Lord Highlander

Chapter 1423: 1410. Fierce Battle in the Valley

On the battlefield at the entrance to the southern end of Yangchang Canyon, 45,000 ghost pattern soldier ants and the same number of heavy armored infantry almost crushed and slaughtered 7,000 evil spirits.

Although the combat power of the ghost fighters is far superior to that of ants and heavy armored infantry, the number of ghosts is at an absolute disadvantage, and they were besieged to death at the entrance of the Yangchang Canyon by the lord's army, except for some of the ghosts who fled into the canyon to survive , and the rest of the evil spirits all died on the battlefield.

In the war against the dark forces of the abyss, neither side needs prisoners.

If the humans in the empire are defeated, they will basically become the rations of the evil spirits. If the evil spirits are defeated, in addition to being beheaded, part of the valuable black devil skin will be stripped off by the infantry.

The Lord Army finally killed all the evil spirits on the battlefield before dark...

Afterwards, the infantry soldiers cut off the heads of all the evil spirits on the battlefield with their knives.

It seems that the Warsaw plane has not had such a large-scale victory for a long time.

In the past two years, the army of evil spirits has invaded the seven counties of Warsaw on a large scale. The Ottoman regiments resisted tenaciously in the counties, but in the end they all ended in failure.

The logistics quartermaster counted the achievements of the army on the spot. There were dozens of large wooden boxes behind them, and the heads of all the evil spirits were thrown into the wooden boxes after recording their achievements.

Under the night, torches were lit around the southern entrance of the Yangchang Canyon, and some ghost pattern soldiers and heavy armored infantry soldiers had already entered the Yangchang path to chase the escaped ghost warriors.

The magician scouting team rested for two hours after the battle, and then flew into the night sky again under the darkness.

Suldak was worried that Andrew, the wolf knight Tago, and the members of the Construct Knights in the Yanggu Canyon were under attack. It had been a day since they rushed into the Yanggu Canyon. According to Suldak's prediction, Andrew led the construction The Knights have joined Samira who is in the middle of the canyon.

However, the magic flare has not been raised in the north of the canyon, which means that Andrew and the Constructed Knights failed to reach the scheduled location.

The ant cavalry led by Samira, Carrie Decker, and Selina, in order to cut off the reinforcements of the evil spirits in the direction of Moyunling in the north, should still be fighting at the middle pass of the Yangchang Canyon at this moment. They will face the canyon The remaining evil spirits in the south are desperately attacking.

The large group of evil spirits pursued by Andrew and the Constructed Knights will become a remnant force attacking from the south to the middle pass of the canyon.

If Andrew and Wolf Knight Tiger can break through the southern section of the Sheep Gut Canyon and join Samira's Ant Cavalry, the Constructed Knights should be able to rest, but if Andrew fails to arrive as scheduled, after fighting all day and night At this time, the ant cavalry will also face the dilemma of being attacked from both sides.

There will be such a scene in the entire Yangchang Canyon, a section of the canyon is full of ghost warriors, and a section of the canyon is blocking a human cavalry. The two sides are constantly fighting, and the fighting will not stop until one side is completely defeated.

Suldak became a little irritable at this moment. He was waiting for the scouting team of magicians to send back the battle situation in the Gut Canyon. He really wanted to know what Andrew and the wolf knight Tiger were doing all day long...


In the Yangchang Canyon, Andrew chopped down a ghost warrior, shook his sore arm, and looked at the ghost warriors crowded on the canyon mountain road in front of him, feeling miserable.

At this time, Tiger the Wolf Knight had already run to the back of the Constructed Knights to deal with the ghost warriors who were catching up from behind.

Now the Constructed Knights are trapped in the Yangchang Canyon by the ghost warriors. Because the canyon is winding and steep, the cavalry can't charge in the mountain road, so they can only rely on their own strength to fight against the ghost warriors, and the Constructed Knights can't play The most powerful way to fight is to move forward on foot.

Andrew rushed all the way with the Constructed Knight, but there was still a long way to go to the intended location.

The main problem is that this section of the road is still crowded with evil spirits, and every step forward, they walk over the corpses of evil spirits.

After a battle of this intensity, even a brave second-rank powerhouse like Andrew would be a little exhausted after a whole day.

The four captains of the Constructed Knights who were following Andrew also looked exhausted, pushing themselves to the front. The magic swords in the hands of some knights were all scrapped, and the swords were covered with sawtooth shapes. Gaps, the magic pattern structure is also covered with various scratches, and almost every knight in the structure has minor injuries.

"Captain, how far do you think we have to go?"

A captain named Nelius approached Andrew and asked him in a low voice.

He has a hemostatic bandage on his left arm, and he seems to be in good spirits. He is a veteran who came out of the rebel army on the Ganbu plane. Become a Construct Knight, and now he manages four Construct Knight Squadrons, and he can be regarded as Andrew's capable general.

Andrew spat out a bloody smear, took the water bag handed over by Captain Neelius, and drank the little water left in it.

"It's hard to say, maybe we have to fight here all night, let the knights who didn't participate in the battle rest in place, and let's fight for a while!"

After speaking, Andrew took out a roll of bandages from his arms.

The butcher's ax in his hand was now soaked in blood, and when he held the ax handle, it was sticky and very greasy. There was no time to wipe it off, so he could only use a bandage to tightly bind the butcher's ax and his right hand together.

The constructed knight in front is holding a sword and shield, and using the power increase provided by the magic pattern construction, he is able to withstand the evil ghost warrior.

However, the Constructed Knight is at a disadvantage by relying on its own strength to fight against the Evil Ghost Warrior.

Fortunately, this group of constructed knights are all from the heavy armored infantry regiment. They are all very proficient in infantry combat. Even without Andrew, they can still take the initiative on the battlefield.

During the battle, the long sword in the hand of a costumed knight got stuck between the ribs of the evil ghost warrior. The evil ghost desperately stabbed the fist sword in his hand, and saw the fist sword stabbing the warrior's chest, slanting down Stretched out a sharp ax flowing with arcs and flames, it cut off the evil spirit's entire arm up to the shoulder...

Andrew kicked the ghost warrior down, stepped on the ghost warrior's chest, swung the butcher in his hand and slashed at the ghost behind him.

The constructed knight in the back hastily pulled out his long sword from the ghost warrior's corpse, and followed Andrew's footsteps and continued to rush forward.

Constructed knights injured in the battle will be sent to rest in the middle of the team as soon as possible.

After a day of fighting, more than half of the thousand constructed knights were injured and lost their ability to fight.

Wolf Knight Tiger led a team of Constructed Knights behind the team to take charge of the rear, but more and more evil spirits were chasing from behind, and they were unable to retreat. This time it was also a hard fight all the way.

Obviously, wolf orc warriors are much stronger than human warriors in terms of physique and endurance, and their resilience is also very good. Taigo fought for a whole day without showing any signs of fatigue. He cooperated with the Frostwolf Bonita beside him. , firmly guarding the rear of the Constructed Knights.


Samira's right arm was almost twice as thick as the left arm, and there were faint bloodstains on the life magic pattern on the upper arm. It seemed that blood might burst out of the wall at any time.

This is the power of the elven bloodline and the power of the magic pattern of life blessing her right arm at the same time, making her arm overwhelmed again.

Samira and Carrie Decker led a group of ghost-striped soldier ants to guard the pass next to the waterfall for a whole day.

Of the 3,000 soldier ants brought over, less than 1,000 are still alive.

The corpses of two thousand soldier ants and the corpses of countless ghost warriors were piled together in a mess, which actually raised the battlefield by more than ten meters. Many corpses even fell into the deep pool under the waterfall and were washed away by the rushing river. Go downstream.

The combat strength of the ant cavalry is average. A few days ago, they were some excellent heavy armored infantry fighters. Because of Aphrodite's contract, they became ant cavalry capable of climbing rocks and over walls. ...that's really it.

So Samira and Carrie Decker didn't call out the ant cavalry during the blocking battle during the day, but kept consuming the soldier ants they brought over.

Carrie Decker was exhausted by the afternoon.

During the following period, Samira consumed a total of seventeen magic crystals and shot seventeen 'sky arrows'.

It was these lightning strikes that forced the ghost warriors under the pile of corpses to retreat.

As night fell, Selena, who had been resting in the tent for a day, got out of the tent. Last night, her mental power was exhausted. After a whole day of rest, when she walked out of the tent, her face was still pale. Paper.

Glancing at Samira, who was already at the end of her strength, Selena walked over, and then pressed her shoulder, asking her to put down the Sky Strike Bow.

"Andrew and the others haven't rushed over yet?" Selina asked with a frown when she saw the ghost warrior climbing up under the pile of corpses.

A group of soldier ants blocked the front, constantly spewing acid and rot, and killed some of the ghost warriors who rushed up, and were then chopped down by the ghost warriors...


Samira said a word briefly, her arms were shaking constantly...

"You and Jiali have a good rest, and I will take over here from now on."

Under the night, Selena's eyes became extremely deep, and there was an indescribable majesty on her body.


The feeling Samira couldn't describe, it felt like Selena was a different person.

The whole person changed from the eyes to the way of speaking, and a large fog of war spread out from around her body.

Knowing that this fog of war has the ability to shield perception, Samira exhaled lightly, turned around and sat down beside Carrie Decker, leaning on Carrie Decker's shoulder and closing her eyes.

The ant cavalry, who had rested all day, stepped into the fog of war again.

Fighting in the mist will become extremely simple, they only need to chop off the heads of those evil spirits that rush in like headless chickens.

However, the movements must be clean and neat, otherwise, once the ghost warrior notices, he may put himself in danger.

It didn't feel good to stand on the pile of corpses. There were sharp legs of ghost-pattern soldiers everywhere, and the fists and swords of ghost warriors could be seen everywhere.

They didn't even have time to pick up the black magic crystals on the evil spirits and the magic cores on the ghost-patterned soldiers. At this time, everyone had to desperately block the evil ghost soldiers rushing up from the north and south directions.

Until a group of magicians flew out of the night sky on magic scorpions, they found the waterfall in the valley.

A series of piercing whistles sounded in the night sky, and a magician came whistling on a magic scorpion.


Magic flares exploded in the night sky, illuminating the entire valley.

What the ghost warriors couldn't understand was that these magic flares kept falling, and their distressed situation crowded in the valley was all revealed under the flares.

Magicians in black magic robes flitted through the air like locusts.

The evil spirits looked up at the night sky, unable to catch their tails at all...

As a bad premonition rose from the hearts of the evil spirits, the night sky actually lit up with continuous falling sparks. These fires were obviously burned by black powder keg fuzes, leaving Mark of.

It’s just that these black powder kegs fell too fast. Even if the evil spirits saw the flames of the fuze, they had no way to deal with them. They could only watch helplessly as the black powder kegs kept falling. Explosions continued on the narrow mountain road.

The sound of the explosion resounded through the Yangchang Canyon...

Boom boom boom...

On the battlefields in Yangchang Canyon, Andrew, Tago, and Samira looked at the place where the fire erupted in the valley at the same time.

The location of the explosion happened to be the valley between the ant cavalry and the constructed knight.

This group of mages used low-light flares to see the exact position of the ghost warriors. After a wave of bombing, the entire valley became billowing with smoke and dust, and the ghosts who rushed out of it had been blown out without arms and legs.

Andrew brought the most elite constructed knights around him, and firmly withstood the impact of the ghost warriors...

These ghost warriors were completely dumbfounded by the gunpowder barrels, completely disregarding the life and death of their companions. Everyone only knew to escape from the explosion area as soon as possible, but they didn't know that running in the explosion was the most deadly.

The first wave of ghost fighters who were able to run out still maintained their due combat power, but were blocked by Andrew and the Constructed Knight desperately.

After Andrew killed the group of ghost fighters, he found that the ghost fighters who ran up in a hurry were simply vulnerable. Almost all the ghost fighters were wounded, and many of the iron sheets and oak chips in the powder kegs were gone. It penetrated into the body of the ghost warriors, and the exoskeleton armor on some ghost warriors had been cracked.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Andrew took the Constructed Knight and rushed forward for a while.

Finally, a section of charging space was opened up for the Constructed Knights, and the mountain road was no longer twists and turns, so the Captain of the Constructed Knights shouted behind him: "The 13th Squad of the Constructed Knights is ready to... Gun, charge!"

The sound of horseshoes sounded from behind.

At this time, even Andrew has to give way to the charge of the cavalry...

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