Lord Highlander

Chapter 1392: 1379. Old Friend

In the early morning, Samira came out of the bathroom wearing a towel, and changed into tight light leather armor in the bedroom.

She opened the terrace door and stood on the large terrace on the second floor. She could see that the front courtyard was full of various felt tents. After climbing a flight of stairs, she could come to another terrace. The large garden that has not been pruned for a long time looks like an impenetrable virgin jungle.

Samira was in a good mood, and her eyes fell on an umbrella-shaped tree in the back garden. It seemed that a group of appendix copperbills lived in the dense crown of the tree. She couldn't help but took out the sky strike bow and wanted to shoot A bird comes.

"Do you want to kill them?"

A pleasant voice came from the roof behind Samira.


Samira put down the Sky Strike Bow, and turned to look at Signa who was sitting on the tile with her knees hugged.

Signa shrugged her shoulders and said to Samira with a smile: "Those birds, I don't think they are very tasty. We actually have better choices, right!"

Her big dark eyes flickered and flickered, looking very beautiful under the rising sun.

With loose curly hair and a fair face, it looks a bit like Selina, but it's completely different.

Samira had to admit that when Signa was quiet, even a second-rank powerhouse like her couldn't sense her aura.

"What do you want to say?" Samira turned around and looked at the eccentric little girl.

Signa looked at Samira and said very seriously: "I can take you to catch better prey and let those birds go."

Samira picked up the Sky Strike Bow again and asked curiously, "Where are you taking me?"

Signa cheered, slid down from the rubble, and then stood in front of Samira, cheering and said: "Go out with Duck, we will go wherever he goes! I know he will definitely go out today, and It should not be going to the barracks, let's go out with him, and we will definitely find more interesting prey. He is not willing to take me, but he will definitely take you, and then I will follow you secretly."


Samira found that she had been tricked by Signa, and she wanted to refuse, because she didn't want to have many clingy little troubles around her.

Just when Samira was about to refuse the call, Signa's big eyes suddenly filled with "next time I will help you create opportunities like last night", and Samira immediately changed her mind. Hold out your palm.

Crisp high-fives sounded on the terrace, startling a few sparrows hiding under the tile eaves.


Suldak left the house on horseback, this time he still wanted to take Samira and Carrie Decker with him.

Originally, Signa and Nika would also stay in the mansion here with Selena, Naomi, and Gulitham, but what Suldak didn't expect was that Signa didn't know what method to use. He managed to convince Samira, and the two rode the same horse together.

He knew Samira's character very well, she was the kind of person who hated trouble the most, and he didn't know what Signa used to impress her.

When a few people went out, the refugees who lived in the front courtyard had already started cooking and cooking. Almost all of them looked at Surdak and his party with curious and grateful eyes.

There are really a lot of people crowded on the streets in Epsom City, but no one is blocking the avenue, so all the way to the city gate is unimpeded.

A large number of people waiting to leave the city gathered at the gate of the city. Everyone lined up in a long queue. There were more people entering the city, and the queue was longer. They were all stopped one after another, and then driven out by the city gate guards.

Suldak rode a horse and was in the queue going out of the city.

Probably because of the aristocratic badge on his chest, he left the city very smoothly. When the people crowded on the suspension bridge saw Suldak coming out on horseback, they all retreated to the sides. Take the initiative to give way.

When Suldak left the city this time, he didn't intend to inspect the West Route Army camp.

After leaving the city, he discovered that there were at least tens of thousands of refugees gathered outside the city.

These refugees seem to be crowded at the city gate. Some have set up simple tents, some are simply lying on blankets or mats, some have built a pergola, and some are simply lying there on the ground. These refugees Almost all of them are civilians, most of them are elderly women and children.

The team entering the city was at least two kilometers away, but less than one-third of the people who could agree to the conditions for entering the city.

"Why don't those city gate guards let them enter the city?" Signa leaned on Samira's arms and asked curiously.

"Perhaps the city can't accommodate it." Samira replied with one arm around her and the other holding the rein.

"Isn't there a large number of people sent away at the portal every day?" Signa asked suspiciously.

"Who knows..."

Samira didn't care about this, she only had Suldak's back in her eyes.

Compared with Epsom City, the world outside the city looks more real. A large number of refugees crowded at the gate of the city, and they finally walked out. He clearly remembered that John and Lisa’s home was on the hillside opposite the sunflowers outside the city. .

Now, that sunflower field is nowhere to be found.

All kinds of simple wooden houses are built on the hillside, and some wooden houses are even connected together, covered with some simple rainproof tarpaulins.

This shanty town originally formed a strip along the river outside the city, and there were even one or two houses scattered in other places.

But now the sky is overwhelming, and the slopes on both sides of the river are crowded with all kinds of simple wooden houses. These wooden houses are densely packed and can't be seen at a glance. After leading the Lord's Army for so long, Suldak has a little experience in estimating the number. According to his estimation , There are at least hundreds of thousands of people in this shanty town outside Epsom.

Just looking at it casually will make you feel a little big...

Suldak even wanted to get rid of the thoughts in his heart, but he just thought of the faces in his memory, so he bit the bullet and shuttled among the dilapidated wooden houses.

Looking at these dilapidated wooden houses from a distance, it seems that intermittent alleys can still be seen, but when Suldak rode in on horseback, he would find that the roads in this shanty town were so narrow and still Extending in all directions, these alleys are never straight, and when you walk, you will find that you have deviated from the direction you want to go by a long way.

Fortunately, he was riding a horse and wore a noble badge on his chest, which showed his status as a nobleman and would make many civilians stay away from them automatically.

There are many thieves here, and Suldak can tell from their timid eyes. Most of these thieves are poor people. The red-eyed hyena, who had been hungry for half a month on the wasteland, looked at the lions. Although he was terribly afraid, driven by hunger, the desire in his eyes was swallowing the last bit of timidity little by little.

When they saw Samira in dark red tight leather armor, and saw that she was still holding Signa in her arms, they wanted to surround her.

Once surrounded by them, it might be inevitable that something would be missing from him.

The hands that couldn't help but stretched towards Sami were like the clusters of bone hands protruding from the bloody door every time Earl Fornak was called out.

These people rushed forward, wanting to touch the horse under Samira, wanting to touch her calf wearing greaves...

The next moment, Samira's body overflowed with a murderous intent that only came out of the battlefield, the kind of thick murderous intent that soaked into the body only after the hands were covered with blood.

This group of refugees who were not eligible to enter Epsom City was like a swarm of stinky flies, and they dispersed with a 'boom'.

They are a group of cowards who don't have the courage to go to the battlefield, and they are also a group of forgotten people. They lost the last bit of courage in their uninterrupted escape, and no one even cared about their lives or deaths.

Suldak felt a little regretful, if he had brought a cavalry squad with him when he came out this time, maybe there would not be so many troubles.

After such a lot of tossing around, the group of people lost their way completely in this shantytown. Except for the city wall of Epsom City in the distance, they couldn't even find any reference around them, so Suldak could only ask around. .

Suldak began to ask about 'John' and 'Lisa' from the poor people sitting at the door of the wooden house.

When the name John was mentioned, no one knew it at first.

But after asking for a long time, there are always people who know a few people named John. After all, this name is very common. If you continue to chat, you will find that the age and identity of the owners of these names are difficult to match the Catapult that Suldak is looking for. repairman.

In fact, Signa couldn't understand what Suldak was looking for. She originally thought that Suldak would go around the barracks and then go to Epsom City to inspect the terrain, because tomorrow the West Route Army will Get out of here, at least figure out where to go.

But I didn't expect Suldak to plunge into the slums, asking around for two people...

Finally, they found news about John and Lisa in a shantytown. There are quite a few people who know about them, and the John they described is exactly the same as the person in Suldak's memory.

Suldak let out a long breath, knowing that he came to the right place.

Choose a big boy who is the most active from the crowd, throw him a silver coin, and Suldak said to him:

"You take us to find him, and after we find him, I will give you some more money."

The big boy quickly caught the silver coin, wiped it vigorously on the linen clothes on his chest, looked at the luster on the silver coin in surprise, and licked his face and asked:

"Can I have something to eat?"


Suldak took out a piece of toasted wheatbread from his sackcloth pocket and threw it to him.

So Suldak saw the wooden house in his memory.

The house they live in is still the old dilapidated wooden house, but this area has now become the center of the slums.

Spreading from here to the distant hillside, there are wooden houses like huts everywhere. If Suldak was to find it by himself, he might not be able to find it even in ten and a half months.

The big boy who took a silver coin as a reward cheered and disappeared into the alley next to him.

Surdak's eyes fell on some wooden tables and chairs placed at the door of the wooden house. These simple furniture seemed to have not been painted yet. He jumped off the horse and stood at the door of the wooden house with Gu Bolai on his hands. His eyes revealed A kind of remembrance.

That kind of look seems to be a kind of longing for the past, it seems to be a long time, but in fact it has not been a long time...

Until a man came out of the wooden house with an oil bucket and a brush. He was about to varnish the families at the door of the house, but it was hard not to notice the three tall Guberai horses at the door. He squinted his eyes, He looked over with some hesitation.

"Hey John, long time no see..."

Suldak let go of the rein in his hand, strode over, and hugged the man's broad shoulders with both hands.

The man gradually woke up from his confusion, his eyes became brighter and brighter, he looked at Surdak and said excitedly:

"You are a Knight of Suldak... Oh, did you become a nobleman first? My God!"

Samira, Carrie Decker, and Signa stood quietly behind. In fact, they knew that Suldak had served in the Warsaw plane, but they didn't expect him to actually come here. Find someone.

John's waist became thicker, his abdomen also had a big belly, and his head was bald a lot, but he looked very energetic. He turned around and shouted into the wooden house: "Lisa, Lisa, come and see Let's see who is here, Lord Suldak is back."

There was a sound of running footsteps in the house, and a woman in an apron ran out of the wooden house holding a five or six-year-old boy by her hand.

Inviting Suldak into the wooden house, Lisa took the boy to the kitchen to boil water and make tea, but John looked at Suldak sitting on the wooden sofa at a loss, and couldn't help murmuring: :

"Why did you come back, why did you come back at this time, now the Warsaw plane is almost rotten to the bone."

Suldak looked at the furnishings in the room with a smile. Although a lot of furniture was added, most of the places remained the same.

"Someone has to come back to clean up this mess, right?" Suldak said frankly.

John stared straight at the magic pattern structure on his body, and finally noticed the change of Suldak belatedly.

He hurriedly asked Samira and Carrie Decker to sit down, looked at Signa, who was as delicate as a porcelain doll, and asked with some concentration: "This is your daughter? She's already this old..."

"Well! Let it be!" Suerdak admitted naturally.

Signa was not moved, and even gave Suldak a blank look, as if dissatisfied that he took advantage of her.

Samira looked at the wooden house very curiously, and even looked through the corridor and landed on Lisa's back in the kitchen.

"Are you here with the Benar reinforcements?" John asked.

Suldak nodded again.

"Since you have served military service in the Warsaw plane, even the military department has no reason to let you do it again!" John thought that Suldak had been treated unfairly by the military department, so he was a little aggrieved.

"I can't refuse this recruitment." Suldak said while sitting on the sofa, he paused, and then said:

"Besides, I also have a reason to come back. My brothers are still lying in that mountain range. This time I want to bring them home. In addition, those evil spirits on Moyun Ridge still owe me something. This time I plan to take them all back together.”

For the sea, a meow 1 silver leader added (39/90)

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