Lord Highlander

Chapter 1419: 1406. Buying a Cow

The first thing Commander Suldak did after returning from Handanar City was to set up the merit exchange list at the entrance of the cafeteria.

Although the ten sets of magic-weave outfits on the merit list are too far away for the soldiers of the 110,000 West Route Army, this does not affect the dream of every infantry soldier who has a knight-like outfit in his heart.

Everyone is standing on the same starting line. In the next battle, strength is not the only criterion for judging achievements.

Luck, hard work, courage, teamwork, command and leadership, etc., will all affect the achievements you get.

No one can guarantee that he will be able to obtain the magic pattern structure on the merit list.

Especially when Samira, Gullitum, Andrew, Wolf Knight Tiger, and Carrie Decker announced their withdrawal from the merit competition of the legion at the same time, the merit they obtained would only be exchanged for some magic crystals stones and gold coins.

The infantry soldiers of the West Route Army began to get restless.

After all, in addition to the ten sets of magic pattern structures on the list of achievements, there are also ten high-end magic weapons of excellent quality, and there is also a single magic pattern structure behind it. There are dozens of such prizes.

There are as many as thousands of excellent quality magic weapons and magic rune plates with various functions.

In fact, there are still some prizes that Suldak has not made public, that is, in addition to the rewards for the magic pattern construction, Suldak's direct troops can also choose to implant life magic patterns.

The soldiers in the entire forest camp started to move around, and everyone began to look forward to the task of going out on duty in the new day.

Especially seeing those ant cavalrymen bring back the corpses of ghost warriors from the forest outside every day, and each unidentified black magic crystal can be exchanged for 700 merit points, the heavy armored infantry soldiers became even more envious...

What followed was a discussion in the forest camp about the list of merit exchanges.

The 50,000 lord army affiliated to Suldak has become accustomed to this method of combat rewards. Everyone is actively preparing for the battle, selecting some easy-to-achieve goals on the merit exchange list, and preparing to give it a go.

It's just that Suldak's reward and punishment system was also opposed by some small lords in the West Route Army. The army is composed of the private armies of various lords, so Suldak has no right to require all lords to divide merits in this way.

In response to such doubts, Suldak did it relatively simply.

All the lords who do not agree to calculate their merits according to the merit exchange list can follow the original distribution system as long as they apply.

The loot captured on the battlefield is entirely divided between the commanders of the various teams.

As soon as this news was announced, the prestige and prestige of those little lords who voiced their opposition plummeted.

However, these little lords' control over their own private army is still strong enough.

They quickly silenced these bad voices.

Then there was a new saying in the West Route Army, which listed the various benefits of the old merit distribution model, quickly growing the lord's army, speeding up the process of ending the war, allowing the dead soldiers to have more generous pensions, etc. ...

But what the heavy armored infantry soldiers in the Suldak lord's army did next, made the foreign bumpkins in the forest farm camp unable to understand.

They actually exchanged the hard-won feats for some consumables on the battlefield. For example, infantry soldiers in the same combat team would exchange some magic crossbows that were difficult to recover after shooting, or some fire scales. Bombs and magic scrolls.

Forget about magic crossbow bolts and fire scale bombs, at least they can be used on the battlefield, but it's a bit extravagant...

But what can a magic scroll do? Infantry soldiers are not magic apprentices. Those magic scrolls need a little mana to activate, which means that only magicians can use them.

But many infantry fighters will buy these defensive magic scrolls...

Since he couldn't figure it out, he could only watch silently as those heavy armored infantrymen went to grab the consumables on the merit list.


The news that the two wounded members of the multi-tone adventure group recovered quickly after receiving treatment in the forest camp was like a dandelion blown away by the wind, with small white umbrellas flying all over the sky.

After hearing the news, many adventure groups hunting evil spirits in the northern part of the Great Meadow began to gather at the forest camp. In fact, everyone wanted to verify the authenticity of the news.

After all, once the news is true, it will be of great help to these adventure groups.

The conservative battle plan in the past can be made more aggressive, and at the same time, the harvest on the hunting ground will also increase. After all, no one will think too much money.

And those bandit adventure maps who dare to rob other adventure groups have less and less living space.

They can hide XZ in the big meadow, but they can't go to the forest camp to resupply.

Unless it is those adventure groups that have not been exposed at all, once they run to the forest farm camp, they will become street rats that everyone shouts and beats.

During the period of returning to the forest camp, Suldak has been very busy. He not only formed an ant cavalry regiment, but also found time to summon the merchants in the free market in the forest camp.

Suldak asked the merchants to give a certain degree of preference to the adventure groups who came to the free market for supplies, and at the same time warned the merchants not to cover up those adventure groups who dared to do evil in the big meadow. , will drive his business group out of the forest camp.

As the commander of the West Route Army, Suldak's demands and warnings were still very effective.

Suldak also learned from the merchants in the past few days that the grassland on the meadow has actually been divided up by a group of noble lords, and the cattle and sheep seen along the way are also The private property of certain lords.

That's why Suldak recently took the time to meet a few big ranchers, and the main purpose of talking with them was to buy cattle and solve the ration problem of fifty thousand ghost pattern soldier ants.

The bacon seized from the hands of the evil spirits is only enough for the ghost-striped soldiers to eat for a month.

The West Route Army has been stationed in the forest camp for more than a month, and the bacon hoarded in the material warehouse has bottomed out, but the supplies he applied to the logistics department of the military department have not yet been implemented.

Surdak could only contact the ranchers in the big meadow to buy a large number of cattle and sheep to ensure that the soldier ants would not starve.

The forest camp has long since changed, and Surdak found a large cemetery on a hillside to the north of the forest camp.

He searched this cemetery for a long time, but unfortunately he couldn't find the tombstone where the members of the second team were buried. After browsing the entire cemetery, he left with a sad expression.


In the past month, the magician investigation team not only visited the Gandar Er Mountains, but also found out all the hidden mountain roads in the Gan Da Er Mountains.

There is a huge panoramic map in the command post of the camp in Suldak. The Gandar Er Mountains have been restored to their original appearance. The rivers around the mountains are dyed with some blue spar powder. It was painted with some yellow spar powder, which is clear at a glance.

Selena has been managing the merit exchange list recently, and needs to count the merits every day, record the exchange of reward items, and so on.

Every night, Selena would chat with Aphrodite, Samira, Carrie Decker, and Naomi around this beautiful sand table. At first, these people were surrounded by bright lights on the sand table. Attracted by the spar powder, looking at those realistic rivers and clear mountain roads, Selina will tell some things about Suldak's past in the fifty-seven heavy armored infantry regiment.

These were all during the time in Wall Village, Suerdak said every time he chatted with her after some kind of exercise at night.

Now that everyone was sitting in front of the sand table, many of Suldak's battles with the evil spirit team became very clear.

Everyone gradually understood more deeply about the habits of those ghost warriors.

As the investigation work became more and more detailed, the magician investigation team began to grasp the activity rules of the ghost hunting group. Although they did not dare to get too close to the activity area of ​​​​the ghost fighters, this area was clearly marked on the sand table .

What Surdak didn't expect was that these women chatted together, and they actually talked about something...

The reason was that there was a food crisis in the evil ghost army on Moyun Ridge. It wasn't just that a group of evil ghost soldiers ran around the forest camp, intending to hunt and kill the scout team near the camp.

The magicians also discovered that a large number of ghost fighters would bypass Ganda Er Mountain and sneak into the northern area of ​​the Great Meadow. Their activity area on the Great Meadow gradually became larger, and they continued to engage in small-scale battles with the adventure group , just to find a little more food.

It was this piece of information that made the careful Selina discover that the Goat Gut Canyon in the Gandar Er Mountains had actually become the most convenient way for the ghost warriors to cross the Gandar Er Mountains during this period.

These ghost hunting groups were cautiously crossing the canyon at the beginning, but there was no army stationed during this time.

Now the ghost hunting group has become more unscrupulous, almost the whole hunting group entered the big meadow from this canyon.


Although it was a little hard to imagine, the ranchers on the big meadow quickly accepted the fact that there was a group of special troops in the West Route Army—ghost pattern soldier ants.

These ranchers didn't expect that Commander Surdak would spend money to buy a large number of cattle, just to fill the stomachs of these ghost pattern soldier ants.

These soldier ants had an astonishing appetite, Commander Suldak was also very generous, buying more than 100,000 cattle from seven ranches, and the deposit paid to these ranchers was boxes of magic crystals.

In order to drive the cattle to the forest camp as scheduled, these ranchers also sent a group of very capable herdsmen to escort the cattle.

Most of the herdsmen here are the aborigines of the local Popostan tribe. Now this tribe of aboriginal people has been split up by the nobles. Almost all the aborigines of Popostan are working for the pasture on the large meadow. Lords work.

An old herdsman looked at the pasture in the northern area, which was almost as high as a horse's belly, his wrinkled forehead became more profound, and his old face, which had become bronze after being exposed to the wind and sun, was full of bitterness.

A group of young herdsmen followed behind the old herdsmen. On the grassland in front of them, a group of strong cattle almost completely leveled the pasture here.

"The pasture stands so well here..."

The young herdsman straddled the bare horseback, holding the rein with one hand, looking at the green sea in front of him, he couldn't help sighing.

They live in chasing aquatic plants on the big meadow, and they will go wherever the aquatic plants are luxuriant, but the northern part of the big meadow has been a restricted area for several years.

"Do you know why the pasture grows so tall?" The old herdsman said coldly with narrowed eyes, "That's because there are devils hiding here!"

His voice was a little dry, he licked his cracked lips, looked at the group of young juniors behind him, and ordered:

"We have to pass here as soon as possible. In the next period of time, apart from allowing the cattle to drink water normally, we will not stop. We also have to take turns to rest and send the cattle to the forest camp as quickly as possible. there."

Hearing that the cattle were going to be driven overnight, the young man began to complain:

"Didn't it mean that as long as you reach the northern part of the Great Meadow, even if the cattle are robbed and killed by evil spirits, the loss will be counted on the forest farm camp? Why are you in such a hurry?"

The old herdsman raised his eyebrows, and slammed the whip in his hand on the young herdsman.

"Do you think that once those devils appear, they will only kill cattle?" The old herdsman spat, and then said, "We are also food in their eyes."

Speaking of those creepy devils, everyone's expressions changed.

A young man cried in a trembling voice:

"I don't want to be eaten by those devils. I heard that even the soul of those who are eaten will be swallowed..."

But the old herdsman didn't even look at the timid young man. He looked at the forest camp and said calmly: "The closer we are to the forest camp, the safer we will be, so we have to travel as fast as possible during this journey." Speed ​​through."

"Understood, Uncle Hai." A group of young herdsmen replied in unison.

However, just before dawn, this group of herdsmen ran into a hunting party of evil spirits.

Six evil spirits came up from the dark grass, frightening the herdsmen to run away on horseback.

The old herdsman shouted loudly among the cattle: "Stay away from these devils, let them kill the cattle, we just need to gather the rest of the cattle and drive them away, we ride horses, as long as we keep a distance, they can't catch up with us , everyone pay attention to safety..."

"Understood, Uncle Hayi." Some young people responded.

Some people simply run away.

Driven by the old herdsman, the herd of cattle began to turn around.

These six ghost hunters became even more unscrupulous.

After slaughtering dozens of cattle in a row, the six ghost hunters began to think about how to transport the beef back. After all, there are only six companions here. A ghost can resist at most two scalpers.

The rest of the prey still can't be taken away, they need to call other evil spirits...

While these evil spirits were thinking about these things, the frightened herd of cows had already started to run away from their sight, towards the forest camp.

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