Lord Highlander

Chapter 1389 1376. Prom

The 100,000 heavy armored infantry of the West Route Army passed through the wide central street of Epsom City, and hurriedly left this central city with the largest population and largest building area on the Warsaw plane.

On a sunny slope outside the city, the West Route Army camped here. According to the logistics department of the military headquarters, the army needs to stay in Epsom City for two days before they can get the food supplies for the next half month, but These grains do not include the rations of ghost-striped soldier ants.

These 50,000 ghost-striped soldier ants are just like Louis Fitch’s quartermaster said, they are considered to be the biggest trouble for the logistics department of the military. There is no way to raise a batch of food for ghost pattern soldier ants in other places in a hurry.

Fifty thousand ghost-patterned soldier ants are not fifty thousand ancient Bolai horses that eat grass and beans. Although these soldier ants are omnivores, they even eat wood and bones, but Suldak requires the military to be the most Good to be able to purchase a batch of cattle and sheep.

The ghost-striped red ants have just flattened the swamp outside Evelson, and now they have entered the city of Epsom. The druids only need to drive them into the forest, and these guys can hunt on their own. Before entering the forest area, the cavalry had to enter the forest area in advance to confirm that the forest was empty.

Otherwise, once they are taken as prey by this group of soldier ants, they will eat people without spit out bones.

Currently, Suldak has no better way to raise this group of ghost-striped soldier ants. Fortunately, they eat almost anything in the forest and are not very picky eaters.

In addition, the material supply line of the logistics office of the military headquarters is too simple, which inevitably makes Suldak a little worried. Once this logistics supply line is broken, it will not be easy to raise enough supplies in the Warsaw plane. Some things must be prepared in advance.

Thinking of this, Suldak ran to Hailansa city overnight and asked Aphrodite to prepare a piece of supplies in Hailansa city for emergencies.

The population of the mountain city of Hailansa is less than 300,000, and the size of the city is not too large, so the commercial banks in the city will not store too much food. If Aphrodite wants to purchase food, she needs to make an appointment with the commercial bank in advance.

But this kind of thing doesn't actually require Aphrodite to come forward, as long as she finds a postman to forward Suldak's letter to Karl at the guard camp.

Suldak put a bag of magic spar next to the fireplace, and watched Aphrodite gently pushing the cradle. He couldn't help but stare at the pink and jade-like daughter in the cradle, and didn't dare to look too much. Even if there is some love in her eyes, Aphrodite, as a mother, will be jealous beside her.

The daughter in the cradle seems to like to sleep very much. Every time she is full, she becomes very honest and sleeps in the cradle until she wakes up hungry.

According to Aphrodite, her daughter was born in less than a month. During this period, she went to sleep when she was full, and ate when she woke up.

This state may last for another seven or eight months. For Aphrodite, the most obvious change is that her body has become much plumper, especially in some unspeakable places.

"How's the situation on the Warsaw plane?" The soft lips moved to Suldak's ear and whispered.

It has to be said that the succubus has endless methods in this regard, and she seems to be able to easily arouse the desire in Suldak's heart.

Suldak turned his head and kissed Aphrodite's charming face, and said casually:

"According to the liaison officer sent by the Duke of Newman, the Duke of Newman seems to have an idea to expand the occupied area of ​​the Warsaw plane. Currently, the Bena Legion is only occupying Handanal County. The Duke of Newman seems to have an idea to occupy Kornberg. It is worth noting The most important thing is that Kornberg County has fallen and belongs to the occupied area of ​​the Demon Legion."

The rattan chair was overwhelmed by the two of them...

Aphrodite first asked the maid to carry her daughter back to the next room, and then turned off the wall lamp in the bedroom, leaving only the dark red coals of the fireplace in the room.

She sat on the thick carpet, put her arms on Suldak's knees, put her chin on her arms, and looked at Suldak from below through the faint light.

The room was quiet, the curtains were not drawn, and the lights of a row of houses across the street could be seen through the windows.

"Your lord duke is really ambitious. It seems that you still want to swallow Warsaw?" Aphrodite's eyes were charming, and this atmosphere did not seem like a good time to talk about things.

Suldak reached out and touched Aphrodite's pretty face, and said: "The military strength of Bena Province alone may not be enough, it depends on whether the Duke can contact the great lords of other provinces. And The specific date for the capture of Kornberg County has not yet been set, and the exact date of the attack depends on when Duke Ryan dies!"

Aphrodite's eyes were like the stars in the night sky, but she chuckled lightly: "In other words, it seems that everyone is looking forward to the early death of the Duke..."

Pull Surdak up from the wicker chair...

Aphrodite hugged Suldak from behind, and her warm breath sprayed on his neck. The few golden acorns in the fireplace in the room had been completely burned, and there was still a trace of silver frost in the ashes. Mars.

There seems to be a wind in the bedroom, which makes the set of wind chimes hanging by the bed tinkle pleasantly, and the crisp music seems to last for a long time.

Aphrodite was lying on the bed, her entire back was exposed, and two life magic lines of the ghost-striped ant queen were implanted on her back. Now it seems that the magic lines have completely integrated into her body, and The above pattern also seems to have undergone some changes.

When she runs the magic pattern of life, the magic pattern of two pairs of wings like insect wings will immediately appear on her back, and as long as she injects a little magic power into the magic pattern, the pair of wings will become a magic pattern behind her. With wings woven by strength, she is like a flower fairy with devil's horns on her head.

"How could there be such a change?" Suldak was quite familiar with his handwriting, he clearly remembered that the magic pattern implanted at the beginning did not have so many lines, nor did it cover the entire back.

Aphrodite seemed to understand the changes in her back very well, and explained to Suldak:

"This life magic pattern was implanted in my body. After a period of fusion, it became a part of my body. At the same time, my own strength is also growing, especially when it makes up for the wings, the source of power. After the defect, the power I possess has been greatly improved, because my power is constantly growing, and the magic lines behind me are also growing..."

In the end, Aphrodite concluded: "That is to say, the life magic pattern you implanted in us will have a certain growth attribute after being integrated into our body."

"It's still like this..."

Suldak was a little surprised, but at the same time he seemed to be expecting it. After all, the life magic pattern was implanted.

The big change in the life magic pattern on Aphrodite's back is entirely because she regained her wings and restored her original strength, which gave her a qualitative leap in her body, so the growth of the life magic pattern became obvious.


The aristocratic officials of Epsom City prepared a grand ball for the generals of Bena's reinforcements.

This ball was held in the inner courtyard of the city hall. Almost all the dignified and capable nobles who remained in Epsom City participated in this welcome ball, and the biggest highlight of this ball was standing in the inner corridor. It was full of young girls in evening gowns or white gauze skirts, lined up one by one from the beginning of the corridor to the end of the inner corridor.

Under the reflection of the warm-colored wall lamps in the corridor, the appearance of these young girls in Epsom City is still very online.

It is probably because the generals of the Beinar reinforcements attended the ball that they did not have a suitable partner, so the noble officials of Epsom City put a lot of thought into this.

Seeing so many young and beautiful girls standing here, what Suldak saw in his eyes was the Warsaw plane. Because of this protracted plane war, it seemed that the ratio of male to female in the entire plane was drastically out of balance.

The sound of melodious music came from under the flower trees in the inner courtyard. As one of the two supreme commanders of the Beinar reinforcements, Suldak and Marquis Edmond Arnold enjoyed the highest treatment, and the whole process was conducted by Epsom City. Consul Anselm. Accompanied by the Marquess of Bradford.

The inner courtyard of the city hall looks like a huge garden, and it is also the best place to hold dances and receptions.

The ornately decorated inner courtyard is surrounded by a high inner cloister, which makes the space here particularly private, and here every cloister column is a beautiful sculpture, and there is a spacious enough dance floor, even under a tall statue There is also a podium.

The aristocratic lords of Epsom City and their female relatives stood in the inner courtyard. They were dressed in gorgeous costumes and chatted together in twos and threes.

Wait until Anselm. Lord Consul of Bradford led the generals of Benar's reinforcements into the inner courtyard, and there was a burst of warm applause in the courtyard, and even girls came up to greet Marquis Edmund Arnold and Suldak The two presented wreaths of golden-tailed mandarin ducks,

When putting a wreath on Surdak's neck, the blonde girl in a low-cut dress almost stood on tiptoe, holding the wreath high with her snow-white arms.

She got very close, and didn't let Suldak bend down, her bulging chest almost hit Suldak's body...

Suldak felt that she did it on purpose.

Anselm. His Excellency the Bradford Consul strode up to the podium, and as he held his hands up, the music and chatter stopped.

The inner courtyard suddenly became quiet. This space is relatively close to the sound, and the voice of speaking in the middle of the courtyard will be amplified...

"Most of the Bradford family's property is in the Warsaw plane. My great-great-great-grandfather was one of the first lords to open up the Warsaw plane. Back then, the old Duke of Busman opened up three counties on this land. Later, after a long period of development, the Warsaw plane had seven counties."

"At the beginning, my ancestors also thought that once the Warsaw plane was invaded by foreign enemies, the seven counties would build a strong city that could resist foreign enemies, but now...there have been continuous wars in the past few years. In the past two years, even from Ai Walsen Province has reversely imported a large amount of resources, but the situation on the plane has not improved, and now there are only three counties left in the entire Warsaw plane, and the population is less than half of its heyday."

"You have come all the way from the province of Bena. All the guests are willing to help us resist the evil spirits of the hell. As a native of Warsaw, we sincerely thank you!"

"The province of Bena and the province of Evelson have had the strongest friendship in the alliance for so many years, and this friendship has indeed withstood the witness of time. In the past few years, I have seen the Archduke Newman more times than There are many people who have seen Duke Ryan, please allow me to pay the highest respect to Duke Newman..."

Anselm. The consul of Bradford said a lot of scenes with emotion, and then the dance began in a cheerful atmosphere.

Sure enough, the blond girl who had first presented the wreath to Suldak boldly walked up to Suldak and invited him to dance the first dance.

Even Anselm. The Marquis of Bradford smiled and said to Suldak: "Monica is a good girl, I hope Commander Suldak can have an unforgettable night..."

Is this night unforgettable? Suldak didn't know, but from Samira's eyes, Suldak knew clearly that if the first dance dared to dance with the blonde girl in front of him, some people might suffer. very serious consequences.

So Suldak resolutely refused, and then, under the smiling eyes of Carrie Decker, invited the half-elf beauty Samira to dance the first dance.

At this ball, Marquis Edmund Arnold's eyes would always fall on Samira and Carrie Decker.

It wasn't until the end of the ball and when he came out of the city hall that the commander of the Eastern Route Army couldn't help but wonder in his heart, and asked Suldak, "Where did you find them? The female soldiers themselves are very Few, usually you can only see them in adventure groups and mercenary groups, and those who can become rank two powerhouses are even rarer, and you actually have two with you... tsk tsk!"

This was the first time that Marquis Edmund Arnold had spoken to Suldak on his own initiative. What made Suldak a little unacceptable was that he was actually talking about two of his followers.

"I met the half-elf archer during the battle of Vozmara on the Maca plane. At that time, I healed her arm. This heavy gunner met me on the big battlefield, and later joined my battle team .” Suldak didn’t hide anything, and said truthfully.

Marquis Edmund Arnold stood on the steps and reached out to pat Suldak on the shoulder.

"During the time I stayed in Bena City, many people mentioned you to me, saying that you are so good, and you also successfully robbed a piece of fat that was favored by Grand Duke Newman - the dark plane of Bailin. Insect Valley, that’s why I was recruited to the Warsaw plane. To be honest, I didn’t think much of you at first, but after observing these few days, I had to change my initial wrong decision. All your performances prove that you are a Very good commander."

"Here, maybe we should get to know each other again!" Marquis Edmund Arnold had a vague smile on his lips, and then said, "Hello! Suldak, I'm Edmund Arnold! "

He is the kind of commander who has a lot of charisma, and he is also very provocative when he speaks.

However, Suldak stood still and was a little confused...

'What have I done? '

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