Lord Highlander

Chapter 1394: 1381. Epson's Tears

Many people seem to be unable to understand that a magical storage belt connected to the sub-dimensional space can at least fill a carriage full of goods, but why does the logistics department use magic airships and four-wheeled carriages to transport these military supplies.

First of all, it takes a certain amount of mana to open the space of the magic pocket.

Apart from magicians, only some fighters with both magic and martial arts skills and powerhouses with rank two or above can use magic pockets.

Then there is the issue of transportation costs.

These military supplies don't need to be transported by horse-drawn carriages and magic airships. Could it be that magicians are hired to run around to carry things?

Of course, it is not impossible to use a magic belt to transport armaments and supplies through the teleportation hall, but compared with the cost of a four-wheeled carriage, the difference is not generally large.

Carriages full of supplies drove out of the portal. After passing through the portal, these carriages needed to leave the portal quickly, so as not to block the vehicles behind in the portal and cause unnecessary losses.

Suldak saw more and more carriages gathered in the corner of the central square from the logistics department of the Bena Army, so he waited impatiently.

So Suldak said to the coachman sitting on the driver's seat:

"I don't have time to find Louis Fitch Quartermaster. Where is the highest officer on your side? I mean, you can find it here."

The coachman knew that Suldak was a big man, so naturally he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately pointed to the not far away, who was standing on the edge of the square, and an officer dispatching the vehicles said:

"That is our captain, Ivan Henderson..."

Suldak gestured to the coachman to show that he understood, and then strode over.

Four-wheeled carriages from Bena's army continued to gather and return. Captain Ivan Henderson ordered the trucks to line up at the corner of the square. He carefully checked each four-wheeled truck.

It wasn't until Suldak stood in front of him and tapped Captain Ivan Henderson on the shoulder with the whip in his hand that he turned his head to look over.

Ivan Henderson immediately saluted Suldak and said, "Commander, good afternoon."

"It's good that you know me." Suldak nodded, and said directly to Captain Ivan Henderson: "Captain Ivan Henderson, I have three people who need help from your logistics department." Bringing Everson back, is there any problem?"

"No, Commander Suldak." Captain Ivan Henderson said while patting his chest

"Okay, I'll leave it to you." Suldak nodded and said.

Then they brought John and Lisa's family to Captain Ivan Henderson.

Under the arrangement of Captain Ivan Henderson, the three of John's family boarded another empty four-wheeled carriage.


After making arrangements for John's family, Suldak did not stay in the central square, but said a simple farewell to John, rode on his horse, and walked towards the house at No. 57 in the aristocratic block.

Samira took Signa, together with Carrie Decker, and the two horses followed behind Suldak side by side.

There were a lot of pedestrians on the street, and Suerdak and others rode among the crowd.

"Tell me about the former Epsom City!" Samira said to Suldak.

Suldak turned his head and glanced at Samira, and said, "Actually, I was just passing by here at the time. At that time, I was not in the mood to appreciate the scenery of this city. I just remembered that this city is very big."

After speaking, he couldn't help but looked around.

Pointing to the chaotic market, he said to Samira: "At that time, the situation in the Warsaw plane was not so bad. The Royal Knights won the battle at the Kampato River. Many business groups gathered in the city, and they were everywhere along the streets. What impressed me the most was the magic grocery store, the most special thing about the grocery store here is that you can gamble on the magic core, almost every grocery store has this business."

"Do you know what a gambling magic core is?" Suldak asked with a smile: "Usually, the magic core obtained from the skull of a first-level monster is put on a plate, and then everyone will buy it at a low price. If there are magic spar fragments, you should be able to protect your capital, if there is nothing in it, you will lose money, but if you can get magic spar, it will be a big profit!"

"There are many shops on this street, all of which operate Gambling Demon Core..." Suldak pointed to the shops facing the street.

Now the business here is very sluggish.

Suldak added: "At that time, the slums outside the city only had some wooden houses built along the river outside the city. I remember that there was a large sunflower field opposite the shanty town. Looking there from the slope, the whole area The earth is all golden."

"The teleportation gate here is not as crowded as it is now. At that time, I just took a teleportation pass and this horse, and left here in a line like those people. Oh! The line was not so long at that time."

"As for my impression of this city, it is more like a gate, because it is connected to the Grimm Empire, and it is the way for each of our Benar fighters to go home."

Unknowingly, Surdak and Samira were riding side by side on the street, and the two horses were still close together.

Samira leaned almost sideways, holding one arm of Suldak, and Signa, who was riding with Samira, bent over the horse's neck with a speechless face, and buried her face in the mane of the horse's back neck. Mauri didn't want to say a word.

Carrie Decker followed behind, listening with gusto.

They passed through the edge of the central square with long queues. Among the people waiting in line to pass through the portal, a mother and daughter crowded in the queue with tired faces. They dragged heavy salutes. The water bag was given to the daughter, and another piece of toasted wheat cake was taken out, and a corner was broken off for the daughter.

The girl hasn't washed her hair for a few days, and her little face looks dirty, but her eyes are looking around.

Seeing Suldak passing by the street on horseback, and seeing Carrie Decker's heroic posture following behind, she immediately showed envy on her face, and she was simply obsessed with that tall and straight figure.

She immediately remembered what happened last night, and she seemed to have seen them on the street where she lived.

The city is big, but sometimes it's really small...

Seeing that Carrie Decker was wearing a heavy armor, the metallic armor made her eyes shine brighter and brighter.

Even the war horse in heavy armor is such a godly horse.

"Mom, I will become a constructed warrior like her in the future!" The girl exhaled and said to her mother behind her.

The mother poured some water from the water bag, soaked a handkerchief, wiped the girl's dirty face, and said to her, "Don't be silly, I have worked so hard to take you away The Warsaw plane is not designed to make you a female warrior in the future..."

Facing her mother's nagging, the girl decisively closed her mouth.

It's just that her eyes never left Carrie Decker's back, until those knights disappeared into the busy street.


When it was about to get dark, the convoy of materials waiting at the Bena logistics department finally waited for the signal to pass, and the carriages parked in the corner of the square finally came to life, and one after another drove towards the portal go.

John, who had been waiting anxiously in the carriage, hung his heart again.

The back of the truck's compartment shook suddenly, Captain Ivan Henderson jumped in from behind, saw their family huddled in a corner, and smiled at them.

The child was already asleep, nestled in Lisa's arms.

Captain Ivan Henderson took out a piece of tarpaulin from the corner and covered the truck compartment. Several people hid in the compartment covered with a layer of tarpaulin. It was dark inside.

"Don't worry, this is allowed. People in our logistics department travel between the two cities like this..." Captain Henderson said.

Then, he stared at the bald middle-aged man and asked, "Are you a soldier of the West Route Army?"

John shook his head.

Captain Henderson looked at John curiously, John's big belly could still clearly reveal his age in the dark.

"Then you are a resident of Epsom City?" Ivan Henderson asked.

John replied honestly: "Not really, I'm from Bena, but we live in a poor area outside the city..."

Hearing that John said that he lived in the slums of Epsom, Ivan Henderson became even more curious, and asked, "How did you know Commander Suldak, who actually sent you to the teleportation gate in person? ?”

John said: "I have known Lord Suldak for several years. When I met him, Lord Suldak had just retired from the army..."

Unexpectedly, the person in front of him was actually an old friend of Commander Suldak. Thinking that Commander Suldak could still remember his old friend in times of adversity, he said with great emotion: "You are so lucky."

John smiled honestly, but he didn't expect it either.

Captain Henderson continued: "Are you planning to go back to Benar this time?"

"Yeah." John replied.

After thinking about it, Captain Ivan Henderson said: "Then, in the morning, there will be ten magic airships returning to Bena City, and these trucks will also go to the airport terminal of Evelson City to transport the armaments." Materials, if you want to return to Bena, it is most convenient to take these magical airships, and I can help you get a separate cabin."

John didn't expect that Captain Ivan Henderson would show Lord Suldak face like this.

"You... really can? Thank you so much, Captain Ivan Henderson."

For a moment, John didn't know what to say, and seemed a little incoherent.

Soon, the carriage slowed down again.

Ivan Henderson lifted the tarpaulin on the carriage, and got out with a whoosh.

Through the gap exposed by the thatch, John could clearly see that the four-wheeled trucks from the logistics department of the Bena Army began to drive into the portal one after another. At this time, there was a long line of nobles in the square, but they were still waiting in line.

Until the mirror of the portal slowly submerged John's family, John hugged his wife and son tightly, and finally didn't look back...

A drop of tear hit the mirror-like portal and flew out of it in an instant.

A gust of wind blows by, instantly blowing that drop of tear into the air...

For the sea, a meow 1 silver leader added (41/90)

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