Lord Highlander

Chapter 1403 1390. On the battlefield

From the appearance alone, the evil spirits of hell hell are similar to the human body structure. They have a head, torso and limbs, clear facial features on the head, hands and feet, and can walk upright.

If you have to tell the difference between the two in terms of appearance.

That is, the evil ghosts are taller and more powerful. The average height of the evil ghost fighters is about three meters, and each of the evil ghost fighters has no fat on their bodies, and they are almost purely muscular. Men.

Human fighters are basically only two meters tall, and even if they undergo the most rigorous training, it is impossible for their bodies to be fat-free.

Of course, this is only identified from the appearance.

But those who are familiar with evil spirits know that there is the most essential difference between evil spirits and human beings.

The biggest difference between the two is that the human body is supported by a skeleton, on which muscle groups and tendons are wrapped, and then there is a layer of fat outside, and the outermost layer is soft skin.

But the body structure of evil spirits is just the opposite of that of human beings.

The surface layer of the evil ghost's body is a layer of hard bone armor. If you use a sharp dagger to peel it off along the gaps in the bone armor, you can see a layer of tough black devil skin inside, and the innermost muscle group.

Usually military merchants like to buy this layer of black devil skin from evil spirits very much. Suldak was good at peeling this black devil skin back in the military camp.

There is no skeleton support in the ghost warrior's body, and the structure inside the body is almost completely composed of different functional muscle groups.

In other words, if the ghost warriors did not have this layer of exoskeleton, they would all turn into molluscs.

Although they have a human-like appearance, their bodies are similar to insects, with exoskeleton and internal muscles.


Now the top of the lonely peak has been turned into a piece of scorched earth, and the surrounding area is filled with the smell of roasted meat.

The fires in some surrounding places have not been completely extinguished, and waves of heat will come from time to time, scorching the mouth dry.

The red dragon Iser cleared an open space on the peak with the breath of the dragon, and not far away, some magicians covered with shields had landed on the magic scorpion, and began to set up a firewall on the scorched earth not far away.

Aphrodite stood in front of the evil ghost general, looked down at the evil ghost general in a pool of blood, pursed her lips and said with some dissatisfaction: "Why is every battle such a melee without any plan?"

"Um, I was a little caught off guard by this incident, but who would have thought that there is such a ghost hunting group hidden in this mountain range!"

Suldak's face was a little pale. During the fight just now, his right arm was almost broken, and the biggest loss was that the magic pattern shield on his right arm was broken.

"You are the commander, of course it is up to you to prevent these problems in advance!" While speaking, Aphrodite stepped on the huge head of General Evil Ghost, then curled her lips, and her eyes fell on that ferocious face on the hole.

Her hair was still wet and she looked like she just got out of the shower.

General Evil Ghost's head is a bit big, and his face is almost as big as half a dining table for four.

It's just that it doesn't have any breath now, and the body is still overflowing with traces of chaotic breath.

"Except for the magic core that may peel off high-level black magic crystals, the most valuable thing about this evil ghost is its face." Aphrodite bent down, examining the hideous face of General Evil Ghost. She looked at the face very carefully, as if she didn't want to miss any details.

"Faces are valuable?" Surdak was puzzled.

"Peel off this part first, and the whole face must be peeled off intact!" She asked Suldak to peel off the entire face before the blood on General Evil Ghost was completely cold.

Although Suldak didn't quite understand why Aphrodite said that, he still took out a small skinning knife from outside his thigh, squatted beside Aphrodite, and peeled off the face of the evil general.

In fact, he was even more concerned about the safety of Gullitum and Wolf Knight Tiger.

Aphrodite stood aside and said casually: "Your shield is damaged, and it's not easy to find another shield in your hand, why not just use its face..."

"Evil ghost shields are very popular in the hell world. They are also very convenient to make, and they are also very strong and durable... Oh, this layer of black devil skin should also be preserved..."

While explaining, Aphrodite told Suldak how to peel the skin.


When Gulitum and Wolf Knight Tiger struggled to climb out from the cracks in the rocks, the top of the mountain was completely scorched.

Thirty magicians also set up eleven firewalls on the hillside in order to be able to defend the inch of land on the top of the mountain, completely isolating the attacks of the evil ghost warriors halfway up the mountain.

At this moment, General Evil Ghost, the supreme leader of the Evil Ghost Hunting Group, was killed, and the hunting group instantly became leaderless, and even the Evil Ghost Warriors who were attacking the top of the mountain stopped.

At the beginning of the chaos, most of the evil ghost fighters, led by the various evil ghost banner leaders, still gathered in the middle of the isolated peak, wanting to continue to capture the top of the mountain.

But now there is a wall of fire on the mountainside, and the evil ghost warriors can't rush up. Many evil ghosts are frightened by the evil dragon again. But I hope to rush to the top of the peak, and it is best to rescue the general...

The two different opinions made it impossible for the ghost warrior to advance or retreat.

Suldak peeled off the face of General Evil Ghost as quickly as possible, and then he didn't pay attention to the group of evil ghosts on the mountainside.

Instead, treat the most seriously injured wolf knights Tiger and Gullitum first. Almost all of their armors were hacked to pieces by the ghost warriors, and there were countless wounds on their bodies.

Standing beside the sacrificial altar, Suldak casually picked up a few heads of evil spirits from the ground and sacrificed them, in exchange for the 'Divine Blessed Body' to stabilize the injuries of the two.

Then it was to treat the wounds of the two of them. For Suldak, this was the most cumbersome thing. Nika and her medical team usually deal with these things.

But now Nika's medical team followed the other half of the legion, so Suldak had to clean up these small wounds himself.

The few surviving heavy armored infantry soldiers also crawled out from the crevices of the rock, their injuries were relatively minor.

After they crawled out of the cracks in the rocks, they began to search the scorched earth for the charred corpses of the ghost warriors. Although these corpses had become worthless, there was still a precious black magic crystal hidden in their skulls .

There is such a piece in every evil spirit's skull. The value of this unidentified black magic crystal is almost twice that of ordinary magic spar. On some special planes, the price of this kind of unidentified black magic crystal I'm afraid it will be higher.


In the evening, the army of 50,000 soldiers and ants finally rushed to the vicinity of the isolated peak under the guidance of magician scouts, and nearly a thousand evil ghost soldiers were trapped on the isolated peak.

Andrew, who led the army, did not arrange for a large army to rest in the camp. Instead, he immediately organized a mixed combat team of ghost-striped ants and heavy armored infantry fighters, and personally led the team to form a battle team from the foot of the isolated peak. The situation of encirclement launched the cruelest encirclement and suppression to this group of ghosts on the mountain peak.

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