Lord Highlander

Chapter 1402

On the top of the lone peak, the terrifying grimace of the evil ghost general showed a trace of horror and resentment.

Under the dragon's breath, his body was completely covered by a shield composed of hexagonal black crystals, and his body hid behind the shadow of a boulder with incomparable flexibility like a ghost.

The breath of the red dragon Iser almost melted half of the boulder, but General Evil Ghost was only stained with a trace of flame.

The black spar shield on his body didn't know whether it was magic or his own ability. It even isolated the last trace of dragon flames. was unscathed.

It's just that the ordinary evil ghost fighters around him don't have the shield on him, and their sight is blocked by the large fire curtain in the sky. When they see the red dragon Iser rushing out of the fire curtain, it's too late to respond. He was instantly contaminated by the breath of dragon flames.

The hard exoskeleton on the ghost warrior's body was instantly ignited, and there was a sea of ​​flames everywhere around him, and there was no way to avoid it.

On the contrary, those evil ghost flag leaders had extra black crystal shields in their hands, but even with these black crystal shields, they couldn't resist the breath of dragon flames from the front, and the side blocked by the black crystal shield remained intact, but the body On the sides and back, however, was a layer of inextinguishable flames.

The evil ghost general stepped on the flaming rock, took a few steps to run up, and then jumped high from the top of the lonely peak.

The black crystal shield on his body then turned into a huge black crystal sword in his hand, and a powerful breath erupted from his body. The phantom behind him was actually a nine-headed sea snake in the endless abyss. The atmosphere of darkness and chaos, at the moment Iser spread his wings and swooped down the mountainside, the black crystal giant sword in his hand turned into a mountain of blades, like a black meteor in the sea of ​​flames, hitting the red dragon Iser straight Chest and belly.

Yiser seemed to have felt the sharp aura, but once it spewed out the dragon's breath, it couldn't stop halfway.

Otherwise, even if it is a red dragon, it will inevitably be backlashed by the power of its own dragon flame.

It can't even bow its head...

The murderous aura caused the scales on its neck to stand up one after another, and Suldak, who was lying on the dragon's back, naturally saw the evil general jumping high from the sea of ​​flames.

He even saw it more clearly than Iser, the black giant sword erupted into a mountain of blades, and there seemed to be a bottomless abyss behind the evil general, and a nine-headed sea snake emerged from the eye of the abyss, although It's just a phantom, but that terrifying aura seems to be swallowing the sky.

Suldak knew that at this moment he couldn't be cowardly anyway. Although this evil ghost general must suppress him by a big rank, but if he didn't make a move at this time, Iser would definitely be attacked by the evil ghost general. It was the first time he even felt a little bit of tension deep in Iser's heart.

After the war call is over, it has to return to the Istandur plane, which has a more dangerous environment. There are many powerful enemies hidden there, so it cannot be injured.

Instantly releasing his 'potential', a phantom of an archangel shining with holy light appeared behind Suldak, and a holy beam of light descended from the sky and enveloped Suldak.

Under the holy light, Suldak jumped off the dragon's back, and the surface of the Goethe shield in his hand was protected by three layers of 'blessing shield', 'sacred shield' and 'ancient oath'.

The next moment, the phantom of the archangel behind him also bent down, holding Suldak tightly in his arms with his arms and pure white wings.

Surdak's body was protected by layers of protection, and he held up the Goethe shield and slammed into the evil general.

It was like a comet carrying a ray of holy light, crashing firmly into the sword mountain that the evil ghost piled up near spar.

The spar sword with the atmosphere of darkness and chaos cut the 'shield of the ancient oath' instantly, and the sword mountain was only slightly shaken, and then hit the 'sacred shield', and the holy shield burst out with a dazzling wave of holy light With a strong force, the entire sword mountain began to shake violently, and cracks even began to form at the tip of the sword.

As the holy light erupting from the 'Holy Shield' gradually disillusioned, the spar sword mountain hit the 'Shield of Blessing'.

Amid the ear-piercing sounds of metal and stone chirping, the gothic shield on Suldak's arm was smashed to pieces by the evil ghost general.

Although the black spar sword mountain in front of General Evil Ghost was on the verge of collapsing, he stabbed towards Suldak without any regrets.

The angel's phantom instantly transformed into a solid light shield, and at this moment, all the sacred power in Suldak's body was almost instantly evacuated.

The spar sword mountain pierced the light shield formed by the archangel and completely collapsed.

Immediately, the evil ghost general holding a spar sword appeared behind the sword mountain. He jumped into the air and stabbed the sharp sword in Suldak's chest flatly. Shield's arm pierced Suldak's chest.

But at this moment, the six-pointed star magic circle emerged from Suldak's feet, and a void gate instantly rose behind him.

A Devil's Eye flew out of the Void Gate almost in despair, and happened to block Suldak's body. The moment the spar sharp sword pierced the Devil's Eye, the body of the Devil's Eye also exploded, and countless The lens splashed out and almost all fell on General Evil Ghost.

A snow-white arm stretched out from the door, forcefully pulling Sulda into the door.

The spar sword in General Evil Ghost's hand didn't even touch Suldak's body...

When he fell back to the top of the burning mountain from mid-air, the red dragon Iser had already passed over his head, and the breath of the dragon almost turned the mountain top into a sea of ​​flames.

Countless ghost warriors struggled in the fire, feeling the power in their bodies gradually draining away. The red dragon Iser found that the gate of summoning reappeared in front of him. It looked back at the ghost general on the top of the mountain with some helplessness. The regret of not being able to kill it flew into the gate of summoning.

Just when the red dragon Iser got into the gate of summoning, a gate of void reappeared on the top of the mountain. Suldak stepped out of it with a broad sword in hand, and only saw the tail of the red dragon Iser And the gate of summoning that has begun to collapse.

Aphrodite, wearing a magic robe, flew out after Suldak with a charming smile.

The pair of transparent wings were fully unfolded behind her back, the devil horns on her head revealed spiral magic patterns, and a huge eyeball floated above her head.

The moment Aphrodite walked out of the void gate, the huge floating eyeball was covered with magic patterns, and a red light came out from the pupil of the eyeball, covering the evil general on the top of the mountain.

General Evil Ghost felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a wave of tiredness, as if he was about to fall asleep the next moment.

Whispering words kept coming from the ears of General Evil Ghost, and those Sanskrit spells filled his ears, making him feel like falling into the clouds at this moment.

Aphrodite moved closer to General Evil Ghost, and put her hand on General Evil Ghost's forehead. General Evil Ghost stood still, his pupils filled with white mist.

Aphrodite turned her head and glanced at Suldak...

The dark purple pupils were almost filled with 'Why don't you kill him? '

Suldak understood in an instant, and immediately came to the side of General Evil Ghost with his sword in his hand, raised the broadsword in his hand, the blade was wrapped with a layer of divine power, and stood fiercely at the side of General Evil Ghost. on the neck.

The head of General Evil Ghost fell immediately, and his three-meter-high body also fell heavily next to the boulder emitting a scorched atmosphere.

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