Lord Highlander

Chapter 1395: 1382. Enemy Tracks

Suldak lived in Epsom City for two days before leaving the city and rushed outside the city to join the West Route Army troops.

The armaments and supplies at the West Road Army Camp have been fully replenished, and the most important marching rations are enough to supply the entire army for half a month. Unfortunately, there is no clue about the rations for the 50,000 ghost-patterned soldiers and ants.

Due to the special situation in Epsom City, and after receiving an order from Duke Newman, Suldak was ready to immediately lead the West Route Army to the northern forest farm camp in Handanal County to deploy defenses.

After returning to the camp, Suldak issued an order for all the soldiers of the West Route Army to march to Handanar County.

Most of the West Route Army consisted of heavily armored infantry regiments. The army walked northwestward along the main road in mighty form, and they could walk forty kilometers almost every day.

The infantry regiment had to rely entirely on their legs to walk, and each infantryman was burdened with heavy armor weighing nearly a hundred catties, and there was no cavalry in the army to help them carry the heavy luggage, so the speed of walking every day was like a turtle crawling.

On the other hand, there are a large number of refugees from other counties gathered in Epsom County. Even along the way, many refugees can be seen heading towards Epsom City with their bags on their backs. Therefore, the food that can be found in the wild is really very limited.

The only consolation is that the ghost pattern soldier ants have a wide range of diets. They are really not too picky about what they eat. When they are really hungry, they even eat trees.

It was also because of the ration supply of the ghost-striped soldier ants that the military logistics department had not been able to implement them. In order to maintain the combat effectiveness of 50,000 ghost-striped soldier ants, Suldak resolutely decided that 50,000 soldier ants would go to Handanaer at the speed of cavalry marching. Shire advances.

Handanar County is located in the northwest of Epsom County. It is the northern gate of the occupied area of ​​the empire, and it is also the starting point of the rolling hills and virgin forests in the northern part of the Warsaw plane. At present, there are only three counties in the Warsaw plane. Fallen, Handanal County is one of them.

The vanguard of the Goblin Legion has appeared along the Kempatormos River, facing off against the Bena Legion across the river.

As far as Suldak is concerned, he cannot accept the fact that the ghost-striped soldier ants can only eat the bark in the surrounding forests every day. It is a bit unreasonable not to be able to eat something good before dying.

Therefore, the Ghost Pattern Soldiers carried 50,000 heavy armored infantry and marched towards Handanal County at the speed of cavalry. It took only half a day to leave the remaining 50,000 heavy armored infantry far behind. The 50,000 heavy armored infantry regiment had enough combat power and mobility, so Suldak asked all the 10,000 cavalrymen of the West Route Army to stay behind, and followed the infantry regiment behind to march at a slow pace every day.

On the other hand, Suldak led the army of ghost-striped soldiers and ants, traveling day and night at the speed of cavalry, and arrived at the northwestern border of Epsom County in just seven days, officially entering the territory of Handanal County.

Suldak's lord army still continued the preparation of the mage group. This time, the main members of the mage group were almost all young magicians from the Ruyt City Magic Union, and the main role of the mage group in the legion this time was still investigation. military situation.

After the ghost pattern red ants army entered Handanal County, according to the suggestion given by the military department, the marching route of the West Route Army should be that the large military needs pass through Handanal City, and then go all the way north along the central axis of Handanal County Pass through the large meadow and finally reach the forest camp.

However, due to the fact that the military logistics office of the ghost pattern soldier ants has been unable to supply food, Suldak did not follow the marching route formulated by the military department. The main reason is simple. The marching route formulated by the military department is very easy to follow, but the biggest disadvantage is I couldn't find enough food supplies along the way, and there was not even a forest in a section of the road. If the ghost pattern soldier ant army really passed by here, it would probably eat grass...

Therefore, as soon as the ghost pattern soldier ant army entered Handanal County, Suldak sent all the twenty-five magicians in the mage group to scout the surrounding terrain.

It has to be said that the biggest advantage of the Magician Scouting Team is that they can have a bird's-eye view of the mountains, rivers, forests and fields below, and they can find out the most convenient marching route most intuitively. Suldak's plan this time is very simple, that is, where there is food, The ghost pattern soldier ants will rush wherever they want, and the direction is all the way to the north.


Before the eyes of the magician Basil, a big river meandered and flowed. The water of this river was not too fast. It rushed out of a dense forest and then flowed into a canyon.

For Scout Basil, whenever he encounters this kind of river, it means that there will be a lot of life forms around him, including animals and plants.

The large expanse of forest ahead can be said to be what Commander Suldak has been looking forward to. As long as the army of soldier ants enters this forest, the problem of food source for fifty thousand ghost pattern soldier ants will be completely solved.

In order to find out the basic situation of this forest within a radius of a hundred miles, Suldak ordered the magicians to spread out in parallel over the forest to search northwards. Originally, Basil's investigation mission was successfully completed. But the young magician found a very hidden river in the jungle within the scope of his investigation, so he followed this river to investigate downstream.

Sure enough, when the river rushed out of the forest, it immediately rushed into a deep valley.

And here is at least 400 miles away from the ghost-striped red ants army of the West Route Army, which is completely out of the range where the West Route Army's ghost-striped red ants army needs to be on alert.

If it weren't for chasing a herd of one-horned bison, Basil probably wouldn't have flown so far. This group of bison was heading downstream along the river. Although the number of the group was only a few hundred, for the ghost-patterned soldier ants They are also a rare meal, the only trouble is that it is a bit far away.

Basil was thinking about the route the hunting group would take in the sky. If he wanted to kill this group of bison, he estimated that at least 1,500 ghost pattern soldier ants would be dispatched to hunt this time.

Fortunately, the cattle stagnated when they saw the river rushing into the valley. They turned back again, looking for a place to cross the river in the shallows of the river.

Basil lifted the handle of the magic scorpion upwards, and the floating magic circle lit up two magic lines again. The propeller ejected a powerful airflow, and the handle of the magic scorpion circled half a circle in the air before preparing to return.

Whether to hunt or kill this group of one-horned bison, the decision rests with Commander Suldak.

He only needs to use the magic crystal to record the terrain and resources of this area, but before he can increase the speed of the magic scorpion, he is suddenly shaken by a dazzling light, and then the hairs on his back Standing up, in a hurry, he poured all his mana into the magic handle, but he pulled it up vigorously.

The magic horn seemed to come to a sudden stop in the air, and then rushed straight into the sky.

In the next second, a flying spear flew into the air against the sole of Basil's shoe.

Basil's flying height is about 300 meters above the ground, even a longbow shooter can hardly reach such a high range, let alone a flying spear, this distance can only be achieved by shooting a sky crossbow. spear……

Thinking of this Basil shuddered, desperately spiraling into the air, the two flying spears passed each other again.

He looked desperately into the woodland below, only to see an evil ghost covered in black armor standing on the crown of a tree, throwing the flying spear in his hand at him.

This was the first time the magician Basil had seen the ghost warrior, but at first sight he could be sure that it was a powerful ghost.

He knew that this place was still in the southeast jungle of Handanal County, but he didn't expect that there would be the whereabouts of the ghost warrior. Thinking of this, Basil didn't hesitate any more. A magic flare came out, and as he injected a trace of magic power, the magic flare shot up into the sky and exploded right above Basil's head.

A group of red flames exploded, and countless streamers of light fell down. This kind of flame is very eye-catching even in the daytime...

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