Lord Highlander

Chapter 1390 1377. Night in the City

Anselm. In the name of the Epsom City Hall, the Bradford Consul gave Surdak a large house. This house is located at No. 57 in the noble block of Epson City. The buildings in the house are all decorated They all have a sense of age. The plants in the garden have not been pruned for a long time, not only overgrown with weeds, but also many vines and trees are entangled, making the whole garden look like a lush forest.

It is said that the owner of this courtyard has run back to Epson City, and because he runs a trading firm in Epson City, he owes Epson City Hall a sum of taxes, but the owner of the courtyard does not seem to intend to use Therefore, the territory and manor he left in Epsom City have become the public property of Epsom City Hall.

Before the dance, Suldak only had time to settle Selina, Signa, Nika and Naomi there, and left the two-headed ogre to protect them, so he hurriedly took Samira and Carrie Decker heads to City Hall for a ball.

After attending the ball, Suldak took Samira and Carrie Decker back to the mansion.

The three of them walked along the unfamiliar streets of the aristocratic block, looking for the No. 57 house in the aristocratic block under the dim street lights.

Even though it is in the aristocratic neighborhood, there are still a large number of refugees stranded in Epsom City sitting on both sides of the street. Judging from their clothes, these people seem to have lived a decent life in the past, and their clothes are neither dirty nor torn, but now I could only sleep on the streets of Epsom City, and set up a tent on the side of the street, with some luggage beside the tent.

When Suldak, Samira, and Carrie Decker rode past on the street, someone would curiously poke their heads out of the tent to check the situation.

These people are probably people who escaped from other counties. If they can stay in the aristocratic neighborhood without being driven out, it means that they are a group of people with status, at least they will be the family of a certain knight, or a down-and-out nobleman.

Because those wealthy and capable nobles should have returned to Everson City by this time, and they were either waiting for the portal to open when they were waiting for the portal, or they simply didn't have the ability to buy the expensive portal pass.

Although the conditions here are very limited, there are drinking pools at every intersection, which means that these fleeing people are at least guaranteed to have drinking water.

Through the gap in the tent, those eyes fell on Suldak, Samira, and Carrie Decker. There were envy, admiration, and gratitude, as well as suspicion, sympathy, and pity...

"Mom, look at the two female knights on the street. I also want to put on a suit of armor and take my sword and go to the battlefield!" A girl hiding in the tent whispered to the sad lady behind her.

"How can you have such a strange idea?" The middle-aged lady looked up at her daughter and touched her forehead with her hand.

Following her daughter's gaze, she saw three knights riding slowly past on the street through the gap in the tent door, and two of them were women.

"I also went to Zhanzheng Academy to learn combat skills." The girl said courageously.

"Don't be stupid, your father has already died in Basa Musa, I don't want to lose you again." The middle-aged lady quickly covered her daughter's mouth.

The middle-aged lady is worried that her daughter's words will be heard by others, and someone will take her away tomorrow morning.

"But they are two knights, I really envy them for their heroic appearance, and I really want to avenge my father!" The girl broke free forcefully, vowing.

The middle-aged lady opened the curtain of the tent to let her daughter see clearly, and whispered in her ear: "Look what they are wearing... Constructed armor, your father has never been able to wear it in his life Those things, when will you grow up, sober up, they are not ordinary warriors, they are constructed knights!"

She bit the word 'constructed knight' very hard.

"But how long are we going to stay here?" The girl lost her temper in an instant, and said a little dejectedly.

The middle-aged lady quickly put her daughter in her arms and comforted her in a low voice: "Be patient, maybe tomorrow will be our turn to pass through that portal. As long as we return to Everson, we can live a good life."

Unexpectedly, the girl shook her head, turned her head and said to her mother: "Mom, to be honest, I don't have that much expectation for Everson. Compared with entering Everson through the portal, I hope they can help me get Barcelona With Musa County back, I kind of want to go home."

When the middle-aged lady heard the girl say this, her eyes were full of sadness again, and she just murmured in a low voice: "I'm afraid there is nothing in the house now except evil spirits! How can we go back..."


The dim street lights can only leave a mottled shadow on the lampposts, and the dark night makes the war-torn Epsom city a bit more desolate.

As a second-rank powerhouse, Suldak has five senses that are many times more sensitive than ordinary people. Although the voices of the mother and daughter talking are very small, Suldak can still hear them very clearly.

In addition to the conversation between the two of them, Suldak heard other voices.

Among the voices of these discussions, there are even people who are suspicious of them:

‘Look, there are another group of poor ghosts coming from outside, I don’t know if they will cry when they see evil ghosts...’

'Don't say that about people, they are here to help us. '

'They are here to make war windfalls, but they don't know if there are life flowers...'

Suldak could only touch his nose in embarrassment, pretending that he couldn't hear their conversation at all.

At night, Samira's light red eyes became extraordinarily bright, and she liked to ride behind Suldak so that she could quietly watch his back.

A group of guard battalion knights approached. After getting closer, several guard battalion knights saw the magic pattern structure and noble badge on Suldak's body, and the group quickly saluted Suldak.

Suldak could only pull the rein to stop and return the military salute.

Suldak originally planned to leave directly, but before he left, he couldn't help asking: "How far is the No. 57 house in the noble block from here?"

The pair of guard battalion knights stopped, and the leader of the knight captain replied: "It's not too far away, turn left at the crossroad ahead, and then walk through three houses and you will be there."

The knight captain paused for a moment, and then asked respectfully, "My lord, do you need us to guide you?"

After hearing this, Suldak waved his hands and said, "Oh, no need, I went there once during the day, so I should be able to find it."

After speaking, he took Samira and Carrie Decker and continued walking along the street. The crisp sound of horseshoes was heard far and wide in the dark street.

Suldak just walked the street once, and he could see some clues. The huge Epsom City has no defensive strength at all.

at night

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