Lord Highlander

Chapter 1422: 1409. Fighting

The evil ghost warrior who broke out from the diffuse gunpowder waved the war blade in his hand, and strangled with the ghost pattern soldiers and ants.

The attack methods of the soldier ants are single.

When they rushed up, they would spray a stream of sour liquid towards the ghost warriors, and then use their one-meter-long sharp fangs to cut towards the ghost warriors' waists.

When the ghost fighters rushed out, they stood in a concentrated position, facing the attack of the soldier ants, it was almost inevitable.

The evil ghost warriors who rushed to the front jumped up one after another, their bodies still in the air, and stabbed the forehead of the ghost pattern soldier ant with their fists and swords.

This group of ghost-pattern soldier ants didn't dodge either, they opened their two huge fangs, raised their heads, and cut towards the evil ghost warrior's waist.

The evil ghost warrior who followed behind bumped into each other, and the evil ghost warrior and the ghost pattern soldier ants fought together.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, ghost pattern soldiers and ghost soldiers fell one after another.

There was a large-scale melee on the battlefield at the entrance to the southern end of the Yangchang Canyon.

Evil ghost warriors are constantly pinched by the fangs of ghost-patterned soldier ants. The fangs of soldier ants are sharp but not sharp. The trapped ghosts will not die immediately. The fist and sword pierced the ghost pattern soldier ant's head.

Those soldier ants are also extremely ferocious, even if they die, they will not let go of their fangs.

More soldier ants rushed up from behind, and the corpses of soldier ants and evil ghosts quickly piled up at the entrance of the canyon to form a huge pile of corpses.

Many ghost warriors rushed out with wounds all over their bodies. Those black powder kegs exploded and affected a wide area. Not only were the exoskeleton armor on some ghost warriors blown apart, some ghost warriors were even blown to pieces. There are a large number of heavy armored infantry soldiers behind the patterned soldier ants.

Although the strength of this group of infantry fighters is far inferior to that of the ghost fighters, they have long been used to hiding behind the soldier ants and making sneak attacks.

Every time, they would take advantage of the soldier ants to pinch the ghost warrior, and hold the spears in both hands to make up the knife behind the soldier ants.

After the ghost warrior's body is pierced by a spear, a warrior holding a simple knife will cut off the ghost's head, and then quickly put it in the pocket tied around his waist.

Ghost-striped soldier ants poured into the battlefield from all sides, and the ghost warriors surrounded at the entrance of the canyon fell down like wheat. Although the ghost-striped soldier ants suffered heavy casualties, the balance of victory has begun to move toward Su Erdak leaned this way.

Suddenly, the battlefield on the left side became very chaotic. Two ghost generals led a group of powerful ghost warriors out of the army formation, and tore open a gap in the soldiers and ants surrounding them. Follow behind and rush outside.

This group of ghost-patterned soldier ants couldn't stop the general's attack. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen soldier ants were split in half by the general.

The two ghost generals stepped on the corpses of the soldier ants, beckoning the ghost soldiers behind to follow up and continue to charge forward.

But the soldier ants and infantry soldiers also surrounded them one after another...

An evil ghost general chopped down several ghost-patterned soldier ants in a row, stopped and stepped on the head of a soldier ant, with a faint grin on the ghost's face.

He glanced around, wiped off the sticky blood on his hands, and gripped the battle blade tightly again.

The ghost-patterned soldiers and ants around rushed up again, but were stopped by other ghost soldiers. Since the ghost general appeared on the battlefield, this area was forced to open up a large space by the ghost general.

Worried that the evil ghost general would escape, Suldak quickly whipped Gu Bolai's horse with a whip, and the Gu Bolai horse started galloping towards the battlefield.

The evil ghost general seemed to sense Suldak's murderous aura, and looked towards Suldak through countless ghost-patterned soldier ants. Suldak.

The druid standing behind the ghost pattern soldier ants saw that Suldak was about to charge into the battlefield, and quickly ordered the soldier ants standing in front of Suldak to avoid the two sides, and quickly moved out of the way to let Suldak Duck rushed in smoothly.

And the evil ghost general also took the opportunity to rush towards Suldak...

The evil ghost general, who was more than three meters tall, could leap seven or eight meters forward every time he took a step.

Although the soldier ants on the side kept spewing rotten liquid at him, General Evil Ghost didn't care much. There seemed to be a light-colored air shield outside his skeletal armor, which completely separated the rotten liquid, and he quickly Step towards Surdak.

A large group of ghost warriors followed behind the evil ghost general, and they wanted to fight out of the encirclement with the evil ghost general.

It's just that the ghost-patterned soldier ants on both sides didn't give them any chance at all, and the soldier ants that flooded up overwhelmingly strangled the ghost warriors again.

Raising the war blade, blood splattered everywhere.

The steps of General Evil Ghost running forward have a unique rhythm. The distance he takes with each step is different. When he takes each step forward, he always moves from left to right, making it difficult for Suldak to judge him. Where to go next.

Suldak stared at General Evil Ghost, seeing that he was running faster and faster, so he pulled the visor off the helmet.

This time he didn't hold a shield, and when he charged, he inserted the broadsword back into the scabbard, bent down and unhooked the knight's spear from the hook.

Holding the knight's spear, the magic pattern structure on Suldak's body suddenly lit up, and countless mana flowed in the magic pattern. The horse felt the power of the "enthusiasm halo", and suddenly accelerated. As Suldak injected power into the horse The body of this war horse even has a black line when it runs...

And Suldak leveled the knight's spear and pointed it at the evil general.

At this moment, a phantom of an angel appeared behind Suldak. The angel spread its wings and injected a holy light into Suldak's body.

The Evil Ghost General let out a whimpering sound, and his running speed accelerated a bit...

Suldak saw the evil ghost general rushing up, and he stabbed out the knight spear with all his strength.

The evil ghost general didn't dodge at this moment, but dragged a square war blade with both hands, and slashed towards Suldak.

A white battle qi flew out from the tip of the war blade, and just before Suldak knight's spear pierced the ghost general's chest, he got the white battle qi and hit the tip of Suldak's spear, and the vindictive energy burst suddenly. The next moment, The knight's spear in Suldak's hand was also blown to pieces, leaving only the second half of the spear.

The Evil Ghost General threw out a burst of grudge with the war blade, and stepped forward to the left. His speed reached the extreme, and he rushed to the right side of Suldak. The square war blade in his hand was in the eyes of Suldak. It disappeared suddenly, and the next moment it appeared at the strangest angle, with the war blade slicing across Suldak's thigh and belly.

Suldak threw away half of the handle of the knight's spear without hesitation, pulled up the reins of the horse, and leaped high with the strengthened magic-patterned horse, and then picked up the bone shield to block the ghost general from sweeping towards Da. The knife in the leg.

General Evil Ghost was startled when he saw the shield, and then he found out that the bone shield was actually a shield made of his companion's face, and he couldn't help being furious.

The war blade slashed on the bone shield, emitting a strong shock force.

There was a very obvious damage mark on the shield, and Suldak was worried that the horse under his crotch would be injured, so he firmly withstood the blow of General Evil Ghost.

Suldak didn't want to be at a disadvantage, so he drew his broadsword and stabbed the evil ghost general in the abdomen against the edge of the shield.

General Evil Ghost knew at a glance that he had experienced hundreds of battles. Facing Suldak, he stabbed with a sword. With a flick of his wrist, the war blade drew an arc in front of him, and blocked Suldak's stabbing sword. up.

Suldak and the evil general collided firmly.

He is obviously inferior to General Evil Ghost in terms of strength.

When they collided, Suldak's body fell backwards. Seeing the opportunity to kill Suldak, General Evil Ghost took half a step forward, clenched the square war blade in his hand, and cut directly at Suldak's neck...

Suldak lay on his back on the saddle, watching the war blade in General Evil Ghost's hand brush past the tip of his nose.

Just when the Evil Ghost General was about to cut the blade down, a void door suddenly appeared beside Suldak, a large eyeball emerged from the door, and a death ray landed on the Evil Ghost General , so that General Evil Ghost was in a trance.

Then Aphrodite came out from the void gate, she chanted a spell, and the next moment, her eyes turned into deep whirlpools.

There was a trance in the eyes of General Evil Ghost...

While the ghost general was in a trance, Suldak poured the power of holy light into the broadsword, and then slashed across the neck of the ghost general.

The head of General Evil Ghost rolled to the ground...

The tall body fell down with a bang, and Suerdak stepped forward with his sword, picked up the head of the glaring evil general, and threw it into the satchel behind the horse.

Aphrodite didn't stay here any longer, and with a swish, she went back through the void gate.

This is the fifth ghost general killed by Suldak. The same is true for the previous ghost generals. After being attacked by Aphrodite, they fell into a brief confusion, and then Suldak took the opportunity to chop off his head.

After beheading the evil spirit, Suldak put the bleeding war blade into the scabbard.

Turning his head and looking not far away from the battlefield, the two-headed ogre Gulitum was fighting with a ghost general. Suldak immediately ran towards Gulitum...

that's all for today

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