Lord Highlander

Chapter 1393: 1380. Seeing Off

"Dark, you won't be so overwhelmed..." John sat opposite Surdak and said with some surprise.

He secretly looked at the two overly beautiful female costumed knights beside Suldak. They exuded such a powerful aura that he didn't even dare to take a second look. He lowered his head and could only use the peripheral vision of his eyes. Peeping at the boots on their feet and the greaves covering their calves.

The patterns on the greaves dazzled John's eyes.

Then John realized that he was still wearing the leather apron from work, and the pungent smell of varnish still lingered on his big rough hands.

"This matter is a knot in my heart that I will never get over in my life. It is filled with too many things that I can't let go of." When Suldak said these words, he became very emotional.

Samira and Carrie Decker rarely saw Suldak confide in their hearts, and looked at Suldak curiously.

They didn't expect that Suldak would say this to a commoner carpenter.

John, the stocky and strong catapult repair carpenter in the past, has become much older now, and the hair on the top of his head is almost falling out. At first glance, he looks like an out-and-out middle-aged uncle.

Most of the living room is made of wooden furniture, which can be seen to be John's handicraft. He and Lisa's life is ordinary and hard-pressed.

"I thought you had already left here, but I didn't expect to see you again." Suldak smiled and said with relief.

John wiped his upper lip in embarrassment, and replied honestly: "I am a deserter without identity, where can I go!"

Suldak asked a little strangely: "It is said that the deadline for the military department to verify the number of casualties has passed long ago. I thought you would change to a new identity and wait for the opportunity to buy two teleportation passes and leave here."

Hearing what Suldak said, John frowned, and said with some distress:

"Want to leave here? It's not easy for civilians like us!"

"Dark, do you know what has seen the fastest price increase in Epsom City in recent years?"

Without even waiting for Suldak to think about it, John gave the answer:

"Portal pass."

John sighed for a long time, as if he could finally find a friend to confide in, and poured out all the bitterness in his stomach, he continued:

"Every time I save a sum of money, the price of the portal pass will increase a lot. The little money I save every year is not enough to increase the price of the teleportation pass. For us, it seems that saving The money to buy those three portal passes will always be close..."

The hardships of life made John wipe the moist corners of his eyes.

Lisa has already boiled a pot of water and made several cups of barley tea.

John probably didn't want his wife to see him looking depressed, so he rubbed his face vigorously, pulled himself together and asked Suldak, "Talk about what you have experienced in the past few years, I think it must be very exciting! "

Suldak wanted to say, 'John, do you want to do something big with me this time? If they succeed, they will be able to take Lisa and leave here openly. If they fail, I will also have a way to send them back to Bena Province. '

But the words stopped again.

After waiting for a while, he said to John: "Pack up your luggage later, try not to bring those heavy luggage, I will send you out of the Warsaw plane, only to Evelsen City, if you can't buy a magic airship Don’t waste the ferry ticket in the city, find a way to go to the neighboring province by land, and then transfer to the magic airship to return to Bena City.”

John didn't expect that Suldak would talk about this when he came up, and he was stunned for a while.

Happiness came a little too suddenly, he couldn't even believe his ears.


John wanted to confirm again, but Suldak reached out and patted his shoulder, and said:

"Don't refuse this time no matter what, don't forget, we are comrades-in-arms in need who broke through from the Great Meadow together, and now I still have a little ability to send your family back to Everson City, next time we meet, I don't know when and where it will be..."

Lisa was standing at the kitchen door with her son in her arms, and when Suldak said that she could send their family back to Everson, her face immediately became ecstatic.

Pulling his son to John's side, he said excitedly, "John, can we go home?"

This call woke John up from his trance, and he nodded excitedly, saying, "That's right, Duck said that we can send our family out this time!"

Lisa cheered and hugged John, who was already out of shape, and the two squeezed the bewildered son between them...

Samira and Carrie Decker, who were sitting on the side, looked at each other, but neither of them said a word from the beginning to the end.

After Lisa confirmed the good news, she immediately started packing her luggage.

John, however, was a little entangled with the custom-made wooden furniture at the door. The last three coats of paint hadn't been painted yet, and there were still two days before the delivery date, but he was about to leave Epsom City soon, and it was too late to do anything at this time .

But the other party has already paid the deposit, so after thinking about it, he had to go to the neighbor next door. The neighbor next door is a shoemaker. John asked him for help. If someone came to his house in two days, he asked them to hang the wooden tables and chairs outside the house. The neighbor readily agreed to move away, and promised to help John look after the batch of wooden tables and chairs.

John looked at his neighbors who had been with him for several years, and thought that when he first came here, the shoemaker helped him a lot when building the wooden house, so he said to him: If they don’t come back after a week, this wooden house will be given to the shoemaker’s family

The shoemaker was obviously a little overwhelmed. Hearing John explain things like this, he thought John had done something wrong. Seeing John striding away, he wanted to catch up and ask if he could help. For example, what should Lisa and his son do in the future? how to live...

Seeing that the shoemaker was going to chase him out to inquire, the shoemaker's two wives immediately stopped him and showed him through the glass window the three war horses tied at the door of John's house.

Rebuked him angrily, ‘Are you stupid! If John does something, do you think those knight lords will give him time to arrange these trivial matters? '

The scolding from the two wives dispelled the slightest thought in the shoemaker's mind.


It wasn't until it was time to leave that I realized how reluctant I was.

Lisa almost wanted to pack up all the things in the house. After several times of obstruction by John, Lisa reluctantly discarded most of her luggage, and left the wooden house reluctantly with only four boxes of clothes.

Suldak's party only had three horses, so many people couldn't ride together. Four suitcases of luggage were hung on the hooks of the saddle. Samira rode ahead with Signa in her arms, and Carrie Decker held her John's son followed, and Suldak, John, and Lisa could only walk through the chaotic slum ahead.

John, who has lived here for many years, explained to Suldak the division of this slum area.

In fact, the huge slums outside the city have very clear divisions. For example, the place where John lives is even the old city of the slums. There are some old households living there, and the law and order here is also the most stable.

The other four counties on the Warsaw plane fell one after another, and a large number of refugees poured into Epsom City from all over the world. Most civilians could not enter the city, so they could only live in the slums outside the city. The influx of large numbers of people also disturbed the law and order here. Mess.

Therefore, in order to allow the people in the slums outside the city to have a stable life, the noble managers divided the slums into five areas. The security of each area is the responsibility of the residents in the slums. Well, as long as it can maintain law and order in this area.

The residents of the old district where John lived had some savings. Considering that it would be difficult to suppress those foreign refugees by forming a security team, the residents of the old district actually spent a sum of money to hire a mercenary group to maintain law and order here.

Although the hiring price of the mercenary group is very expensive, in fact, the population base in the slums is quite large, and it doesn't take much money to distribute them to everyone.

The old streets in the slums of the outer city are the places with the best law and order, because there are mercenary groups patrolling them!

The poorest area is the slums in the north of the city, and the worst security is the slums at the south gate, because refugees from no matter where they come from will gather here first, and after gradually getting familiar with the situation in Epsom City , will spread to other places.

Over time, a large group of thieves and rascals gathered in the poor area of ​​Nanchengmen.

Samira rode in the front on horseback, and the powerful aura possessed by the second-rank constructed knight made the refugees and thieves on the street retreat one after another.

John also seemed to know how chaotic it was here. He even had an ax pinned to his waist, and he was constantly looking around vigilantly.

When Suerdak and his group reached the gate of the city, they realized that the line that lined up to enter the city during the day was at least several times longer than that in the morning. , with chapped lips from the sun, but still persistently waiting for the inspection by the city gate guards.

A team of guard battalion knights in full armor stood at the gate of the city to maintain order here.

Suldak didn't go to the end of the long queue, but directly led the group to the gate of the city.

The city gate guard saw the exquisite noble badge pinned to the chest of Suldak's leather armor, and immediately saluted Suldak, then stopped a family of civilians who were about to enter the city with their spears, and let Suldak and his party People go first.

The city gate guards didn't even conduct any inspections on Suldak, and the people seemed to have long been accustomed to this privilege belonging to the nobles.

They didn't dare to complain, and they didn't even dare to look up at Suldak.

Many people in the long line stared at John's family angrily. Seeing the three of them being caught in the middle by Suldak, Samira and others, they hurried into Epsom City, with jealousy and malice in their eyes There was even a silent curse in his mouth.

The three members of John's family were terrified by the refugees gathered at the gate of the city. They have been living in the most safe place in the slum area recently. They just heard that the gate of the city is more chaotic, but they didn't expect it to become like this , the eyes of those thieves and rascals are full of greed and cruelty, and there are even some desperadoes.

When they walked into the city, John and Lisa were even more stunned when they saw the streets crowded with refugees. They never expected that Epsom City would look like this now.

The original Epsom City was not like this.

John stood timidly on the side of the street with Lisa in his arms, looking at the chaotic scene in the city with a dazed expression on his face.

Epsom City is very big. If you choose to walk with your legs, you want to go through the slums, merchants' districts and rich people's districts, and finally arrive at the portal in the central square of the aristocratic district. I don't know how long it will take. night.

Although there are very few magic caravans driving on the streets of the city at present, four-wheeled trucks converted from magic caravans can be seen everywhere.

Many trucks were loaded with supplies and hurried through the streets, some of them were heading out of the city, and some of them were delivered to various blocks in the city...

With the fall of the four outer counties, the farmland around Epsom County simply cannot meet the daily needs of so many people.

Today, although Epsom City still has a certain production capacity, most of the material supply almost depends on delivery from Epson City, which is the main reason why the portal is so busy every day.

Surdak stood on the side of the street and waited for a while, then he saw a four-wheeled carriage with the badge of the Bena Army coming hurriedly from outside the city.

There are 200,000 Beinar reinforcements stationed outside the city of Epsom, and the daily supplies are almost transported from the portal to the camp outside the city.

Suldak was standing on the side of the street, waiting for the carriage of the Pena Army.

He stopped a four-wheeled carriage casually.

When the coachman saw the adults of Suldak, Samira, and Carrie Decker, he jumped out of the carriage immediately. He didn't even need Suldak's order, and only saw John and Lisa, a family of three, standing Sir Suldak's side, who still don't understand what's going on.

Catering to Suldak's order, the John family was seated in the cargo box of the carriage, and the group came to the central square of Epsom City.

The central square is the entire Epsom city, which is more crowded than the gate of the south city.

The front of the huge portal is almost full of people, and the people crowded here are not civilians. Many nobles with exquisite suitcases are also quietly waiting in line in the designated area. It even held a parchment teleportation pass.

But the problem now is... Even if you have a teleportation pass, even if you have a distinguished aristocratic status, even if you have money in your pocket, you still need to wait patiently to pass through this portal. Everyone is waiting here quietly. Four-wheeled carriages loaded with supplies drove out through the portal.

There are still some vehicle wreckage next to the portal, and I don't know what happened, but the magic caravan crashed like that.

Seeing Suldak looking at the wreckage of the carriage at the portal with a puzzled expression, the coachman in the logistics department immediately explained to Suldak that the reason why the carriage crashed into that shape was because the portal was blocked Caused.

The carriages from both sides of Everson City and Epsom City wanted to enter the portal. Once the two sides collided inside the portal, the mana center of the portal would not be able to maintain the space passage, and the final result would be the car crash and death.

So every time you pass through the portal, the two parties have agreed on the way of passage...

The four-wheeled trucks of the Bena Army also had to wait patiently in this square, and their passing time was around five o'clock in the evening.

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