Lord Highlander

Chapter 1420 1407. The Beginning of the War

The goblin hunting party near the foot of Gandall Earl has gone wild with the incessant presence of large herds of cattle in the northern part of the Great Meadow.

They have never encountered so many cattle. As long as these evil ghost warriors cross the Ganda Er Mountains and enter the northern part of the large meadow, they can see groups of cattle and sheep migrating towards the forest camp.

It was under such circumstances that these evil spirit hunting groups began to attack the cattle on the big meadow.

Every time the evil spirits hunted the group, they would get a lot of harvest. The most distressing thing for the evil spirits was that they could not make these cattle into bacon on this hunting ground.

The evil spirits wanted to transport the beef back to Moyun Ridge, so they had to carry the beef to the foot of Mount Gandall, and then use the inexhaustible firewood in the mountain to make bacon from the cattle.

It is this kind of restriction that severely restricts the evil spirits from hunting the cattle. Even if they slaughter the entire herd of cattle, they will not be able to take them away.

The only way is to bring the goblin of Gandaul Mountain as far as possible to the Great Meadow.

During the hunting process, the evil spirits found that many adventure groups were waiting around. Some evil spirits who had suffered from the adventure group finally found their companions, and the evil spirits began their adventure in the northern part of the Great Meadow. The regiment launched a retaliatory attack.

Many adventure groups have been frantically hunted down by ghost hunters in the recent period.

In order to be able to hunt in the northern part of the Great Meadow, the evil spirits on Moyun Ridge not only sent a large number of evil spirit warriors to cross the Ganda Er Mountain Range, but also sent an army of nearly ten thousand evil spirits to the mountain range north of the forest camp. , Putting on a posture of aggressively attacking the forest farm camp.

At the same time, a large number of ghost warriors were sent through the Yangchang Canyon, across the Ganda Er Mountain, and entered the northern part of the Great Meadow.

The evil ghost army of the dark forces in the deep prison has always been known for its large number. The evil ghost army sent from Moyun Ridge this time clearly exceeded Suldak's previous estimate.

A plan to encircle and wipe out the Moyunling evil spirit army was quietly launched when the evil spirits poured into Ganda Er Mountain in large numbers.


The Sheep Gut Canyon in Ganda Er Mountain is a 47-kilometer-long canyon trail winding in the middle of the mountains.

This canyon trail in the middle of the mountains is surrounded by towering and steep mountain walls. The trail is more like a canyon. In the section near the southern foot of the Ganda Er Mountains, the trail is accompanied by a rushing river. It is the upper reaches of the river, where the river is divided into countless waterfalls, tributaries and underground springs. When it reaches the jagged rocks in the south of the Yangchang Canyon, and some circular valley hinterlands that resemble sheep's stomachs, the river stops abruptly here. .

The evil ghost warriors crossed the Ganda Er Mountain, saving nearly twice the distance from the Yangchang Canyon compared to other passes.

After a large herd of cattle appeared in the northern part of the large meadow, this Yangchang Canyon almost became the life supply line of the Moyunling evil spirit army. A large amount of food was transported back to Moyunling from here, and came continuously from the direction of Moyunling The evil spirits of the people also entered the big meadow from here.

As dusk approaches, as the light in the canyon gradually dims, the ghost warriors walking through the Yangchang Canyon will take a rest at this time. Some ghost warriors who are tired from walking casually lie in the canyon passage near the rock wall Sleeping on one side.

Those evil ghost warriors who drove back from the south of Ganda Er Mountain strode down this narrow passage with the whole cow on their backs under the urging of the banner leaders.

If you look down from the sky at this time, you will find that the ghost warriors in the Yangchang Canyon are like tireless marching ants, and they line up in a long line to move quickly through the canyon.

As night falls...

under the stars,

These ghost warriors are still walking silently in the canyon, and the darkness seems to be unable to cover the eyes of the ghosts.

These evil spirits who lived in the abyss all year round were more adaptable to the darkness than human warriors.

In the night, an ant cavalry appeared on the peak on the left side of Yangchang Canyon.

There is a waterfall on the opposite side of the canyon. The abundant river water falls vertically from the channel above the mountain peak. At this moment, the rushing water turns into countless fine white pearls, which fall into the deep pool a hundred meters below with a huge bang.

Selena stands on the summit.

Samira stood beside her without saying a word, she had put the Sky Strike Bow back on her back.

At her feet lay a headless evil ghost warrior. There was a guard post set up by the evil ghost on this peak. This evil ghost warrior never thought that Samira was riding a magic handle to take advantage of the darkness. The one who came down from the sky and shot it directly.

The two magicians have put the magic bundle into their magic pockets. Their current task is to manipulate the magic bundle and carry Selena and Samira to fly at night.

The two of them are standing in the middle of the Yangchang Canyon, which has the largest waterfall in the canyon.

Carrie Decker stood on the head of a dark red soldier ant. The soldier ant took him up the steep mountain rock to the summit. Now he finally saw Samira and Sai who were waiting on the summit. Linna and two other magicians.

Ant cavalrymen kept pouring out from behind her.

In the night, almost no one of these ant cavalry spoke. They wore black full-coverage armor, spears and shields on their backs, and were equipped with a five-shot standard military crossbow. A quiver full of magic crossbow bolts.

The 500 ant cavalry are fully armed, almost all of them are native fighters from the Bailin plane, and they are best at hunting in the jungle.

Now a group of the best indigenous warriors, with the help of Aphrodite, signed a magic contract with the soldier ants.

"I thought you guys would arrive later..." Samira whispered to Carrie Decker.

Selena at the side also greeted Carrie Decker.

Carrie Decker jumped off the top of the soldier ants, stood beside Samira, took a deep breath, and said to Samira and Selina:

"If you don't experience it, I'm afraid you will never understand what it's like to ride over mountains and mountains on the ghost pattern soldier ants, especially when these soldier ants climb the cliff, it feels really good!"

Under the guidance of a magician scout, Carrie Decker took 500 ant cavalry and 3,000 ghost-striped soldiers for nearly a week to drive from the forest camp to the Ganda Er mountain sheep. Middle Gut Canyon.

Samira glanced at the ghastly-faced ghost-striped soldier ant beside Carrie Decker, and asked, "How long do you need to rest?"

Carrie Decker glanced back at the group of high-spirited ant cavalry, and said directly: "We have already rested for the afternoon, and we don't need to rest now."

She looked back at an ant cavalry squadron leader behind her, and that squadron leader immediately came up to report:

"Report to the head, all the soldiers of the Ant Cavalry Regiment are here!"

Samira glanced at Selena, and saw Selena nodded slightly to her.

"Then let's start now!" Samira said very simply.

"Set off!"

Following Samira's order, the five hundred ant cavalry climbed the steep mountain wall almost simultaneously, and rushed towards the Yangchang Canyon below.

Carrie Decker sat firmly on the ant cavalry's back, and the saddle with cable ties firmly connected her to the soldier ants. Even if the soldier ants were hanging upside down on the roof of the cave, she would not drop down.

The whispering voice was completely covered by the rumbling waterfall...

Samira and Selena sat on the magic handles of the two magicians, and followed the ant cavalry to fly in mid-air.

As the ant cavalry continued to approach the Yangchang Canyon, Selina chanted the spell softly, and a dark mist spread from around her body.

'Dark Mist' is a divine spell bestowed by the Goddess of the Night. Enemies in the Mist will be shielded from all perception.

As the fog continued to spread down the valley, the group of ant cavalry also rushed down the valley.

The fog spread to the canyon path, and the ant cavalry rushed down at this moment.


Under the night, the canyon passage between the mountains is a vast expanse of darkness.

Five hundred ant cavalry rushed down from the peak at the same time, and they crawled on the almost vertical mountain wall.

A thin layer of mist spread silently over the canyon path.

At this moment, the ghost warriors walking on this canyon path suddenly found that, apart from the sound of the rumbling waterfall, their sense of sight and smell had completely disappeared, and they seemed to be in endless darkness.

Just when the ghost warrior was confused and couldn't figure out what was going on, a group of ghost-patterned soldier ants jumped down from a mountain wall. Human warriors with spears and shields were also riding on the backs of these soldier ants. .

These evil ghost warriors were blinded by the dark mist, and the soldiers and ants were all in front of them before they were discovered.

In a hurry, the evil ghost warriors let out a roar full of anger, and drew out their fists, swords and war blades to press against the fangs of the ghost pattern soldier ants.

At this time, the evil spirits saw the spear stabbing from the darkness. The sharp spear easily pierced the eye socket of the evil spirit warrior, and then pierced through the back of the head, splashing purple blood everywhere.

All of a sudden, all the ghost warriors on the path shrouded in the fog of war were slaughtered by the ant cavalry.

According to the evil spirits' understanding of the imperial cavalry and heavy armored infantry, they cannot climb over this cliff and mountain, not to mention that there are some sentries on the mountain wall.

There is a waterfall on the left side of Yangchang Canyon, and the mountain path through the canyon is only less than five meters wide.

The ant cavalry eliminated the evil ghost warriors passing by, and then killed all the evil ghosts lying on the path sleeping soundly.

As for the evil spirits just outside the fog of war, they could only see a cloud of faint mist appearing in front of them. They stepped into the mist blankly, and their perception was immediately blocked, and they fell into endless darkness, and then they were hidden. Ant trooper carnage in the mist.

The evil spirits in Yangchang Canyon formed a long line, and the evil spirits behind kept moving forward, so the evil spirits in front couldn't stop at all. Even if they found something wrong, they still kept pouring into the mist.

Under the leadership of Carrie Decker and Samira, this group of ant cavalry quickly killed hundreds of evil spirits.

As the ghost warriors poured in from outside the mist, the canyon path less than five meters wide was almost full of corpses of ghost warriors. Right at the edge of the fog, the corpses of those ghost warriors were almost stacked on top of each other. A corpse wall more than two meters high was formed.

The ant cavalry stood on the wall of corpses, waiting for the ghost warriors to throw themselves into the trap.

This one-sided massacre lasted less than a quarter of an hour. The ghost warriors outside the fog saw the corpse of a ghost rolling out of the fog, and only then did they realize the abnormality of the fog in front of them.

The ghost warriors stood outside the fog and did not dare to rush in.

At this time, a magic crossbow suddenly shot out from the mist. These sharp magic crossbows pierced through the armor of the ghost warrior at such a short distance, and dozens of ghost warriors fell outside the mist. Canyon trail.

Selena, Samira, and Carrie Decker led an ant cavalry to cut off the narrowest pass in the middle of the Yangchang Canyon.

As a result, the evil spirit warriors coming from the direction of Moyunling could not enter the northern area of ​​the Great Meadow, and at the same time stopped the group of evil spirits who were carrying food and preparing to return to Moyunling...


Under the leadership of Andrew and Wolf Knight Tiger, the two Constructed Knights quickly penetrated eastward along the southern foothills of Ganda Er Mountain.

The group of constructed knights almost avoided fighting the ghost warriors running out of the mountain. Even if some ghost warriors rushed out suddenly, it was Andrew and Tago who killed them at the fastest speed.

More than a thousand constructed knights walked along the northernmost edge of the large meadow, quickly throwing off all the evil spirits chasing from behind.

Andrew was riding a green-scale warhorse. On a mound, he saw a red ball rising in the northern night sky. The demon signaled.

He turned his head to the wolf knight Tago and said with a smile: "Samila and the others should be going well, now it's our turn..."

After speaking, he took down the butcher battle ax hanging on the side, and shouted to a group of constructed knights behind him: "All knights line up!"

Following Andrew's order, the constructed knights charged in a row of eight towards the southern entrance of the Yangchang Canyon. The magic pattern structures on these knights showed light blue magic patterns in the dark night.

A light silver shield emerged from the armor of the war horses below him, and every war horse felt the power transmitted by the constructed knights.

They quickly brought their speed to the extreme. Thousands of horses galloped across the field at the same time. The whole land trembled with the sound of horseshoes. The first row of constructed knights had an afterimage on their bodies.

At this moment, a group of evil spirits are slowly entering the Yangchang Canyon with beef on their shoulders.

Seeing a group of constructed knights coming out from the slope on the right, the group of ghost warriors quickly stood in a row. They drew out their spears from behind and were just about to throw them at the constructed knights when a light suddenly lit up in the night sky. There was a lot of fire, and before they could react, a fireball fell from the night sky.

At the same time as these fireballs appeared, the twenty or so magicians in the night sky revealed their figures.

In order to avoid the short flying spears in the hands of the ghost warriors, these mages flew very high on their magic scorpions...

The fireball hit the ghost warrior, bursting into groups of flames...

Before these ghost warriors could react, the constructed knights led by Andrew quickly occupied the southernmost mountain pass of Yangchang Canyon.

sorry it's late today

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