army to return to the battlefield at the forest farm camp.

Out of his understanding of the ghost fighters, he didn't want to set the battlefield on the grass. If he had a choice, Suldak hoped that the battlefield would be in the woodland of the mountains. They cannot exert their maximum combat power.

Regarding building the camp in the north of the large meadow, Suldak had a different opinion, so he raised his head from the silence and said to the liaison officer, "Can I set up the headquarters in the forest farm camp?"

The liaison officer frowned and said, "This place is too close to Moyun Ridge. Once the demon army on Moyun Ridge rushes down, it will be difficult for your infantry to avoid the demon army."

Without thinking about it, Suldak said, "The troops I brought here are basically heavy armored infantry regiments. I plan to keep the demon army from Moyunling in the mountains. If the distance between the command post and the frontline battlefield is too far It is not conducive to commanding the battle, and this time I have no intention of giving them a chance to rush out of Moyun Ridge."


The liaison officer stared at Suldak for a moment, and finally compromised:

"Okay, I will truthfully tell the Duke what you think."

He then looked at Suldak several times before saying seriously:

"This time we are going to occupy Kornberg instead of continuing to expand northward. The mountains over there are useless to us, so your West Route Army only needs to hold the front line of the forest farm camp. When the time comes The Benar Legion here will be transferred to the Kornberg battlefield..."

The liaison officer had a deep understanding of the battle, and explained in detail the battle plans of the East and West armies.

"Two commanders, what you have to do now is to bring the army to the designated area, and then go to the command post of the Bena Legion to finalize the specific details of the next battle plan with the Duke."

Finally, the liaison officer asked Louis Fitch Quartermaster:

"How long will it take for the supplies from the Logistics Department of the Bena Army to arrive in Epson?"

The quartermaster Louis Fitch said without hesitation: "There are still two days before the delivery date set with the southern grain merchants."

After the liaison officer explained the last thing, he got up and said to everyone: "Okay, two commanders, I have something important to do next, so I will leave Epsom City first, and look forward to our cooperation next time... ..."

Suldak and Louis Fitch quartermaster are quite familiar. Looking at the back of the liaison officer leaving, Suldak asked in a low voice: "Who is that man?"

"The Duke's most trusted follower, and the Duke's chief staff..."

Louis Fitch quartermaster introduced to Suldak in a low voice.

"Louis Fitch Quartermaster, look at this time I brought over 50,000 extra soldier ants. You must help me with logistics supplies. There are no other requirements, but I need food that can feed 50,000 soldier ants. They The diet is very extensive, and you can eat everything..." Suerdak took the opportunity to chat with the quartermaster Louis Fitch.

"Hey, you will create problems for the military department, I will think of a way..."

Louis Fitch quartermaster sighed and said.

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